My boyfriend is rude, what should I do?

If you had to put quotes around fiance you know the answer.

He needs to be booted. You can find a better soulmate to be with

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Just leave. Don’t waste anymore time. It’s not worth sacrificing your happiness for anyone. There’s someone out there who would love to do everything you like and more.

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Trust me, you don’t want to spend your life with someone who makes you miserable

Close the barn door. He doesn’t deserve sugar. Like a typical man he. Will leave you because your not giving him sugar no more.

Just ask yourself one question. If you went to visit your daughter (when she’s older) and saw her significant other treating her the same way … what would your advice be for her?


Maybe concentrate on you and your kid until you find a worthy boyfriend and Do Not have a kid with him.

Move on you deserve better,
If he hasn’t changed in 7 years he never will.
You can do better think of your children & yourself!

Time to move on. Sounds like my narcissistic ex. Notice the word EX. Good luck. See all the red flags and do yourself better and find your own happiness and get out of that toxic place.

Leave it only gets worse never better

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He’s showing you how he’s gonna be forever. You have to decided on if you want to live like that or not.


Boot him out. You can do better.

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You definitely deserve better!!!
My divorce was also recently finally finalized and my man was so happy!!! I love him very much but if he had reacted like your man did…I would’ve left him. I will NEVER deal with anything as worse as my ex husband was. And neither should you.


Dump him and find a REAL MAN.


Girl run and dont look back


Is he on meth? I lived this life not knowing that my ex was on meth. Get away now


Why are YOU still there? Why do you put your kids through that kind of hell. What kind if mother would subject their kids to any if that situation. Wake up, he doesn’t love you.


Definitely not I would say get a new life without him but sounds like he’s hardly apart of your life to begin with . You’re probably better off . You can’t say you’ll change you either do or you don’t

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time to kick him to the curb

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No you don’t want to spend the rest of your life with someone like that

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It’s time to move on. No one deserves this treatment. Hope it works well for you and your children

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What do you do with such a nefarious person?
You are allowing it, let people do what they want but not with you.

Get out! Why are you with a lazy ungrateful rude horrible person? Would you like to see your child be in that kind of relationship?

Yep just f him off youll be alot happier without that crap, that type off person never changes trust me been there done that for 25 years!

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Kick his ass to the curb!!!

He sounds delightful!! Seriously you deserve so much better than this crap.

Been with him for 7 years. You not trippin

Only you know him, I don’t . A life life time is very long time. My suggestion would be stay if you love him truly. Just can’t make it without him. Leave if you don’t . Lust gets in the way when you are attracted to a guy. Easy to confuse two

Lock him the the kerb x

Don’t spend the rest of your life living that way no one deserves that kind of treatment

You know in your heart what the right thing to do is for you and your daughter.

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Sounds like you have already made your decision time to put the big girl panties on girl no its not going to be easy but you and your kids deserve better and better is out there :slightly_smiling_face: your doing it by yourself anyway

Walk before it’s to late.

Don’t get married and don’t get pregnant. You and your daughter deserve better.


You need to leave that relationship. 7 years and hes acting like that? Hes not going to change.

You know in your heart that it isn’t working. Go and enjoy being single with your daughter. I suspect you’ll miss his kids more than him.

Sounds like a narcissist! Run!

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If he doesn’t see you now. He will never see you. The best thing you have to do is move on with your life, as he seems not do be doing anything in yours.

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Just leave girl. Your better off without him. You need a MAN who appreciates you. Not makes you feel this way. Especially if you don’t have a kid together yet. Better to leave before you’re stuck with him Fr


I think you already know the answer. Leave and don’t look back

Run n don’t look back.

Then don’t. Sounds like a 1 sided relationship

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Throw the whole man out

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Get rid of him asap.

He doesn’t sound like much fun to me…sounds like he’s not the one for you

You answered your own question . “I don’t know if I want to live like that “ you know you don’t so just break it off and go on your merry way .

Depends on who owns where you are living if its him leave if its you lock him out

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My boyfriend is rude, what should I do?


Go now. Do you want your daughter to be treated that way… she will think it’s ok.


If you can and are able to… Leave. He is not the person he promised to be and he obviously is never going to be that man. I am so sorry you are going through this. But you need to take care of you and your child. That’s what is important. Good luck friend, sending you love, light and strength! :heart:


Your daughter deserves to have a parent that leads by example. Move on without him and his kids. Show your daughter the strength it takes to take care of yourself. No man gets to treat you like that is the lesson you need to teach her. You are going to be miserable if you stay.


