I need advice on what to do…i have been dating this guy for about a year and am 32 years old… i have always been infertile and was told from a very young age due to my health issues that I can never get pregnant…so we have not been careful…well i just found out that I am pregnant and i am honestly thrilled…i am overjoyed that I will be able to have a child…but my boyfriend is LIVID and wants me to have an abortion…i love him and dont want to lose him but at the same time this is something i have always wanted and i want this baby…am i selfish for keeping the kid he doesnt want? i dont even need anything from him after the baby is born, i am happy to do everything on my own if need be…what should I do?
It’s sort of unfair that he’s been made to feel secure that you are infertile and not to take precautions, only to find out you are pregnant. Put yourself in his position, obviously he is going to need time to come around.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My boyfriend is mad that I am pregnant: Advice?
Kick that asshole to the curb! You can do it mama. He’s the one missing out
Dump him and keep the baby
Keep your baby congratulations
Your body your choice… it works both ways. You’re more than willing to do this on your own, so you do you.
sounds like you already know what you need to do.
congratulations, mama.
Keep the baby, lose the guy. He should be mad at himself for not wrapping it up. HE is the only one responsible for making sure he doesn’t get someone pregnant. He should only be mad at himself for not using protection.
Never let a man (or anyone) make you question what to do with YOUR body.
Honestly, keep your baby. If he can’t be happy for you then leave him. If you feel like you can do it all on your own then even better. You got this girly!
Keep the baby and let go of the boyfriend if he isn’t going to be supportive .
Leave him and keep your baby❤
Doesn’t seem like he loves you if he is “livid”
Keep that baby who cares what he thinks
Keep the baby and lose the man child. He obviously isn’t the right man… you got this mama.
Keep it momma, and congratulations
Takes 2 if he didn’t want it to happen he should also have taken responsibility. Get rid you can do it on your own
Ur not wrong having a baby is the most wonderful thing I have ever done u don’t need him girl ur baby is everything u ever wanted and never let a man tell u other wise
Tell him to move on! Unless he wants to be a daddy to y’all’s precious little baby!!
From his point of view I’d be livid too. He feels tricked seeing as it’s less than a year and you aren’t as infertile as he was led to believe.
No judgement, just it will be his perspective.
Keep baby and terminate his rights
It’s your body & your decision… I would keep the baby
This is your Miracle baby after being told you couldn’t have a one. It’s a blessing. If he doesn’t want the baby then he can leave.
Keep the baby abort the man
Keep the baby and get out now. It will be so much easier. Less stress too. Keep that baby and leave his ass
Keep that baby and let go of him. You’ll find someone who will love you and that baby down the road.
Do it alone. If he wants no part that’s cool. Some people don’t want to be parents and some are more than happy to be. It seems like right now he doesn’t want that and nothing says he has to. Just like nothing says you need to give up on having a baby. If you want to be a mom then you go be the best damn mom ever. Let him miss out.
Keep the baby, and let him leave if he chooses to. There are men out there begging to raise kids that aren’t their own and will love and care for you! People are put into your life for a reason and this may of been his.
Run! While you still can!
You dont need your baby around that kind of negativity. Keep your miracle and kick him to the curb.
Tell him to buzz off , and live a happy life w ur baby its a mirical from gos
Keep the baby, terminate the dramatic boy.
Congratulations momma.
Keep the baby a childs love is for life
Congrats on your miracle baby! That’s exactly what you’ve been given, a miracle. Loose the bf, and keep the baby. There’s no greater gift, then being a Mama!
Keep the baby. If you can do everything on your own and don’t expect anything from him then let him know and go your separate ways
Keep the baby, ditch the dude. Don’t even think about asking for child support.
Send him packing and congratulations
Get out, you or a child doesn’t beed that in your lives
Personally I would keep it.
I’d be ditching that “man” in the blink of an eye! F that!!!
Have the baby! What If you get an abortion & then you can’t have more baby’s? What if he leaves u one day ? He will not be by your side forever and baby will always be with you, men are temporary children are not well that’s my opinion
Keep the baby get rid of the bf
Too bad for him! Don’t let him ruin your happiness
Keep the baby. You don’t need a man to raise your child good luck mama!!
If you are prepared to take care of your baby alone go for it. It is clearly something you have always wanted and you may never get this opportunity again. Whatever you decide just make sure it is a decision you won’t regret later. I personally feel all babies are a blessing but the decision is yours.
Baby comes first if he dont want the baby gey him to sign baby rights away after baby born, child is for life boyfriend isn’t
Adios dude and Hello Miracle baby!!!
Get rid of the boyfriend and keep the baby. That baby will give you more joy than you will ever imagine.
Do you mama, congratulations! Go solo. Even if you were told you couldn’t get pregnant and he didn’t want to take chances he should have still been careful. Especially if it’s not what he wanted. Keep the baby. If he is livid then he doesn’t need to raise a child anyways.
Leave be on your own have the baby you want
Keep the miracle baby and dump the guy
Keep the baby, and break up. Do not go after him for child support or for parental rights.
Might sound strange, however this baby was begotten by false pretence.
He is firm on what he wants, and that is not to be a father.
You however are happy. So go be happy.
That could be your one miracle ! Thank God for it
Do it on your own, this is a chance you may never get back.
A child is a a Mommy First love and true one for life! Keep your dreams cuz u wanted this so very much! You were given no hopes at a very young age and here is your miracle. Mens comes and goes and you will eventually find someone who will love and care for both of you. Doesn’t meant you need one to do it, you are totally capable it’s a roller coaster but will be your very BEST RIDE. Your CHILD FIRST
Leave him and keep your baby. Congratulations!
