Cake and eat it too…
Get educated on birth control. Holy crap. A boyfriend is a man who just gets it for free with no commitments. Why have children with someone like that.
It might be very hard but once you get yourself out of this situation trust me it gets a lot better!! Just because it’s hard to walk away doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it. That’s just showing how much love and care you have and he doesn’t deserve it. Talk to people, reach out for help if you need it. I know how hard it can be but it will get better I promise! You deserve happiness!
Your young and have a whole life ahead of you. Give yourself credit, he will not treat you good. It may be hard , you will have your good and bad days. But you have to take your time and find a good person.
So, you’re pregnant with this ass hat’s baby huh? Well, if you are his girlfriend, and you have never met his kids, that shows you what type of father he’ll be…an absent one. Does he pay child support? I think you know that you deserve better than the lies and the betrayal…No one can make these decisions for you…and they’re tough decisions. Do what is best for you!
Sounds like a real winner to me. He’s sleeping with anyone he can get to hold still long enough and then abandoning the kids.
He doesn’t sound like he cares about anyone except himself. He’s self center. Now he loves you because he’s afraid of losing you. I think you already know what you need to do.
Only one thought!
Girl you writing this is your gut, you know what you gotta do
I was gone when you said “My boyfriend had an affair”…
Get away now cuz it’s only going to get a.lot worse. What you allow will continue. Don’t stay because of the baby cuz then the baby has to live to see that bs… Get out NOW
Dump him! Sorry but if he cheated and lied once he is highly likely to do so again. Not only that is the other woman pregnant too? You don’t have to stay with him just because you are having a baby. It’s way more important for you and the baby too be happy than to stay in a relationship with someone who has lied, cheated and obviously has little to no respect for you. Ultimately you will probably not be able too get over his betrayal and it’s going to ruin your relationship as well as your own happiness because your going to constantly be reminded of his cheating and lack of respect. You can try and move past it but coming from someone who’s been in your shoes cheating is too hard to overlook and move past. Make a new life plan that’s going to be for you and your new baby to be and talk to him about co parenting. Or you can try and stay together that’s ultimately your choice but in the end you will probably be much happier moving on and finding someone who will love you and respect you unconditionally and will treat you the way you deserve to be treated. Good luck.
He had nerves to go and sleep with another woman n impregnated her… simply means he didnt use protection… mxm his not to be trusted… pack ur bags and go
What a fucking mess 🤦
You don’t know what to do? Seriously!
How about have some bloody respect for yourself, and LEAVE!
If you know he’s a cunt, and choose to stay, you deserve everything he does.
You make the choice.
You have two choices, eithe live with him and accept it, or leave him and find someone else. What do you want? Can you ccept it and move on with your life, or not. My husband cheated on me more then once, I am still married to him. I decided I could not live without him, so I accepted it and we have been together for 40 some years.
Run away from this looser he is a liar cheater have some respect for your self and find s lively new gentleman you do not need this crap in your life and his family are enabling his cheating ways say goodbye now and go get a n STD check for your piece of mind and health safety good luck
You have a choice to make. Pick yourself and your self respect or pick a man that has no respect for you. Its that simple.
Leave him! You can do better!
Famous comic Ron white said this. " Getting a guy who likes strange to stop going after strange is like trying to stop a dog who likes to kill chickens from killing chickens…
Dog: So let me get this straight I CAN STILL KILL CHICKENS! Do your self a favor and go find someone who values you. This dude thinks your a house mom a maid and a fool.
Ur not gonna like all the answers u hear. But people say them because they know…they’ve been there…they want u to hear them loud and clear…because people do care. The following is based on if u decide to keep ur child. Ok, with that said, listen carefully. He’s a jerk. Dump him. Run. He can’t keep his pecker in his pants. He has kids from a previous relationship. And now some other girl is now supposedly pregnant. And now u. Who knows who else. Is that how u want to live and ur unborn child to live? I suggest u grow up fast and make some tough decisions NOW that will benefit u and ur baby and effect the course of the rest of both of ur lives. Dump his butt, and after the baby is born, bring him to court for child support. Don’t worry about getting another man. That should be the last thing on ur mind for quite awhile. If u haven’t already, get ur butt to school, maybe learn a trade that won’t take years of schooling to complete…and learning a trade typically allows u to not carry a huge student loan debt once uv completed schooling. Concentrate on getting a good foundation for u and ur baby to grow from. It’s probably going to be hard. I’m not gonna lie to u. But get urself a support system. Think of a plan with the help of family and/or a therapist. And buckle down while ur young so that u and ur baby can have a real chance at a good life. Better to work hard now than to stay with a lying, cheating fool. Do u really want that? Don’t make decisions based on fear. Use ur head. And if ur stuck, enlist the help of others that u do trust. Don’t go it alone. Make the tough choices and have faith in the process. Life is about good choices. As many as u can make. Take time to be good to urself. If u were older, and ur daughter were coming to u with this issue, wouldn’t u want what is best for her? U wouldn’t want her to stay with a creep and a loser. Sometimes we are often hardest on ourselves, but are always so quick to be kind to others. Be kind to urself and give urself a chance at a good life. I hope u choose wisely. Now…go get some help and brainstorm.
Anyone else read that in a massive long sentence really quickly?
