My boyfriend is obsessed with tik tok, watches it all the time on the toilet, during commercials, during breaks between games when we play together. And he follows this one specifically and hearts ALL of her videos. She is half naked in pretty much all of them, he has told me about how hot he thinks she is. I’ve told him I don’t like her and don’t like her videos, and I hate that he hearts all her videos and stresses his sexual attraction to her. She is his ideal body type. She is like the perfect woman to him and looks nothing like me. I know I may just be projecting my own insecurities but it genuinely makes me want to cry every time I see her pop up in his feed and he instantly hearts it because I will NEVER look like her. Is it wrong of me to feel this way and be upset? Also I went on his phone and blocked her tik tok today when I was upset about seeing her videos in his hearted video section. I know I should go unblock her but part of me wants to see if he will search for her and not be able to find her and say something. Maybe I’m just doing too much or being crazy or controlling but it’s negatively impacting my self esteem and confidence.
he doesn’t have the common sense to respect you, which is a red flag honey, dump him now. It’s very unlikely he will change, common sense can’t be learned.
Self esteem comes from self. Sounds like there is a lack of interest on his part if he is constantly on his phone. If this bothers you and you sat something and it still happens then leave.
Time to get a sancho
Was the girl following him back too? I can’t say if it was wrong what you did because idk what you guys have gone through.
He’s into her, not you. Dump his fickle butt.
He should respect how it makes you feel.
That’s plan out simply disrespect!!!
He sounds obsessed with her, I would feel the same way you do if my hubs was doin all that too
Yes you are letting your own insecurity get the better of you here. You shouldn’t let this man have this much power over how you feel about yourself. Sweetheart you are worth so much more than that! I do understand how and why you feel the way you do as I have been there. It seems he has an unhealthy fantasy/obsession with her but honestly I bet she’d never give him the time of day so I really don’t think you should worry about cheating or anything, at least on that front. But if he isn’t fulfilling what you need in a relationship to be happy/content than maybe you should rethink your relationship with this guy entirely. Trying to assert control over him by sneaking in and blocking your idea of the problem will not fix a single thing, and in the long run it will not make you feel better because there will be others. So you just have to decide for yourself what you are willing to put up with and what is a deal breaker and discuss everything with your partner and see where you both stand at the end of it.
That is just so disrespectful to you…tell him if he wants a shot at her, your more than willing to clear the way for him…or he can clear a path for your relationship. Which includes deleting her himself. Since he is just a boyfriend, walk away now…and…DONT LOOK BACK!!!
So your insecurities of him being open and honest about him enjoying someone he’s never met. … equals toxicity of blocking someone from your partners account. Like half of the women are obsessed with Jason mamoa God forbid husband’s blocked him from the wives accounts
Goodness it is one thing to like thirst trips on tiktok. Hell I do, but if it hurt my husband I wouldn’t and don’t follow any of them. I definitely don’t message them or anything… you are right to your feelings. Having him making comments has to hurt. My question is does he know this hurts you? Have you told him it makes you uncomfortable when she pops up and that he doesn’t need to tell you about her when you already made it clear you don’t like her videos. You have boundaries and he doesn’t have to accept them but you need to decide what you’ll do if he doesn’t. Communication, and boundaries are important to relationships. So figure out if this is a deal breaker to you and I’m gonna say your mental health needs it to be.
Get out b4 your in too deep
You need another partner. Get rid of him.
Make him block the bitch. you can’t do it, he has to want to do it. Other wise he will just find someone else to follow but work on you honey. Good luck.
You’re not crazy & your feelings are valid. I would have made him block her a long time ago… & if he couldn’t do it himself I’d have done it for him behind his back. It’s very disrespectful that he’s doing this, especially when he knows how it makes you feel. I’m sorry you’re going through this. My ex used to get on backpage craigslist when that was a thing and hook up with random prostitutes & also watch porn & hookup with local singles. Stay strong girl, you deserve way better and deserve someone whose obsess with you. Xoxo
Sounds like he’s just obsessed with that person on tiktok.
