My boyfriend is paranoid about STD's

Maybe he has one? Otherwise why would he be so worried about passing one on? By the way what a romantic conversation to have after sex. I’d dump him.

I mean those are logical fears…either wrap it up or do something to prevent the pregnancy…also if you’re exclusive get tested together then there is no reason for the std scare

It’s to late now… unless you used a condom. STD should be considered dangerous issues. No cure for some. He probably knows someone that has one of he had one in his past. Everyone should have that conversation. Get an IUD.

If you two are starting a relationship- how about you both get tested for STDs and then call it a day. Why would he continue to bring it up unless someone is being unfaithful?


No not normal. Ask him to get tested.


So either he already has one and knows it and it gonna try to act like you gave it to him, or he’s just really paranoid. I say you guys go on a date to the clinic and get tested together.


Mb he’s gotten one before from a previous girlfriend and does not want it happening again, both get tested and move on

So to answer the actual question no not normal? I would be questioning him about where or not he is sleeping around. And get tested.


Maybe both take a test to ease his mind…then go enjoy it! Maybe an ex had it or something

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This guy is a wak job get rid of him,


Why can’t he wear a condom then or he goes for a vasectomy if he fears pregnancy that much.


How about the both of you go get tested BEFORE you hang arc and/or now so you have complete transparency about them as well as a baseline. It’s fine to talk about sex- just get help if you need it.

Maybe tell him y’all both should go get tested. Also lay off the birth control he can either wear a condom or get a vasectomy until he’s ready to be a father

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It’s one thing to be concerned about STDs it’s another thing to obsess about it. Something is up with him.


If he’s concerned about STDs y’all need to use a condom for protection, birth control does not protect against STDs

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Don’t go on birth control if it makes you depressed more use condoms instead. Also they have a IUD copper wit no hormones. If he gave you an STD run. How can he lie about being scared of getting one of he has one???

As he should be !
They’re the highest in your 20s…be careful and wrap it :up:

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Why is everyone accusing the guy of something lol? He’s the one worried about it. I’m guess he don’t want an STD OR a kid and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. It’s the guy that’s always doing something wrong :woman_facepalming:t3: if people would have more faith in their men then maybe they could depend on them to do the right thing. :woman_facepalming:t3:


Sounds to me like he already has an std

And do not take birth control if makes you depressed just because of some guy


I wouldn’t go on birth control if it makes you depressed . why Mess with your mental health for sex when he can just wear a Condom :woman_shrugging:. Or try a different birth control.

Go get tested together and use condoms
Maybe he has something or has had 1 to many close calls


So, I’m gonna say both are rational fears. Todays culture is one of hook ups more than committed relationships. It’s possible he’s been burned (pun intended) before. As far as the STD thing, make an appointment to go get tested together, make sure your both negative and go from there. For the pregnancy thing, that’s also a rational fear. I mean, if it’s a new relationship, no one wants to make a baby with someone they just started seeing and aren’t in a serious relationship with. So, take precautions, but also be aware and make sure he is aware, that the only way to prevent pregnancy, is to not have sex. You can take the pill, get the IUD, use spermicide, use a diaphragm, wear a condom and take plan B and still end up pregnant. That’s like day one 6th grade Sex Ed. So step one is to have a conversation with him. Get tested together, and go from there. If it’s still a constant conversation after that, then y’all might have bigger issues.

Already talking like that probably wouldn’t slept with him Before getting tested or if at all…
There are condoms, sponges and sperm aside, you do not need to be on an active Hormone birth control to have birth control. Keep your eyes open real wide looking for red flags because this does not sound normal, if he was that worried about it he would have got a test and asked you to get tested.
Which honestly in this day and age should be common practice for every person having sex.

I would get tested, show hom you results, and ask h ti betrothed as well. Something isn’t right with the way he’s acting.

If he’s that worried then he needs to put a cap on it.


He probably has one to

Sounds like my ex. Both of you get tested. Find different birth control if the pills mess with you.

