My boyfriend got another woman pregnant: Advice?

you mean your ex boyfriend

EX boyfriend… deuces, kick rocks, buh bye oh and GFY

Does he have insurance ?

well at least now you don’t have a boyfriend. one problem solved.

Become friends because those kids are gonna be siblings. Be sivel for the childrens sake.

Leave the relationship! Find a loving caring man!

Boy bye. I always told my man, if he wants strange, let me know and I’ll walk away…no need to cheat and bring me home STDS. Don’t break my trust. Period.

Kick him out, get child support, spousal support, get a roommate have a college girl

Out with the cheater! Your better off in a box on the street

Kick him out don’t settle for anything… he will do it again move forward with ur son just the two of u… betrayal hurts!!!

Say goodbye. Once a cheater, always a cheater.

Leave or throw him out

Wipe him once a cheater always a cheater

Kick him out sort the finances as you go thats fucking inexcusable.

Don’t stay because of a financial reasons, and that you won’t be able to raise your son on your own because darling you are already, for him to have the time to get another women pregnant, your in that relationship alone, get your son and leave, you don’t want your son to grow up and become a pig like his father… x

Well there’s 2 sides to every story firstly what made him cheat ??? An secondly you can’t split up with him because you’re not financially stable?? I’d say this was your fault so suck it up buttercup (no pun intended) :cowboy_hat_face::+1:


I hope the girl he got pregnant can do it on her own this is a messed up situation… why would she knowingly keep the baby after this… she sounds like trash too… I’m sad for this

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In uk its just a get out, you cheated and now have a baby on the way. End of. In USA it seems its all messed up and judges have to be involved and all that stupidity. He will have to pay maintenance for the kid, we learn to cope when relationships end. (Except in America where its so much drama and court action) :roll_eyes:

He’s not your boyfriend. He is a serious cheater. Cut and run. He Needs TO BE WITH his family and you were not invited.

I would leave if I were you…the whole situation with the baby is what messed everything up there’s no hope there…you shouldn’t have to deal with another woman and a new baby or even have to help take care of a child that was never supposed to be conceived (by your bf) anyways …it’s a messy situation all around …I’ve been there before and I left and have been in peace ever since

I’m amazed at how many responses were hit his ass for support and take him for this and that as the VERY first thing. As opposed to how to break it their child that infidelity has broken their home and that the child is not to blame. Lot of selfish immature people and it takes two to make a relationship work we know nothing of her role in the relationship maybe she’s cheated and left that out or she’s lost interest and only stayed because she has no means to make it alone etc. I’m not condoning cheating by any means but got damn all you money hungry fuckers…damn.

As a man & father of 2 girls I am heart broken to hear this bad news.
If u were single & no
Child I would say get out of this relationship.
Have a child changes the game plan.
Razing a
Child is 2 parents responsibility financially, socially & Culturally.
You are smart, if you stand up today, & face the reality and fight for yours &
Child’s Right, lovingly & diplomatically with the man you will win.
You need to milk the father out for your & child’s benefit.
I do realize you are hurt & broken , but as a parent we don’t want out Kids to live in a broken home .
Be strong and save your family and I assure you your son & you will come out stronger and confident and live a happy life.
You are a smart woman & mother, talk to his GF & make her your team member to Milk out the father to secure your Rights.
Lawyers and courts wants your money and no one wins in court.
I would beat the sh!tout of the father.

Kick his butt out! Sounds like you & your son can make it on your own so, go for it!!! Once a cheater usually they will do it again…

Don’t stay with him. You deserve better. How long til he cheats with the next woman? Cheating is not a mistake, it is a conscious choice. You have the strength to do what you need to do to raise your son by yourself, dig deep.

You should be bitter. It’s a shame you can’t live without his financial help, you have given up your ability to walk away. Take it back! Go find a friend or family member willing to help you out for a while so you can get on your feet.

Did you choose to stay with him n try to mend after he cheated? Is it only making you bitter now there’s a child involved?

Leave now!!
There is always a way!
Connect with your community,get yourself some supports,go stay with family or friends,at a refuge, emergency housing, whatever it takes to!

As you need to
Call services that can help…

If one really wants out of a relationship they will find a, there are different avenues you can take to do so if you really want out.

Break up with him for like a week or two, vent on Facebook and then get back with him and play happy families for a while.
Then kick off and use it against him constantly.

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You need to start making an exit plan. This relationship is bad and it’s not gonna get better. This is who he is

Go to a shelter. Anything. The shelters even help you get housing much faster than if you applied traditionally. I would be disgusted to live with a cheater under the same roof.

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Is it something you can work through and forgive? If not, you should put every effort into finding a way out as soon as possible.

Wow are you that thick :flushed: he got another woman pregnant and you are still with him and living with him…where is your self worth and respect for yerself? Kick him out!!

This is why. No matter what. You take care of you. Always makes sure when all else fails. You have the Ability to keep it moving on your own!

There is no easy way to walk away. Every exit has its hurdles and you will need to become comfortable with being uncomfortable in the short term. If you don’t leave now, you won’t leave.

Well well can’t stand to be with a man but needs him for financial support :rofl::rofl: you should of been more careful about your life choices

Start to figure out how to be independent. What makes you think it will be his choice to stay? You are angry and bitter as well you should be, she on the other hand is all lovey dovey with a new baby. Guys an asshole. Tell yourself you can do better and do better.

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Depending on what state you live in …you may be considered a common law wife. 611 is usually an info line. Or call 911 non emergency and ask for legal aid office phone number

Lol. This group is something else. What do you think you should do?

