My boyfriend is rude, what should I do?

Tell him adios motherfuker

I say leave him and get on with your life yrs down the rd U will be fighting the same old problems if he has been your finance’ for 7 yrs chances R he’s not going to marry U

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If you have to ask. You already know the answer. Follow your gut. Mines never failed me. Don’t waste another year of your life with someone who constantly makes you question your relationship. You will only end up resenting him and regretting your decision to stay. Easier said than done, I know. But 6 months from ending your relationship, you will wonder why you didn’t do it sooner.


You’re not married. Leave him already. Why is this even a question? He’s made his decision very clear, you just don’t want to hear it.

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Run and leave that shit behind

You should have left a long time ago!

If you have to ask you already know the answer.

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First and best thing is to communicate. No one has the right to always be rude and what makes him that way or feel as he does and second can this be repaired or mainly how does this affect the children? Is my guess there is an underlying problem that he is keeping inside and may not really realize there is a problem! Most of all how do you really feel and what is going to happen with you and the children if you continue with out changes and communication of the reason and solution! Find the source I guess I am saying! Love goes both ways!

You’ve answered your own question hun, my question is what’s stopping you? Then find your solutions. Good luck lovely xx

From experience…RUN, DON’T WALK. What you accept, you teach your children that is ok to treat someone like that AND, it’s OK to be treated that way as well. You and your children are worth so much more :two_hearts::pray:

Your feet :footprints: are there for walking! Go!!!

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I think you answered your own question


If it’s your house start the eviction process, if it’s his house find somewhere else to go! You’re better off without him and you definitely don’t want your kids learning how to treat people from him! You deserve better!

So, why are you still with him? He will never change, so get out while you can, you will be a lot happier, and find someone that’s loves you for you.

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Take your kid and go.

You are being abused
Why did you divorce the first one
Leave and get counseling
Don’t count on someone else to make you happy
It’s your job to take care of that

If he hasn’t changed by now he isn’t going to. Move on sweetie. Life is to short not to enjoy it with someone who wants to be with you. Good luck and God bless.

Find a new one. It’s not going to get better.

I would not put up with this crap. Take your child and go.

You already know the answer. Do we really need to tell you what to do. Really


Time for a new boyfriend. Don’t settle!

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You don’t trust me🤷🏽‍♀️

I would take the kids and run, far away from him

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Get rid of this JERK.

If you think he’s going to wake up and change, it’s not going to happen. By staying you’re accepting it.

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He’s showing you who he really is… Pay attention

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You have a daughter and whatever your ex did to warrant a divorce and what this one, from your perspective, is doing do not sound like the best environment to have your daughter growing up witnessing if you want to end the generational trauma cycle. The fact you felt the need to put the word fiancĂŠ in quotations after 7 years alone is off putting. Read some books on codependency and seek therapy after leaving this man. Wishing you and your daughter all the best :pray:t2::heart:

Only you can make the change if you choose him then dont complain, or you can choose to step forward and live the life you deserve you are a strong talented wahine believe in your self

Time to go. Don’t invest anymore time into him. Men never change

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He has shown you what he’s like. Is that what you want? Are you better off with him or without him?

This dude is a narcissist…kick his ass to the curb. Now


Get out .get out .get out.
Do yourself and your daughter a favor and leave.he will never change…he hasn’t in 7years…

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Why ask? You already know what you need to do. ffs.


You have already answered your question. If you don’t want to stay think how it will be for the kids :cry::cry:. They learn what they see and hear.

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I say run something may be worng like bring sick or he’s just mean but really I would run I been married for 37 years and will be till we die fine a good man one that will take all of you out and say this my and kids just saying he sounds like a jerk to me

Hope you all survive this

He is a jerk and you know it, why do women seek out the same POS they left for another? Get help

I sure as hell wouldn’t. Time to find yourself and your babies

At this point, after 7 years, you probably stay because you’re ‘used’ to things the way they are. And if you are writing this asking for advice, you’ve probably already made up your mind to stay, just looking for advice on how to make it better without consequences. No one can make this decision for you, if you don’t like the way things are then it’s up to you to make the changes. I can tell you now that if you stay he will use the things he doesn’t like about you, against you to justify his own bad behavior.
Hopefully it’s not too late for you to see your own worth and move own for the good of yourself and your children’s.


Why get into another screwed up marriage

Don’t let your kids see you doing that get rid of stupid so she doesn’t end up with a fine example of stupid

He does not care of you or your family.

I mean, by the time you finished writing this letter you should’ve had your answer. I don’t even want to know what the one you divorced acts like. Dump. Him. Now.

Get rid of him it doesn’t sound like he’s in the relationship at all

Run for the hills as fast as you can I mad the mistake of staying with someone like that till I finally realized he will never change and the one night turned into a disaster

Is this some sort of joke???