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Get tested and leave him. Hes tryna cover something

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Go together and get tested… if he keeps bringing it up after that, then I would cut it off. The relationship that is, not his …


Im very cautious with stds to the point where im a hypochondriac. Just because a woman tells me shes clean doesn’t mean shes telling the truth. And if i see razor bumps that look bad i always get hesitant. Ive actually swore off from tinder just from how many women with heebie jeebies there are. And who dont say anything until A. You ask. Or B. It gets all the way up to the sexual point. Thats my only dealbreaker. And I always make sure i use a condom as well as pulling out when its time. And i always take the condom with me. NEVER leave it at a woman’s house.That last ummpf is not worth 18 years of baby mama drama.


Honestly I wouldn’t have gotten on birth control first. I’d said let’s both get tested to make you feel better and of course go over the options cause nothing is 100% kid proof

Sounds like he may have something to hide. I recommend you both going to get tested for common stds and a blood test as well for the ones that show no symptoms. Bam problem solved.

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Sounds like he got the :clap:t2: a time or two. :rofl:


Control issues. Ditch him.

You both need to be on the same page if you want it to work. He needs to be taking steps to prevent this himself

Surely a simple solution is for you to both go and get tested? That way it takes STDs off the table if you’re both clear? :woman_shrugging:t2:


Simple. Go get tested together.


If he’s that paranoid tell him wear a condom :sweat_smile:


:joy: he either has one or he’s had a few :grimacing:

He’s waving a giant red flag and you don’t see it.


He’s had an std before.if I was u I would go get checked after him acting that way. He might have something. Not all STDs u can see and not always will u have an outbreak. Or he’s a cheater and is afraid he will pass something to his other partner.

Welp… :eyes: He’s obviously been there done that before.
I’d be worried about what he knows and you don’t, get tested and wear a condom or get out.

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So rather than him take care of his own birth control, you have to go on a pill that negatively affects your mental health? The audacity. Maybe I’m old and bitter now but I would never put up with that today.


Soooooo weird! I’d have a talk to find out why there is an obsession with STDs. Is he hiding something? :eyes: Both of you go get tested together, which should resolve the issue…ad long as the results are clean. That’s just weird to me.

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If you insist on seeing where this is going, get tested together, total disclosure, then insist he wears a condom, no raw dogging it ever and if you choose to find a bc that will work with your body if you want the extra back up. And if he still keeps it up just leave its not worth the drama

Bro I would never put my mental health on the back burner for some weirdo lol


He needs to wear a condom. It’s on him to protect you and himself.

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It’s not an uncommon fear. I am paranoid about stds to the point that I don’t think I’ll have a sexual relationship after my husband passes. Getting tested will help. Time, and learning to trust will help. Condoms, obviously, will as well. He may have had an std or pregnancy scare. Or maybe he’s seen the effects of someone he loves having an std or unwanted pregnancy. Talking is a good idea as well.

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Has he also started accusing you of seeing someone else yet? Or is that not to that stage yet.


He should have asked before if he was worried about himself. Girl go get checked. Like now. He’s been there and done that apparently. I also wouldn’t have put myself back on pills that negatively effect my mental health in that way. Depression is no joke.

Go get checked out. The red flag is waving.


Sounds like u guys just need to go get tested

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Getting on birth control for someone else is a big red flag especially if bd puts you down. He is not it . Unless you don’t mind. Your body your choice :grinning: good luck :+1:


Get yourself checked asap!
Also he should not expect you to be going on birth control when it affects you thay way…personally I’d walk away


Maybe he’s just responsible? Doesn’t want a kid he can’t take care of. Maybe he’s asking you to make sure you aren’t giving him anything and that’s his way of asking if you have anything and not to be sleeping around. Personally I’m terrified of stds and I talk to my husband about them not because either of us have or have Ever had one

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Your normal he is crazy

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Tell him if he’s that worried maybe he should wrap it up


I would never put myself on something that affects me negatively. Maybe have him show you a very recent paper saying he’s clean, cause it sounds like he’s been through this before. And if he doesn’t want to get you pregnant or risk an STD, don’t have sex…

Well maybe you should get a full STD panel done because it isn’t done in a regular pap smear. They don’t check for herpes when it comes to a normal STD panel and technically only test you if you have an active breakout so he might be worried about that. If he wants you to get a full STD panel make sure he gets one as well.

You sure he’s single ?


You both should go get tested and prove you both are clean… how hard is that?

