And he’s still your boyfriend?? Drop that girl.
Walk away, life is too short to be disrespected
Dump him Unless your hardup !!!
Sounds like u came to your conclusion already. The faster you leave the better. Stop wasting time with someone who drains the life out of you.
Do NOT try to “change” him. What you see is what you get! And it’s up to you if you want it. Simple.
Dump his ass and fast!!
Get the f@*k out Mrs while you can!!!
This too much damn work. Run!
If ya gotta ask you know ya need to leave… this doesn’t sound like it’s going anywhere for you or your children… be with someone who loves and adores you and your kiddos and is supportive of all you do…
was my similar situation, he was indeed not fully invested, entertaining other women. Get out while you still can.
That’s not a boyfriend
And he’s still you’re fiance …Why?
Why are you still with him?!
Gaslight & being abused.
Honey you don’t need anyone to tell you what you should do…you already said it…get out as fast as you can…its not worth the trouble…
He was probably like this before you got engaged. So, it’s all your fault. Stop wasting any more time. Dump him.
You already got your answer right from your mouth.
Why would you want to stay with a man like this? go find you self someone who likes to do the same things you do. Like is too short to settle.
Stop already have the respect for yourself you deserve so much better
Red flags he doesn’t want to be seen with you in public, so why even bother.
He’s a fully developed adult. If he hasn’t changed by now, it’s likely he won’t. You deserve happiness, respect, and healthy love and commitment. I know it’s difficult going through a breakup but it will only get harder with time. Put yourself first.
You don’t want to live your life like that !
Believe me ! They never really change .
No one cares about your happiness as much as you should ! You deserve someone who appreciates you .
all I’m sure of is that you definitely don’t need another divorce
Sounds like you are searching for the answer you already know… He is tossing red flags all over the place. Sounds like you just need to leave him to his fishing and move on with your life. Find someone that wants to be an active participant in your life as your partner and equal.
Ask yourself are you really happy with him? I don’t think you are otherwise you wouldn’t be asking for advice. He sounds like my ex, an asshole narcissist, leave now. Don’t waste anymore time with him. Your daughter sees all this and will think this is normal behavior for a relationship
Dump him
U don’t need his BS
U deserve better
Time to move on. If he can’t respect you, he doesn’t deserve you. You want a partner. Not more of what you left.
Life’s short girl ! Kick him to the curb. Find someone who want to be with you, make you happy and show you off.
You have to follow your heart only it can tell you what to do me personally I would of been gone a long time ago if you can’t except my kids as your family then you have no room for me
Dump him now…what an asshole
He’s sponging off of you
The first mistake is… why have you been a “fiance” for 7 years??? This man does not want to marry you. it’s obvious. Get yourself a real man honey! You’ll be much happier!
My ex was like that we were together 6 years never changed till I left
Oh yeah I’d be like "bye craig " ! Sounds like he doesn’t care about anything
7 years. You had me at. 7 years. Toooo long for a "committed " relationship. Anything I read after that only reinforced the fact that you deserve better.
The ink is not dried on that paper ,don’t go looking to sign another. Good bye doesn’t need a signature. He knows why he might not want to be seen with you .
If he doesn’t want to do family related things he is not ready for a family.
Let him go .
Enjoy your single time you and your child.
Don’t do it then. You already know your answer. Not your person.
You need to face the facts / reality.
Ask yourself ; where do you see yourself 1 year down the road with this guy ? 5 years ???
Where do you expect to be in 10 years…in this relationship?
Reality check if he’s not willing to change by now n you’ve tried talking n including n shown him what is needed then ? I’d say separate n see if he’s just done wants a way out ??id give short time 30 days n move on you n your child deserve much more than part time companion in life!!!
Why are you still a fiance’ when the writing is on the wall in block letters? Move on. Make TODAY the last day you play the fool
Let him go!! Run girl run!
No you don’t, and you shouldn’t. Get out now.
He isn’t happy anymore dude , nothing you can do to make it new again … seen this a million times over , don’t show your kids what they should put up with … Especially if you have a daughter ,be a pattern . A Bloody generational cycle , there is many help centre’s and number’s out there lady
As they say, “here’s your sign”! Get away now!!! You deserve better for you & your daughter. Don’t let your daughter see how he treats you. She deserves better also!!!
He’s not just rude!!
How is this even a question regarding what you should do? Is it not clear that you should move on and leave that relationship??? Not only does it sound like he doesn’t love you, sounds to me like he don’t even like you sis. Sweetie please realize your worth and don’t settle for anything less
Your last comment says it all hun…better to be on your own than being a doormat …you are worth more than that and by staying you are saying to the children it is ok to be treated like that
People treat you the way you let them
Run. Leave him! You wouldn’t ask if you didn’t already know what you should do for you.
why are you subjecting your children to him? you are emotionally hurting them, shame on you
You are there to take care of the kids…end of story. He’s using you. LEAVE!!!
Sounds like you already know your answer if you had to come here and ask. Woman, leave him. Time to throw out the trash hun.
I think you already know what you need to do
why r u still with him? it seems u r getting nothing out of that relationship. The extended warranty on him has expire, get the hell out of there
Don’t. Sounds like someone else has his attention. My ex used to act like that when someone had his attention and when he didn’t have their attention and was “left alone” he was all over me. Like a light switch. He’ll never change as long as his eyes are wandering.