Start with treating yourself better, no man will if you don’t first. Set the bar higher than you are now and forget this fool. Did you pick him because he’s a bad boy or did he just say things to have sex with you, decide you want better than that…date, find the guy that treats you right and respects you. Date a guy who you’d want to date your daughter if you had one, THAT’S the guy you want!
Letaya dude needs to wrap it up tbh
I finally woke-up and left someone just like this. I’m here to tell you if he’s done it once he’ll continue to do it! No matter how many times he sweet talks you back or promises you he won’t. It’ll continue. Even after marriage. Even though people know you two have kids and the whole nine yards. Leave now while you can, and file for support after the baby is born. Don’t wait around and listen to his lies!! He won’t change. At least not for you. Your just there until he can find someone he really wants to be with.
He has kids he blatantly doesn’t see because you haven’t met them either unless you haven’t been together long enough which raises red flags that you barely know him. He’s also a cheat and may have got another woman pregnant…
You have never met his kids? Does he see his kids? What if this girl is going to have his baby? He lied and kept seeing her? You deserve better! If he never leaves your side? He has no job? I think you know the answer about leaving him.
Leave him! Once a cheater, ALWAYS a cheater!
Leave now while you still can! Been there… It doesn’t end well.
He wouldn’t so much as talk to another woman as a perspective partner if he loved you! Simply get rid of him, you deserve someone who’ll love you too
Dump him … u can do so much better & deserve so much better…
Omg. Once a cheater always a cheater. Leave
Hope you find peace.
I would run as fast as I could…
There are boundary issues!!!
I would also not have a child with him, either way.
He’s Now your Ex boyfriend!! Just say in!!
First…punctuation…second…HE HAS ANOTHER GIRLFRIEND!
Leave and don’t look back
If you don’t leave now, you gonna regret it later.
Sounds like a narcissist
Leave, it’s better now than being invested longer and longer and you’ll get more hurt, because he won’t change. Once a cheater always a cheater.
You are way too young or immature to be dealing with this.No adult woman uses the word “chick”.Other than a sign round his neck saying loser I’m not sure how many signs you actually need.He has proven he is infact a crap dad,crap boyfriend and obviously a compulsive liar.If you still need advice after those facts I’m afraid your in for a lot of heartache.As for your own pregnancy you need to decide if you want,and are capable of raising a child alone because that will definitely happen.Good luck,I hope you make good choices for you xx
One thing to cheat. But he lied. Broke ur trust. And if preg was careless for ur health n how would financial and emotionally affect everyone. That more than 1 strike
Please tell me this is not a serious question. If you stay you are insane. It will get better for awhile but it will be the same old thing over and over eventually. But no one needs to tell you that you already know it deep down.
Can’t be a father to your children you most definitely can’t be a man I keep period! He ran the game on you, suck it up turn your back on him & find peace. If you are pregnant congrats you can do this but don’t allow his ass to manipulate you any longer. Good luck
Men don’t change after they get caught cheating. you can’t keep a man from cheating, because if they want to they will do it. No matter your loyal honest heart. They will find ways to be more discreet and secretive after they get caught. The cycle will continue. I was in a similar but slightly different situation, so I can tell you based on my experience. If they can cheat on you one time and lie to you, they will do it again. Believe me. I know that type of guy.
Sorry but once a cheater always a cheater … do you really want to continue with someone you clearly cannot and will not be abled to trust ever🤔 might seem harsh but i d say bye bye
Do you mean EX boyfriend??? Know your worth!!!
He needs to go. He cheated, let him go. You deserve so much better. Yes you love him yet he cheated on you. That’s not love as he claims. If the other woman is pregnant yeah kick him to the curb asap.
First of all he cheated. Secondly, he’ll always cheat. You dont say how long you’ve been together but that doesnt matter anymore. If he had respected your relationship, he would had been faithful. Leave. Kick him out, move ahead and NEVER look back.
The worst kind of person is the one who can look you in the face and lie. they have no soul and you should run and not look back. It will never be ok when you are dealing with that. They will never learn or change.
Time to let him go. You deserve so much more than cheating and lying…please don’t measure your worth by someone else’s actions. I know you are devastated right now, but it will pass. Give yourself time to heal and be kind to yourself
Maybe contact his ex and see why she left and has no contact with his kids??? There may be alot more that he hasn’t told you
All the drama in one post. Impressive.
Dump his ass. Be a strong female role model for your child. Don’t accept bullshit
I had this happen to me. I left on Mother’s day when my daughter was a year old. She’s now 33. I married when she was 3. The man I married is her daddy. Her sperm donor never had anything to do with her. Trust me hon you’re better off without him. Your unborn child deserves a happy, strong mom.
Get a brain transplant!
Leave and don’t look back.
This whole scenario question is absolutely ridiculous. You’re asking advice from a bunch of strangers on how your life should go no ma’am. Your boyfriend has already shown you the character of person he is. When people tell you who they are you listen but you pay attention to who they show you who they are and from that you should make a move. Aside from this cheating because that’s what it was he has also shown you that you are not important enough in his life because he has children from another relationship that you have never met how are you okay with this? This cannot be a serious inquiry.
Kick him to the curb. You deserve so much more. Put value on yourself.
Sounds like you and the baby would be better off without him around anyway.