You deserve better. I vote you kick his cheating ass out.

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Mentally quietly torture him! Do it so your child has no clue what’s happening! KARMA !

I would dump his ass!!!
Unfaithful looser!!
U deserve better girlfriend!!

Kick him out, in my opinion if someone loves you enough this stuff wont happen

Kick his butt to the curb, once a cheater always a cheater, they do not change .

Dont ever have a romantic relationship ull be safe

Tell him to get the heck out and take care of his Baby. Loser. Like said they get caught sooner or later

Stop calling him your boyfriend. He’s not that committed to your relationship!!!

Another thing, Never bad mouth your cheater in front of the child ever!

Sounds like you already know the answer.


Cut off his you know what and dump him

Drop him like a hot potato!

Get him on that child support. Fuck his feelings

Dump the loser and put him on child support

Never change. Kick him to the curb! He will do it again!

Kick his ass to the curb

kick his ass to the curb

Leave him.He is no good.

I think he would leave her the same day, if she was the one that cheated and got pregnant. He would leave her without support. So, why so afraid. Unless you are from a third world country where women often really(have to) rely on assholes…

That chapter is over. Turn the page, rip the bandaid off, and realize the major loss is a beautiful new beginning. Do the math. Figure out how to be financially stable and free. Worry about the costs of raising a child along the way. You’ll be fine.

Fuck him…kick his ass out and figure it out!

I’m so sorry. I’m praying for you both

Dump his ass, attach him through the courts for child support. He is obviously not a man of his word. Take him for every fucking penny

I am so, so, sorry! That is honestly awful :pleading_face: Hugs to you, mama!! :heart:

I say boss TF up… hustle and make it so you have enough to pay your bills and be able to give your son the basic necessities. If you have a son together, it is also his financial responsibility to help pay for your son. If he chooses not to, take him to court. I also say start applying for state assistance for now until you can fully get back on your feet. That is what the assistance is there for ! You didn’t make your son yourself. However I don’t think that you should stay with him merely for your child. That could honestly end up make matters worse. You deserve better than that. Your son deserves a better home atmosphere because with your hurt feelings and bitterness, it probably makes the atmosphere different for all of you but especially your son.

well, it is easy: ex-boyfrend

Tania Fletcher that’s a pickle😬

Do you have family to go to

Just leave his azzz already

Go get help and a real man!!

Welp here comes a new throuple​:rofl::rofl:

Need to hit him with this

You’ll find a way to be financially ok without him, you never now how strong you are until you have no choice, don’t settle just for financial reasons, you can find help in the community, He’s not going to have any finances after he starts paying her child support anyways so try to make it on your own you can do it I did it a lot of people have done it there are ways to do it

Leave you deserve better.

As soon as you’re financially able, get rid of the lowlife cheater!

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Leave his ass.
U can do it

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Once a cheater.always a cheater

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Leave that motherfucker.

Cut his dick off lol

Dam that’s hella fucked up, but it’s even more fucked up if you stay! Forgive me for saying , but don’t be one of these dumb bitches that stays after been cheated on and now even he impregnated some ho. He don’t want you anymore so just get out and save your soul/dignity!

Six years & no wedding? Hmmm.

Leave. Figured it out. You’ll be okay.

These cannot be real🙄

Um just like dump him

" My Boyfriend " ???
Bahahhaa You fool

Kick his ass out. Go to court and get custody and figure it out.

Well get financially secure to get the hell or off there! You deserve better, always remember that!

once a cheat always A CHEAT

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End the relationship and hit him for financial and child support. Easy fix.

You gotta get out girl.

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Leave his dry lunch arse

The whole situation is poisoned. Leave him.

Put a restraining order on him file for child support and alimony and put his ass out .

Leave him. Get custody. Move in with family/friends/room for rent in a house until you can build yourself up. He made a stupid choice, now make a better one.

I would find a way to leave ASAP, I can forgive a cheat but not getting someone pregnant

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Why are you still there?

Honestly I would try by looking for daycare and work and trying to become more independent and maybe ask him for the room he can have the living room and you guys can co parent. I know it is hard, but in the long run it may be best for you and your kido. In my opinion. I would start by seeing what resources are in your area for single parents and or job or maybe classes to help get a job. These are all suggestions. I’m so sorry you have to go through this, I hope you get through it. Stay strong.

All I gotta say is know your worth, my mom delt with this same shit growing up if you forever remain with the thought that he takes care of me and my son so be it. Your incontrol, might be hard at first for sure but once you break through the bulshit, you’ll be a independent women. Its worth letting go as soon as you believe its possible.

Leave…family and ss can help you with housing, food…etc…once a cheater…always a cheater


Your gonna have to leave and work on yourself if you have a kid your gonna have to put the effort in my ex didn’t get anyone pregnant but he did leave me for another women , we also had a kid and I was not stable at the time took me a bit to make ends meet on my own and get on my feet but with work and motivation and putting in the effort I got there girl sometimes being alone isn’t bad gives us time to work on ourselves and a man like that is not worth having around you need to get to a point we’re your not codependant because the only person you can really rely on is yourself and your kids need the stability . Time for Growth girl it’s hard but your kids don’t deserve for there mom to be treated this way and neither do you .


Get financially stable the best u can, go file for every public assistance and housing you can, take him for child support and get the hell out of there. This will continue because you’re stuck


Leave, but don’t over-burden yourself and choose a 50/50 parental plan. The child needs both parents equally. Agreeing to 50/50 is low cost, fighting it means ten’s of thousands of dollars over the next few years or until the child ages out of the system.