My boyfriend is mad I want to start working out: Thoughts?

To hell with him. See your dr n workout girl!!! If he doesnt want u to be healthy then leave him.

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Tell him to come along… why wouldnt any healthy minded man want you to feel better to be a better person, mom and partner? Wouldnt have more kiddos with him.

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That’s just absolutely crazy, he doesn’t want you to be healthy, he doesn’t want you to get actual help with your ppd (Which can cause you to want to Kill yourself) for his own selfishness. Yeah he’s trash and just like I told my bestfriend you’ll never get anywhere with clingy Insecure boys

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Don’t let his insecurities determine your reality


How you feel directly affects how you mother, how you run your household and how you behave as a wife. If he wants happy children, a happy marriage and a well run household he needs to let you live your life and take care of yourself. Check out Adrienne Everheart on YouTube, you won’t regret it. Warmly tell him, “I feel so sad to know that me taking care of myself upsets you, but I have to do this for me. I feel like a better woman, wife and mother when I’m taking care of myself.” He will get angry. Stay warm and do not engage in battle. He’ll get over it and respect you for taking care of yourself.


You do what you have to, to be happy.

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Your boyfriend is a moron. Do what you need to do for your mind and your health.


Wow he is horrible. Working out helps my depression so much. Tell him to fk off and kick rocks.


Get healthy, stay healthy you do,what you need to do for you. Its not about him. PPD is real and excersize,is the best natural remedy

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For your kids sake fuck him!

Ew. Mine was the same way. Wouldn’t let me go to the gym at all not even with my mom. Get out. Now. That isn’t love.


What’s wrong with your boyfriend

Hes trying to control u and will try to keep you pregnant… definitely red flags! I would find a way out now…


Fuck him. Do you. Hes gunna hold you back but YOU are gunna keep going and get done what needs to be done! You are the mother! Do what you have to do and dont even run anything by him. Hes a hater!

He sounds like an insecure piece of :poop:


He sounds like he is very insecure and you shouldn’t let him control you. Especially stop you from trying to be healthier. That’s crazy!


I lost over half of me(200lbs ish). My man never once had a negative thing to say. He was beside me the whole way cheering me on. Encouraging me.
Still is as I struggle with that last 30lbs.
So ya…your man isn’t a man. He’s a boy. Insecure.
Cuz true partners stand beside their partner encouraging them to be better and healthier…not shutting them down.
Tell him to grow up or get out🤷


I would run far far away from your boyfriend. He has no concerns for you at all.

He’s definitely insecure. Sheesh

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Your boyfriend doesnt care about you. I would leave.

Go to the gym, see your doctor and kick him to the curb!! That mental abuse can easily turn to physical abuse very quickly.

Do what you need to do to take care of you’re health no one can do that but you . Whatever the reason he is not looking out for you physically, psychologically, or emotionally. Having to deal with that in itself could be a huge contributor to your depression symptoms. A healthier you makes a better mother. Maybe he needs more education on the subject some people get too comfortable and set in their stupid ways. Perhaps take him along on your medical visits will help. He may just be ignorant on the subject of mental health. If he can’t change his thinking or at least support your medical decisions I’d start communicating about parting ways and plan out what’s best for the children.

Tell him to fuck off and do what u need to feel better :heart:

Do it for yourself! Stay healthy !

Who cares if he’s mad? Let him be. It’s your body and you do what you want.

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Get healthy he is trying to hold you back

Its your body girl no one has control over that! Sounds like a little bit of insecurities he needs to work out with himself! So put on some Keira LaShae and rock it!

He insecure and jealous.

Do what u want I had husband 23 yrs that told me what to do I woke up got rid of his ass I start living my life the way I wanted to

Tell him if that’s what he thinks that’s fine but do what you want anyways? It’s really that simple but you just have to have enough confidence to do it

Sounds a little insecure he should want you to be that healthiest that you can be being a mom. You should invite him to work out with you maybe that’s something you guys could spend time together doing.

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Hello, Red Flag Store? I need the biggest one you’ve got.

He sounds like he is trying to get into your head to get control over you. It’s mental abuse. You tell him that you are doing things for you, and if he doesn’t like it he can leave. Do not put up with his bs. Do what makes you happy.


