My boyfriend got another woman pregnant: Advice?

Say you stay , you work things out, you have to look at that child, and see the women he cheated on you with every single day . That alone would tear me apart . I wouldn’t take it out on the Child but I wouldn’t want to be raising the mistresses baby :woman_shrugging:t2: I would leave . If there’s a will there’s a way . Get on your feet and find a place, maybe contact local social service and see if you can get on section 8 for housing til you find a job, they will even pay for daycare

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She just has to do her home work and find these places that will help her, she big enough to have babies she better grow up and figure something else out or deal with her situation and figure out how to make it work !


Not enough information. How old is your son? How many months pregnant is the other woman? Did you talk to him about him cheating on you? What if she is just making up a story to break you up. Is he working? Are you working? Are you renting or do you own a house or have a mortgage on it and whose name is on the rental or mortgage? Do you have a family you can stay with until you get back on your feet? Custody arrangements?


Have her get an abortion.
She needs to avoid the mess you made for yourself by having a child without the legal rights a marriage provides.
Tough sure but don’t make it worse.

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If he did it once, he’ll do it again. Get out now. Move in with your folks or a sibling if you can. Work hard, save your money and get help from DHS. They are there to help you.

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Work on getting to a place where you can get out and be on your own as soon as possible.

It isn’t okay. It’s not acceptable behavior. It’s just not and don’t try to tell yourself it is.

Focus on getting out.

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Do you have a friend that good move in to be a roommate? Or a family member?


He goes or you there are plenty of places willing to help a single mom that is not forgivable

Well we don’t know where they live, but here in Oklahoma there is alot of support for this kinda thing, I don’t have little kids anymore but even for me being single, the shelter i stayed at would of help me get into a place by paying my 1st & 2nd month rent as well as any deposit and deposit for my electric to get turn on, if they will do it for single then I’m sure they do it for singles with kids as well!

Have some respect for your child & yourself. Leave! It will be gut wrenching for you initally, but he’s a rat, & can’t be trusted
He has no respect or love for you or your child, & is completely derived of any morals & decency. Bet he’s a smooth talker, & nothing’s his fault. Kick the jerk out
Why would you want him around your child?

You need to seek counseling so that you can figure out what you want to do. No one here should be telling you what to do this is for you and only you to decide.

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Mmmm some other woman , mmm she may not of known he was in a relationship! Its your life you only YOU can decide whether hes worth a chance ,

hello, so I am in kinda the same situation. We have been together 4 yrs have 2 kids together and he just recently split with me to “better himself” no other girls involved. says he will continue to pay for everything even get a 2nd job if needed. I am applying for jobs and applied for the income based housing because mentally I’m not sure how much longer I can stay here full time and feel that if we are not together he should not be paying for my expenses. I need to draw the line between being together and just co parenting split up. It’s a daily emotional struggle I just keep telling myself that things are going to get better and work out so I can stay strong for my babies. Also I’m a SAHM so up until now I have relied on him so I know transitioning Is going to be hard for me and the babies. :cry:

If you don’t want to stay with him and work things out, the only reasonable thing to do is to move out. If you can’t afford to move out on your own, see if you have a family member or a friend who will let you stay for a while until you get on your feet. Take care of your mental health above everything, it is easy to get lost in anger when someone has wronged you, especially if they don’t try to make it right. It’s a tough call and a decision only you can make for yourself and your child. Separating isn’t the end of it though, you have a child with him and need to find a way to stay amicable for the sake of your kid. He might be a terrible husband or boyfriend, but he can still be a great dad. Don’t take that from him because you are jaded. Hope this helps! :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m sorry this happened to you. Please go to counseling to start healing. Come up with a plan on how you are going to become independent of him. PLAN!! It’s not going to happen in a day but in time with achievable steps you can leave this situation behind you. Determine how much money you need to survive on your own. Pay off as much debt as you can. Start splitting your assests. Get rid of things you don’t need. Protect things that are important to you such a pictures, digital files, jewelry, etc. When a partner realizes you are going to leave them things can get ugly.

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Leave him. if there is no love and you can’t stand the sight of him. Then it’s a decision based on love and happiness. If your not happy and not in love. That’s not a relationship no more.

Cripes sake! Get a place or stay with relatives or friends till you get on your feet! This guys presence will only make you miserable and it will take a toll on you and the boy. Do what you have to do to get away from him!

I read the first line and that was enough for me to say…bye, bye…see ya later!!!


Move in with a friend or parents or somewhere affordable. Staying once betrayed will only lead to heartache if you’re already feeling bitter and haven’t said you’ve considered couples therapy.

All I gotta say is know your worth, my mom delt with this same shit growing up if you forever remain with the thought that he takes care of me and my son so be it. Your incontrol, might be hard at first for sure but once you break through the bulshit, you’ll be a independent women. Its worth letting go as soon as you believe its possible.

Leave, you can get child support. It pretty simple. I did not even have attorney. Take a real look at what your future will be like. It’s his kid so he and maybe she will come to birthday parties. That’s a heavy load to bear. You children deserve the best of you

Why not ask the pregnant girlfriend that your boyfriend cheated you with to give you back the pregnancy since it belongs to your boyfriend.

