Why don’t yal both just go eat checked
Sounds like he’s got an STD!
Either he had an std or has had one before
Sounds like he doesn’t trust you I would definitely get tested together. Once you’re clear and he keeps making accusations, you know he’s subtly accusing you of cheating
Go get checked. He’s probably burning and playing paranoid/dumb.
Honestly, we’ve always been made out as that means you’re gross when really, anyone can get it. I would both just get tested that way there’s no worries on it and if there is anything going on with either of you, it will be handled now before causing harm. He’s probably experienced one before and is scared to again or has a bad view on STDs and STIs. Don’t worry to much, at least he’s conscious about it.
You getting back on birth control has nothing to do with preventing an STD….may be time to get tested if he keeps pushing the issue
Simple fix - both of you go get tested
You two should go get tested together either he has something or he he’s just really nervous either way this will clear the air !! Second just some advice plan b does not work if you have already ovulated !! Taking it won’t do anything!! Even if you take it more then once just some helpful advice second is this dude married ?? Seems like he might be married or in a serious Relationship and doesn’t want the other chick to find out
Maybe he has had an STD before and is just being extra careful so it doesn’t happen again. If so, then that’s a great thing that he cares!
You need to set a doctor’s appointment like yesterday.he might have some STDs he hiding from u
Us women we are so sensitive done there so if you don’t clean your self good after you can get bateria if you have a fast immune system I will catch the victory so quick but that doesn’t mean that it’s necessarily a STD. Cuz us women we can get we can get an yeast infection from anyting. Best advice is go both to see your doctor.
Did that guy just give you an std? Go get tested. Wtf? That’s weird as hell
If either of you have HSV-1, there is also the possibility of giving the other HSV-1 on the genitals, so thats also something to be cautious of
Peace of mind for him would be both of you getting tested. Words won’t do it for him.
Both of you should have gotten tested before sex… don’t want him blaming you for something he knew he already had…
Either he’s had an STD or he’s worried you do,
And for hem to be paranoid is because probably he had a bad in the past.
Wow… I thought it was NORMAL to ask your brand new partner their STD status
Anytime I got a new partner I would go get tested and ask them to do the same. It’s not accusing anyone of being dirty, it’s making sure you stay safe and healthy.
Hes prolly getting ready to blame you for giving him one when he already is sketched out hes gave u something or is going to. Like the start of gaslighting for the future
Is he sleeping with other people? Are you? If you aren’t sleeping with other people then it shouldn’t be an issue. You should both be tested to be sure
Go get checked then shove the negative results in his face and leave.
He should wear a condom if he’s concerned about both those things
If he is so worried about getting an STD and you getting pregnant… why isn’t he wearing a condom??? Why isn’t he taking the initiative,??
Easy, make him use condoms.
Sounds like he may have one already and know if you get it he will blame you for his big red flag
Tell him to bag it up and he won’t need to be so worried. Do a test for both of you as well, soon as I got with a new partner I’ll test. It’s normal, you’re protecting yourself.
So, speaking for myself, I don’t usually sleep with anyone until I feel I know him enough so I can’t help much when it comes to STDs. I thoyght it was normal to ask and be safe. Maybe test together. But I’m mostly here to say and advice you to look for different methods of birth control. If the one you use makes you depressed, try a different one. I was like that too and now have the bon hormonal (5 year) IUD and feel so much better without it. I don’t need to remember to take any pills and to switch it out every month. It doesn’t help with STDs so I do recommend you also use condoms
Get checked together make it a date
Y’all both need to go get tested
He must not be too concerned if you’re doing it raw… lmao
STDs/contraception should be talked about no matter what when you have a new partner
If he’s giving you the talk after you already I’d it I’d definitely go get checked ASAP
Why don’t y’all BOTH get tested together then after that, use condoms. Also if YOU want to be on birth control there are other options you can look into. TBH, I’m thinking he’s probably had STDs before and that’s why he’s so nervous. I would DEFINITELY make him use condoms. I hope y’all used one during you amazing sex. If not, you should go get tested immediately.
Condom should be worn until the exclusive monogamous relationship is committed to and then it is prudent to have an STD test taken.
Make appts for the both of you. And next time you see him say “For peace of mind, I made appts for us together for an STD test”. If he’s against it, homeboy has an STD. Also, you shouldn’t feel forced to take something for your body that has those types of adverse effects on you. There’s plenty of other options to avoid pregnancy, for both you and him.
