My boyfriend is trying to tell me how I should parent my kids: Advice?

I wouldn’t make him eat the meat. But since he doesn’t eat meat I would give him something else.

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Hell no, do not force YOUR child to eat meat if he doesn’t want to. It may be a texture issue or he may just really not want to eat it due to it being an animal.

Dude needs a reality check, and possibly some serious boundaries.
Cool he steps up and all, but forcing a child to eat something is ABUSE. Plain and simple.
The kid is 4. Give him time. Hr may change his mind.
If not, please just make sure he gets the nutrients he needs from other sources.
My daughter wouldn’t touch beef for YEARS.


Meat isn’t the only way to get protein. It’s not like he’s refusing to eat fruit and vegetables. Your boyfriend is WAY out of line. Even if you were married, he doesn’t get to make parenting choices like that. I should know this. - I’m a stepmom. He needs to step back.


Not eating meat is a person choice that even young kids should be able to make on their own without interference. There are lots of great vegan options. I’m not vegan but we LOVE Morningstar chicken nuggets. No meat! Pasta is also an easy alternative, as is peanutbutter. Theres no reason to force a child to eat meat. It’s definitely lack of respect. Just put your foot down and tell your bf this isnt his decision.

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If he is taking the role of Dad then he has the right to parent them… it’s the 2 of you that need to figure out how to make this work… I say offer the child a small portion of meat at every meal, kids go through phases and and don’t make an issue out of it… . Pick your battles…

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#1 he is boyfriend not the father. As long as he has protein in cheese, eggs or chicken, even tofu why can’t he.

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Just make the kids a vegetarian meal it not hard and the kid doesn’t miss out you and your boyfriend need to come to an agreement

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Trust me from someone who battled eating disorders 3 times don’t force him, it’s most likely a phase my 4 yr old doesn’t want to eat red meat at all (not even grandma can get her too) but will happily eat chicken and ham 🤷.


My pediatrician told me there are only 2 things kids can control. What they eat and when and where they use the restroom. Leave him alone. He is your son. Tell your boy friend you respect his opinion, but you do not agree with him and will not be forcing him to eat meat.


First of all he doesn’t have any say in this they are your children

It’s not his business

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Don’t let him tell you how to raise your kids he wants to be in control

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He’s not even your husband

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If your child decides no meat, then he shouldn’t have to. It’s a possible life style for humans.


There’s a certain line men and women shouldn’t cross when they become involved with a single parent, at least not until they’ve shown complete investment into that family. If he hasn’t demonstrated that investment over an extended period of time, then he’s overstepping.

Personally, I disapprove of a vegetarian diet, but my opinion has even less worth than your boyfriend’s. If you’re supportive of your son’s decision, then make sure you supplement his diet with foods that fill his nutritional needs of proteins, fats, and Vitamin B’s. This may simply be a phase, but if it isn’t, he needs to learn how to create a balanced diet with the limitations he’s set.


Honestly when I was a kid and found out what I was eating it made me physically ill. (Hot dogs are nasty pig parts) I dont blame him for not wanting to eat meat and shouldn’t have to. That’s honestly controlling. He’s a kid yes, but he’s a human being with thoughts and emotions. Imagine your boyfriend trying to force you to eat meat. Yeah that’s abuse if he does it to you but not to your kid? And if he tries to force your kid to eat meat, it will traumatize him. I’ll repeat it. It. Will. Traumatize. Your. Kid. Put your foot down w your bf.


Im failing to see how your son is NOT following what you say. If you are saying he doesn’t have to eat it and then he isn’t, then your son IS doing as you say. And as long as he isn’t expecting something else, then it’s fine. For the longest time, my son didn’t want to eat meat either and I found that when I tried to force him, he’d refuse to eat anything at all so i just fed him extra veggies and he was fine. I can see where your bf is coming from but maybe your bf isn’t quite seeing where you are coming from in that you have already said what your son has to accept if he’s not going to eat a particular food. Perhaps something like this should be discussed openly between you and your bf, and then maybe try to have your bf try to talk to your son to better understand how he feels about eating meat and see if you can get your bf to be more understanding of your son’s feelings. It might work out better to have that kind of heartfelt conversation with him.

