My boyfriend is obsessed with Tiktok!

You sound a little insecure- but that goes with say - because of him. Young one, sounds to me like your sharing him- you deserve better. He doesn’t have it together if he’s obsessing over something on a device and isn’t spending time focused on you. He’s a boyfriend- tell him to go kick rocks down the road- and you go be happy. If you really think about it -you don’t need/want the drama in your life.


Is it StormiGee? Because I’m obsessed with her too. :woozy_face:

If it were Britney or Christina Aguilera then ok that would never happen but people on tik Tok are real and will respond… would if this girl actually likes him he is crossing a line


Throw the whole boyfriend in the trash and love yourself. He’s not worth your time you will always resent him and her. When you’ve healed find a man who absolutely worships YOUR body.

I feel like you should tell him how you feel about it. If he doesnt care that tells you what you need to know🤷🏼‍♀️.


He’s a pig. Find yourself a man who knows how to treat his woman.


From my experience, this is what men are like. They will always react to that stuff. You will either have to get used to it or have a conversation that will only end up making you feel controlling or worse, he will make you feel that way. He could stop hearting her pics, only to heart others down the line. I’ve been single for 3 years now. Sadly, this is now my approach to men. I’d like to think that there are men out there that wouldn’t do something if they knew it made their gf really sad but I’ve not met him yet. Sorry, this is making you feel so shit. Sending hugs Xx

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Well do you really think he’s gonna have a chance with her…I mean really??
Now you need to find someone you can heart their videos all the time and show him, tell him the same. He may get upset, and when he does tell him it’s exactly the same thing he doing. If he’s still upset or doesn’t like it I’d find someone who I’d worthy of what you have to offer.
Just food for thought


Very rude behavior on his part. How would he feel if YOU were doing this with some hot guy tiktokker?

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The fact that he is totally obsessed with her and has told you so should be your cue to leave


Tell him ALL this. Sit down and have a heart to heart about how it .akes you feel and if he continues then he does care for you. You deserve better. Let him go to find what makes him happy just as you need to let him go to find the same. You can love someone and nit care for them. You need someone who will and can do both.
Own up to what you did. He won’t trust you ever. If there’s no trust …there’s no relationship.


Why does it bother you??? Do you not find other guys attractive?? Just bc he finds her hot does not mean that he finds you any less hot. Guys love all types of women.


There’s always going to be somebody who’s younger, sexier, prettier, richer, skinnier, etc.
whether it’s on social media or in person. So there’s no way to block out who your boyfriend comes in contact with on a daily basis. If it’s not that tiktok woman today, it’ll be some other bimbo tomorrow.
If you are comfortable with yourself you shouldn’t care.
If anything seeing these images online can be a way to get him more aroused and turned on to you!


I don’t mind my husband looking at other girls on tik tok and half the time we watch tik tok together. I don’t give a shit about what I look like as long as my husband shows me love and attention to me that’s all that matters. If I told my husband that it was making me uncomfortable he would block that person or he knows I would do it for him. I don’t go through my husbands phone. But I do have access to his phone at all times and he has access to mine at all times. If he makes you feel like that all the time maybe try counseling if that doesn’t work then maybe he’s not the one for you anymore. I wouldn’t let my husband treat me like that period.

Well if this behavior is impacting your mental state then don’t you think you should have a conversation with your boyfriend? I think so. If he doesn’t seem to get the principle behind this problem then he is the problem until you find a solution for your own peace of mind.


Leave him he is not interested in the outer world

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You have every right to be upset and he may not be having a personal affectionate affair with her BUT he is having a sort of emotional affair with her.

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My last payc­h­eck was $ 1­6­8­1­5 wo­r­king 19 hours a week on­l­i­ne. My sisters friend has been averaging 16k for months now and she works about 2o hours a week. I can’t believe how easy it was once I tried it out.

Check This >>>>

Well leave or start your own tic tok heartthrob and see how he likes it :woman_shrugging:


I think the only reason men have TikTok is to ogle women honestly. Women tend to seek out other women that share the same interests.


