My boyfriend is rude, what should I do?

Get put now. It will not get better

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Question: Why are you still with him??


Nope. Run and don’t look back!

Question is how much do you really love yourself.? Will you just sit back and watch while he stomps all over you? Girl you know your worth so get out from this “relationship” and love yourself

You don’t want to spend the rest of your life with him. Leave. Take your kid and make a clean break. There is nothing holding you there.


I’m pretty sure you already know your answer to whether you want to be with him or not. Get out now.

It won’t be easy… But you already know what you need to do… I did 16 yrs myself. There has to be someone out there that will love and respect you right. At least that’s what I’m hoping Lol

Maletas go sin derecho come back lay off

Girl why you even still there!!!? You’re not crazy! Go find a good man who will love you ands always want to be with you!!

I think you have your answer. He is showing you who he is… believe him.

Don’t settle. He’s not good enough

Don’t wate your time with people acting a fool on you.

Youve just answered your own question . Life to short if your not happy WALK AWAY!

Well duh, you pretty much answered your own question…he needs to go. Nobody deserves to be disrespected. WALK AWAY!!!

Sadly my dear it is obvious he does not care. Actions speak louder than words, and you all deserve better than what your getting. 7 years is long enough to know it is not working. If you don’t care enough about yourself leave for the sake of your children they don’t need to endure his kind of neglect, and abuse. I wish you all the best, and pray you make the best choice for your family.


Why would you want to would fucked to me…. How about try and leave

You DO know and you DON’T WANT to…SO do the best thing for yourself and your child Go Now…
Good Luck…

You have given enough time and he promised to change. You’re going to need to take your daughter and move on. If you’ve been unhappy all this time. It’s time to be happy with your daughter. Life is to short to waste time on someone who doesn’t want to share life and enjoy you! Sorry but time to move on!!!

7yrs n u still putting up with this shit. Nah leave. U ain’t married don’t fall for this crap


I want to take a moment and suggest seeking a counselor. Your post is asking for advice-do not accept being treated poorly by anyone. Enjoy your beautiful girl and your life. Get some help to find out how. His unhappiness is his responsibility, not yours. Good luck!

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No judgement but what are you hoping for? If he was gonna do it…he would have. Go now. I’m dead serious. Know your worth mama. It ain’t as bad as you think when leaving. After time, you’ll realize things you never could. Go in grace and let him go. Do the best for you and your daughter. Just go. Ain’t nobody keeping you. You know what you need to do. Blessings

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Dump him…not worth the stress…the kids deserve need to stop doing for the kids just cause he doesnt want too…if your unhappy the kids feel it…

Play why tf are you with this tool bag?? Ffs seriously know your worth

No sweetheart you said it all move on God baby you’re going to be miserable

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He seems very immature. I would leave. He doesn’t acknowledge you or your value.

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Kindly ask him to leave and move on

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Leave now it won’t change

Time to leave he sounds like a waste of time, leave now before it gets worst especially if your not happy



Just leave, or kick him out whichever you fancy. It’s been 7 years, let that sink in, your daughter has aged 7 years, Kia has a warranty that lasts that long. You know there is a problem and you know how to fix it, if you choose to stay you will be asking yourself every year what should I do. Just dump him already and get your daughter away from him.

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“I don’t know if I want to spend the rest of my life with someone like that”……you answered your own question. You know what to do.

Walk away he ain’t good enough for you


You’ve put up with this for seven years?? Honestly. Just leave. He isn’t going to change. He’s already proved that to you. Actions speak louder than words. Leave now


Love isn’t always enough to keep a relationship.

There are so many factors that make a good partner and obviously he isn’t it.

Does he Respect you?
Does he Appreciate you?
Can you have a healthy conversation and resolve issues together?
Also factor the kids into those questions.

Be with someone who makes you excited plan a future together.
Your person is out there.

7 years is a long time to put up with bullshit line that. Time to move on before u have a second divorce under ur belt


Honey he’s just using you. Get out!!

Find your happiness… obviously it’s not with him.


Don’t walk away, RUN!!! And NEVER look back. If you settle for being treated like this now, ten or twenty years from now you will DEFINITELY regret staying. NEVER settle for this type of relationship IF it can even be called that. The simple fact he doesn’t want to be seen with you in public should tell you EVERYTHING you need to know. :-1::-1::-1::-1::-1:

Sounds like a narcissist

You answered your own question. You don’t want to live the rest of your life like that.

I know this is probably hard to hear/ I haven’t lived in your Steps exactly. But I feel there will be that special someone I know who will except you all for you are and rub your back til you fall asleep. And love you in ways you’ve never been loved before. Never believe you are somthing your not, you are a queen and deserve the kingdom

Then please don’t put up with this for the rest of your life. Throw the damned lazy arsed fool out and begin getting a happier life back for yourself. Don’t put up with second options in life cos you feel certain feelings about a situation. All the best.

