My boyfriend imagines another girl when he is with me: Advice?

My boyfriend admitted to me when he was drunk that when we watch adult videos together he imagines being with the girl he is watching instead of me and now i am pissed off and insecure…am i over reacting here?


So he was honest with you and your mad. Why not communicate with each other to compromise. Unless there are other problems I don’t think it’s worth throwing the whole relationship away. I mean heck he could have lied to you.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My boyfriend imagines another girl when he is with me: Advice?

Don’t get mad get a glad bag and throw him out


I don’t understand why he would ever tell you that. I get that he was drinking but damn. What an idiot lol

I wouldn’t love hearing that either.
Remind yourself that he loves you and he’s attracted to you. Humans are dumb sometimes.

How TF does that even work it’s way in to a conversation between a healthy couple :thinking::sweat_smile::woman_facepalming:


Nope we just don’t admit it to our partner . If I wanna get their quick ill think of a celebrity crush or a figment of my imagination


Nope, you’re not over reacting, it’s time to find a different man


You watch it together…so…wouldn’t be surprised.


So you’re watching porn with him…yet surprised he’s taking notice of it? C’mon now kiddo! Drama queens are a dime a dozen

Most men do when they watch porn. They just don’t admit it :joy:

:woman_facepalming:t3: what do you expect while watching them?


Isn’t that the main reason why you what Adults videos together?


Why would you watch videos like that with him if you were going to get mad about him thinking of other girls when y’all are literally watching other girls.:joy:


That’s just sad…for you. His confession hurt…


Well why are y’all watching those in the first place? Do y’all just not do it for each other and need extra simulation? That would be the first problem.


No I would be very upset also n Im totally ok with porn if watched but that’s hurtful to have ur spouse imagine you being someone else

I personally wouldn’t let my husband watch. We both agree we’re not with it…but what did you expect hun? He’s obviously not interested enough in you and has to see more, or in some cases both couples like fantasizing. I’m not sure but if you don’t like it do not deal with it!!:pray::revolving_hearts:


God sent that man out without all his hard wiring. That has got to be the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard a guy do. Throw him in the trash and go find you a man. It would have been an insta dump. Dumbass would be outside in whatever he had on his back and locked out

Phewww you too nice I would have broke his ego 15 notches down at that moment


That’s what happens when men watch porn. Read up about it. He won’t even want to have sex with you eventually and will be watching it on his own.

Boy BYE in every mf way


You were never the one from the start…


The two of you are watching porn movies together. You watch porn and he fantasies about porn stars, now you’re pissed? It’s just fantasy. If you can’t figure that out then dump him and watch porn alone.

Your trippin you are seriously going to say u don’t fantasize about being with someone different even if its a celebrity. Its natural


Hell, yes.

You are overreacting.

His mistake was admitting it to you.

But then you waited until he was drunk to question him about his personal sexual fantasies.

And then you want to use it against him.

Kinda slimy, untrustworthy, thing to do.

If I were him, I’d be seriously rethinking the relationship with anyone who would be so sneaky and underhanded.


It’s healthy no biggie let him have his fantasy’s he’ll be happier in the sac with you😁


I would automatically think he was cheating, but then again I’m a little crazy :rofl:


I’m sorry to say this but leave. He’s probably cheating as well.


Yeah, that does kind of suck if they actually say that. Sorry babe.

Uh and you are still with him? That’s definitely the moment I’d be completely done with him.


Is he not allowed to have his own thoughts? He should not have over shared. Just don’t watch it with him anymore then.


The victim side of me wants to say that you’re totally right in overreacting and he shouldn’t do it


In my opinion it is totally normal for that type of stuff to happen a lot of women fantasize of other man or maybe other women when they are with their partner. ITS NORMAL Something I learned is that it is two different things between thinking about doing something and actually doing something. 


So what,u shpuld have told him u do the same :rofl:


If youre going to get mad over this, then why watch it? You think it’s ok for him to get a ride when watching it with you, but it’s totally awful when he actually thinks about it?


This is the weirdest shit I’ve ever heard. You actually want to control his thoughts and feelings? The misandry is coming from inside the house.