No you don’t. If he can’t respect you and appreciate his family to spend time with them. He doesn’t appreciate you or the kids. For awhile split and go separate ways give you both a break. If it’s meant to be things will work out if not go on with your life.You deserve better and someone who can spend quality family time with you and the kids. Praying everything will work out for the best.


You know it’s past time to go. But not to another man. Learn to be on your own. Take time to get to know your daughter and yourself. Know what you need and want. You will know better then when the man who will treat you and your child the way you deserve comes along. Good luck.


You will not change his heart—you have already proven you will accept it. If you leave, he will say anything to get you to come back and he will be the same. You deserve better


Run Forest Run. You deserve to be respected not neglected.


If you’re ok with being treated like this that’s your decision but don’t subject your kid to that. Think of what your daughter is learning is ok.


I agree with Wrk DeTemple. I’ve been there in the same situation, think about your child happiness, too. Not only yours.


It is called he is a narcissist. He will not change. You just need to get out well the gettin is good. You so deserve better, along with your kids.


Won’t change, I promise. Its been something long u have accepted, why would he feel he needs to change… plz, the “I’m sorry’s” are what keeps u around, and make u feel so loved, but, unless you are willing to accept being treated like shit for the makeup feel good (that by the way come farther and farther away) then, learn to accept the negativity, as well as your baby drifting away because they DO see and learn to accept mommy just doesn’t want to today… realities babygirl. Yea… I’m still living it. Pm me if you need to talk.


Been there, done that for 10 years. Best day was the day I had him removed from my home. The kids and I were finally free and have flourished ever since. And trust me, being a single mom is hard; but it’s harder to stay in an abusive relationship that is dead. The kids will suffer in ways you may not realize. The longer you stay the worse it will be. Have faith in yourself- even a little bit- drop him from your life (except child support) and start fresh and be single for a long while until you can stand on your own two feet. You’ll be happier and stronger for it! Praying for you and the kiddos!


It’s called red flags. Run. He has no respect for anyone. You will find someone who loves and respects you for who you are. Let go to say hello to someone new.


If you are not happy in the relationship, you need to get out of it. He seems to be selfish and only thinks of himself. I would run immediately ! Life is too short to be treated in this way.


The signs are there. You work, take care of kids and house. Then, he doesn’t want to make family time. That was me, and the entire time he a side piece. It took me 14 yrs to come to my senses for up with this, and abusive. WAKE UP MY SISTA. You deserve better.


“I don’t know if I want to spend the rest of my life with someone like that” I think you already know the answer if you have to ask this question, but just in case, the answer is no.


The only way you can change the man is if he is wearing diapers. You have to decide if you can spend your life with him exactly the way he is now. You already gave him one chance and his promise was nothing but empty words. Cut your loses and get out before he does permanent damage to your mental health. It may be hard but the best is yet to be. Think of your child.


It’s simple. You need to leave. Why would you want to be with someone like that!


The reason you are writing this is that you do know the answer-you do not want to spend the rest of your life with him! You deserve better and so do the kids!!


Women have made excuses since the dark ages for men with that self centered attitude! Time to change that!!


You know what you need to do, it’s scary & will be hard especially with children involved.
You will be so much happier when it’s over !!


Run. They never change


Been in a very similar relationship… only the children involved were mine… advice… don’t marry him, call it off and go your own way… I regretted marrying the one I was with… I didn’t see what was in front of me til it was too late…


time to say bye you dont need it nor ur child he dont wanna change its been 7yrs see ya he would have changed by now


He sounds like a bore! This situation is negative for you and your child! Be on your own and you will be happier! Gotta be someone better out there for you!


Why is he your boyfriend?


you gave him a chance, cut your losses & get out now. I’d rather be alone than to be disregarded, and treated that way. And your children should not be exposed to that


You already know the answer. If your daughter was grown and a man treated your daughter this way, wouldn’t you tell her that a man should respect a woman? That a man should love a woman he is going to marry? This isn’t love. Go now and maybe you will one day find a real man that will truly love you and your daughter and want to make you his family. You deserve nothing less. Teach your daughter how to be a strong, loving, kind, caring and hard working woman that expects the same from others. :heart:


Nope, leave. You need to feel secure, un afraid, and same for your children. Seek guidance also at CHURCH. Praying for the best


You have two choices one is to leave and the other one isn’t a good one


Move on before it’s too late you need someone to respect you doesn’t sound like he does. He doesn’t want to do family things and you do them alone so why do you really need him. Don’t let your child grow up thinking that is how a man is suppose to act


Sounds like he should be your EX soon and take your child and find someone who wants to participate and love being a family. You dint get involved with someone who has kids and not be part of thier life and family … he doesn’t sound like a very loving person.


I set a ground rule for myself a while ago that has really saved me pain and led me to a man I couldn’t love more. That rule is…“if it hurts more to stay together, if the day in and day out hurts more, then it will to leave and heal from the breakup, it’s time to go!” Sounds to me like staying hurts ya. Only you can decide in the end but I would consider this. It’s really helped me.


Get out!!! Is rather be alone than be with someone that toxic!! You deserve better please believe that! And you have a child and they dont need that negative environment!!


DUMP HIM. Stay single for awhile focus on your kids. Pack and get out unless you like being treated like garbage


Why are you waisting time!!! It goes by so fast!!!... You need to do better for you!!! You deserve better!!! …… The man will not change… and at the end, when you are waisted all your energies, perhaps then u will leave him…… or you’ll just stay in this relationship because you don’t like to be alone…… well my dear-better to be alone than miserable!!!


I would get my running shoes on and zoom out of his life!! It would be better to make it on your own. Set up some counseling sessions- pray sincerely for Gods help! You are responsible for that little girl and her happiness too! Counseling helps a lot!!


You deserve to be with someone that makes you happy. It sounds like you’ve already made your decision. He doesn’t sound like a family man. You deserve better.


All I can say is that your kids don’t need to see a relationship like that,what happens is they will fall right in the same thing. Ask yourself why did you get a divorce? You are stronger than you think. Move on to more than a relationship, a love of your life. Sorry so blunt but I see so many kids follow their parents footsteps and they could do so much better.

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I think rude is an understatement & sounds like u already know what u should do. Think about this…is this how u would want your daughter treated in a relationship? Probably not but you’re teaching her this is ok. Don’t settle just to have someone in your life. You are better than that!


Why do you let him treat you like that?


As you already know how he is, leave him. You don’t need to be stressed out. Or sad, angry and frustrated. He could become mean and beat on you. Besides, you just got divorced. Give yourself time to be free!! Think hard on this!!!


Leave. He won’t change. Do you want your daughter to grow up thinking that your relationship is normal and it’s OK to be treated so disrespectfully? You’re obviously strong as you’ve taken his crap for as long as you have but enuffs enuff.


You deserve better! Leave his ass and the right MAN will come along! I believe in you and you can do it. No one needs to stay with someone that doesn’t appreciate them. 7 years is enough time for him to grow up and treat you and your family right. Good luck!

Dump him, find a new life with a better human being, for your sake and your kids. He treats u this way because allow him too! Your better than that and you deserve better and especially your kids do!!!

Time to weigh the pros and cons but it doesn’t sound like many pros. He doesn’t sound like a family man at all, he should have been happy your divorce was final. I think you know rge answer but want to be sure you are doing the right thing. I personally wouldn’t put up with it. Good luck to you

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Research Narcissistic Personality Disorder then get far far away after you figure it out. No contact! He’s not changing. It gets worse. Start researching complex ptsd of survivors so you will know what to expect with yourself when it’s over and will help you understand what you’re going through as they pop up and make healing a little easier.

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He does not appreciate you or the children. You need to leave him and you will find someone who will love you and appreciate and love what he has and enjoy family life and you. You are too good for him and don’t deserve this :revolving_hearts:

Obviously you’re not happy. Time to ditch his arse and move on. Think of your kids and the environment they are in. It’s not good for them. Do you really want to be treated like that? No you deserve better. Leave. He’s using you.

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Get rid of him. You and your kids deserve to be treated better. He isn’t going to change. Dump him


You know in your heart what you need to do or you wouldn’t be asking for answers. He either doesn’t give a rat’s a or he is getting ready to leave. And needs an excuse so getting you pissed off at him for not participating in the relationship he can leave with the excuse “she was constantly nagging me”. You deserve so much more. Look in the mirror and be honest.

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Girl move on with your life and your child. You have to love yourself to see how much you worthy, you don’t deserve attitudes in your home. Go get an affordable accommodation and find your daughter a good school. Daughter can attend after school lessons then you pick her up from work, it will work try it. Don’t rush into another relationship, let God guide you. It will happen sooner or later but it will. Good luck and God bless

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