Insecure much? Tbh i would go to the gym anyway to train to whoop the bitches ass that hes seeing. Or whoop his ass? Cause one who accuses be the one doing dirt. :woman_shrugging::thinking::triumph:

Step 1. Get rid of your boyfriend. Any man who doesn’t support you and especially doesn’t support your mental health is not worth having in your life


Just tell him everything you do is about you and your own mental health. If he can’t be supportive, understanding and stop trying to make you feel guilty with his insecurities then he can leave. Tell him you need more supportive and uplifting people in your life.

He is a narcissist
Run now while you still can. He is toxic for you

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He sounds controlling and this is abusive talk. Exercise is so good for our bodies and does wonders for depression too! Workout girl and be healthy for you and that little baby!

Sounds like he is very shallow and insecure :worried:

Do what you need to do. He is jealous and controlling. First signs of an abusive man.

You said boyfriend, good, don’t ever marry that guy.


Sounds shallow, insecure, jealous - time to move on girlfriend. No man who truly loves you would ever be mad at you bettering yourself.

He wants you to be “unattractive” so he can keep more control over you. Seen it too many times.


Leave him and get help.

Throw the whole man out and get a new one that supports you making yourself feel better


You asked for all this advice…Now take it. Work out, take care of yourself and wait for a guy who will love you, want you to be happy and healthy and be proud to be with the Best you.


You are an adult and hopefully a responsible adult. Do this for not only yourself but your children. Go to the doc and get back on your meds. NOW! Your babies do not need PPD in their lives.

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You do you sis if he is insecure maybe he should go with you and join in on your work out you should not have to give up on what you want because hes insecure

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You are listing your reasons to us which actually sucks because you shouldn’t have to! He should be supportive. Obviously he needs to address his insecurities. If you explained it to him like us then he should more than understand.
Does he have low self esteem? Maybe he just needs reassurance?
Idk either way he should be supportive.

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Walk away as fast as you can. He is trying to manipulate you into settling with your body. Controlling you is abuse. If your not happy your no good to yourself or your kids. Any man that doesn’t support you bettering yourself doesn’t deserve to have you. Get out and find someone that appreciates you and your worth

Sounds like he has some insecurities and would rather keep you under his thumb so he doesn’t have to deal with them. Fortunately he is just a boyfriend and not a husband.


First off, he sounds controlling, jealous and unsupportive. You deserve better than that! Secondly, You need to go see your doctor over PPD. It’s very serious and you need help for yourself and for your babies. Also, if you want to work out, go for it! Good luck!


Tell him flat out that you’re not doing this for anyone but yourself. Because in truth, that’s who it’s for. You go girl! Do your thing, if he’s going to be that snarky and insecure, best snap him out of that mood quickly or end it. His behaviour won’t help your mental health.

Ask him if this is something you can do together…
If not do it on your own…
Don’t let anyone dictate what you can do… I’m not talking about you leaving your kids all the time or out with friends 24/7…basic stuff, work, school, exercise…these life choices should be yours to make…
Only discussion with mate is about financial matters that relate to your choices

I wish my husband would. :facepunch::facepunch:


He sounds like an insecure child, do what you want.

Do what makes u feel good.never mind him

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From the sounds of it he could be afraid that you’ll cheat because of better self esteem. And btw there is nothing wrong with wanting to be healthier but you also gotta address that voice in your mind telling you your not attractive unless you are skinny, that your not beautiful because you gained some weight, that voice that says your fat and ugly. Remember these are the enemy speaking words into your mind. Because the truth is your beauty comes from the inside. And that you are beautiful just the way you are. You gotta tell him you want to feel healthier but to be truly healthy is to have a healthy mindset about yourself. You gotta face your weak spots and insecurities and if he’s not supportive of you becoming a better version of yourself then you should consider if you really want him in your life!!

Working out does help with mental stuff like anxiety and depression. My doctor is adamant that I work out for my mental and general health! He honestly just sounds super insecure.


He’s a boyfriend for a reason, first of all. Second, he’s the issue! Do not stop working out . Start and never stop. He sounds very insecure and controlling.