Openly talking about STDs and needing to be tested should be more normalized. If you can’t talk about the potential consequences with being sexually active, then you shouldn’t be having sex with him
Have him wrap up if hes so Damm scared !! Girl don’t let a man tell you how to do things with your own body especially if its not good for you ! Take your power back!
Is he accusing you of cheating? Or he is cheating. You can’t get an std if you don’t sleep with other people so don’t see why he would be worried
He got 1 already go get checked
sounds like he may have one…. And is preparing to blame it on you. Go get checked. It’s a win/ win situation…you’ll have peace of mind AND if there’s nothing there you can show him and that’s a win too!
Maybe someone has given him one in the past.
Is he paranoid tho or is he guilt ridden? I’d be more worried he ALREADY has an STD and you are about to get the blame for it
If he’s afraid of stds use condoms
He probably has an std? Lol
Sounds like he may have something and he’s trying to see if you caught it yet
So youre falling for the guy and SEX bonded you more to him, that is why God created sex…emotional bonding as well as creating life. The main thing here is your guy sounds like he emotionally bonded as much if possibly any thus the concern over STDs. Men are much less emotional than women. They are more physical and most do not bond through sex. This is the reason for building a real foundation for relationship and trust and loyality before being intimate. Also, this gets rid of STD concerns.
Your guy sounds like he did not get
Yeah thats not normal
He might have something you should get checked ASAP
The both of you could get tested and if it’s negative on everything then it shouldn’t be an issue…until one of you does get one then you know they aren’t serious/loyal. Common thing to worry about because of his reaction and worries about it…I would get tested hah
I could see someone bringing it up a lot of they’ve caught something from someone in the past and don’t want to go through it again but I also feel like if that’s the case ya should just use protection for peace of mind. You guys both should be getting checked regularly for STDs anyways especially if you have multiple partners. Definitely go get checked out in case he does already have something
If he is so paranoid you both should have been test for STDs before you had sex. Sounds like he is going to spend your entire relationship making you feel like crap. Get out girl.
Maybe he has a std and he’s scared to pass it
If he’s doing this he probably has one go get checked
It sounds like your man has a STD
It could be a guilty conscience like people are saying, but to me it sounds more like he has an anxiety problem. Which is rough but pretty common and manageable. It sounds like you haven’t been dating him for a very long time yet so perhaps mental health issues haven’t been discussed much between the two of you. Hopefully you’re using condoms because in a sexual relationship in the fledgling stages you really should. Condoms are very effective but not 100%, the only way to be 100% protected is not to have sex (I’m very sex-positive, but this is still the truth). His anxiety might amplify in his mind the tiny percentage of cases in which condoms don’t work. It looks scarier to him than it is because of the way his brain is wired. Anxiety disorders are treatable in a variety of different ways and it’s definitely possible to love someone who has one. It won’t all be easy smooth sailing but if you think he is the guy for you, it’s possible to make it work.
You should probably go get tested, what if he has an STD? Or maybe he’s just possibly gotten one from a prior relationship, and he doesn’t want to repeat.
My ex used to sleep around and every new partner he got an std check- seems like these guys if they ever got something would quickly blame the person they slept with and not themselves. I could see getting pregnant an issue maybe he doesn’t want a baby and scared of child support. But yea if he’s so scared he shouldn’t be having sex
A boy trying to be a man
He’s either got an STD or he’s so paranoid because he has a girlfriend/wife and doesn’t want her to get anything from him and find out that he’s seeing other women
He has possibly been burned before lol if ya catch my drift. The applause .
Both go get tested for peace of mind.
Just recommend you guys both go get tested for STDs then
Hes had one before. Or has trust Issues.
I’m thinking the STD talk should’ve happened before the sex. Just saying.
Guilty conscience?! Either way, y’all should be getting tested regularly-BUT if my man kept bringing it up-I would DEFINITELY think guilty Conscience! Go get checked out just to be safe!
I’d get tested ASAP with that behavior… and maybe be like look I’m negative brat. idk
That is not normal. I would say he may have somthing and I would go get checked.
I’d go get tested and also make him. With him giving you all this std talk I would want to have some peace of mind.
Bahahahaha. My husband made a mistake and got some ugly bitch knocked up when he was like 17, LOL, so he was like that when we first got together.
Didn’t want to live through that hell again. She was psycho (and crawling with STDs).
Patience. He’ll come around.
Both of you get a full std check and just use condoms. Birth control isn’t just the females responsibility and unless it’s a condom it’s not going to stop you catching anything
If birth control is bad for your mental health I wouldn’t recommend putting yourself through that for any man. If he knows the risk of you being depressed he shouldn’t ask that of you so he can have fun. You deserve to be happy.
