Communication. If you are a sahm these things are reasonable. But u can understand sometimes its not gonna haopen every single day. Theres days i dont want to cook or forget to do laundry. It happens.
I do not appreciate the rude ass comments on here but fact is they dont know your relationship like you do.
And compromise. It cant always be do it my way. There has to be some length to the “leash”.
Nobody wants to feel like omg you didnt do this ugh thats a womans job you should have this done every single day no problem blah blah.
If that is the sum of the communication and compromise here then no it wont be very pretty.
I wish you the best of luck he sounds like a good man just needs to chill out and realize there will be days it wont happen.
Ive had this talk with my man so many times. Because were not perfect.
Itll be ok
Lol “old school” and he’s still your “boyfriend” ??
Take him to therapy, since y’all can afford it
Leave him. Leave him: leave him.
Simple. Show him this post. This post sums up everything you’re feeling. If you can’t get through him by speaking, then let him read it.
Thats not “old school” even back in the day husbands and dads had fun. Help get him out of his rut by making plans for him.
Why dont you two go to Counseling about the problems and see if it helps communication is key
Working wears us all out but it’s not an excuse to not show love to your significant other. I would t divorce him over this what you need to do is go to counseling. You need to talk and if he isn’t willing to try then yes you need to leave. Your children and can def tell if your not happy and you don’t want to show them it’s ok to sacrifice their happiness for financial security. You also don’t want to show your kids a relationship isn’t worth fighting for. I have been with my man for 10 years as well and we have our problems but no matter what we work through them.
You need help but you have 5 children to consider why have you not married and talked about this in 10 years he is proably just as unhappy with his sex life as you are he proably thinks he is just your handy man get help divorce is not the answer you would have to gonto work and yhat might not be good for the kids and yes children know a unhappy home
damn alot of you women on here need help with reading and understanding what you read AND understanding that you are actually worth something in this world and not just put here to be molly maid for men…seriously…the way some of you sound is disturbing…he works 50-60 hours a week 6 days a week…she works 24 hours a day 7 days a week…absolutely NO reason or excuse for him not being able to help her with the kids and around the house…and as for the bedroom part of it she needs to have her needs met just as much as he does and clearly he doesnt give a shit about her in that area either…would not kill him at all to go out and have some fun and spend QUALITY time with HIS family…she didnt make those kids alone…he needs to get his shit together and be a MAN and a FATHER and a HUSBAND because so far he is severely lacking in all three area’s.
I feel if you can sit and list all the things he is and isnt and still need advice, you already know what to do. We can endorse how you feel but you already know. Goodluck to you.
Learn about relationship dynamics from Alisson Armstrong at her website or her ebook The Queens Code, Bryan Reeves, John Gray’s book Venus on Fire, Mars on Ice, Kim Anami, and The 7 secrets to healthy, happy relationships by don Miguel Ruiz Jr and heatherash amara. There’s another book but I’m not sure of the title…9 toxic traits in marriage?
I’d write him a letter and go stay with the kids somewhere for a few weeks maybe go on vacation.
Give him some time to think about what’s making you unhappy.
Maybe look for a part time job as well so you can build some independents from him.
Go to marriage counseling immediately… they mk you both fill out the same questions separately and then you read the answers to each other and you will be so shocked… you don’t know or understand each other at all… try it immediately before it’s too late…
I can tell you right now,Your lives are never going to change.If you are unhappy get out of it ,If he wants you he will come get you ,BUT YOU BOTH HAVE TO CHANGE.
Well for 1 he hasnt put a ring on it. Yes yall have been together 10yrs and have 5 kids but still. Yes i also agree you should be greatful to have him cause thats an amazing man but at the same time i agree yall do need time together so i know youre already cleaning and cooking and all that but if you happen to find some extra time then maybe once a week you mow the lawn so that way theres less for him to do to occupy his time or find someone that can. Quality time does not always have to be spent outside of your home. You can have a great time soaking in the tub together or watching a movie together. Yes time to time maybe you should see about a baby sitter so yall can go do something like dinner or whatever yall like to do.
If hes so old school why has he not proposed or married you yet
Don’t pay any mind to the people that judge you first off second try counciling or maybe try and surprise him with a house with out kids for a night and then put something sexy on and when he gets home just pounce lol see what he does he can’t make an excuse if the house is clean and kids are gone for a night… you guys will have the whole house to your self he can stay out side for only so long before he has to come back in and shower and that’s when you get him lol but keep trying don’t give up yet not until your absolutely sure because you choosing to leave affects the kids too and we as parents sometimes forget kids see and hear everything even if we think they are not paying attention they are so keep trying different things and if you have tried everything maybe breaking up is best but only after you have tried other options
I think that if you have to ask yourself this question, then you know the answer. If you haven’t already, write him a letter because sometimes it’s hard to say what you mean when trying to talk to someone who’s gaslighting you (yes, he is, if you expressing yourself is what he considers nagging or moaning). Suggest some couples counseling. If he keeps gaslighting you, and doesnt try to make anything work, or communicate, then you need to find the strength to do what’s right for you and your babies. Because they can tell when their mother is unhappy. Your man sounds worn out, and unhappy. Maybe even overwhelmed. He could be depressed etc. But that doesnt mean you have to put up with it If he doesnt want to do anything to help himself or you. Good luck.
I feel u have to sit and have a BIG talk with about everything that u feel and hope that he change for the best becuz a man won’t change unless if they want to change but if talking don’t get to him then girl it’s time to fine happiness and somebody u can click with and have the good vibe and the spark again hope all works out and wish u the best of luck …
I have a idea swap spots so he sees how u feel and maybe it will open doors that were previously closed and maybe it will help him not be so old school
You said this is how he has always been, So personally I feel like it’s unfair to expect differently when you knew and have always known what you were getting into, It sounds like you want out, But the stability keeps you there, So essentially you are just using him to keep you and the children comfortable for fear of not having the same life elsewhere, I think you both deserve the opportunity to find what you’re looking for, So I’d suggest you call it quits, As it sounds as if you’ve long checked out of the relationship already anyway.
Talk to him calmly and explain how you feel and why you feel that way.
These are the consequences and compromises of your choices. There’s always a yin and yang to relationships you have to pick which in in which Yang you’re going to deal with. And I’m not sure a giant rant on Facebook is very intimate on your part either