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Sounds like he got something and wants you tested


For someone so concerned about STD’s it doesn’t make sense to me why he wouldn’t wear a condom? Especially if he’s worried about getting you pregnant? You guys need to get to the root of why he’s obsessing over this, both go get tested together, and always use protection. And if after all that he’s still beating the dead horse, you may want to see it as a red flag :triangular_flag_on_post:


He may have them? Mention he gets tested.


Sounds like he’s being responsible and is really worried about it… I was that person… There is nothing wrong with him feeling and talking about it to you.

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Your bf sounds strange not you, tell him if he’s that worried he should find someone else smh

Also keep in mind.

That he could possibly know he has herpes but doesnt have any outbreaks and maybe is looking to guilt trip you into staying with him if he sees you have an outbreak and will maybe blame you for giving it to him.

Its a stretch … but thats my take on it

hes so worried , yet he chose not to wear a condom.


Make him double wrap…one for the penis and the other for his mouth to shut up🤷🏻‍♀

I’d start doing some digging to make sure he’s single. Maybe he’s actually terrified of giving his girlfriend/wife an std. Girl you do not get on birth control for a man, you do it for yourself. :woozy_face::grimacing:

He sounds paranoid af. I’d leave him alone and damn if I’d take meds that make me worse for some dude. Js.

Why is he concerned about STDs and then pushes you to get on birth control instead of just using a condom? BC doesn’t prevent STDs…


He sounds like he’s infested. Girl, get tested ASAP.

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Any dude who talk like that … has it … he has the decency to not want to carry an std to the child i guess … but chances are you got the scratch and sniff disease lol

Use condoms? Prevents the depression? And 99% effective at preventing stds and pregnancy… I’d be getting him to get tested, maybe it’s a way of hinting he’s got something, that he can then backfire and blame it on you for giving it him! Xxx


He mostly likely has had one or has one. I’d be careful, if you turn up with an std he may turn it around and claim you gave him it.
It’s always important to have a talk about it but I mean could it be possible your not the only one he’s seeing and he’s paranoid about getting something from playing the field.


So both of yall get tested

Why don’t you both just get tested? If you’re exclusive it shouldn’t be an issue after the fact. Unless there’s something deeper.

I’d definitely be trying to get him to go get tested together cause I feel like YOU should be concerned


Yes because God forbid a man be concerned about his sexual health and well-being.

Men can be worried about getting STDs too🤦‍♀️ why is it so normal for women to be concerned about it but men cant?? I mean you could have a guy that dont care at all🤷‍♀️

He can wear a condum

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Maybe he’s afraid he could have one and is preparing you for a possible positive result.


No, you’re not crazy. Either he’s crazy or he’s hiding something. I agree with some of the other comments, definitely see a :triangular_flag_on_post: red flag. Run, don’t walk! And get tested for your own sake. Good luck.

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Maybe have him tested :thinking:

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Are you sure he’s covering something up? Use protection like a condom too. Just not the pill. So odd.

Maybe he really is just scared of STDs!

I need more details. Like why are you bothered?! Is he making it seem like you have one or what? Like why is it awkward?!

Yes make both to Dr get clean bill of heath ask to see this records ALL and so same something is not rt

Sounds like he’s paranoid, but nothing wrong with being concerned about STD’s. Communicate about it.

He’s your boyfriend, ask him why he’s so afraid besides the obvious reasons, and go get tested.

Why don’t you both just go get tested so he can relax a little.


What a weirdo. Ditch him!


To clarify, first off, you shouldn’t have to get on a birthcontrol that literally fucks up your hormones and body. Second off, if you guys are both being safe, why would he need paranoid about an std?? Huge red flag girl. Get out now.

He’s cheating if he’s this worried

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Maybe you both should get tested for piece of mind


Not sure I really see this being as a red flag. I think its great that he’s communicating his concerns with you!


Umm. Was this good first time? lol. Why don’t you both just go get tested together and then he won’t worry about it anymore

Seems like he is guilty

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How long have you been together? Has someone given him STDs before? Better get to know this dude better especially if you’re going to be sleeping with him…

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If he’s so worried you both should get tested and he should wrap it up

I am the same way, bc I have had chlamydia and no idea who gave it to me. I am super paranoid about getting herpes. I talk with all my partners and have them tested. I think its only fair.

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