This baby is absolutely a GIFT from GOD. You thought/were told you could never get pregnant, yet you did. Don’t EVER let a man tell you what to do with YOUR body. If he doesn’t want anything to do with it, then simply leave him. You said you didn’t need anything from him and could raise the baby on your own. DO IT!
Your body, your choice. Thats all there is to it. He will come around. And if he doesn’t then he never really loved you anyway.
Leave him and keep your baby this might be your last chance
Don’t base permanent decisions on temporary feelings. Have your baby, you’ll regret having an abortion for the rest of your life because thats not what YOU want.
You made the right decision. He is extremely selfish considering your situation. I just wish you had it with a more gentleman
Does he have other children already? Maybe he just never had to think about having a baby and now he has to. Give him time to warm up to the thought. Sometimes just very little talking about it here and there ie the babe is a big as a peanut/grape rn I wonder if they will have your eyes and my chin etc might get him wondering the same. Especially when it comes to hobbies like this kid will be a pro (insert his hobbie) bc they will have a mentor like you.
Keep the baby. A chance he will fall in love with the baby after he/she’s here!
If he doesn’t want the baby, you have to accept that he will never be around. Don’t call him in 5 years. Don’t file for child support. I wouldn’t even put him on the birth certificate. Get out girl.
Don’t make him resent you or that beautiful baby.
I read an article once about another woman who was with a man who didn’t want the kid. He stuck around, got verbally abusive with her the whole pregnancy. Then ended up shaking the baby and putting him in a coma. If his reaction was a surprise to you and not like him, he is most likely capable of anything. Might not be what you want to hear… just please protect yourself and your baby
First prepare yourself MENTALLY to do this alone! There is no guarantee that he’ll change his mind so please think long & hard about this. But if you feel like you’re up for the challenge go for it.
Keep your baby. Honestly, dump the guy and keep the baby. I kept the baby and tried to keep the guy and ended up setting us all up for a lifetime of heartbreak. If I could do it over again, I would not tell him about the pregnancy to begin with.
have bubba men always leave when have tht attuide a child will always love u and be urs to love throu thick and thin
Keep doing what makes you happy if he isn’t happy him I know easier said then done it’s not easy doing any of it alone but having a baby has been your dream and god granted you that for a reason!
drop the dead weight boyfriend and have your beautiful baby
Leave him. Why would you worry about his happiness if this is what you have wanted. Let him go
If he was that set on not having kids he should have gotten a vasectomy keep the baby like everyone else said. As a mama I promise you my kids give me more love than any man ever could. This is your gift from god, don’t let him ruin it.
Keep the baby, please. Don’t let him persuade you to do something you’ll regret forever.
Keep and love the baby. Ditch the man- love and prayers
Keep the baby, lose the boyfriend
Yeah… have that baby if he really wants no parts in it… then let it be that. Don’t file for support or any of it.
Being a single mom is hard. But being a mother is so rewarding.
This is exactly why they needed to reverse Roe-v-Wade. I too was told that I couldn’t have a baby 22 years ago. I have a handsome 13 year old and I have been a single mom from the start.
Just because man doesn’t use protection is not a good enough excuse worth killing your baby for!!!
Keep your baby. Kick him to the curb. Get your support group started and they’ll be able to help you through this. Don’t put his name on the birth certificate. You can get through this without his sorry self!!!Have your baby and don’t give another thought to him being in your life.
Keep the baby and make him kick rocks
Keep the baby. He knows you want to be a mother so do not let him take that from you because you may not have that chance again. Tell him you are keeping the baby that you don’t want nothing from him. I wouldn’t even put him on the birth certificate. Just please don’t let someone take that from you or make you feel guilty. I became a mom when I was 16. It was scary but I have no other kids except my son who is now 16. So who knows had I not kept him I probably wouldn’t have any other kids and I am 33.
First Congratulations, if this is what you want it is your body after all everyone should have a choice in terms of control over their own body even if you choose abortion it is solely your choice. secondly have Him sign his rights away and leave him be don’t force him don’t argue don’t fight just leave this said if you choose to keep the baby and he signed his rights away dont place him on child support because you choose to keep the baby I believe he has his rights too just like women should have a choice in controlling their own bodies.
Give him some time but don’t expect him to be this great father or baby daddy. This child will grow up in a broken home. Happy for you to get pregnant but he has rights too. You can dump him and have it rights taken away first thing and jut b a single momma. But in reality is that what you have dreamed for a first child. Yes you can find anyone. But jut reality you have t think about.
This is maybe your only chance, no you’re not selfish at all… Don’t let him put undue stress on you and the miracle inside you… Enjoy the experience congratulations.
