My boyfriend has reservations about having another kid, what should we do?

I stopped at you going to his house while they were still together and coming off like you’re the saint here.


If he is a responsible parent and supports all 4 of the children he already has, he probably realizes that his plate is full. Be thankful he’s the kind of man that cares for his kids.

I’m just going to say what happens when you break up, if he allowed that nasty stuff to go on now unless you have full custody of your child he or she will be living in it to bc odds are if he lived in the hpuse that way he’s just fine living like that and his house will look like it too. Run, call cps and get full custody of your child.


You think he has no responsibility for how those kids act, or how the house was kept?! He was a partner… 50/50 responsible for that mess.


You’re completely right wanting one more but he’d also right saying no. Don’t have a kid with someone who doesn’t want one… those other kids are in need of a clean home with loving parents. If it’s that bad, he needs to get his kids and you help.

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I mean I know you want one more. But have you ever considered he doesn’t want to have 5 kids? That’s a lot.of kids, and though you are different from her that’s still a lot of responsibility to have.


First before you think of having more kids with him. You need to help him get his kids out of there!!! I also grew up in a house like that plus more they finally got me out! . I was taken away to the state. You need to help him raise those kids, if you’re going to stay with that man. If your not then leave!!! It’s really isn’t that hard of a situation. either be with him for all the children including your baby, or leave to have more.


He was just as responsible for their home and children as she was.


I’m wondering why they were still together when you went over there the first time?


My husband has 2 kids of his own and we have one together, I want another child and he said 3 is enough for him it was an argument for awhile but he finally looked at it from my side and understood. He has a very similar backstory about his ex wife not taking care of the house and running around on him etc. however his kids do mind when they are with us because he has done his part as a parent, your husband has to take fault for his part in that. My husband told me if I really want another kid he’d give me one because he understands only one of ours is actually mine, if we had full custody I honestly wouldn’t feel the need to have another child but we only have his kids 3 days a week. I hope you two can come to an agreement, focus on helping his kids they clearly need a parent.

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He was smelly aswell buy the sounds of things who lives with maggots poo and flies ! If it was that bad surely the mum needed support as she sounds like she was struggling
Who leaves there kids in this ‘uncapeable’ womens hands why havnt he tried for custody if shes so bad


First of all I would be reporting the ex to the authorities the children should not have to live like that, disgusting. I don’t blame him for not wanting another child he already has 4, that’s plenty. Maybe he could get custody of the other 3 and that would surely fill the gap for you.


Um. You talk about the mom allowing the kids to live in such a state but…he was there doing it, too…


Why the hell would you really another child let alone one child that you have with this disgusting excuse of a human!!! He allowed he kids to live in that situation, he could have cleaned the dog shit and maggots and whatever nasty mess was made. Don’t blame the mom alone. He allowed out to happen

I’m sorry, I stopped reading half way through because are you kidding me? You are solely blaming all of this on his ex wife when those are his children and that was his home too. Why didn’t he teach them the “right” way to do things? Why didn’t he clean up the house? Like, yes, she should have been doing things too, but if she wasn’t shame on her, but… then why wasn’t he? You sound kind of ignorant and so does your boyfriend if he’s trying to blame all of this on her and taking no responsibility for it either. So yeah, maybe he’s right and he should wait to have more children.


Wait. What did I just read?! The children being bad is all the mothers fault? Lmao. How about you HELP raise them instead of bash them?!


Your man is definitely not with out blame for the state of his previous home or children. Why were you going into the home when they were together ?


Your not wrong for wanting another child but you are wrong for sharing others dirty laundry. Maybe you should be more concerned about his other children first


Ewww why were you over there when they were still together? That’s SUSS. Also he lived there too, more than capable to help around the house. It takes 2😌 I literally didn’t even finish reading this because wow


I’m sorry but your man also allowed it to happen, you said he was deployed how do we know mom wasn’t depressed ? Get her some help before you judge… smfh


No that’s mom AND dads fault. He’s not innocent whatsoever. If he doesn’t want another kid then he doesn’t want another one


Remember he lived there too… :upside_down_face: he also did not clean up said dog shit or moldy dishes… or piss stains… or help with the kids lice…

You tried to make the ex wife look bad but this just makes the boyfriend look like a piece of shit father :joy:

id go to therapy n make sure its want you want to live with or should i say live without

He wasn’t deployed those kids whole life. He’s just as much at fault for the poor behavior of those kids and messiness of his old home.
I’d reconsider having kids with someone like that… & don’t be that person that blames only the mom like you’re doing…
Perhaps he needs to be a dad to those kids first before he goes having more and he probably knows that.

To be honest your husband needs to work on helping the kids he has already before even thinking about another child, if he loved them kids and you loved him you would be putting your energy into helping them and getting them out of the situation they are in before adding another child.

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You want to hate her so much you can’t see past the fact that the house AND kids being that way is his fault too. Also if they were together what were you doing taking your butt to their house?!?


He let his kids live like that…idc how busy a person is that’s just wrong…


I feel like if he doesn’t want to hve more kids you should accept it because at the end of the day it isn’t only you raising them, it’s you both. He already has his hands full with his current kids, and in all reality he doesn’t need any reason to not want more kids other than just simply not wanting them. You can’t force someone to have kids with you, that’s why people leave & kids aren’t raised correctly. not saying that will apply here however if he doesn’t want more kids, short and simple put- he has every single right to feel that way.

Yeah no. You should not have any fucking kids. He needs to take care of 4 he already has


Uhm… get cps involved with the other kids… take her to court for full custody…


She was his wife, they were supposed to be a team. So anything about the living conditions or the way the children were cared for is on BOTH OF THEM. He quit on his family and moved on with you. There’s his story and her story but seems that’s over so it doesn’t really matter. But his obligation to his kids isn’t and if you decide to be with a man who has kids it’s your job to step up and help. That’s what matters the kids who are already here. OBVIOUSLY the living situations , parents issues, and dad being in the military is a lot to go through. Be a little bit more considerate. Don’t let what they had eat you up so bad to the point you’re talking badly about his ex wife the mother of his children. No offense but it seems you have some growing up to do before you think you’re gonna have any more children anyways. You guys have ALOT going on. And who knows maybe when he sees how you step up and make life work with what you guys have together already he’ll want another one :wink:

You can’t force him to want or have more kids with you cut the poor man a break he has three with that nut job in the the service ad you mentioned and you and your son. Let him breathe and bring this up another time… Be blessed with the one you have… There’s time for another one but it seems like for him this isn’t the time

You also have to think your children are connected to his others they are siblings , maybe you could teach them

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Why don’t you get these kiddos squared away before bringing in a new one. They are going to be a handful and need lots of love and attention. Baby can wait. Get married and show these kids what a family really is. Let them heal so your baby can grow in a loving home not a battleground

Wow if I was you I wouldn’t bring a child into the world after how hes brought the last ones up. Yes their mother was there too but so was he.