You are very insecure and that is all YOU .
It’s your responsibility to love yourself, you will exactly the same if he look other woman.
Why not do something that will make you gain more confidence instead of blaming other women for the way they look


it’s just disrespectful plain and simple


Communication is key…and if he continues after you express yourself then you don’t need him.


Yes you are doing wayyyy to much. First off is this someone you know? Is this someone he will EVER meet? Is this something that you are ready to lose your relationship over? These are all questions you need to ask yourself. Not only do I find it quite odd that you are jealous of a stranger on a screen but I find it even more odd how many grown ass people have all this time to play on tic toc🤦‍♀️

That’s not a healthy relationship.


What is this middle school? He’s never going to meet her. You should work on self love and your self esteem with your individual therapist


Get a new man I would never put up with that


YOU ARE ALLOWED TO FEEL THIS WAY. Don’t let any of these people tell you otherwise.

You gotta talk to him about. Set some boundaries of what you’re ok with and then determine if he breaks those boundaries if it’s something you’ll be ok with or maybe its a deal breaker… you gotta put a limit to the things you’ll “allow” in your relationship.

Maybe tell him you don’t want him to watch tiktok near you or hear about her anymore.

Maybe also consider therapy about it. Both of you!

But either way you gotta tell him how it disgusts you


You have a right to tell him how you feel and to feel how you do. He needs to recognize he is hurting your feelings. You probably shouldn’t have went on his phone and did what you did though. He needs to take your feelings into consideration. Have an actual talk with him, no phone s


Hard to say but you deserve to be happy with your self and if this is causing this situation than you have to decide is it worth your time and life with this type of relationship… best wishes beautiful


Watch and brag on the hot guys.


Find TikTok videos of young men flexing their abs in the gym too and show him, let him taste his own medicine lol…kidding aside, men will always be men and they will always admire a woman based on her physical looks first. My advise, keep your distance from these kind of men, you haven’t gained weight from childbirth yet and you already get this kind of treatment from him, what do you think can happen in future???


Its called boundaries and he needs to respect yours.


Married 20 years and I trust my man :100: but I would have a problem with it. Can’t even front…

Your man would probably feel the same if you were following and :heart: all til-tok videos of some strange man.

Overall you need to have confidence in yourself and trust your man, but I feel you.


It’s one thing to look it’s another to be obsessed :no_mouth::warning: that’s an issue I don’t say anything unless they are local to which I will not tolerate at all or if it’s an unhealthy amount of energy being spent of fantasy :ok_hand:t2::clap:t2: guys are guys but their is a line don’t let him play stupid like he just doesn’t understand :woman_facepalming:t3::woman_shrugging:t3:what do you mean it’s just a Tik tock make your terms very clear and keep to them do not let up or he will just continue to walk all over your feelings because he obviously doesn’t care


You doing to dang much - if that’s impacting your self esteem and confidence maybe stepping away from social media particularly HIS social media will do your self some good :blush:


I would have blocked, unfollow and deleted her immediately.


Walk away,he’s living in a fantasy world that’s becoming an obsession and neglecting you…


A lot of the women on here are quick to say get a new man how many of you have had a long term relationship? :laughing: Seriously he is probably one of thousands of men liking her videos heart’s on that app don’t mean love. He likes what he sees. He liked what he saw in you but your insecurity has probably been affecting your relationship for as long as tiktok has.


Not healthy. Let him have his fantasy. Go chase your dreams without that. If he takes you seriously and actually tries to change his behavior, you have a shot.


He is not respecting you or the relationship PERIOD. LEAVE HIM


If only we didn’t have this crapola in the world…think how much happier people would be…said Nana


I could have written this

Listen to me

We’re currently married and together almost 10 years …

It’s getting to a point …

It’s never gotten better. He only learned to hide it better

It. Will. Never. Stop.