Keep the baby and kick him to the curb!
Sounds like it’s Gods plan you can replace him but not your child my mom raised me that God let’s things happen for a reason
You’re the one pregnant so you get to make that decision. Everything happens for a reason. Congratulations, Mama!!!
Do whatever you want…guys tend to freak out when THAT kinda unexpected news hits and their first reaction is to return to the status quo asap…he may come around but if he doesn’t you’re MORE than capable
Take your baby and run. Your baby is a blessing and sounds like he’s a drag. Misery loves company so leave and chase your happy, girl! Congratulations!
Keep baby, get rid of him
Put him in the bin, go buy baby stuff be happy and in love with someone that will love you like you’ve never been loved before!
Bye boy!! Congratulations on your miracle baby!
Ur body ur choice. If he wants nothing to do with the baby he can 1. Sign his rights over or 2. Don’t get put on birth certificate and u come to an agreement preferably written for both ur safety saying he wants no involvement and u agree. Then u go ur way and enjoy ur mericle
If you want to keep the baby, keep it. Dump him and cut all communication with him. When you have baby don’t put him in the birth certificate. This will ensure that he doesn’t have to pay any type of support since he doesn’t want the child.
Later if he wants any contact he will have to establish paternity and rights.
Keep the kid loose the bf don’t even tell him when you go into labour.
You keep your baby! It’s not his decision to make. Get rid of him.
If you’re ever going to need child support then you should reconsider.
You’ve answered your own question dear …this baby is what you’ve always wanted …have the baby…focus on you find another boyfriend later on …the right one will come along
Keep the baby and get rid of the boyfriend.
You answered your own question. I read …you want the baby and are happy to do it alone… theres your answer
If you want your baby…KEEP IT
Communication is everything
If he loved you he wouldn’t want you to do that. Besides that child belongs to God. It maybe your last chance with a child. Dont murder your baby.
Be happy and have ur baby my dear. Many will never really understand what a child means to a woman. To be able to carry it for 9 months and deliver the baby. Keep the baby. If the guy loved u,he would tell u to keep it. Maybe it’s time to cut ur losses and win the biggest prize…a lovely bouncing baby!!! A super huge congratulations to u my dear.
So are you hoping for a girl or boy?
Have the baby and move on if he doesn’t want to be involved. I’d tell him to be fully involved or not at all. Save your baby the trauma of having a yo-yo father. He is either all in or not at all
Keep the baby, he should have been cautious if he didn’t want kids and it seems like your one chance
Well he should have been more careful then.
Your body … your choice!!! It takes 2 to make a Baby!! His loss! Children are a true Blessing! Congratulations!!
hun sorry for the language leave the a hole
I would keep my baby and ditch his butt you might not never be able to get pregnant again so don’t let him talk you into doing something you don’t want to do and get an abortion when you really want this baby take your baby and leave make him sign over rights if he doesn’t want it that’s just showing how much he loves you that he wants you to aboard the baby y’all have made together no ma’am he would kiss my tail and kick rocks me and my baby would be just fine without him that’s a pos move to tell you to get rid off of it you deserve better than that and so does that miracle baby:pray:
Keep the baby lose the bf
Well it’s probably going to result in an ultimatum, your choice.
It’s a MIRACLE baby! Let him go if he wants men their so many in this world.
Miracle baby maybe jus this once u nvr kno.good luck congraulations
I would give him some time to come to the idea.
My now husband and I got pregnant on accident nine months into the relationship and his first reaction was that he did not want the baby either, and I told him he could leave and did not need to be involved. Here we are seven years later married, and expecting our third child. and he’s the BEST dad.
 I’m sure it is a lot for him to process. Give him some time, he may come around. And if not, always choose your child.
Best of luck and congratulations
Leave him.
Put unknown on birth certificate and move on.
F*** him. Like, boy, bye.
First and foremost congratulations on your little miracle baby
 if he’s that mad then you need to remove him from your life, because this pregnancy is all about YOU,
You need to absolutely enjoy every minute of every day and soak it all in especially because you don’t know if you’ll be able to get pregnant again, so you need to surround yourself with loving kind supportive people and enjoy this pregnancy and enjoy that miracle baby!!!
I’m so excited for you!!!

Congratulations keep the baby he can leave if he doesn’t like your choice it’s your choice don’t let a man tell you what to do with your body and you will have a love forever your child
Keep your baby and leave him. If he doesn’t want the baby with you then that says a lot
Keep the baby momma!!
You know i was told the same or similar, was never supposed to be able to have children, well as luck would have it i have 4, 1 boy 3 girls ages 32, 30, 27 and 22
You are definitely entitled to that baby, I think your boyfriend should have the choice though… he should have still taken precautions but he didn’t think you could have babies so he’s probably shocked and wasn’t planning on that. He doesn’t have a right to tell you to get rid of the baby though, that’s your choice not his. I just can understand his feelings a little. Like if I slept with someone who assured me he was sterile and I got pregnant I’d be kind of annoyed.
I hope you love so hard on that miracle baby though! You absolutely deserve it
Keep the baby leave him
Leave him. Love your baby
He did his part and is no longer needed.
Kick his ass to the curb and enjoy life as a mother!
Keep the baby. If he doesn’t want it, he can go. He may change his mind when the pregnancy sinks in