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I just left a similar man, hardest thing to do. As much as I wanted it, he is who he is. You accept him for who he is, or you leave him. My thing was I pushed him away more the more I stood up for myself. Don’t be afraid to take a stand and find your worth. The worst part isn’t starting over alone, it’s wasting the best years of your life being miserable because of a miserable man.

Run as fast as you can AWAY from this man

#1… I have a very hard time thinking/believing a man respects a woman who is STILL married but in a “relationship” with him.
If anybody knows her…they knows she was STILL married. He probably feel like the “side piece”
Yes…even tho the rolls are reversed all the time.
But fr fr… does she REALLY need to ask what she needs to do???
It’s been how long…and you’re just now getting a divorce.
Nothing is wrong with him…it’s HER.

It’s been 7 YEARS…and you’re just now getting a divorce.
What’s the question again???
Girl, BYE !!!

As a man I will ask you why do you stay? If all this is true and he treats you this way then you already know what you should do. You don’t need the opinions of others. It doesn’t seem that you are happy so move on start a life for you and your child.


If you got a divorce the first time why are you with someone who treats you less than. Be strong and show your child that no one should be treated that way. I’m a single parent and If I were to go into a relationship I would make sure it would be someone who treated me right and gave importance to the relationship. You deserve better.


I struggle as a man sometimes but I also understand my role as the man of the house is one of not only protection and strength. But also compassion and love. And the love should be more prevelant. I am no angel tho.


Trust me, you do not. Past/current behavior is the biggest indicator of future behavior or worse. Don’t waste your time.


Would you want a man to treat your daughter the way he treats you? Think about that??? If you continue to stay with him, you are showing your daughter what she will end up with…(leading by example) do better for yourself so your daughter will do better


I’m a guy and I’m telling you straight up, he’s not worth you. I’m 52 and if my daughter was old enough to be with a guy line that, I’d run him out! You deserve to be treated better, but I think you know that anyway, or you wouldn’t be asking this question (and I think you know the answer anyway). Take your kids and make a better life. If you do find another guy, you’ll know if it’s working because you won’t need to ask these questions. Be good to yourself. You and your kids deserve that. Good luck.


It sounds to me like u already know the answer to ur own question. Now it’s time to take action and move on. You and your child deserve better than that. Don’t stick around because you feel bad and he manipulates you into it. It will only get worse!

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You’d have to be crazy to stay with him. You and daughter would have an extremely unhappy life.

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RUN!!! To be in a relationship and parent means giving up things one likes to do sometimes. Doing things with the family and for the family. He should not marry or be in a serious relationship. Then he can do what ever he wants when he wants. That is fine. He definitely should live alone. Pack your bags grab your children and never look back. He uses his put downs and rudeness to control you.
You will be terribly lonely and wounded in a relationship with him. There are good quality men out there. Men who will appreciate your efforts to make a home and family.

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Get out now he sounds selfish and why do you want to be with someone who does not respect you ! He totally sounds like a narcissist and I’m sure you deserve better.

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Life is too short to live like that if he hasn’t changed in 7 years he’s not going to


In my opinion, l wouldn’t stay with this man. First of all, being a “fiancé “ for seven years is way too long, but you have been together long enough to know him well. He doesn’t seem like a pleasant person. Marriage is hard enough without his complaining all the time, you want some positivity and happiness. Good luck!

RUN!!! This is the definition of a toxic relationship!! You deserve better and he isn’t going to change!!! Think of your child, is this the model of a healthy relationship you want him/her to see?? Run now!!!

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I’ll help - no you do not want to spend the rest of your life with him. He is showing you who he really is - believe him. Get out now. I know being a single mom is not easy but think of your own daughter before anything else.

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Sounds like he is a self centered narcissist who only cares about himself and what he wants out of life. What you want out of life and what is important to you doesn’t matter to him because he only thinks of himself. I doubt he will change. He might be there because it is convenient for him. There is a reason the mothers of his children aren’t with him.

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Just ask is it worth your happiness, because it sounds like he’s not doing a good job making you happy or the kids If he hasn’t changed by now he never will. It’s hard to start over but your worth more than that and deserve someone who will love spending time with you and his kids

Drop the low life there was a reason why you left your ex. Dont think you can’t do it on your own. Lifes to short to spend it with someone again thats not going to respect you

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Not mixing words with you! 7 yrs is 6 yrs, 3 months too long with someone who will never marry you, What does it take for you be a better example to your child. You are a Convenience not a fiancé. Did he ask you to marry him? If not you’re using the term wrong. Your daughter is watching, she will take her cues from you. Get up, walk out that door and do not look back. If you are being harmed walk to the police dept. for help. You should never make yourself a door mat. I hope you can do this for you sake.

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If he’s acting like that now,and knows it,then he isn’t committed to you,the family or relationship. He has a free babysitter,housekeeper and sex when he wants it. Do yourself a favor and leave. Be the example your child deserves.

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You already know the answer. You just don’t want to admit it. You and the kids deserve better.