I dont know your whole story but if you have any family members of friends that care for you reach out to them for help.
You need to find a environment to find some peace until you figure out your next move.

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You have given him the ability to take control. Main word control, take it back because he surely could give a fk about you

Start getting your ducks in a row file for child support and start looking for a place you can afford. Baby steps before you know it you ll be out.

Dump him, get on public assistance while you get a degree towards a career that will support you and your child. Don’t have anymore babies until you are self-sufficient.

Problems solved.

Tell him to pack. His bags and get out. He has done it once will do it again. Don’t listen to his excuses get him out.

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Females please don’t have sex pretending that you are married when you are only baby making females. The baby is important the baby momma isn’t. She is just the baby’s mother and not the man’s wife. Sorry not trying to offend. It is what it is. Get out while you can. I am praying for God to open doors for you so you can make a better life for you and your baby.

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There is help for single moms. Low income housing. If your not working then find a job. Believe me if he is cheating he isn’t worth waiting for him to change. Take you son and get a new life. Try to have his father involved with his sons life but that doesn’t mean you have to try and fix things. When you leave make sure you know where your head is.

Well there is a lot of programs out there that will help you from food stamps income based housing if your not happy and it is toxic in many ways you will struggle but maybe tiem to leave

Wow…just move in to your parents.
Look for a job. You’ll be okay.
It’s better to do it sooner, don’t waste your time. Six years for not marrying you and have a son. He will never going to marry you.

Why can’t you get a job? Even if the pay is low you can get free or low cost child care. You can get child support for your child. MAYBE, depending on the childs age you could be eligible for WIC. If you really want out you can do it. With all that is available to you and you sdtill don’t go then maybe you are choosing tho stay and be miserable.

If it was an option for me, I’d move back home with my parents.

Stay in house and separate rooms until can figure out better alternative

Not only that you are not stable financially , but the situation got even more unstable by him getting another woman pregnant., So, that is;

Get financially stable and get rid of him…

The other girl might do the same and get rid of him too. … good luck for both of you!! :heart::heart:

There is so much help out there! Please get out. Ask for help even if you dont know how ( like I was). Its humbling to need others, but that is where you need to be right now. You will be ok!! I hope you look back a year from now and pat yourself on the back for having the strength to go. That is the first step. You can do it and you deserve it.
If you stay you must think about this woman being involved in your life forever. For the sake of your heart and your sanity, leave❤ You can still co parent in very positive ways and maybe even remain friends, but the resentment and trust issues, and unanswered questions will plague you forever. You deserve to feel like YOU ARE ENOUGH. Dont let money be why you stay please. There will never be a “right” time to go.
You are loved. Your child needs 100 percent of their mama and if your mind is constantly on this matter, they aren’t getting all of their mama. I wish you the absolute best! You will make it, I promise you!!!


Some of these comments aren’t nice at all. This lady is heartbroken and desperate for good advice. Please don’t argue

To the lady

It depends what country you are in with laws but I would ask him if there is anywhere he can live for a sabbatical.

You do need space to get your thoughts together

If you are in the uk there is plenty of help for you. You cannot make a decision as to what you want with being in the same property

He’s cheated and of course the worst outcome ever is a baby being born into an affair
Your partner will have to do the right thing to the wee baby and support the child till of age (18) in the uk. So the situation won’t go away.
Personally I could not stay with someone who’s cheating and producing a child.
Get some advice in private. This isn’t the place to ask a very important question.

I wish you all the best for your future and hopefully get this. Situation sorted.

God bless you. X

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stop feeling sorry for yourself,grab yourself by the balls and leave,been there done that,i had two jobs most of the time…you figure it out,because he will do it again…get off the pitty party…

I wouldask what he intends to do with the situation. If worse comes to worse he should be the one to leave. You can file for child support. If you aren’t able to make it on your own stay with family till you can get situated and get a job. Maybe a family can babysit while you work. Whatever you decide make sure it’s what you want for you and your child. You may love him, but make sure he still loves you. No matter what ya’ll still need to talk and decide what’s gonna happen and you need to know what he wants. Put you and your child first. Hope all goes well.

Hire a pro bono attorney and hit the road and take him for everything

Quit feeling sorry for yourself. Get your kid, move out on him, get a second job, whatever it takes, but lift your head.

Honestly he should man up and pay for you to stay there for a few months and he leaves. Ask him to do that. If he won’t, then ask him to get you guys a place of your own to get you started. He owes you at least that.

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Need to correct the wrong. Male species have to be shaken…they can’t be two timers. He can’t have two wives at the same time. Pray harder for the right decision you have to make.

It’s time to roll out. PERIOD NO EXCUSES anywhere just go. Don’t put yourself or kid through this BS. Go. You will sort it out. It may not be lovely and comfortable but you will get it sorted

Which is why you never rely on someone else….

You need to decide if you want to be with him still. If not leave him if you do then try make this work xxx you’ve got this either way xx

2 tips 1) he should be your ex-boyfriend by now and 2) this kind of personal drama does not belong on social media.

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Get you finances in order then.
Toxic environment for the kid for you to be bitter and angry at each other.