You either have to choose to live with it




He’s not right for you, he sounds like a narcissist that only thinks about his self! Kick him out the wrongun


They are your insecurities. Not his, why punish him for them. Go get therapy.


If you can’t explain to him how it makes you feel and if he can’t give up a “fantasy girl” for his real woman he has right in front of him then he doesn’t deserve you. She’s a tik tok fake figure, he owes her nothing, he should respect your boundaries. You didn’t say he couldn’t have tik tok or not look at any woman, just that this particular one really bothers you, so he should definitely respect that.


Go or tell him to go.

What you allow to happen, will happen.


Is she tiktok famous or is she from your area?


You have every right to feel that way and your boyfriend is an asshole for continuing to watch and comment in front of you knowing how it makes you feel. Sorry but if he really loves you he wouldn’t be part of the reason you’re feeling insecure or having hurt feelings. I know guys are guys, but if he knows how this makes you feel and continues to lust after her and hearts all her videos knowing it hurts you, that’s not how a person in love treats their partner. You need to sit him down and tell him everything you’ve told us and if he continues to do it, or makes you feel bad for feeling the way you feel, you need to really think hard about if this is the kind of person you want to live the rest of your life with or to have children with. How will he treat your daughter if that’s how he’s treating you, or what kind of message will it send to your son? Good luck I hope things work out the way you want them to.

It’s not what you’re partner does that defines a toxic relationship.
It’s how you felt that defines if the relationship is a good one for you.
Put your attention on how you feel and if you don’t like it, don’t be in the relationship. You can’t control other people.
If you want true lasting happiness and joy, find someone you feel good with, that you feel safe and no anxiety, someone who already behaves the way you respect and respects you just the way you are, and you will last. That’s worth more than money sex and the weak shallow trappings of what is romance. Trust your feelings in the first place of value and you have the world in your hands.

That is very insecure and toxic. Sis if it makes you that unhappy, leave. Xx


I might have missed it but did you communicate your feelings to him? He might not know how you feel but if he knows then see how he reacts that says everything.


Mine does this of girls stink asses and sends them to his cousins :rofl: it’s OK coz I like bbc :rofl::rofl:

If it’s a problem for you & your relationship then it’s a problem. It doesn’t matter if it is for anyone else or not.

You said boyfriend. So you’re not married. You can break up with him easier than you can file for a divorce. If you have talked with him & he’s still disrespecting your feelings, I’d be done.


Clearly your boyfriend is searching for something that maybe you do Nit fulfill . Maybe time to clarify your relationship . You could end up very Hurt . Set boundaries if this is the relationship you are counting on getting closer .:pray::purple_heart:


If he makes you feel that bad, leave.


Oof. Dump him. It won’t get any better and you’ll always feel like crap. Find a guy who thinks you’re the bees knees, the cat’s pajamas…he’s out there and it isn’t this joker, I assure you.


Yes tell him he’s cheating it’s emotional cheating and it’s bullshit

Your not wrong to be upset about this at all don’t unblock just wait and see if he figures out what happened to her page and see what he says


Do it back and he’ll see exactly how you feel. Find a fine guy, follow him, heart his post and go on about how he is your ideal man ( & make sure to pick one who looks nothing like him too). Some people aren’t capable of understanding until it’s done back to them! If that doesn’t work tell him you feel disrespected then act accordingly based on what he does. If you’re not married and have no kids? I’d leave and find a man who thinks YOU are his ideal woman.


Maybe you need to do something to catch his attention, instead just watching him watch tiktok do something sexy, walk out naked and see if he notices if he doesn’t notice you in your naked glory then it’s definitely time to move on.

It will hurt in the beginning but in the long-term it will get better and you’ll be happier.


Good thing you said “BOYFRIEND “ and not husband !!! :triangular_flag_on_post: dont commit w this guy ever!!!


Huuuuge no from me. That’s so disrespectful.


I think you’d feel a lot better if you work with your individual therapist to unravel your control and codependency issues. Some self esteem and emotional independence can go a long way. Maybe then revisit the idea of a relationship.


you get to decide and define your boundaries regardless if we all agree to it or not. your partner either respects your boundaries or he doesn’t.