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Been in a similar situation, the best thing I have ever done. I now have my soul mate

Leave him, they don’t change


Geeze grab a clue lady or daughter will end up with someone like him. Is that what you want for her?

Why you wasting your time with this man? He is not going to change and everyday you stay with him, you are telling him that it’s ok for him to treat you this way


Leave. He’s not worth the stress, and you deserve a hell of a lot better.


Run & don’t look back


You left a marriage for certain reasons do you really want another marriage that gives you nothing positive or validates your worth…I left a marriage and there was no way I was going to go to another one where I was made to feel like I wasn’t worth anything…you deserve better, ditch his arse and move on you’ll be better for it in the long run

Move on. You have no reason to deal with that behavior. He’s had long enough to work on the things you’ve discussed. He’s never going to change.


7 years, one word run


LEAVE him NOW and LEAVE HIM FOR GOOD. He will never change.


There’s is better out there! Don’t let him sweet talk you about getting married that’s when it gets worse

Maybe he just wants a nanny and house maid . You deserve more run and don’t look back . If you can’t leave soon plan it and don’t tell anyone . Save your money enough to leave and go . Also if you been com-in-law its just like marriage.

He don’t you. Wake up.


Start packing…. (Either his bag or yours) Life’s too short not to be happy x


If u don’t know what u should do then I don’t know what to tell you. The answer should be very simple.


Sounds like he’s a narcissist let him go you deserve better.

Trust me your better off on your own then and much happier

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Leave! Been there done that for 14 yrs! Ya! I wasted 14 yrs of my life! Run!!!


He sounds like a headache leave you will find better

Get rid of the wanker while you’re young

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Get rid. He will only get worse and be completely diabolical if you marry it.
It is not worth another second of your time.

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It’s 2021 don’t put up with it. He’s obviously tired of the relationship so you just need to leave him n find your happy place without him… read what you wrote as if your daughter wrote it. What would u advise her


His not worth your time or presence. Move on.

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Why are you still with him someone out their needs you and would be good to you he is not worth your time move on

Get out of that toxic relationship before it gets worse

He will never change. Leave and find someone who truly cares for you and your daughter and wants to do things. You deserve better than him and so does your daughter

If you don’t know, then you know. There’s probably been no consequences for his bad behavior. So. Move on.

Run…find a decent one…oh wait…good luck on finding one. They are scarce

I think you know what you need to do.

Get out now he isn’t going to change, you deserve someone who wants to be with you.

Spent 8 years with a man that always said “I don’t give a fuck” ALL THE TIME, about everything. Even when I was pregnant with his child, “I don’t give a fuck”…move on! If you have reservations now and you’ve already been over this with him, get out now, just be done.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My boyfriend is rude, what should I do?

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Leave, if you’re questioning it now you should leave.

Move on before you’re in too deep. Disrespectful ass is what he is.

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Pack your stuff and leave. Why stay and be treated like that? You are teaching your daughter that abuse in a relationship is acceptable. Instead teach her to stand up for herself and know you both deserve better.


Run as fast as u can

Then dont… problem solved.


You need to ask, he sounds like a real prize. Move on girl. The writing’s on the wall. Run

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Sounds almost like a narcissist. I mean, you got divorced for a reason. Sounds like you should kick this guy to the curb, too.


You need to ask yourself why you put up with being treated like that. Get out sooner than later for the sake of you and your child.


Why do you stay? :woman_shrugging:t2:

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He’s obviously not going to change so you’re best bet is to dump his ass and be happy.

Then don’t take your sh** and go after 7 yrs it’s highly unlikely hes gonna change anyways esp he doesn’t see an issue with his behaviors

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Send him packing or leave

You answered your own question with that statement at the end

It called narcissistic

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Leave hun. You’re not happy you don’t sound happy. He doesn’t sound happy. Just move forward.

What you allow…will continue


Firstly leave him cause no just no and secondly y would u allow that for u or kids that’s not right I’m sure u can handle it but kids see that and they will think it’s OK it’s not it’s always hard to leave something ut put time and effort in but when it’s nt worth it then don’t make it seem like it is

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Bless you girl, pack a bag and go

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I would leave him in a heartbeat. It will only get worse if you allow it.

If he makes you sad, more then happy get him out of your life.

Then don’t. You are the only one who can change your situation. It sounds like you’ve already made up your mind. Go build a brighter future for you and your daughter! Show her a strong woman and give her an example to live by! You can do this!


You’ll never be happy with that person. He’s not marriage material.

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It’s been 7 years. It’s not going to change. Take your child out of that toxic environment.


Girl, pack up and go.

Doesn’t sound like a healthy environment for you. I say do what is best for you and your kid!! If it isn’t good for you it isn’t good for your kid. You deserve better.

Pack your bags do not make the mistake of marring him.