Lol all these insecure women saying leave cause he has a fantasy and watches porn … is there any other reason why you would think he is cheating … He’s open about it … Any dude that hid that stuff from you is more likely to be cheating … Imo

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What did you think he was imagining while watching porn when you bang? :woman_facepalming:t4: Come on now. Whew…

Tell him fine then you’ll think of another guy too lol


My ex husband did this to me. Then got addicted to prn. Then it turned from that to escorts and by escorts I mean the drggies that are out of it at the convenient stores then just random girls he would cheat on me with. I left after I found all of it out. If Mt now husband did that I would be gone that second.


l Get paid over $109 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $14297 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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I mean I’d be alittle insecure too the only time my partner watches porn is when I’m on my cycle but on the other hand we all fantasize about stuff he shouldn’t have shared that part with you but just get him back tell him you think of your favorite actor when doing it

Yikes… no I’d be right there with ya. If he’s having problems in the bedroom he needs to speak up. Sex problems are usually totally fixable you just need communication and willingness to be open to try new things.

If he is only imagining being with some one else
We all do it at some point
I wouldn’t worry about it to much

When I was with my ex
I used to imagine I was with
Chris Hemsworth
(Yes us chicks do it as well)


Is that not the point of watching porn though, just a little? I wouldn’t take it personally. Could just be where his mind automatically goes when watching porn regardless of whether or not he is with you or himself.

That’s just a shitty thing to say and I would spend my life getting his azz back😒

He isn’t real bright. Do you really want to wasted your time with someone that unsmart? :woman_facepalming::smile:


Whelp… if it were me… he can imagine waking up in critical condition If he doesn’t quit the bs drunk or not… Lol all men fantasize try not get your feelings hurt about it … unfortunately a man can see a woman walking through the mall and immediately imagine having sex with her it’s just part of the course…… see the thing with me i match energies and return favors so one of these days out of the clear blue do not say a word have yourself some wine sip on it by yourself giggling with a smirk on your face and when he wants to know what’s up…? ever so unexpectinfly you let him know that you imagine being with XYZ instead of having to look at the face that you have to see every single day of your life… See how pissed and insecure he is sometimes you have to flip the tables people need a good dose of their own fucking medicine because people just think they can say and do whatever they want to and it’s the audacity for me… Brtbhe won’t ever say it again

He probably thinks about his ex too​:wastebasket::wastebasket::wastebasket:


I know it’s easy to feel insecure but those women are actors and they have to do a lot to maintain that image. I’m sure you’re absolutely beautiful and in reality your bf would most likely want to be with you. Fantasies and sex are normal. If anything you give it a shot to? Maybe you’ll find you like something too. I wouldn’t take it to seriously just express that maybe every other time or every couple times you skip the videos and just be intimate. Compromise and that way you’ll know if you can move past it or not and if not then you know it’s time to go.

Shoulda told him “relatable, I never picture you. That’s why I keep my eyes closed. You know how many times I have to stop from saying the peoples’ names”…and then when he’s done crying tell him to get stuff and lock the door on the way out… boy bye.


Scream out his best mates name mid way and that will shut the hole in his face :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


Or even his dad’s for something different :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


:cry::cry: no ur not over reacting.


I mean I really wanna know how he’d feel if it were you saying that to him and not the other way. Cause I guarantee he’d get defensive about it :joy: nem children honestly. What do you wanna do about it is the real question though. It’s probably gonna be in your head every time you get with him knowing he’s thinking of someone else. I mean it’s normal to an extent but every time? Like clearly there’s something wrong there if he’s doing it every time you get together like that.


Girl where is your come back…
I’m sure the men in the porn have big sausages and can go All night long…
Nothing like a little rivalry.

Put on two dudes :woman_shrugging: If he asks why just tell him you gotta catch up to him with your imagining :rofl:


I think we all have fantasized with having sex with someone else while doing it our partner, specially with “ celebrities”
I mean , I had sex with half Hollywood actors already :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Man child give him back to his mama its faulty


Wow he actually had the cheek to tell you that

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What a dumbass. Tell him welcome to Walmart, get his shit and get out

Girl you better start calling him by his brother’s name during sex :roll_eyes::joy:

Seriously tho, tell him to get stuffed

Hes been honest and out right told you, i spose he could keep his mouth shut then you would of been none the wiser.
I spose thats his way of living the fantasy :woman_shrugging: who knows


that’s so gross what a pig :nauseated_face: that is not love honey. Move on! That’s not husband material at all


Nope. Run. There’s no future there.