Disrespectful, if he can’t respect you, then he is not the one. I wouldn’t put up with it!
Bag the trash boy. get ya a man.
You know what I would do?
Not care one fucking bit about her.
Guess what girl? Your “you”.
There ain’t never gonna be another “YOU”
Embrace yourself, I’m sure your bomb asf.
Not cool at all … this is disrespectful. Period !!
This is a you problem if your insecure you need to either do something to fix that or get some help who cares that he looks at other naked women lmao all men do
Nah that’s straight up rude of him and very disrespectful he isn’t considering how you feel. I’d feel the same way tbh!
Sadly this is more common than you think. A lot of my friends have this same problem with half naked women all over their mans TikTok and they look nothing like them. It’s an addicting app. My opinion is wait and see what happens, if he unblocks her then I would tell him he’s crossing your boundary about it since you’ve already voiced your feelings. If he brushes you off I would think about leaving I mean it’ll probably be like that forever and not a lot of men change.
Red flag. I’d book it. same thing happened to my friend. He was a cheater
Sorry to say but you can’t protect your self by wishing your man wasn’t attracted to other women if you blocked him on tik tok he isn’t going to get over it he will have a new obsession with other ladies on tik tok of his own kind the good thing is least there just on social media men will always fantasize no matter what they don’t think like women! Maybe you need to spice it up because whether we like or don’t men have needs tell him it needs to stop because of you feel disrespected you don’t need to put up with it! If you don’t feel like your first then you got to put down your foot of boundaries! You should get a tik tok or Facebook im sure he won’t like when the cards are turned and men will heart or like your photos not saying you have nudity ones or showing anything at all either just on your best days when your glowing and feel good about your self lol js
If you have to go through all that step away from the relationship n learn to be confident in you. That’s just it those chicks are a fantasy. Just like the boy bands were a wet dream for my age group still are to an extent. If you nag n go through his shit he’s only gonna do it more
If he can’t see what’s wrong with this, you need to cut him loose bc it’s only going to get worse. It means he doesn’t care about your feelings, what kind of man is that? He’s supposed to protect them. There’s having insecurities and there’s him Causing insecurities. Big difference. And we’re all a little insecure and jealous at times, anyone that says otherwise is Lying to Themselves. We’re always gonna find other people attractive. But it’s the actions we follow up with that says it all. He’s supposed to make sure even if he’s viewing women online that You’re his only one, he’s Your biggest fan and make You feel beautiful. Not the other way around. And usually they do that to Make you insecure so that you don’t go anywhere thinking no one else will want you except for him. Narcissistic tendencies. It’s only a matter of time before he blows a fuse cuz he’s obsessed with her and now she’s blocked. And I’m pretty sure I know what he’s doing on the toilet and in the showers if he brings his phone in with him.
You deserve to be respected… I’m sure he wouldn’t appreciate you acting this way towards a male… I wouldn’t even mention it again… Clearly thats what makes him happy… Nows time for u to go be happy
He has no respect for you. If you have to beg a dude for attention his attention is elsewhere
when a man is interested in you he will show it !!!
I’m always on TikTok. And I heart everyone’s stuff and my boyfriend don’t care. But then again it’s not just one person or only guys it’s girls as well. I would just try and talk to him and tell him how I feel again… n tell him how it hurts u
That’s how it starts. But he’s already showing you he does not respect you nor care how u feel. Narcissist and he’s turning it around to make u be crazy.
If she is the only thing he’s watching you have a problem on your hands ma. Blocking her might not have been a good idea but to each their own. Good luck
Maybe try to find u a hot guy and follow him and love his stuff. Fair play. See how he likes it. Then decide how to go from there.
If your man likes to look at other half naked girls online you simply also be a half naked girl online:sparkles:
Okay and I bet u don’t watch not one guy on TikTok come on now get trust or get out
You’re allowing your insecurities to control your life, and in essence his. Therapy to work through them would be so beneficial.
However. He doesn’t respect you enough to make your feelings his priority, and that also is not ok.
Y’all either have to learn to communicate effectively and compromise or continue this toxic relationship. Which will get old super fast.