Keep the kid and get rid of the guy. There are so many women who think they have to make it work with their kid’s dad. No! And if he’s already acting like this then it will only get worse. Pregnancy is stressful enough. The added tension isn’t good for you or the baby. Get rid of the idiot and keep the baby
Tell him to take a hike
Keep your baby - you can always find a new bf - you can’t replace your child
what the hell did he expect when having unprotected sex??? Put his ass on child support and take full custody of the kid and just leave his ass girl!!! It will not be good for you both of you keep that trash around!!!
If you want this child then keep it but don’t expect him to stay if he doesn’t want to. But being a single mother is very hard especially without help. Talk to him and figure it out talk to your friends and family. But raising a child is so hard without help. Good luck please think this though and think about the child future. 
I said no to an abortion like he wanted and we are still together 13 years later. He couldn’t stand to lose me so finally came around to the idea.
Keep it. This could be your only chance to have one. It is a miracle from GOD. Don’t let him talk you into getting rid of it.
God blessed u with that baby for a reason I myself was told I was never able to have children by a doctor n was blessed with 4 beautiful boys…keep that baby n get rid of him
Sounds like you need a new man. If he loved you he wouldn’t make you choose. He would man up.
You do you! Your 32 and god gave you an amazing gift! Just explain to him that you will probably never get this again and now you have a chance to be a mother.
Keep it… might be your only chance!
No time to slip the sheets . If he can not support your dreams you don’t need him . I have two children one we paid a fortune for and one that came 9 yrs later . Both were given to me by God . I would never choice a man over my kids
His stupidity for not using protection. Your choice
Keep your baby. You may not get a chance to have another. Congrats girl!
KEEP your baby and move on!
Imagine picking your (replaceable) partner over YOUR CHILD. Make it very clear you want this child and your willing to do it with or without him so he needs to decide.
You want the baby, keep it. But you need to allow him to sign away his rights.
I don’t think you will ever regret keeping your baby and losing the bf. You could however regret keeping the bf and losing the baby.
Congrats, be prepared to be a single parent. Not that that’s a bad thing, but don’t expect him to include himself or hold responsibility when he’s telling you now he doesn’t want the baby!
I’d tell him your body your choice. Either he can step up or step out for good. Personally if I was in your shoes I wouldn’t even put him on the birth certificate. Just simply say you aren’t sure who the father is or that you wish not to even mention him.
When I got pregnant with my youngest daughter my ex husband wanted me to get an abortion but I didn’t want to and so I didn’t. We ended up separating and getting divorced after she was born and honestly it’s 100% the best decision I’ve ever made.
You’ll regret not keeping the baby if this is your only chance at carrying your own. I’d keep the baby over keeping his not supportive ass every single day of my life!!
Dump the boyfriend and move on
Abort your boyfriend out of your life. It’s perfectly ok that he doesn’t want a baby, it’s not ok to be livid about it. That’s a very strong emotion. If you want this baby, have it, but don’t keep him around unless he changes his mind
But I myself believe when he sees the baby his attitude will change …fingers cross
Keep the baby, dump the guy.this baby is a BLESSING!
keep your baby… he doesn’t want it-let him walk. you won’t regret it. a child is the most wonderful gift! be brave! he is being very selfish-someday he will regret it.
No you are not selfish at all. He can either choose to be on board or leave. This is such an amazing blessing for you.
Omgoodness yay, a baby! What a blessing. You’re going to LOVE being a momma it’s the best!
Sounds like the man needs to go!
It’s not as if you did it on purpose or tricked him in anyway,it’s one of those things that just happen and was unexpected if you was told you can’t have children then you’re going to believe that. But it’s happened and if you really want this baby then you have this baby.if he wants no part in it then tell him to leave. If he really wants to be with you he would be 100% supportive especially as you’ve been given this opportunity thinking you could never have kids. He either stays and be supportive or goes.
Stay on your own . This is your miracle baby.
You have that precious baby sent by God girl n be the best mommy you can be!!! Pray, things can change but if not God will be with you every step of the way. Your having this baby for a reason n it will be the best thing that has ever happened to you I promise!!
Keep your baby hun you been waiting for this child and you have it now just keep it …and keep the expectations from him low . Congratulations if he knows your struggle and are Over the moon about this baby and he still suggested an abortion he is no good the only thing needed aborting is that relationship
God gave you this blessing. Keep the baby. God bless you both.
Keep the baby momma if you are pregnant with a miracle baby there is a bigger play at hand. He will either get excited or he can get out. I agree if he isn’t excited by end of pregnancy I wouldn’t put him on birth certificate and no child support. Just love life to the fullest with the baby and you. Good luck and congratulations on your pregnancy.