Could be a number of reasons.
My thoughts are hes either had one and scared catch one again.
Hes not totally faithful.
Hes got a wife somewhere and scared take something back to her.
You should both be using protection to stop that chance. Better cover i and be safer than sorry.
You both should be teasted. That way you both will know for sure if theres any underling issues .
Multiple reasons. Either he has another family, he has an STD himself, or he is just cautious and doesn’t want a lifelong horrible possibly deadly or incurable disease or virus.
Birth control doesn’t always prevent pregnancy (ask my 28 year old). Only condoms prevent BOTH so it’s the perfect option. Both get checked…he wears condoms…you don’t get sick, pregnant or an STD. Win/win
Abstinence is a great way to not get both if that’s whats he aiming for…just saying.
If he knows that the birth control is causing serious side effects, then why is he ok with it, why are you? Because you like him? Your health is more important than any man.
Furthermore, as the previous comments said, he’s either cheating or got a gf/wife. Either way, take a breather, think about things and get yourself tested.
miss ma’am sounds like he’s got something, pls go get tested and if it’s a negative then get out and run.
run very far.
I make ppl get tested before I sleep with them:woman_shrugging: you can’t do that for me (but really yourself) you don’t deserve this I am also super paranoid about it too. I got an std from someone I thought I could trust. I don’t blame the dude(your dude)
Did you have this conversation before having sex together?
So, allergy to latex means you cant use condoms. I know, and it is not a fun way to find out.
Hormonal birth control can be really scary. I know, and had to syop tkaing them, after my third “miracle” baby.
IUDs can also cause problems. Ask my uterus that just got chopped up by one.
And those are girl problems.
Guys are allowed to feel somenkind of way about it too though. Maybe he just values not having an STD.
You both get checked. You find a birth control that works for you, and if you cant, you find one that works for him. Equal responsibility in all cases makes it much more enjoyable.
No need tonjump to conclusions because he isnt completely irresponsible about it like a lot of guys.
Once the problem is “solved”, if it continues to be an issue, then its worth a greater discussion.
Tell him to wear a condom!
Only form of birth control i havent gotten pregnant on is the depo shot.
I got pregnant off the pill (8 years ago)
Iud (4 years ago)
Sounds like he’s concerned about getting an STD. I had the same talk with my husband when we had sex.
I feel like he has another boo and has to be cautious to not blow his cover this way.
Buy some condoms, even on birth control, you should be using them and at 27, the thought of getting someone pregnant is a pretty big deal if you aren’t ready for it.
Welcome to awkward adulting, lol
Sounds like he has an STD and he’s gonna turn it on you as if it’s your fault.
Those are called red flags. Leave him.
Is it ok for you to use birth control if it affects you? Could you abstain until you have laid enough trust in your relationship?
He’s got an std and figures if he acts worried about you and you wind up with what he’s got he can shift blame
I highly suggest you both get tested and you should be on some type of birth control unless you just want a baby. Condoms are not 100 percent effective. He has a right to be worried about getting you pregnant because you both are not married and haven’t been together long. As far as STDs go… if he was really that worried why not get tested before sleeping together… that’s like closing the barn door after the cows ran off… it just doesn’t make any sense
Me and my current bf haven’t done the deed and are just waiting on his test results. And we’re in our late 30’s/early 40’s.
Both of you should get tested together and that would probably help soothe his fears. It quick, cheap, and doesn’t hurt anything.
Maybe go to the doctors together and both get tested so he has nothing to worry about. If he still continues to talk about it then run!
If he is worried, both of you should get tested. You’re supposed to get tested regularly and between partners. This is a little sus so I would cover your bases and get tested!
Go and get tested quickly! I feel like he’s going to put this alllll on you. He’s afraid to tell you he has 1.
If he was an adult and truly concerned for BOTH of you he would of had you both checked before having sex.
Dont sacrifice your health like that. Choose yourself first.
So honestly I did this because I had a ex that gave me a std I left him got rid of the Std and after that I always freaked out about doing it with other people. I would even ask for them to get tested over and over. Whenever you get one its traumatic
Thankfulky I was able to quickly get rid of it but no way I’m risking getting one again I be asking all kinds of questions to ensure I don’t.
I think he’s either sleeping about and saying this to cover his back incase he gives you anything OR he has something and is going to try and say you’ve given it to him.
Major red flags
Go and get tested babe.
Be different if he said ‘I want to make sure we are both clean so will we go and get tested’ but he hasn’t xx
Both get tested, then just anal only, BOOM, problem solved lol