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I always made my kids try something at least once. If they really didnt like it, they didnt have to eat it. Hubby made them eat stuff they really dislike so i fed him english peas for a month straight. (His least favorite)


Either he is dad or not,but if you think so little of your relationship as to ask Facebook what to do instead of talk calmly not at dinner about this and make a compromise ,do your kids a favor and leave now, leaving later is just going to hurt them and this will never work, parents set limits, discuss maybe 4 bites meat maybe he can choose 3 things a week to not eat,


I hated meat as a kid, but my parents forced me to eat it. It did me no favors. I dreaded meals, and even my mom admits that she shouldn’t have forced me to eat it. You can get protein elsewhere. Meat is not essential for survival. I still don’t care for it much. Also, it’s great that your boyfriend has stepped up to the plate, mine has done the same, but when it comes down to it you are their parent. You get the final say. Don’t let him push you around. You don’t want your kid to hate meal time.

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IF the child is healthy without eating meat F that boyfriend

Do you want someone to force you to eat thing’s you don’t like just because they are older than you? If he don’t like meat he shouldn’t be forced to eat it. He can get the proper nutrition from other thing’s. As far as the boyfriend goes, he has NO BUSINESS trying to over step you when it comes to YOUR kids. If he’s living with y’all he can have input but it’s not his decision. That’s another man’s children.

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dont force it hes eating veggies and u can make more vegetarian style dishes… and give him vitamins… theres ways of getting him the iron protein etc. that he needs without making the situation worse… YOU need to follow your gut and tell him you are the parent and you see this as the best course for YOUR son…


You let your kids start calling him dad, you let him step up like that and you didn’t have a problem with it at first and you cant decide to have a problem with it over a disagreement, either hes a father figure and parent to your kids and you take his opinion in raising your kids into account or you shouldnt let your kids call him dad


Your kid, your rules, your choice. Not his


I had my children I would tell them every mealtime thay had to eat 1 bit of everything then you can choose to eat it or not

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Many people don’t eat meat. I seldom do but forcing your child isn’t the way to do it for sure. BF needs to back off. I am sure your 4 year has had meat before? He knows, for now, how he feels about eating it. He might change his mind later. Any foods your BF doesn’t like and 4 year does? Make that!!

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You keep sticking up for your son! I’ll be damn if a bf is going to tell me how to raise my child

If your child doesn’t want to you can’t force him to do it. That’s sad… My kids try things I don’t force them to eat anything. I learn if I force it kids will hate you in the long run. You’re right! He’s wrong.

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Just put a bit of meat with other options on his plate don’t force him to eat it that leads to other bad habits.

I eat meat, I love meat but if one of my 3 children chose not to eat it due to this reason I would be offering a vegetarian substitute for them and telling the boyfriend to stfu.


Soooo…you want him to “step up” and pay for everything but god forbid he tries to learn how to parent. lol Go gind yourself a rich old millionaire about to die since you obviously dont want a partner. :joy::joy::joy:


That dude needs to head for the hills! 3 kids from previous relationships? Now you are here asking for help. I feel for the dude


My parents forced me to eat foods that I didn’t like and i didn’t develop an eating disorder. I don’t eat those foods now but it was either eat what was set before me or not eat. If your son isn’t eating meat then he needs to take b12 because only animal products has b12 in it. Good luck to you

You guys are a team, he’s entitled to his say, but forcing a child to eat imo or trying to make him eat meat is a breach of the child’s right to make his own decisions as to what he eats, I hate the fact that because he’s a child people and your partner seem to think he doesn’t have a voice.

It’s his choice and regardless of whether he is his biological father or not that doesn’t mean he gets the final say.

He’s %100 in the wrong, and I’d definately not be letting him force any child to eat.
Sometimes personal beliefs as a parent aren’t always the right ones.
But ensure you’re properly educating and providing your son information for a balanced diet as meat does provide nutrients that he otherwise won’t get without balance :slight_smile:


Wow never realized there are so many feminists on here. If she allows them to call him dad then his opinion should matter. And that child should eat what’s put on that table period. He’s the child not an adult. Hello? Stupidity like this is why we have to deal with sissy boys in dresses and all this gender neutral crap. Be real moms not friends.


If your child wants to be a vegetarian or vegan, let your boy be. Give him veges, and lots of beans/legumes. Validate your boy and his feelings. Tell your BF that forcing a child to eat is the same as starving a child…it’s abuse!


Hmm i feel u my bf gets a bit arrogant about things like that and it really gets on my goat.

Ugh, shouldn’t cause a fight, it’s just food… If he doesn’t want to be a meat eater he should get an alternative protein, many people feel that way.


If you’re letting your children call him dad, you need to let him act like one, period. It sounds like you’re not ready to let someone else parent your children therefore they should still be on a first name basis


Take care of your son, Not your boyfriend.