Tell him your not even sure if it’s his. Just kidding don’t come at me.
Have you given him time to process the pregnancy since he was told there was no chance of there ever being one? The post says you have just found out. He may just need some time to come around. Some really sad comments on here.
Keep the baby dump the boyfriend.
Unfortunately for him it’s also your baby, and since you’re the one making it it’s your choice. This is a situation the word selfish doesn’t belong on either side. This is what even the medical field calls a “miracle baby”. What if you don’t get another one? If he wants to opt out let him, it’ll be sad for you and the baby but he has that right.
Keep baby. Dump guy.
Dump him and enjoy your little miracle
Keep the kid, get rid of the guy! Clear as day hun!
Please don’t abort. That’s a miracle from Jesus seriously!!
Congratulations to start with a baby is the most precious gift ever and if any man that says he loves then wants you to destroy a lil human being which was conceived with live then my dear he is not worth the effort but then on the other hand he may be in total shock my partner was told he could never have kids he was told that from childhood so when I fell pregnant with our first he thought I had cheated but once she was born he fell in love with her so give him a lil space to comprehend it all I wish you all the best in your decision
Keep that baby!!! Dump the man
Hell with him. Have your baby and let him loose.
Do it on your own. It takes 2 to tango and never day never. I was told a few weeks after surgery for my body to heal and regulate as I switched from the IUD to the patch. . Now I have a 3 year old running around because I got pregnant during the transition lol.
I would have never looked back now that I had her she’s my world and has changed my life so much n I didn’t want kids prior to her due to all my issues
You taught u would never be a mother…this is your gift from god or the universe however u see it. Keep the baby and have an amazing life.
You should definitely NOT kill your baby just because some man wants you to…
I wouldn’t get an abortion ever and what if this is your one and only time you could ever get pregnant and you get one and never can have another id tell him to kick rocks
Boyfriends are easy to replace. Having a baby not so much.
Keep the baby. I can get pregnant but cannot carry to full term so please count it a blessing …
You keep the baby you so badly want… It may be your only chance at a family…but be prepared to be a happy single parent if he doesn’t change his mind.
U do whatever makes u happy don’t destroy a your life to make someone else’s life happy & don’t kill something you’ve always wanted
Keep the baby!! Say goodbye to him
Keep the baby and tell him that the baby is NOT his, even knowing that is his . Let him feel the pain.
If you really end up keeping the baby dont stay with a man who didnt want it in the first place, if you guys cant be on the same page about wanting children realistically its never going to work and hes going to resent that child.
Do what you feel is right for you and if being pregnant makes you happy, then that is what is good for you! Don’t let him or any male dictate what you need or should do. You be you, and be the best momma you can be.
100% keep the baby! If you lose the bf in the process, he wasn’t worth keeping! Congratulations! Being a mommy is the best!
Keep the baby it’s your miracle baby dump his behind honey. Congratulations by the way:hugs:
Have the baby and ditch the boyfriend.
If you even have to ask what you should do then maybe you should give the child up for adoption
It was meant to be so keep the baby and tell him to either stay and love you both or get lost and never come back.
GOD blessed you with a blessing so you don’t need him and go on with your life and GOD will show you the way!
Lose the guy!!! That baby is a miracle!!! Congratulations girl
I was told the same thing and didn’t get pregnant until I was 28. surprise!!! congratulations!!! carry on with your life with or without him!!!
Keep the kid.
From his perspective, he may be thinking that you told him you couldn’t get pregnant and then " trapped " him with a baby.
Explain to him that if he doesn’t want the baby, that’s fine. You can raise it on your own as long as he signs his rights away
I would keep the baby the baby will be in ur life forever the boyfriend may not be
Run as fast as you can away from him!!
Definitely have your miracle baby!! No man is worthy enough to abort a baby over!!
Leave! Keep your miracle
Have the baby girl!!
You can’t force a man to be a father. If you want the baby keep the baby, but you’ll be losing him and cannot expect any support from him (except court mandated child support if you go that route), but you have no grounds to badmouth him to your child in the future because you gave him the full impression that you couldn’t get pregnant and then “miraculously” you did. He didn’t sign up for this, he signed up for you, and while he shouldn’t have told you to get an abortion if that’s not what you want, he has no obligation. If women can walk away from a pregnancy via abortion men should be able to walk away from parental responsibility as well
You just found out. Give him time. But idk that you can blame him for his initial reaction. Yall thought it wasn’t possible. He had zero plans for a baby and maybe he feels lied to. Give him a few days to process it. Then, if you both feel differently still, yall do what yall need to do. But hell, I’ve seen women pissed off that they got pregnant too. It’s a natural gut reaction when you don’t want a kid.