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Run girl run far away as possible you deserve to be treated better than this us it’s not good for your daughter either you don’t want her growing up thinking this treatment is normal it’s not it’s out right disrespect to everyone I lived this too believe me it causes life time damage so run girl run

Don’t let the door hit you on the butt on the way out! You do not want to expose your child to seeing a man treat a woman that way. You are worth respect and love. Go out and find it. He is not demonstrating any kind of love for you, just the contempt he has for himself. Don’t be a whipping post!

Does it sound like he wants to spend the rest of his life with you and I don’t know why in the world would want to stay with him. Bail while you still can

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Seem like you gave him 7yrs to many. You will find and deserve a man who puts yours and the children’s needs 1st, he will build you up, not knock you down…be brave and do what your heart and mind feels what is best…

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Your first responsibility is your child. Leave, he’s already proved he won’t change from what you say. It won’t only be you being unhappy and miserable but also your child.
There are good men out there.

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Then don’t. He will keep at until even you start to believe you’re not good enough. Get out now. There is someone out there just waiting for a woman just like you. Go look for him.

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Do you want to spend the rest of your life with someone who doesn’t care. I can see that you’re not happy. You and your child deserve much more than this. He will never change and your will be very unhappy. Move on and find someone who will care and make you happy!

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Get out now. I promise it will NOT get better, only worst. I have lived that. They may promise thw world to you, but it only gets worse


You have to ask whether you should stay with him or not? Don’t walk away - RUN and don’t look back. This non-keeper should have been gone 6 years ago. Enjoy your life with your daughter. Maybe someone better will come along later, but don’t build your life around that.

Life is short, leave!! Don’t waste good years and your child’s mental health. Im beyond blessed and thank god every day for the real man that I have.

Don’t spend the rest of you life with that dirt bag. There are SO much better men out there! Granted they may have issues, bit they will treat you like a human being instead of like crap!

I think you should know what to do, you been going through this for 7 yrs.and nothing has changed the change should be in “You.” Your cituation is going nowhere, think of your children ? You need to have a made up mind of what you want to do. Good luck.

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OMG, you Are so much better on your own. You deserve the best in life,MOVE ON,MOVE OUT DONT LOOK BACK. You are setting an example to your daughter…

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Run…. Run fast and far and figure out why you chose someone who doesn’t respect you or your family so your next relationship will be based on mutual respect.

Leave ! What is making you stay .life is way to short to be treated like that .there is nothing more to say. leave and keep safe

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It is time to make a change and let God help you find the right person in your life. God made you a promise that He would never leave you or for sake you so dust your feet and walk away.”

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Then LEAVE. You are the only thing making you stay. He doesn’t want what you want, so since you’re not happy leave him.

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Better off alone with your child. Be able to take care of yourself financially Don’t get into another relationship so quick. You might still have his children to care for as that seems the reason he is with you. A good relationship takes two with the same goals.

The fact that you have to question it tells you all that you need to know. Then again it’s easier to quit than to fight for what you want. If what you say is accurate, RESPECT seems to be gone if it was ever there. How does he treat your child from your previous marriage vs his children again may tell you all you need to know. Don’t wait for the physical abuse to start now that mental abuse is starting to take hold. There should be two sides of the story so is there a communication breakdown? Again it’s all you need to know. Just thoughts of questions be well and true to yourself and your children :heart::pray::heart:

He needs to go and GROW UP SOMEWHERE. Your child doesn’t need to learn what a relationship is by watching the way he treats you. There are far better out there. I should know……I have one. He takes the kids swimming, to the Trampoline Park on the weekends and makes them waffles on Saturday and Sunday mornings. There are men out there who WANT to be a part of the family. I would cut this negativity loose.

I was married for 17 years to someone just like this. I finally deceived myself and my daughters deserved better. We left and never looked back. He is a good dad now but was not then. Trust me when you decide to leave it takes time but you will be stronger and your child will not believe this is a normal.

Run run like the wind… he is not worth it. If it is this bad now just imagine how bad it could get.

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You don’t need someone who isn’t worthy of you n this man certainly isn’t .give yourself some time on your own with your daughter .and have more confidence in yourself and self don’t need a selfish baggage of a man like this get out now

You answered your own question with that last statement.


How about finding someone who respects you.

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U and your daughter deserve better. Run fast. Being single is better than being with someone who’s not there. Physically or emotionally.

You need to get out and be happy life is to short if he don’t work with you on the relationship don’t wast your time his lost find some one to love you and work on the relationship better to be alone and happy then in a relationship and be hurt

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We/I think that you know deep down that he IS Not the one for you. He doesn’t sound like he’s any better than your ex.

You already know the answer, we are just a sounding board. This is your life forever if you stay, he has no need to change, he already has what he wants. 7 years did you say? That’s a life time of misery and more to come. Good luck!

We need to raise our daughters to be independent whole people. A successful marriage is the coming together of two “whole people.” We don’t need a spouse to be the other half of us. Choose mates that have your same value system.