No respect. It’s one thing if you don’t care, but you’ve expressed your concerns & he keeps ignoring them. THROW THE WHOLE DAMN MAN AWAY.
I’d be more concerned at his lack of respect for you than anything else. If it impacts you in a negative way he should be more than willing to change it.
The thing is, if he was showing you this much attention and the sex was on point and regular, then you wouldn’t be so obsessed about this.
Sounds very immature. Why stay and be miserable? He’s not going to change.
I must say this is a problem! He’s adult and if u don’t like what he do LEAVE if that’s what he likes and u know u will never be that and makes u feel and he don’t care? LEAVE! this is social media and some ppl CHOOSE to be naked and some don’t HAVE too! This is life! So either except or move on those are ur only two options BEING 110% honest
He sounds like an ass. It’s rude and disrespectful AF
I wanna know the girl on tiktok now!!! Who is it?
No respect = no relationship
Sounds like he’s not mature enough or respectful enough to handle that platform of social media. You’re not crazy, that’s not healthy.
I completely understand what you’re going through. It’s the same way with my bf. Trust me, I have the same issues as you, so I’m glad you asked about this. I’m just so sorry you feel like I do. It’s horrible. I hope you get the advice you need and start being able to build yourself back up.
First of I would’ve never taken his phone and blocked her. That’s his personal belonging. But more importantly he’s not respecting you by continuing to go heart all of her stuff and telling you how hot she is and ect. If he truly respected you and your feelings he wouldn’t be doing those things. Your best bet would be to end things with him of he doesn’t value you or respect your feelings.
Talk to him. If you don’t like what he says then create some boundaries of what’s acceptable and what’s not acceptable. If he disagrees than pick up your dignity and walk away. It always comes down to YOUR self worth!
If you’ve told him your concerns and he’s not listening than he ain’t got no respect for you ild leave her blocked and see what he does he sounds like an ass tbh and you deserve better he hearts her videos hoping she will notice him you don’t need that shit dispose of the trash
He sounds like a dick to me
If you’ve expressed your concerns and he’s done nothing about it/continues to do it, it shows he doesn’t care about your feelings AT ALL and idk about you but I wouldn’t want to be with someone who doesn’t care about how I feel
Well if he doesn’t respect your relationship I think it speaks for its self
Fuck that. If be fucking gone. Pure disrespect.
Nope your feelings are valid, also sounds like he has an addiction to social media don’t sweat it girl he’s just a boyfriend be glad your not married to the fool!
Completely disrespecting to you!
Real men love thick girls, i am one & if you are willing to except his online infidelity, maybe you should take some sexy pics rolls & all & make your own channel?? Or just leave a guy who has obviously no respect for you & move on with your bad self. You deserve so much better my love. Your "body type " does not define the kind of love & respect you deserve. Fuck him. & fuck his actions. Be brave sweet girl. Move on. Onward to better things!! Love yourself above all else!!
My boyfriend had old females and female pages on his fb. I asked him finally if he would unfollow them because I was uncomfortable with it. He did with no hesitation. Your man… he’s gotta grow up and respect your feelings or bye
Spend the time you feel insecure on yourself. I promise you I wish I would have known this years ago. Make yourself so happy with your own care and hobbie that he’s just a bonus.
Stupid. ! All the. Dumb. Shit that’s. On. It,. If. He’s. Just a. BF. Then. Dump. Him
If he knows it bothers you and still does it anyway then he doesn’t respect you or your feelings at all!
Wait. You can check their hearted videos? Hoooow. My man does the same shit. Follows a bunch of women like this and im pregnant with our 3rd together and its my fourth. And i got pregnant at 3 months pp no time to loose weight and it hurts me to. So i started following guys
He’s wrong, but so are you. It’s not your place to be in his phone doing anything. You need to face your insecurities head on love if he doesn’t have enough respect for you to block the account himself and keeps rubbing her in your face, then he is NOT worth your time. You’ve got this. I know it’s hard not to, believe me. But he doesn’t deserve you.