You’re saying your son doesnt have to eat meat but if he doesnt then he doesnt get anything else. Hes saying you should force him to eat it. You’re being passive aggressive and hes being aggressive. You both kind of still trying to force him to eat the meat. If he wants sweets after tea but hasn’t eaten the meat he doesnt get it? The child obviously wants to be a vegetarian encourage that. Theres no issue there. Dont tell him if he doesnt eat it he doesnt get anything else!!


Here’s the thing… if you’re fighting with your BOYFRIEND about issues this stupid… long term relationship is not likely. Why are your kids calling your boyfriend Dad? A FATHER who loves his children wouldn’t force feed a 4 year old meat to establish dominance… this is a control issue. Nurture your child. Speak to your boyfriend in private during a time when it’s not an issue at that moment. Discuss a solution that will be suitable for everyone without argument or making a small child feel at fault for simply not wanting to eat meat. Does your boyfriend eat food he doesn’t like? No. No one does. Forcing someone to because they’re small or threatening them with hunger is ABUSE. Jesus CHRIST.
What an idiotic thing to fight over.


My youngest son is 6 and has always had an issue with eating some meats he can’t stand the thought of ham would never even touch it never liked chicken on his plate on a Sunday when I did a big Sunday dinner I will mot force my child to eat anything he doesn’t want to I went through a bad time when my oldest son 16 now was younger he never ate anything was so small and really skinny but that was due to his heart defect and surgeries it was a waiting game for us it was stressful but now still very skinny eats everything and anything let your child decide what they like and don’t like it’s their choice would your boyfriend like it if he was forced to do something he didn’t want to every day

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As long as your kid is getting his protein it shouldn’t matter. Your child is incredibly thoughtful for being that young and bothered by it. It’s important at this age to teach him respect. It sounds like your boyfriend isn’t wanting to give him respect. Just because he is a child doesn’t mean he doesn’t deserve respect. If your child eats his veggies and fruits and is well balanced and gets his protein, it shouldn’t matter where he gets it from.

I will warn you though if your family or his bio dad’s family has a history of kidney problems or kidney disease try not to give him soy protein. It hurts our kidneys. I was Veg for 7 years and sped up my kidney problems by consuming a lot of soy protein. :purple_heart:


Although I understand the concept the boyfriend is trying to convey, if you’re okay with your son not eating meat and this has been the norm changing the rules now woudnt be wise. The only thing I would suggest is making sure you supplement the protein your son would normally get if he did eat it. I would rather my children eat brocolli and vegetables and complain about meat rather than the opposite.

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Um he’s a boyfriend hello

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Id tell the BF to step off on this one. Your child has every right to refuse meat. especially since he is eating other things, you don’t need meat for protein or iron. You need to sit down with the BF and set boundaries though, you are the mother and you haven’t decided if he will be their bonus dad yet, even though he is a parental figure he is not yet a parent. The parent’s rules outweigh parental figure rules or opinions. and as the parent you have every right to refuse to consider or to consider the Boyfriend’s perspective. But I would sit down and talk to him about what he expects, if your relationship goes further. does he expect you to bend to his will? does he expect equal say? etc. questions are needed to figure out if you are okay with your relationship and his perspective on parenting and partnership

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A word of advice- don’t listen to them

Well I like that you respect your child like
This it’s important to respect even the little humans and him should understand that and go on
The same page as you my oldest too she still don’t eat red meat :cut_of_meat: she was I believe 5 and now she is 19 her father my ex allways respect her decision

I think so long as you guys are providing all the nutrients he needs, especially as a growing child, and are willing to do the extra work to provide different/special meals, to ensure he is getting all the protein and other nutrients he would be getting from meat, then I dont see a problem with him choosing to not want to eat meat. However if you guys arent willing to go that extra mile to make up for the lack of meat with alternatives, arent willing to do your research to provide the best for your growing child, then you as parents arent doing your part. I fully believe and raise my daughter on the belief that you eat what is given to you. I’m not fond of meat and my husband and I have come up with a compromise in meal planning and discussing what alternatives we can have and have meat once or twice a week. I take vitamins to make up for anything I’m missing, and since I’ve always been iron deficient I take pills that contain high amounts of it. Your bf has every right to his opinion and beliefs however you two need to discuss and compromise on how you want to proceed instead of choosing to just not give the kid something.

You are his mum its up to you not your man friend

If your kid doesnt want to eat meat, make him something else! Really not a hard concept, tell your bf to stfu.