Lmao what did you expect when watching porn Together :woozy_face:

…the amount of women who think it’s “Normal” for their partner to think about someone else while being intimate…celeb or not…no. That is a red flag. Especially if they admitted it and it’s EVERY TIME.

Some of y’all show a serious lack in emotional and mental maturity when it comes to serious relationships.
Same ones that will be blasting on social media how they found their partner being unfaithful, or it comes out down the line they were actually abusive, narcissistic, etc…

A red flag is a red flag.

To the POSTER:
Tell him. Tell him EXACTLY how it makes you fell and express the discomfort with continuing any further. If he feels the need he will have to watch alone.
If he gets upset over your feelings or insists on continuing despite your feelings then he isn’t the one for you. Don’t settle for someone who doesn’t respect you enough to respect ALL OF YOU…feelings included.


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Ive done it a few times… Its normal

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To each their own but, that’s a real hard see yah later for me :no_good_woman:


This post inspired me to tell my husband that sometimes I imagine him being a 2D character I am very attached to and he just laughed at me. He said he figured as much.


When I watch porn … I imagine being with them as well… I would never tell my husband that tho…and he’s never told me… but I’m sure while watching porn he does the same…

No when we don’t watch porn…I’m only thinking of him …
Not sure if that helps you or not but it’s all I got :woman_shrugging:t5:

Honestly, if you’re watching a porn while getting intimate, he is seeing the female in that porno plain as day. You opened that door. If you are uncomfortable, close the door back shut. If he can’t respect that, then leave.

l Get paid over $109 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $16943 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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I mean it’s okay to watch movies with him but not okay for him to fantasize :face_with_monocle::face_with_monocle::face_with_monocle:

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Tell him you imagine hugh jackman and see what he says

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I think if it makes you feel some sort of way you should communicate that to him. However, that doesn’t mean he will stop. I think that if anything he will be mad that you found out/he told you and claim that you’re over reacting. Because he isn’t WITH her, he just pretends. - Your feelings are valid though, and maybe counseling and less porn could be the tool you need to fix the relationship or the yool that helps you realize you need to leave. best wishes!

If someone said this to me that I was in a committed relationship with or married to, I’d be super hurt. Unless it was spoken of before hand. But remember this isn’t about you, don’t let this make you insecure. You’re perfect and desirable. It sounds like it is time for you to move on from him though. Find someone that wants YOU.


This is why my bf doesn’t watch shit like this.

I don’t understand this. If you are going to watch porn together then you should expect that. That’s why my fiancé and I don’t watch porn, we choose to make our own and then watch it agter

l Get paid over $105 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $16550 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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He would go bye bye.

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I feel there is something missing to the story …

Did he just randomly said: oh and by the way I think of someone else when we having sex?

I doubt it…

Tell him you imagine that he actually has a dick🤣

l Get paid over $106 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $16550 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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Get a new boyfriend. Fast


Over reaction. Role play and get into it. Life’s too short and he’s still with you not her


I mean hun you allowed it did you ever set boundaries or you just thought he would look at her and magically think of you :sweat_smile:


I wouldn’t have a boyfriend after he drunkenly admitted that. You deserve much more than you’re settling for.


Sex is intimate between the two people doing it, of course you would expect him to be present in the moment and experience you sharing your body with him. Maybe practice tantric sex with him and see if that helps? If not, he’s mentally trying to escape his life which apparently includes being with you. So let him.

Tell him you also imagine another man….


I feel like this is something kind of inevitable. Have you not done the same at some point? I mean if it’s like a full blown obsession then I’d be concerned but we’re human. You can’t pretend it won’t happen from time to time


Tell him you dont blame him cause after watching that you wanna be her too, that will sting without too much cruelty


To me the negative that he did wasn’t that he was thinking about being with that woman he was watching but telling you about it, Why on earth would he tell you. That was very mean, Consider that before thinking about a future with him.

Wow! What an asshole thing to say. You should start picturing You like better than him, and tell him. Payback is a bitch!!

At least he admitted it…we all do that once in a while…if he disrespects you tgularly and just think about how he normally treats you…

What do u expect when you guys are watching porn lmao

Yea you may want to find a man that likes you. He may be using you and not with you because he loves you.

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l Get paid over $109 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18733 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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