My boyfriend is mad that I am pregnant: Advice?

Keep your blessing . Fuck that man !! Congratulations mama

Be on your own. That baby is precious

Have ur baby he may change his mind when he sees his baby

Keep your miracle baby it’s a blessing mama :two_hearts:

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Keep the baby. Leave him.
Stay at Home Moms :fire:


Throw the whole man in the trash. Congratulations Mama💕


This baby is a gift from God. Have your baby you don’t need a man to help you. Yes he should be there and help out but don’t think you have to marry him. He will only Recent it later and then want to get married later. If not then let him go.

Keep your baby byeee byeee sperm donor thankssssssssss lol

If he really doesn’t want the child, break up and raise the child yourself.

However, the honorable thing to do is not to name him as the father or to ask for child support.

He relied on your word that you are infertile.

He shouldn’t have to support or be involved with the child if he doesn’t want to be emotionally or financially involved with.


Leave him and take care of your baby don’t ever choose a man over your unborn child that’s a gift from god he’s giving you a gift to love so you don’t need him to give you that love anymore that child will love you more then the man will I promise you on everything


Absolutely keep your baby. The baby will love you unconditionally.


I’m pro choice. You made your choice. Throw the man away. Congratulations :grin:


I actually have to side with the guy in this one. You told him that you are unable to have children so to get pregnant only after a year of being with him, he has a right to be mad. He clearly doesn’t want kids, does he have any before you? or he isn’t ready for kids yet. Either way dont force him on something he didn’t want to begin with

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Girl that’s your baby don’t let anyone steal that from you…


If you want the baby keep it!!

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Leave him and keep the baby


Keep your baby if that’s what makes you happy. You will resent him forever if you lose your miracle baby because of his ‘wants’.


Not selfish at all !!! You keep that baby. Ditch the dude.

Does he need a lesson on how that happened? Because not being careful means surprise, surprise, a chance of getting pregnant unless uterus taken out :woman_facepalming:


You want the baby keep the baby and get rid of the guy. I would suggest you have the guy sign away his rights to the baby.

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Keep the baby! Kick the big baby out!!!


This is a easy one !!!
Keep your baby , you can always find another man , if you get a abortion just to please him you will regret it for the rest of your life , and you do not even have the guarantee that you will stay together .


You are in no way being selfish. Drop that boyfriend like a bad habit. If he doesn’t want to be a father that’s fine, let him sign away all of his rights. You can do it on your own. Congratulations.
Just a little advice, don’t put him on the birth certificate (you absolutely do not have to no matter what anyone says) and do not give the child his name.


Girl keep the baby, if he’s that pissed off then it’s because he was never serious about you or your relationship. Your child will know who loves them and wants them and thats all that matters.


He’ll resent you if you keep it and stay with him, and you’ll resent him if you abort it. Definitely keep it and dump him!


Keep the baby if that’s what you want to do. (In my state, abortions are illegal anyways) Just know that it will be ALL you. He’s made it clear that he doesn’t want anything to do with it, so I’d just make sure that you yourself are able to care and provide for it alone. It would be shitty of you to force a baby on him or anyone for that matter. He thought based on what you’ve been telling him that you can’t have kids.

Do what you feel is right. Don’t listen to anyone elses opinions


Keep the baby and let the boyfriend go if he doesn’t want the baby. I was told I couldn’t have anymore kids after my second, was referred to a infertility doctor and ended up pregnant surprisedly with a 3rd. If my husband or anyone made it like I had a to choose they would be going

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Have the fool

Leave him and keep the baby. Trust me it will be worth every minute. God gave you that baby when he thought it was right for you. You just got a blessing of a life time :pray:t2::heart:


Love your baby and live your life. :heart::heart:

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Leave him. What a blessing for you. Congratulations

Your body your choice….

Keep your baby. Lose the boy, he isn’t a man.

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You were both irresponsible. It’s not just your fault. If he doesn’t want a child, he must use condom.
I was diagnosed as unfertile too, so I know how bad is it.
However you should think about the perspective of the child first! What he/she will feel when found out that he is only a mistake and his father didnt even want him? Its hard.
However, no-one can decide it, only you. Choose carefully!

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Keep the baby dump the boy.

Tell him although you love him and want to build a future you are keeping his child and he can either be involved or use the door . This is a miracle that you created together and are blessed to have this child.

Girl, have that baby! You might never get the chance to again. He might come around down the road. But for now, enjoy your excitement!