The question is why is he still breathing

Stop living like that it would be the same if you was married to him are you surprised ???

Don’t take tension, it is ok to be at the same house because for man it is allowed to be having 4 wives. I am looking for second one too so pray for me to find another gorgeous girl.

Leave. Mine did this and I forgave him. He got caught cheating again 3 years later. Leopards don’t change their spots.

Get rid of him. Get a lawyer. Get a garnishment order. Get a roommate.


Why are you still calling him your boyfriend!!!???

never depend on a man for income, first rule of life


Should of had better taste In men to begin with, you make your bed, lay in it.

Downsize. Start a gofundme page. Live with less. Get help from friends and family . Leave his ass ASAP. Your emotional health is just as important as financial stability.

Get out as soon as possible! Ask for help…Once a cheater always a cheater!!!


You owe it to leave him for uour own and your childs self respect

Lol be roommates and go date other ppl. Move forward and hare care of hild

Get a job and eff him off


Oh dear. Rock and a hard place. I hate to say it but I would stay, just for your child. Have him move into the basement. Coparent. Go on with your life, he can move on with his. Until you find an arrangement where your son is not being impacted, I think you should stay. I don’t know, you might even be able to work it out. If you were a millionnaire I would say kick his ass to the curb and see his ass off, but it seems like you are financially dependent on him. Unfortunately. If you have family nearby, by all means, move.

This is soo sad! Find a way to leave.

So sorry this happened to you.

Much love :heartpulse:

He needs to leave and he needs to pay child support

Really sad he put you in this situation, I would have to kick him to the curb

Looks like you have an open relationship now. What’s good for the gander is good for the goose!

Stay there get a good job save some money then where you’re ready you leave…


I only read the first few words LEAVE HIM

He needs to be gone. You can’t keep him there knowing what he’s done

It’s a good job you lot are here to tell her to leave him. I’m sure she never though of that before.

THIS is why you never
be dependent on a man!!!

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Run get out! Once a cheat always a cheat

leave him and start a new life

Get your child support and give him das boot

Ouch!The ultimate betrayal.I’ m so sorry for you

File for child support immediately.

File for child support. Go to womens shelter for help to get on your feet. Get a job

Get rid. You will manage. He doesn’t deserve a family home!!!

Make him an x boyfriend

Get yourself together …make a plan stick to it leave him. He will do it again

Peace out . Cheating is never okay and then careless enough to produce a child . Tuh ! There are resources out there , utilize them . You will never be okay looking at him with another baby

Start working on that custody and child support agreement!


once a cheater always a cheater file for custody of your son and leave

So it’s okay that he cheated…’the problem is the baby? If so, wait for a DNA test to confirm it’s his. Make plans in the mean time for other leaving arrangements even if it takes you a year to be able to afford something on your own.

Advise would be to start looking for a job first.

Just got get pregnant again with another man yo

Trust me… HE will NEVER change. A cheater is a cheater, PERIOD. You can do bad all by yourself, you don’t need him. Easy??? No. But necessary for both you and your son.

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“I’m not financially stable enough to be on my own and raise my son too”… Start there. All of your feelings are valid and continuing to stay in this situation can have terrible consequences for your physical and mental health you are in a State of shock and terrible pain and it makes the steps to become financially independent even harder… You can do this for yourself and your child so many women here told you they’ve been through it and came through it and are thriving and you will too. Statistically couples break up at 7 years … Very normal… What is’nt normal is your inability to care for yourself and your child…see a lawyer for child support… Move to where you can afford to live alone with your son… Your boyfriend’s resources and time will likely go to his new child and you need to protect your own child… Set up visitation so that he still feels connected to his child and your child doesn’t suffer… Protect your physical emotional and financial health now.

Call out to Jesus he is waiting on you

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Advice? Leave him. I know this sounds like a simplified solution, but really it’s the best thing for all parties involved. Not only will it create a toxic environment for your son if you stay, but it will also teach him that cheating is tolerated and that its ok, kids internalize everything. But if and when you do leave, do not under ANY circumstances use your kid as a pawn against his father or talk crap about him to your son constantly. No matter what, your child deserves a relationship with his father as long as it is healthy and loving. His dad may have messed up, and hell have to deal with those consequences. But the best thing you can do for you and your son is to set healthy relationship expectations by not tolerating disloyalty and disrespect.

He will have to pay child support. Its not healthy for either of u to stay

If your stupid enough to stay then you shouldn’t complain. There’s many ways to leave

Evidently he’s just not your boyfriend ???:roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: Dump him and move on. …

Obviously you haven’t been “together”, for six years. You can be sure, this isn’t the only one, he has been with. It’s just the only one, you know about, because they are pregnant.

Maybe it’s not his child, but that’s a hard nope for me. Are your parents able to let you live with them? If you have them, I would maybe ask.

Don’t dig a hole you can’t climb out of. Only you can help yourself. Learn to survive on your own. Change your ways, your child learns from you.

Take your son and move on

Get rid. And quick. You are allowing him to do this. Get rid.

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For your sons sake you need to get financially able to move out, that’s not healthy if both of you are unhappy around one another