My boyfriend is rude, what should I do?

Get out while you can.

get away now he wont change

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Doesn’t seem very affectionate or friendly, you deserve to be happy too x

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Stay single for awhile.focus on yourself & daughter

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No mama , leave while you can . You have no strings right now , don’t wait for one to come out . You can find someone better that will treat you better , that wants to spend time with you and your girl :two_hearts:

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If you don’t want to spend the rest of your life with that then why did you make this question
leave him. Kick him out. Whats the issue.

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FiancĂ© for 7 years. Yeah y’all aren’t getting married.

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He’s no good to you. Run and don’t look back

If you have to question it then you already know what you have to do, do what’s best for yourself and little one


You deserve so much better,he is being disrespectful towards you,you are better off just you and your kids x


Get rid of him it doesn’t get better it gets worse!


He doesnt respect you as a woman, he thinks he can treat you like shit and get away with it, it cant work without communication and if hes saying you’re dramatic everytime you try to talk to him then thats not considering your feelings before his actions, or feeling remorse for when he hurts your feelings.
Theres no romance in your relationship, ans you dont need to settle for less than you deserve, let him be somebody else’s problem. You deserve better!!!


He does not sound very nice,if he won’t do any family oriented things with you or the children,then he really isn’t worth your time and effort.

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Rudeness once it’s nature , it becomes their personality , sometimes the only way to put them in their place is , a harsh blunt honesty in a way of an insult

Fump him he will never change

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Leave him.
Fact you wrote this tells me that you know what you need to do. Neither your ex or this man is suitable for you . A man that loved you would have been over joyed at your divorce and would want to go out on days out with you alone , and with the kids
He sounds :nauseated_face::nauseated_face::nauseated_face: 
stay on your own a bit find yourself, then you will find someone that you deserve.


Exit while you have a chance. Don’t appreciate you or relationship! Life is to short to put up with bullshit.:face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Get rid of him. Do what is best for you

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My boyfriend is rude, what should I do?

Counseling. If he refuses I would be moving me and my kid out. You deserve better and so does your kid. Life is short don’t waste time with someone who treats you like that.


Hun, you’ve already did the divorce thing. Why do it again? Leave!


Leave sooner than later

I only got half way through ur post
leave him!

Why are you even with him?

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Leave he is not worth the pain he is causing you.

Naw too much trouble stay single then you dont have to put up with others bs

I wouldn’t stick around.

Move on girl you deserve so much more

RUN, why stay when your obviously not happy ??

Why are you still with him? Run far and run fast.

Nope! My ex was like that, too! Then he found someone who would take his crap and kicked me n his 4kids out. If he isn’t kind and loving as your partner and a father, why bother?

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Run now save yourself

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Just get out now 
 While you can 
 No one should be treated like this 
so sorry you are dealing with this 
 I pray you find happiness

Don’t. Pack your things and leave. The “I’ll change” thing gets said way too much, and never happens. If you want someone who is going to do family things, he does not seem like the guy for you, he only seems worried about what he wants. And when you tell him what he is doing and he tells you that you are being dramatic or whatever that is gaslighting. Go, go, go!


Time to put yourself first and set an example for your child – It’s time to go.

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Um lady you aren’t happy ! Tell him you are going to leave or have him leave. That’s not cool.

He’s literal trash. Like an all around shitty person and you should seriously find someone better than him

Why do you tolerate that nonsense?! Bye Felicia!

Ruuuunnnnnnn Girl R.U.N. THATS IT THAT’S ALLL. You can keep talking and talking and talking his ear off . A man will change for the woman he wants that’s the truth find you a man crazy about you :clap::two_hearts:You WILL find him those amazing men are out there .!

Leave! They only get worse (I know it doesn’t seem possible atm, but they DO)

Don’t entertain this shit, leave.

He said it himself, leave him alone. Don’t put your kids through his mess.

“Rest of your life”? Why are you even thinking that far ahead, you should question why you want to even spend the rest of the week with that waste of time. Grab your daughter and get the hell out of there.

you can’t change him only yourself, leave before you have wasted any more time being unhappy, he doesn’t care but you should, love yourself and take care of you

Plain and simple, leave.

Of course you know you don’t want to spend the rest of your life like that

Drop him like a hot potato. U don’t need that aggravation.

Get the he’ll out you are better than that.

Do you have a child with him? If not, move on. People ignore red flags thinking they will change. 7 years is your lesson not a blessing.

he sounds like a narcissist and if u marry him it’s just gonna get even worse. i say leave now!!! why would you wanna live w somebody like that and especially make the kids live through it??? i know it’s hard to move on but it’s just gonna get even worse love. :pray:t3::two_hearts: :hugs:

I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life with someone like that and I left him 6 years ago. I still had to deal with him because we have a kid together but I didn’t have to put up with his bullshit.

Words not matching actions is called manipulation. Refusing to be held accountable for it is called gaslighting. Probably best to leave.

you do not want to spend the rest of your life like that.

Narc. Throw the whole man away.

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Find better, it won’t be hard lol

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He sounds like a child. I would leave. Get the heck out of there as fast as you can!