Why would you want to stay with some one like that, he obviously doesn’t love you enough to want to have a family with you…cut your ties now, move on…so many questions so this is the short answer…

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Yes you are , but everyone is entitled to their own autonomy. Keep it or not is your choice. But don’t force him to stay or be apart of anything since it’s not his choice

Keep the baby and dump the man. It’s an unfortunate situation but honestly he will probably always be upset(which I can understand from his point of view). Raise a beautiful baby and don’t name him as the father :black_heart:


With all due respect fuck him! Lol have that baby girl !

Have the baby if it’s what you want. There was never a guarantee this man would stick around. So if being a parent is important to you then do it!


It’s your choice to keep or terminate the pregnancy. It’s his choice to be a dad. Understand that he doesn’t want to be - so if you’re good and capable to do this alone and you have a support system - keep the pregnancy. Don’t keep the pregnancy and hope he changes his mind.


Why would you even question this… the baby is truly a gift, the man can go.


Anyone can say they can’t get pregnant. He slept with you unprotected what did he expect a flat screen?! Keep it and lesson learned!!!


Follow your instincts. If that means being a single mom, go for it. If that means doing what it takes to keep the man, do that. Don’t listen to a bunch of internet people who will overwhelmingly tell you to have the baby because of some reason or another.

I’m telling you… keep the baby. You can’t beat the unconditional love. Yes you’ll miss him, but forget him. Don’t miss out on this chance. He knew the consequences of having sex when you guys did it.

Keep the kid kick him out if he can’t be a dad

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Both of your feelings are valid. I say keep the baby and if he doesn’t come around, then just leave him.


I guess it’s no different than the jerks who “want” the kid and still leave. I asked my younger sons dad if he was still with me because I was pregnant, he hesitated before saying no. He lied

Your body your choice but make sure you are ready to be ready in case he doesn’t want any involvement with the pregnancy an baby’s life

Choose the baby. If he truly loved you he would be happy.

Leave him. Please. He will never be the man you want him to be.

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Your body your choice but I say keep the baby and get rid of the jerk

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Unpopular opinion: think of the child when he is wanting to know about dad and how he will feel when he knows he wasn’t wanted. My 17 year old had unconditional love from myself, my parents, and everyone around him, but always had that missing piece, which made him suffer a great deal. We found a support group for kids with absent Dad’s and it very sad how these kids develop deep identity issues from this. I’d reconsider simply because your bf wants nothing to do with him. I know we women are strong and we can do the raising on our own, but we’re also selfish when we don’t think of the child and their needs.


Give him up and keep that baby
It’s the only thing that will love U unconditionally forever


went through the same thing with my ex husband. he’s an ex for a reason. i have a beautiful 3 year old girl and he’s never met her and has no desire to


Congratulations on your baby
Such a beautiful blessing for you
Give him time …

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Do what makes you happy ! If you do what he says you’ll regret it for the rest of your life !! Been there done that ! I regret it to this day an I’m 62 ! If he truly is committed an loves you then he’ll be by your side if not choose yourself an your child !

Keep the baby, ditch the dude


Have the baby. This may be your only chance. But be careful after this one. Use birth control.

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You already answered what you should do. Raise the baby without him. Just like nobody should be able to force you to have an abortion (or to not have an abortion!), nobody should be able to force him to be a parent (or force him to not be a parent). If he will voluntarily sign his rights over, even better. Don’t put him on the birth certificate, that way if he ever tries to show up later, he will have to pay for DNA testing to prove paternity.

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If you want that baby, you keep it. Just know that it’s not fair for you to turn around and expect anything from him in the future, so you’d better be sure you’re ready and willing to do it on your own. He can sign a form waiving his rights so that he’s not held legally or financially responsible for them, if that makes him feel any better about it.

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Dump his ass and raise that baby on you’re own

Sounds like you’ve got a plan already. God has blessed you with a miracle. There is a reason for this pregnancy or baby otherwise you wouldn’t be pregnant. Have him write out that he wants nothing to do with this child. It will release him from any child support or responsibility. Tell him this and he will not be as a angry …I’m sure. May God continue to bless you. Pray for guidance and direction. God will show you the way.

Keep your baby my girl, men come and go, but our children will always stay with us!! This baby will bring you more joy than any man can offer you!! Say Amen and praise God for your blessing


That’s a no brainer?