Girl leave him, you deserve someone that will respect you. Don’t put up with the disrespect
So don’t. Period. Expect better. Demand better. And if you don’t get it walk away. Love yourself first
Leave him that’s a waste of time. No one deserves to live like that
Red flags everywhere. Leave.
Totally understand you! I’d honestly leave or kick him out. Men do not change unless they want to and most can never own their own shit or problems I honestly wouldn’t waste my time especially if this was already spoken about a year ago and he said he’d change… you and your child deserve better in life especially if your not happy!
If you don’t absolutely know you want to spend the rest of your life with this man then you should absolutely not. Red flags are everywhere. Please listen to your inner warning. They never change they only get worse once married. Good luck luv.
And you are with him why??? He sounds like an asshole to me!!! Leave his dumb ass…
Grab yo shoes n walk out his life!!!
If you have to ask, you have your answer. Life is too short to not be happy
I can’t imagine why anyone would want/choose to be with someone like that. Life is too short. Go live your life!
You shouldn’t live your life with someone like that. You’re not happy and he’s obviously not happy or he would’ve changed when he said he was going to. In mstead he’s still the same guy that doesn’t value his family and doesn’t want to do family things. You gave him another chance, he blew it. Leave and be happy on your own until you find someone that wants the same things in life that you do. There’s more to life then fishing. Making memories with your family is one of them and he’s not interested.
If your relationship at the absolute worst is the best it ever is are you ok with that? Because you can’t change someone else.
You answered your own question
You need to leave him and do some self work. Anyone who allows someone else to talk to them or treat them that way does not value themselves. We all have been there at some point. Having a healthy relationship with yourself will stop you from having unhealthy relationships with others.
Honey life is too short for putting up with that crap. Throw his clothes in the front yard.
Doesn’t seem to appreciate what he has. Unfortunately he won’t change until it’s too late.
Walk away while you still can, if ur posting on here u must know it’s no way to live x
Run and don’t look back
Find a way to get the hell out of that relationship. You are a queen. Your kid deserves a better role model.
Yep it’s over not worth your time to put the effort into he won’t change you’d be better off without him…plus the kids seeing him treat you this way is unacceptable
Run!! Boundaries!!! There plenty of fish in the sea…
I’d be walking out! Life’s to short to be unhappy,move on! Good luck:heart:
You need to get out that relationship befor its to late you can do better there really isnt anythink good in that relationship for what we can see you an your kids come first best get out now befor think get heated up red flag PRAYERS:pray:
Of course you don’t want to spend your life like that. These things only get worse.
Leave now and don’t look back
Oh just leave already!
Oh NO! I just dodged a bullet JUST LIKE THAT! We were engaged and red flags started coming out like fireworks! I was doing way too much for a bum who didn’t even take care of his DOG! (POOR THING). How are you gonna treat me and my kids?! I RAN AS SOON AS HE LEFT SHIT IN THE TOILET AND BLAMED THE DOG. Lady, you take care of you and treat yourself. Heal your hurt and someone better will find us:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: And that’s the SHORT STORY. He was an ex who came back into my life gaslighting me until I said yes. I tried for 3 months just to SEE if it was real. I was healing myself and KNEW THAT SOMETHING WASN’T RIGHT. I WAS HIS TEDDY BEAR WHEN ALL ELSE FAILED. You’ll be ok even though it hurts like hell.
He will only get worse
Get rid of him, he obviously doesn’t give a rats ass about you he’s a complete narcissist
Find someone who will treat you the way you deserve
Leave! Leave now!!! Do yourself a favor.
Noone wants 2 b around a rude, hateful & negative person!! It only brings u down & causes u 2 become depressed & makes u feel like u aren’t good enough!! He’s never going 2 b a people or a family man!! If u want a happy life 4 u & your kid it’s time 2 say goodbye!! Now u will b able 2 find yourself & what ever makes u happy!!
not sure how you have been with him for 7 years but just recently got divorced (I know sometimes divorce proceedings can take awhile, but not that long), so apparently he was a rebound relationship anyway, which is bad news. cant believe you have put up with him treating you that bad for that long, but you should definitely get out bc your child doesnt need to see you in a shitty relationship like that.
Time to leave him too. People don’t change.
You have invested 7 years… that is very hard to walk away from. I have had personally invested 6 years ( we still talk bc of daughter involved) however it was the best choice of my life. He acted a lot like how your SO is… it sounds like you both need to separate and grow. We are both civil to each other. However you do what you think is best.
He sounds like a total asshole - I’d hell him to kick rocks and find someone worthy who appreciates and loves you!
You already know the answer. We confirm that you are right. Leave him and find your joy.
And why are you with him?
You’re clearly seeing multiple red flags!
High tail it out of there at lightening speed and don’t look back.
I’m so sorry. But show him the door.
That fact you are posting this tells you what you should di
U deserve someone who will appreciate u ! Get out pls do it for your child and yourself this man doesn’t deserve u hugs
Leave now. My ex (baby daddy) was the same way (he was also physically abusive). You deserve better. Seriously, leave now. I know it’s hard. I left him 2 days after bringing our son home from the hospital. But do it now.
Dump him, as in yesterday
Ok first 7 years and u just got devorced done hmm thats lil sus second hes not your bf hes your live in f buddy if you dont spend time doing things you arent a couple he proposed so u wouldn’t leave leave now
If you have to ask in a situation you shared what is wrong with you lady get the help you need and get out
Get rid no good find someone who appreciate u kiddies more do things whith you lv x