You have the right to be mad,if it make you feel uncomfortable!


Someone who makes you feel this way and takes away your confidence and peace isn’t the one for you. Don’t listen to anyone on here who wants to be the “cool girlfriend”. Their are alot of them on this page :woozy_face: Its completely human to have insecurities. Its normal to have a partner who helps with them. Anything/anyone that makes you feel disrespected and bad serves no purpose in your life. You are allowed to have your own specific boundaries. And if you have communicated them to your partner and have recieved no change then you automatically are valid. There are billions of men in the world. As soon as you can mentally believe this…the better you’ll feel. You’ll feel in control of your life and emotions again. Telling you to leave won’t do any good. Until you believe you deserve better. So keep reminding yourself their are alot of men in the world. That you are choosing this one and can choose not to. And remind yourself that even being alone will bring you more confidence and peace of mind than the boy you’re with. :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:


If you’ve told him how you feel and he won’t stop, he isn’t the man for you… A real man won’t want to see his partner hurting over some random woman online.


You are projecting your insecurities, yes. However, he SHOULD have the respect for you to not throw them in your face like that. If you feel disrespected, the two of you need to work on that. If he isn’t willing to put in the work, it may be time to let the relationship go.


You’re obsessed with being insecure…


I think he’s the crazy one - I think what you did is fine lol

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Do the same thing back to him

Your not wrong at all. Don’t unblock her, wait and see what he does.


Yes, you’re doing too much. You’re the only one negatively impacting yourself. And now you’re spreading that disease to him :roll_eyes::-1:t4: You had no right to make any changes to his acct. Either deal with it or leave him. This sneaky shit is only making you wrong and he deserves better :woman_shrugging:t4:
You want to be with a man who’ll respect you, then deserve the respect. Sneaky shit like this isn’t for a person who deserves respect.
Talk to him. Set clear boundaries. If he’s crossing them, put your foot down and leave. Staying is only proving you’re accepting his behavior.
On another note, all the hypocrisy on this thread is hilarious. This is no different than an actress/actor and many of the ppl commenting he’s wrong have previously commented how displayed attraction to actors/actresses isn’t something to be upset about…:face_with_raised_eyebrow::thinking::lying_face::joy::woman_facepalming:t4:

Post sexy tik toks lmao he’ll probably tell you he doesn’t want other guys looking at you in that way.


You have every right to feel how you feel a REAL man wouldn’t want you to have any doubt in your mind that he is all for you and only you . Get away ASAP


Woahhh girl what he is doing is wrong! It is ABSOLUTELY normal to feel this way! If anything he is insecure. How would he feel if tables were turned???


So ya’ll are really going to ignore the fact that she was going through his phone and blocking shit after basically obsessing over her bf’s hearted videos and likes on Tik Tok? That isn’t a normal or healthy reaction either. :woman_facepalming:

Out of respect a true men would never tell you his been perving on other woman he would just look and scroll when he gets the chance… he has no right telling you how hot he thinks she is at all… run girl run…


He’s being so disrespectful to you.


A friend told me a long time ago. If you don’t love yourself how do you expect someone else to love you. Work on loving yourself.


Oh not ok, maybe you should go to his level and look and gawk at someone in front of him and see if he likes it.


Tiktok n all social media is not REAL life. It’s a projection. Be you, Be real, they have problems and just as crazy as the rest of us. They just put it out there. It’s all fictional. With that said if he feels the need to go OUT THERE, let him. It’s GOT TO START BEING ABOUT THE REAL Not social media. If he wants to be obsessed let him go Be obsessed, you don’t want that life and I promise you can do better even if that means on your own. BTW when he comes back running it’ll piss him off more to tell him no just like he pissed you off. #womensupportingrealwomen

Just the fact that you had to block her yourself :pleading_face:

You know…. I just want you to know that THERE IS someone out there who would idolize YOUR body- not make your feel insecure….