That baby is part of you a child will bring more joy in your life than any man a child is a gift from the Lord cherish it love it not everyone has the blessing to have children but you have this gift


Have an abortion and break up with him. you will have avoided 2 people that will break your heart


It’s a difficult from his end but if you want this baby which it’s clear you do then I find honesty is the best policy if he doesn’t want to be with you then you will have to ask yourself is he worth more than the baby? What I will say is respect his choice what ever that choice is and leave the door open for him, he may get used to the idea after he’s metabolised the information if you get me.


Keep the baby, lose the man


How old are you A.
Read this what you just wrote as if someone else wrote it. What in the fuk!
I’m raising a 13 yr old boy alone. And it’s devastating. It’s your fault nomadder if it is or isn’t.
That should be your aha moment with this boy. The immaturity and irresponsibility it obserd. It’s not a pet fish.
A baby isn’t a toy. And someone who doesn’t want to be a parent won’t wake up and decide to be from what I’ve seen and experienced.
I’d talk to a therapist asap if I were you

Keep the baby & get rid of the man.

Your body your choice.

He won’t be a good father most likely if he isn’t on board and pushing for an abortion now. Do what you want! You can be a good mom all by yourself if you want

I mean he probably feels betrayed or lied to. Which is valid. But I’ve been told the same so I get it. Have to have fertility meds so I am safe but still always a chance. I’d keep baby and just let him off the hook and go different ways.

Ultimately it is YOUR decision, not his. It’s your body and if you want to keep your baby, that’s your choice. You shouldn’t have to live with that regret and sadness of losing your miracle baby just to make him happy.

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Ummm boot him to the curb. Jesus.

Two things:
Time to let go of him and start complete self care and joy!
Make sure that he is listed as the father on the birth certificate. For many reasons down the road.
I can give you more info regarding that part if you like.

Give it time maybe ? If you’ve been telling this man you’re unable to have children/are infertile , he may feel like he was lied to. And it sounds like he’s been team no baby. So this is a big change. I’m sure you’re stoked , but he’s probably shocked. This doesn’t make him any less of a man bc he doesn’t want a kid

Choose the kid leave him!!! Same thing when I was 24 my son is now 14. I accepted when I was pregnant he was not going to be there. Don’t care about support, visitation, nothing. His dad met him once. Good riddins to him. Wouldn’t change it for the world.


If I was told I couldn’t have any and I finally did…I’d be mama with or without a daddy. :woman_shrugging:t3: With no regrets either. Lose the little boy and keep that baby !!!

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That baby will bring you way more love and joy than a man ever could. Keep the baby. Find a man who would love to have you and your child in his life.

Keep the baby. Leave him. And have him sign over his rights.


Being able to conceive after being told that you can’t is a blessing from God and it is meant to be. Keep the baby and ditch the boyfriend


IF you keep the baby, let him sign off his rights. Don’t try and trap him with a baby. If you say that you can do this on your own without the assistance, the by all means go for it.

Not everyone wants kids, and not everyone “comes around” to the idea of it. When the baby is older, don’t go trash talking the father as if they were some terrible person. I understand you want a miracle baby, and you have every right to keep it. But he also has every right to say no

Will the baby effect these health issues?

I would keep the baby. This may be your only chance.


Keep the baby get rid of the boyfriend


It’s your body so it’s all your choice , just understand that he is telling you before the child is even here, he’s making it clear it sounds like , that he does not want it. Meaning , you’ll be doing it on your own.

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Congratulations, what a blessing. Give him time to come round to the idea or like you said your quite capable of doing it alone. X

Keep the baby and get rid of him. Have him sign over all of his rights to the baby once it’s born


I’m 100% Pro-Choice and this is absolutely your choice. Do not let him damper your elation.
You don’t need him to raise this baby. I would kick him to the curb now and not put his name on the birth certificate.


Keep the baby, ditch the man.


Abort the boyfriend and keep the baby. :woman_shrugging:t4: This may be your one and only chance to be a mom. Good luck.


Keep the baby, dump that sorry excuse for a man


Don’t ever get rid of a baby for a man.


Put him on child support asap

If You want to keep that baby then do it. But please do not abort. At least give it a fighting chance and adopt it out to someone that cannot have a child of their own… I know you love him but if he cannot be happy for you guys and be happy he is going to be a dad then finding another one that will appreciate you and the baby will come along. he wants the fun and enjoy it but does not want the reprecussions of having sex…

It’s your choice go with what makes you happy