Girl leave. If you had to go onto his phone and block some girl cause he thinks she’s hot then it’s time go
It’s a lil controlling of you.
It’s not like he’ll ever be w her.
Better yourself to build your self esteem.
I always told my husband you can look but no touch lol same for me. I mean what are the chances of them meeting and getting physical? Slim to none. So idk why it would bother you.
He’s being insensitive. You’re not crazy.
What would he say if the tables were turned? Freak out probably with some name calling
Not worth it mama. Build your self back up and focus on you this summer.
I’d find her on tiktok and message her through your own account. Comment on every video to get her attention. Then tell her so she blocks him or calls him out. Could you imagine him watching her tiktok and then she says his name and calls him a disgusting pig. I’d honestly pay her to do it. And then I’d leave him. Obv unblock her from his before she does that, but after you’ve talked to her. Maybe it’s me being optimistic that she’s a woman’s woman, but it plays out amazing in my head
Everyone loves a good thirst trap here and there. But to follow, obsessively watch is over kill. I personally love the firemen ones🤣 … Ladies DO NOT start a fire. Lol but, I laugh scroll past that’s that. I know you think it’s YOUR insecurities. But clearly he is making you feel insecure. Shame on him.
Spend the time you spend worrying about him and his tik tok habit on yourself. I promise you will either feel better about yourself or decide to ditch him and be with someone who respects your boundaries
First off talk to him and if he openly asks about her being blocked it would be a good time to bring it up and have the conversation. I’ve been Married 3 times and I’m very proud of how far I’ve come in love and in life! Always promise yourself to only care about “YOU” at the end of the day! Whatever your heart is telling you right now go with it we’re here for you for advice always!
That’s really rude of him to not only like all of her vids but to talk about how “hot” she is in front of u is just mean. Leave him and find someone that loves u for u and let him have his little tiktok crush. Men are pathetic
At this point just throw the whole dude away
I would be upset if my man was obsessing over a girl too… but you need to resolve it and get to the bottom of it. You are not going to fix it by blocking her. You need to sit and talk with him about this. If he can’t respect your feelings. Then you should find someone who will.
Same here but he wasn’t as honest about it. He completely lied. Knowing I could find out for she is my friend. I don’t mind the following its the lying. You lie about something so simple what else you lying about
Single for life! Yup and it’s great
Maybe she wouldn’t even like him and I’m sure he will never get with her anyways so just let it be but I can understand why it upsets you tho but let it go for your own sake don’t stress it!!
We talking hawk,aaryn or Lydia cuz I agree with him on
their videos
hahahaha I love that you blocked her shit my kind of petty
your feelings are valid and he should be respecting them
Start watching naked men back
I think you need to work on your insecurities but also try to have a conversation about quality time being love love language. 
Well his a gronk for making you feel like that . I’d be saying block her or I’m done lol like his obsessed over her & that’s so embarrassing. leave his ass if he has no care for your feelings. You can do better x
I look at men on Tiktok …my husband looks at women. None look like me and not many i look at look like him. We are secure enough in our relationship know the other will never cheat and it is just looking. We both also like porn. Oh well. I let him go to strip clubs. At end of the day,know he is with me forever and they are just eye candy. Got to have that stability in a relationship, as well as trust,or it wont last. Told my man to go to strip club three weeks ago and have fun. I’m 8 months pregnant,a surrogate,and not much fun right now. He hasn’t done it yet. Still keeps after me every morning. I need a small break…lol.
Do something to boost your security. Get a makeover…get sexy lingerie…tease him to where he is all after you. Have fun with it. When you are confident…drives them crazy
I’m so sorry he is making you feel this way! You have clearly stated your concerns and hurt. He just plain out doesn’t care. He does not respect you at all. Please leave him. I know it hurts, but this obviously will not stop. Tell him to go find barbie at the store and you’ll go find a real man to treat you right and love you right the first time. In the meantime, take those insecurities and and fix what you can. Such as losing/gaining weight if you’re insecure about that. Dye your hair whatever you like, do your make-up or go without, whatever makes YOU feel confident. Do your nails at home or get them done professionally. The thing is, take those insecurities and make them the reason why you are so confident. I was always insecure about my weight since I was pretty over weight. I have lost 15lbs so far in 2 months and I am way more confident in my body. So much I bought two new bikinis and some new clothes that I actually liked bc I felt good in them. I haven’t worn a bikini since I was 19. I’m 26. Don’t let your insecurities hold you back. I promise you, you are beautiful the way you are. Even if you don’t want to change a dang thing about yourself, make yourself confident by telling yourself daily you are beautiful and worthy of love and respect. I hope you ditch the man and find yourself girl.