I always tell someone very dear to me “do not let your boyfriend stop you from meeting your future husband. :white_heart:



Just the fact that you had to block her yourself :pleading_face:

You know…. I just want you to know that THERE IS someone out there who would idolize YOUR body- not make your feel insecure….

I always tell someone very dear to me “do not let your boyfriend stop you from meeting your future husband.” :white_heart:



He and you BOTH know that it’s nothing more than a wish for him, and the fact that you have voiced your feelings on the situation and he continues to talk about her to you sexually, is beyond disrespectful to you. So, looking beyond the situation at hand he is just knowingly disrespectful towards you and your feelings, that has nothing to do with her NOR you, but I am telling you that something is lacking or he wouldn’t keep doing it in your face. If he truly loved you then he would care about your feelings and wouldn’t risk loosing you over a “wish”. I personally wouldn’t had blocked her bc it seems like he enjoys bothering you and that just shows him he did, and it has already been established he doesn’t care, be prepared he will make you feel crazy and flip it all on you due to that. (Don’t fall for that) but, don’t UNBLOCK her, don’t look at his phone even when he TRYS to show you it, or her, and act like he isn’t speaking at all. He will stop. I just feel like you really need to pay more attention to the fact that he just doesn’t care to disrespect you or hurt you. That is the actual issue here. You can’t make him stop, you can’t make him respect you, but you CAN choose to not accept it, you can walk away. Also, most of the time it gets much worse after marriage, so step back and examine the relationship and ask your self if it’s what makes you happy. Also, don’t allow him to keep you in your feelings (feeling insecure and down on yourself) it keeps you from focusing on him and who he really is. It also conveniently keeps you trying “harder” for him. You shouldn’t have to.


Good thing it sounds like you have no kids with him, also he’s only your boyfriend. My honest opinion is that you should just dump him. Go to the gym work on yourself and when you’re happy, with who you are and how you look then maybe you can try at another relationship. Don’t settle with someone that can’t respect you and compares you to a fantasy.


That is a form of cheating


The obsession of this and lack of respect for your hurt is a clear indication of the future for you. Ultimatum is essential here. But I can tell you right now he’s not going to pick you and you’re going to be heart broken. I’m sorry :disappointed: :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::grimacing:


Wait! The only way to “like” a video on TikTok is by hitting the heart. When you like a video and follow the creator all of their videos show up on your page. He is not hearting her videos, he’s just hitting the “like” button. That’s how you interact with TikTok videos. It may or may not have anything to do with her body type. He may genuinely like her content.


Dudes a dud toss him back to the pile and get a new one.


I have seen so many obbessed with looking at their phones even walking across the street and with their kids, etc. sorry I could not be with someone who is always on his phone even it’s not tik tok.

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Should of told him to stop and block her. I mean it may seem a bit like overreacting but who tf cares. He shouldnt be so blatantly disrespectful . needs told off more frequently it seems.


Leave the relationship, find a man who respects and values you for who you are :two_hearts::crown:


Calm down… chill its normal its tik tok


He’s not very invested in you, I would leave and save that spot for someone who sees you more as a long-term partner


I’m so sorry! My heart goes out to you! My fiancé is constantly playing this one game and ignores me all the time and won’t ever get off of it! Drives me crazy! I’ve hid his phone before lol!

He made his choice when he ignored your hurt and didn’t show consideration to how this is impacting you. You deserve to be treated the way he is clearly treating some stranger on an app, so go out there and find your admirer and leave this loser behind in the dust, good luck xx


Nah, that’s not your insecurities darlin. That’s him disrespecting your boundaries. There’s a huge difference. For one, he’s obsessing over someone in front of you and had the audacity to tell you that he has the hots for her. That honestly screams :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: and where you’re at in his life. Leave him obsessing over someone who wouldn’t give him the time of day and when he finally looks up from his phone to realize you’re not there anymore, let him stay right there by his lonesome self. You deserve better than that bs, for real. :100::v:t3: