My boyfriend is trying to pressure me to get married

You both are CLEARLY not on the same page. Need I, or anyone else here, say more?


:triangular_flag_on_post: Late 30’s lives with parents
:triangular_flag_on_post: No car
:triangular_flag_on_post: Pressuring you to move to his town after only 1 MONTH
:triangular_flag_on_post: Pressuring you to MARRY him after only 1 MONTH
:triangular_flag_on_post: Pressuring you to have kids after only 1 MONTH
:triangular_flag_on_post: Gets an attitude when you try to explain your feelings about all these red flags!
:triangular_flag_on_post: Basically only seen each other TWICE



By the way… now you see exactly why he’s divorced too.

Run faster than you ever have in your life! Sorry you are going through this!


I am probably not the best for advice (my husband and I met online then moved in together the day we met in person) but it does sound manipulative and not a good sign

This dude is a walking red flag. Please don’t waste anymore of your time on him. He needs to get his sh!t together before thinking about marriage and kids.

It’s been a month , by the sounds of it you have seen each other twice in that time . Honestly if you need to be asking questions after seeing someone twice, should be enough to walk away


Omg, why are you posting this and not busy blocking him on everything! Clinger!!!


Red flag city here! Drop him like a bad habit and don’t look back!

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Run! You dont know him that well. He is pushy. That is always a red flag. Any time that someone pushes you to make a snap decision ( and this is a life decision) ypu shpukd walk away.

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Reg flags babe I mean there is such as true love but it doesn’t sound right to me… sounds like your already questioning it… and he isn’t listening to what you are wanting either x I would give it a miss and continue to follow your dreams….


Drop him like a hot rock you are better off single


Nooooo stay away from this guy

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A month? Don’t just walk away, run.


Don’t do it!! Red flags everywhere on this. If you’re not comfortable and plus it’s only a month time to move on. Don’t change yourself to make this person happy, otherwise you’ll resent this in the future

Run!!! :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:


Run away, don’t walk. That is manipulative behavior and it’s only been a month, you’ve no ties to him, just block him.

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Sounds like he wants you to move him out of his parents house and become his new mama. :rofl:

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I swear these things are a joke. The author writes out as many red flags as they can, just to act confused at the end. “What should I do?”. You already know…you’re just looking for attention and for someone else to say what you should do…


If you were so strong willed you wouldn’t be asking for advice about someone who is obviously going to ruin your life and your actually thinking about it smh. RUN DONT WALK!


I honestly can’t even read all that before I just want to say RUNRUNRUNRUNRUN!!! Hell no. Just NO!!!

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Why are you bothering , when you have a great life … You dont need a guy to comlete you , Leave now before you get to involed an he becomes demanding …ENJOY YOUR JOURNEY :thinking:

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Oh hell no!! A million red flags. He doesn’t have his own place or car but wants you to marry him? I assume you probably have a job and have ur own things don’t let him take advantage of your hard work because he probably will. Tell him if things go well and you’d consider it but it’s too soon now. That gives you a chance to see if he can get his shit together. If he doesn’t then I’d break it off. Once you get married and bring kids into it you are stuck with hun for life . Know your worth. And don’t be afraid to expect anything less for yourself because you are worth it.

Run for your life :running_woman:


Red Flags … RED ALERT controlling and only after one thing don’t y you need to politely just run from this situation … Hun im sure he nice but marriage only after 1month no car divorced and wanting kids and just expects you to uproot … wise up this has ted flags all over it


:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: run! That is way too much yall have been together for a month and seen eachother twice.

I would drop him like a hot potato. So many red flags.

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This man has some kind of issues. A grown man without a car and living with his folks. He is probably slow or has an addiction. What is he doing with his money ? You’re making a horrific mistake if you marry him and have kids with him. The fact he ignores your point of view on this situation tells me he is also narcissistic. Run. Don’t visit him anymore. Get a real man.

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You’re actually entertaining this idea?? Girl, move on lol you barely know him and there are red flags all over this post


It sounds like you guys are on totally different pages. You don’t want to live where he lives and are starting a business. He wants you to drop everything and live with him and marriage right away whether that’s to just be intimate or he wants to rush a family idk. And he want kids asap and you want to wait. And he won’t even have actual serious conversations about it. Lots of red flags here and it sounds like you guys are in for a rocky road ahead. I’d probably walk away. You don’t want to stay just because you haven’t had a relationship in a while.


No No No life is to short

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Marry in haste repent at leasure
You have too much to loose
If he is serious he’ll understand
Let him move

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Tell him bye bye. Don’t need that stress

This is manipulative and probably a control issue. You have not been together or seen each other enough to drop everything and the marriage thing is probably so you can have sex. He could possibly wanna mooch off you as well because he has no car and lives at home

Red flag alert

Red flags !!! If you stay it will get worse. Time to leave him and do what you need to do yourself and get your business going😊

This is a no , on so many levels.

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Every red flag is there. Trust your gut feeling it’s there for a reason. God bless and keep you.

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I would say he is to pushy. Stand your ground

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He is not in a good place for any of those things himself, yet is pressuring you into all that. You sound like you are in a good place in life and deserve someone who’s on the same page as you. He’s just looking for a free ride. Run!

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Yeah no, you’re better off single and focusing on you’re new business. Don’t be his meal ticket…sounds like he needs to get his ducks in a row

Yikes! Sounds toxic. Get away from that

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Run, don’t walk away from this guy. He wants a mother for his future children, not a life partner. You are not a brood mare.


Oh hell no, leave him dude! What is you doin’. Read that back to yourself and just take it all in. He wants to get married to f***. Period.


Nope. Red flag. Run girl run! If he cant provide for himself and have stability how is he gonna take care of his woman and a baby ? Girl that’s narcissistic behavior and its pretty scary sounding. Why cant he come to YOU? I wouldn’t do it. Id break it off. He obviously doesnt respect your beliefs or values.


Is this a joke? It has to be

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This man has nothing to offer. He is not the one. There’s a reason this mommas boy lives with and works for his parents and has nothing of his own.


A few things:

  1. You don’t just tell someone to drop everything for you after a month of dating, that’s scary.
  2. If he lives with his parents, it sounds like he wants you to support him or they’re probably creep.
  3. He sounds like a child (lives with mom and dad, doesnt drive, is desperately clinging to his new gf in hopes that it will fix everything instead of putting effort in), how does he plan to raise a child?

Get out while you can, before things go any further. Consider this a practice run after not dating for so long. You deserve better. Be selective. Know your worth.


You’re only a month in. Get out while you can

Damn he really wants some haha

Sounds like he is going to use you as a way of getting out of his current living arrangement…

2 can live as cheaply as one…:thinking:

Hard for me to say for sure he’s manipulating you, but it definitely seems like he’s a man-child. If he’s in his late 30s with no plan of how to move out or own his own car, that’s a big fat RED FLAG :triangular_flag_on_post:


Its only been a month…run.

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Why is this even an issue? You’ve been dating for a month & you already call him your boyfriend?


I cant decide whether he’s treating you like a mail order bride or some kind of brood mare/concubine but either way it seems disrespectful at any stage of a relationship

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Late thirties and still living at home? Why would you even date someone like that

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Ummm. Nope to all those things honey!! Now try to make that call and end it asap before he ruin your business and gets in the way of your dreams and flaws it all up. He lives at his parents! That’s a hell no. He’s divorced. That’s a heck what I need more info. Has no car!! Umm !! Bossing you around!! Big red :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post: and wants you to stop drop and roll on his commands! Na!! Pass!!
Finish what you’ve started with your business and I bet you the right one will come your way!! This one’s a lesson not a blessing!! Too many red :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post:

My advice is he is moving too fast, narcisstic controlling behavior, you need to drop him and tell him he is moving too fast, wants you to move away from your family and friends and you are not up for it. Always always question a man when he moves fast like he does. Analyze it realistically.


There are plenty of men out there and obviously this one is still a child when he’s trying to guilt you and only is looking at his wants and not considering your future. A true partner will back you up and will be your biggest supporter. What do you know about him to drop everything for him ? To move away and leave what you have and are planning.
Now did you say you started dating him a month ago? And he’s already talking about marriage and kids? Time to run. I would rather remain single than be with someone that within a month is giving you so many red flags

Foundation of a good relationship- 4 corners - trust, accountability, responsibility and loyalty. This is only made stronger through good communication. You apparently know what you want and need. He needs to move out of his parents, get some transportation and start his business. Right now he sounds kind of - needy and insecure yet a little immature and spoiled.

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Run away from him as fast as you can!! He’s a scrub! If you marry him you will regret it!

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It’s one thing when marriage comes up naturally early in a relationship and both people want it. When someone starts pushing like this and has a bunch of demands it’s not good. I don’t think he actually sees you I think he just sees a ticket to a wife, kid, and getting out of his parents house. He may not even realize he’s doing it, he is trying to use you though.

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Read about narcissists.
Learn to look for red flags :triangular_flag_on_post:. These people are toxic. And those move fast.
For most people, marriage is just the beginning of a life together of up and downs, journeys and adventures together.
To a narcissist, it’s the finish line. No more dates. No more treating you special. They got you so now they control you.
I would tread lightly… knowing me… I’d back way tf off this one.

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He doesn’t sound like a good catch. You better take it slow you need to make sure no true colors are going to pop up.

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He sounds like a leech :face_vomiting:

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It sounds like you are on different pages. Follow your dreams. Don’t let anyone pressure you to drop everything u worked for. Might want to walk away until he gets himself together. Also sounds like he is having a mid life crisis after divorce. Afraid he may not meet his goal of having children

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He is in his late 30s and living with his parents …does he expect you to move in with his parents too…lmao…he obviously doesnt know how to handle money…considering he was already married once before you would think he would want to take it slow he isnt thinking logical he is only thinking in the moment…how would he support the baby…he is sounding really pushy and demanding…he is not bf material…he needs to get his shit together

Nope. Goodbye sir. Move along. Don’t be with someone who’ll pressure you into doing something you aren’t ready for. This is just madness it’s only been a month. It just sounds like he’s desperate to have someone take care of him and what not. I find this a bit scary tbh. I’d be freaking out if I were in this position myself and I’d leave them because of it.

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Run Away And FAST He Doesn’t Want A Wife He Wants A Mother, He Is Just Using You If You marry Him You’ll NEVER Get Rid Of Him RUN!!!.


What is he doing still living with his parents and does not have a car, RED FLAGS run girl friend


It’s been a month and he sounds crazy :grimacing:

I wouldn’t walk… I’d run


Soooooooo many red flags. Run!


Gurl run. He sounds like the type that will get really controlling and jealous if you were to marry him. Might be a reason why he’s divorced


No! Not worth the heartache!

No nobody should pressure you to get married you should feel pursued not to pressure


So sorry honey, he wants another woman to take care of him. Enjoy your life you aren’t responsible for him.


Don’t be desperate.
Let a man ask you on a date, pick you up, and treat you sweet. No attitude. Who supports your decisions and doesn’t give attitude if you disagree. He sounds like a boy still and not quite a man yet.


Don’t do it! You’re a successful chick and he’s going to drag you down. Fuck that

Sounds like a narcissist :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:


Boot his lazy butt now. Do not let him talk you into what you’re not ready to do. If you do let him talk you into doing what he wants you to do you will end up resenting him.

Omg, Girl… NO!!! You guys don’t even sound like a good match. One month? Marriage??? Hell no! Run.


All I read was red flag, red flag, red flag; redder flag.


He seems controlling. No way. One month and he’s acting this way? Love bombing.


Sounds to me like it will work out just fine as long as you do whatever he wants. RUN GIRL!

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A little narcissist I think. Red flag


Plenty of fish in the sea baby. Please consider another one…

I think it sounds like you’re trying to justify settling because you’re “getting older” and have been “single for 8 years” … you don’t even sound that interested in the relationship, all of the red flags aside. This one doesn’t sound right for you girl.

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:rotating_light::rotating_light::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: oh no you should definitely break it off before he gets more manipulative. I fell for that when I was younger! He started pressuring and after about 4 months said “if you don’t see us getting married we might at well break up” naive me feel for it and married him. He was cheating with multiple in girls and just wanted “something to leave behind” when he deployed. I was just the first one to fall for it, I meant nothing. We were divorced year later. So many problems. Someone who loves you will always listen to your thoughts and wants, they will wait if they live you.

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Knowing someone for a month is way too quick for all these changes. Way too much pressure. A month is way too soon to be making these huge life changes!!!


:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: Run and don’t look back!! A month is not ling enough to marry a man!! You’re practically strangers still!! Don’t do it!!


Looking for a Sugar momma
Please don’t fall for it.
Lives with parents?!!
Of course, he needs you to take care of him


Only saw each other twice in a month? Is he crazy? You do not even know each other. I think with this all happening so fast you would be better to walk away. Trust your gut on this one girl. You will be very unhappy if you go ahead with this and you will be the one paying for everything. You waited this long, a little longer will not hurt. The right one will come along and if not you already proved you are fine on your own. Girl power.


Why are you even asking?? Please get away from him! Go start you business and leave him with mom and dad.

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Didn’t even read the whole thing hell no gtfo


Yeah, still lives with mommy and daddy, works for daddy, lol, run girl!


Anyone that wants to get married right away is a red flag to me. Run




Nope. Cut things off. It will only get worse

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They say the love faraway is for idiots


You have waited to long for the right thing and put so much effort into yourself to settle now! If you rush on this he’ll have you rushing with everything else and that’s not what you waited this long for. He’s not hearing how you want to focus on your business just like he won’t hear that you want to wait to have children. Don’t force it just because you wishhh it was right.


He sounds crazy, nothing wrong with being single and childless