Get rid of him - you don’t deserve to be treated like this

 Focus on yourself. Self love is so important!!! If your man is not hyping you and making you and your child feeling love and supported there is no reason to stay. Its going to be tough on you for leaving but focus on your happiness and your child. I been in your shoes and i feel 10x better loving myself then being knock down and unwanted for years

No you don’t chuck him out the door

You’re NOT married to him
stay that way


You already wasted 7yrs n im sorry but 7yrs as a fianceđŸ€Šâ€â™€ïž he wont change no matter what, leave n go find happiness, even if your by yourself it’s gotta be better than wth you got now

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Marriage counseling might help and if it doesn’t at least you can say you tried.

He’s showing you who he’s always going to be, believe him.


I’d move on. Life is to short to be unhappy. Walk away with your head held high and and a beautiful smile on your face. Enjoy your life. Good luck.

Think about if that was your daughter and she came to you for the same advice. What would you tell her, then follow through. She’s watching. She’s learning. She’ may end up thinking its okay to tolerate because she seen you stay

Nope leave it doesn’t get better but will get worse

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I always say
 if your daughter was in your shoes
 what advice would you give her? Take that advice and run with it😘


7 years, I think it is time to leave

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i would have left a long time ago hes never gonna change because he dont want to change :woman_shrugging:

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 relationship counseling
 does he drink or smoke? Maybe he’s doing something that is altering his state of mind?

You are barely finishing up a divorce from and ex and have been with the next already 7 years
Maybe it would be a good idea to take some time for yourself and to be by yourself rather than focusing so much on being in a relationship? 7 years is too long anyway to tolerate being treated any less than a queen.


your kids and yourself do not deserve that treatment. get out with the kids before they see worse

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Again??? Divorced recently! Why!? For God’s sake! Leave! But you won’t! Your the rug he’s walking on! Make up and have made passionate sex! It goes on and on! Ugh hey just leave him!

Life is too short to be anything but happy

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Run like Hell
you can do bad on your own
you don’t need any help with that.

Don’t marry him, open your eyes, you’ve been with him 7 years, he’s not going to change, if you cannt get the courage to leave for yourself, do it for your daughter( show her that’s not how a man is supposed to treat a woman, if she was being treated like this I’m pretty sure as a mother you would tell her to leave) you deserve better!


Have a baby with him, marry him. It’ll change him :roll_eyes: whatever you do get pregnant by this prick.

Move on. He’s not worth your tears.

I feel like I say things like this when I’m upset, but when I’m not upset, I see all the good in the relationship. The good should always outweigh the bad and only you can decide that.

You already know the answer.
You really want a lifetime of that? What advice would you give your best friend?

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I read the first sentence and was like NOPE! Please don’t waste your life.

Is he the only man in your city? Sounds like a dick

I would of said no to the proposal if he was acting like that 7 years ago as well. Please don’t waste anymore time or energy on him. Time to go :dancer:

LEAVE HIM. Don’t live your life like that

You decide what you are worth. When you allow men to treat you bad, you are telling yourself and showing your children his verbal abuse is acceptable, and it is not. YOU are worth WAY more than that!!! Know your worth! :heart: Good luck!

Leave. You do not want to spend the rest of your life unhappy.

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Why is he your fiance if he acts like that?

You DON’T KNOW if you want to spend the rest of your life with someone like that???

You’d do well to move on. He sounds like a jerk.

Take your daughter and change your life, do for you & your daughter & leave that life behind, was your ex as bad? Start anew it won’t get better with this one by the sounds, he’s not going to change.

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I think the obvious answer is to leave we all know that much. The real question you need to ask yourself is why have you stayed? It’s always easier to tell someone to leave
but when you’re in the mess it’s easy to justify the “good days”, “good moments” the “not wanting to have to start over with someone new feelings”. Once you are strong enough to know that you will create better days without them, amazing moments and you’ll realize starting over with someone new who will actually appreciate you is the best feeling. Only you know when it is time to leave. Once you do you’ll ask yourself why you stayed so long. You got this girl :muscle:t3:


“when people show you who they are, believe them”
It’s ok to leave people who disrupt your peace. It’s ok to live by and love yourself. You have children you’re molding and this is not something they should see. Yes people change, most are all talk. It’s very rare for someone to change and because you’ve allowed him to treat you that way he’s got a pass to continue to treat you that way. I hope you leave.


he’s not changing
he would’ve done it already
life is precious
you should live it happy with your child

You know u need to walk away. So just do it.

Is this a real question? He’s been your fiancĂ© for 7 years but you recently finalized your divorce!?! If he is not want you want or need in a guy or then get to gettin
 The only person that can change things is you! Don’t wait around for someone to change, you will be disappointed every time!

What’s the question here? You have NO reason to stay

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Girl, you said nothing good about him in the entire post. Just ask yourself, would I want my child with someone like this? You need to remove yourself and your child from this unhealthy relationship.

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Stop that. Leave him. There’s someone sis. Seriously

He sounds like a selfish prick. Who won’t change for no one! Babygirl run with your daughter

He’s toxic and won’t change obviously. Save your time and energy. YOU DESERVE BETTER!!