Leave him and focus on you for a while (to love yourself again). Then find someone that will respect you fully. It’s not about the other girl honestly. It’s about him not respecting you.
Im surprised his eyes are still working
Hello!!! No man and I mean no man should you feel like your not enough or not confident about your feelings!!! Your supposed to lift each other up!!!
ESH … Your being kinda controlling, I could easily see one requested block slipping into don’t follow any women wearing short shorts. But I also don’t know you like that so idk why he couldn’t just stop following the one chick you have an issue with. But also unless y’all have agreed beforehand to allowing phone sweeps your shouldn’t be going thru his phone
He will unblock. You’ll never be able to control what he likes. It basically comes down to your own boundaries and sense of self worth.
Tryin to get back at him won’t do anything but cause a more toxic situation.
Start taken more time to focus on your own self growth… Can almost promise you’ll realize you can and deserve better. Don’t settle. You don’t need another human being to ever make you feel like this…that isn’t love.
Grow up and move on
I was with you until you went into his phone.
Set boundaries.
If your partner doesn’t respect them, move on.
Everyone has different boundaries, where this seems a non issue to me it bothers you and you have to establish your boundaries with him and go from there. Sit him down, have a conversation and if you guys aren’t able to do that you don’t need to be in a relationship anyway.
Kick em to the curb sis
You are allowed to be upset , but sister , don’t let it consume you . Sometimes we have to face the fact that what we thought we were to them , we actually ain’t
But , learning to love yourself , who you are , how you look and Whatchu do. You HAVE to , because if you ain’t looking out for you and loving you , then who is ?
At the end of the day , without You , THERE IS NO YOU !
This new generation sucks. Not everyone has to be like old times but neither me or my husband have Instagram or tiktok.
Move on sweetie! There’s a good man out there waiting for you
there’s 2 different ways I’d play this, & it all depends where you’re at with it mentally. 1) start following more people YOU find attractive & react their content - show him this isn’t a one way street! if he can do it, then so can you
through that you may find your opinions & feelings toward relationships, monogamy, insecurities, jealousy & envy have played a role in your life & give you the chance to analyze some of your rigid beliefs about those topics. it can also be the gateway to you having transparent, honest discussions with your partner(s) about your boundaries & limitations, what you find acceptable for your relationship - some allow flirting, liking/following/reacting, pornography, OnlyFans, actual sexual interactions with other people in an open relationship, polyamory, swingers, etc. it is only up to the very people in the relationship where exactly the lines are drawn, he may not be
crystal clear on your boundaries and expectations
2) if you’re not into the whole “2 can play that game” mindset by following people on social media that you find attractive, if that just doesn’t sound like a You thing, express firmly that it’s not for you & you don’t intend to carry out relationships with anyone who perpetrates that behaviour. it’s a deal breaker for you & if he wants to continue it he can, but not by your side.
See, the thing is, you literally CANNOT make him do anything at the end of the day, as unfortunate as that is. He had the right to follow those social media accounts if he pleases. You aren’t his mother & he’s not a little boy. As adults were allowed to view any content we want to, pornographic or otherwise. We have that right as individual adults. So he either respects the terms of the relationship to give that stuff up, or he values his own interests more than this relationship
Sad to say but his actions are normal to some people including himself. The world we live in now I would have to say 70% believe what they see on social media because they are trained to by the repetition of it. Especially 25 and under. If hes 30 plus acting like tyat hes just a moron. In his eyes he probably thinks he’s the special one when another 100k guys are already in her dm sending her money.