He doesn’t sound healthy or wanting to be the best version of yourself at all. He needs to figure himself out - you know what you’re doing and what will make you happy already.

Sounds like he’s just trying to get into YOUR head and he honestly sounds like a very insecure whiny little man-child. You owe him NO explanation nor apologies for wanting to take care of yourself!..period.


He needs to see a Dr clearly he has some issues, please go see your doctor mental health a depression is not something to ignore we have lost 3 people in 2 years, and fuck him babe if you want to look good for you do it, I have 3 and after my first 2 I tried to work out so I could look good for him but never went very far as I couldn’t motivate myself, in September a friend of mine but up a squats challenge and I thought to myself “I need to take care of me and do it for me no one else” and that was exactly what I need, I recently download a Abs and butt work out app and do it when my partner is at work because he is more distracting then the kids or if I wake up before everyone and I feel so much better physically, emotionally and mentally, so for your health and happiness please do it, and explain to him you ‘have 2 small kids and a house to run and if you do study/work where the hell are you going to find time to have an affair and stop watching dramas on Netflix and start watching comedy or something’, then maybe throw in ‘do you have a guilty conscience.’ not suggesting he dose but it quickly makes my partner stop if he starts saying stupid stuff like I’m flirting with guys on messenger, which is wrong because I’ve watched most of them grow up from babies and the only ex I have on here is now gay 🤷 never would have thought it but hey

Fuck him do what’s best for you. YOU are your number 1 priority cuz dealing with PPD you’re not going to be the best mom you can be if your unhappy all the time etc you wont be the best mom you can be he can either get with the program or not. But dont let his insecurities stop you from doing what’s good and best for you.

That’s his insecurity talking.
Exercise helps tremendously when you depression and anxiety (speaking from experience and knowledge)its like a therapy. You do what’s best for you and your kids.
He will get over it.

Do you…if you want to exercise ,do it . If you need Dr. Go. Do what you feel you need to do. If he doesn’t like like it tough

It’s your body and life. Do it for your health. He sounds insecure. Maybe he should work out to get healthy mentally.


Dump him. Go to a safe place. No contact. He sounds really abusive.


Do what you want girl. He’s being a jackass. There may be a chance he’s cheat on you and blaming you just so he feels better.

You need to get rid of him. Or tell him this is how it’s gunna be to STFU!

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NEVER compromise your health (mental or other wise) for ANYONE. :heart:


dis is ur body nobody can eva tell u wats good on u

He’d be my ex. I can’t believe you’re allowing someone to do this to u! This is soo not ok. Its ABUSE! YOU NEED TO LEAVE THIS PYSCHO!! SERIOUSLY! I know u won’t but I’m telling you now , FROM EXPERIENCE, HE WILL NEVERRRR change! He does not want you to be happy or to succeed in life! He wants to keep you his prisoner until you feel so shitty u want to die. He’ll take everything away from u. So you have no money no friends or family no support. And you’ll be FUCKED when shit gets 1000x worse and I promise it will.

if working out makes you feel better, then do it for yourself. Tell your boyfriend that he needs to support you in your health! If he is that insecure about your relationship, ,then he needs to grow up and treat you better. evidently he thinks he is not doing enough or he wouldn’t be worried about it.

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Take him to the doctor with you and have the doctor explain depression and anxiety to him. As for working out do it anyways.


Your body your choice!!! If mama isn’t taking care of herself how can you do your best for your babies?

“I’m so upset and so unhappy” that is no way of life girlfriend! You should be with someone who supports you working out and ESPECIALLY your mental health! Sending love :heart:

Why doesn’t he work out with you? My husband and I have been together for 16 years in March and about 3 years ago we started working out together and it’s done a lot for us individually and for our relationship. If he won’t then he I would end that relationship. He should want you to feel good about yourself, he should want you to be healthy, he should want you to be happy, he should want you to want to feel sexy and attractive for him so that you can feel secure in your relationship. He sounds jealous and controlling it may be cute now but it will get worse if you allow him to force you not to work out it will be something else next. Exercise is the very best thing you can do for your mental health.

I wrote one thing then reread your post and plain and simple if he doesn’t take your mental health simple RUN, get away from him don’t look back. He is stupid saying mental health is in your head DUH that’s why psychiatrists are nicknamed head doctors because it’s thoughts in your head that are causing you problems he’s an idiot and a jackass. YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN DESERVE SO MUCH BETTER THAN THAT!!! I’ve never heard of a guy that doesn’t want his woman to work out.

In my experience… this is a controlling man and it only gets worse from here.


Hes jealous and insecure. Dont let him hold you back.


Leave his ass. That is toxic so unhealthy. Yuck that’s just one little situation I can’t imagine the other s***

True love wants you to be happy & healthy… mind… body & soul. Physically… mentally & spiritually & be the best mom you can be for your children… and be here for them for a long time… do not tolerate or accept this juvenile… selfish… insecure behavior… put you and your children first…

That’s a really weird and concerning thing to say to your significant other. It’s controlling and insecure. Which is 100% about HIM; Not you. You should be able to do what’s best for your body and your wellbeing without being made to feel guilty about it. He needs to go to therapy, and you need to do you.

If you suffer from anxiety or depression you need to stay on your medication. Anxiety and depression never just goes away. If you had diabetes and you stopped taking it. You could lose a limb, right? Same thing with mental health medicine.

Excercise is great for self care. It helps with anxiety and depression. It will boost your mind also!

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If he doesn’t take PPD seriously he needs to read up on it, if he can’t then he’s not going to support you and that’s the last thing you need. Try some couples counseling, hopefully with a counselor who understands what you’re going through.

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Dump him, good thing yuoure not married

  1. Your body your rules. If you want to work out then go and work out.
  2. Depression is not in your head. If you feel that you may be falling into PPD then seek help if you need or if you want. Send him a video fact about what PPD actually is.
    If he doesn’t want to support you when you are doing things that help you mentally and physically then he doesn’t care about your mental or physical state and at that time it might be healthier for you to leave him.
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So go to the gym and go see your doctor. Not too hard

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Do what’s right for you. Don’t let him bring you down.


Go see ur doctor. Fuck him he is not being selfish and insecure. Ppd is dangerous If u feel u need help go get it

Is it the cost or is he worried you might become more fit and better looking. Do what you want

Talk about narcissist he should respect that ur trying to get help sounds like me he’s controlling and a little insecure he not respecting u at all especially ur mental health he needs to support u or u need to leave


F##k him ,its your body ,you go girl just bc you have kids ,it doesn’t mean you can’t look good ,you have to be healthy and well for your kids and yourself ,I dont like men like him ,care for yourself xxx

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His insecurities are not a reason for self care. You do you, girl. If he can’t support that you need to move on. You’re not working out for others. You are working out for you.

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Go see your doctor. Medicine does help depression. It’s not in your head. Working out helps too. Good luck sweetie

I’d give yourself time to heal for birth

He isn’t understanding. Don’t tell him just do it. You are your own person.

Ask him: why he’s feeling so insecure? Is he wanting to have an affair? Who is he seeing? Does he think you can do better than him—or that you really want to? What’s the payoff for him if you don’t tone up & feel better?

Then see what his answers are, if he answers calmly or gets upset, & observe his body language.

Ask him if he would talk to your doctor/shrink about anxiety and depression to learn the medical process behind these conditions to convince him they are, in fact, real. Clue your doc in in advance to see if he can discern any psychological or emotional issues BF might be suffering from.

Suggest he get counseling or offer to go to marriage counseling together. You do NOT want someone to sabotage your health and well-being or someone who wants to keep you down and control you.

Was he always like this or is it just recent? He’s had 2 kids with you, why hasn’t he asked you to marry him? I’d think long and hard about your future before you even think of saying yes, though. Take every precaution so as to NOT have any more children with this problematic man-child.

Also snoop around to see if he’s cheating on you or doing something else wrong. Sounds like he’s guilty of something.

BTW, when I was being bitchy/moody, my ex would TELL me to go work out! :joy:

Go on and exercise, it won’t hurt anything or anybody and it may help you feel better.