My daughter doesn’t like meat really and pushes it round the plate. Her Dad says eat up or you don’t leave the table he only said it once, she likes fish though… she eats what she wants I never force my kids to eat what they don’t want or feel like.she might like it later on in life .and I wouldn’t like to put her off. It’s a very old fashioned thing to say but my dad was always saying eat your meat it was expensive I’ve worked all week for that xx

I was that kid, and as much as it is an animal thing I think it was also a texture thing. My parents did not force me and later in life I’m so grateful for it because I love many foods and try new things all the time because I want to. I feel if i would have been forced I would have an unhealthy relationship with food. My advice talk to him not in front of the kids and let him know where you stand on the matter. They are YOUR kids after all.


I had a non meat eating son due to sensory issues and I also had an old school great grandma who made his plate one time at a family function and refused to allow him to get up because he left all the meat on his plate. Talk privately about the eating habits and what you believe to be the best way to handle it. You aren’t making a substitute, just not putting it on his plate.

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Give him Dino biggest and tell him it’s not real meat. Your child needs to eat meat for its nutritional values. Your bf is right.

I mean even parents who had kids together disagree sometimes about parenting. You need to talk it out. If you’re letting your kids call him dad I feel like he should have some say in what’s happening. However it needs to be a universal decision. There is other ways to get protein without meat.

I think first off depends how long he has been in your life and the ages of the children, some people were raised to eat what their parents put on the table. In this case maybe he does not like certain foods and that’s ok. Does he just not like them? Or is he just being a stubborn kid? My husband has been there for my daughter since she was 3, she is now 14!, yes at first it was hard we disagreed a lot, after time and communicating and him realizing I raised my daughter the way I raised her for the first three and 1/2 years of her life without him, and the other kids he knew that I make the right and best choices with my kids. I knew he was (in his mind) doing what he felt and knew growing up with certain situations but everyone, child and relationship is different and with communication it will get better. He has to understand it’s hard enough for the kids having step parents let alone the step parents trying to discipline them knowing mom or dad has set certain rules already before he came along. Sometimes step parents need to step aside out of respect for the biological parents to discipline their children, ok unless these kids are raised by him or her since they were even younger that would be a different situation. Like I said my kids have been around my husband too at a young age, 3 1/2 and up. He does NOT do ANY physical discipline at all! He respects my BOUNDARIES. Hope all works out and if communication doesn’t work with step dad get rid of him. He has to agree as well. I too am a step parent with counseling of 4 months been there done that! Of course like I said if he raised them at an even younger age and bio dads not around well then heck yeah he has a right to woop their ass! Lol :laughing:

First off if he wants to step up great but there is no such thing as mom says this and dad says that. Whatever is decided on raising the kids should be a mutual decision. If you have decided on something he should respect your wishes. I am 44 and stopped eating red meat since the age of three. For the simple reason of what it looks, smells and taste like. I’ve eaten here and there but prefer not to. Rather chicken and fish and while I’m still going strong other my age look and feel much older than me. Heart problems etc. So point is. No child is alike. Every single one has different wants and needs. And only the blood parent can appreciate that. So keep doing what you’re doing. You’re in the right track.


Those are your children, you make the decisions regarding them. He can offer support and back up your decisions but nothing more…if he fails to respect your boundaries its time to let him go


I think this is quite common with children that age. My granddaughter did the same and couldnt even look at meat in the supermarket was totally anti. Was very stressful for us but we tried to substitute with other healthy foods and not make a big issue out of it. Thid lasted at least 3 yrs and today she is a great eater and enjoys meat.


My daughter hasn’t ate meat since the age of 3 she’s now 6years old and is happy healthy and full of life! Her doctors have told me do not force her to eat what she doesn’t want she will come around on her own time! Now as your boyfriend trying to force it that’s wrong in my eyes especially because he has to listen and respect your wishes for your child!


There’s some great advice from parenting experts that say because he’s not Dad the parenting is you and you alone and he should be there to support you and just be their friend but not parent. Where is the Dad he is Dad not this guy!!

Your children…your decision. If hes already controllling …that is not a good sign for a future with this man.


Just wow at some of these comments. Kids learn better when everyone is looked at as a team & not fearful of their parents, he’s not doing anyone, any harm by choosing not to eat meat, if said boyfriend thinks you need to force this on him, what else will he try to force on you guys. That’s a red flag to me. Kids can get protein from lots of other things than meat, my son barely eats meat, it’s just not something he cares for.


He’s helping you raise your kids. I think you should allow him some leeway :woman_shrugging:
That being said if he knows the 4 year old doesn’t care for meat don’t make it for him. Simple.

Parenting especially in a blended family is about picking and choosing your battles.


Don’t force him to eat it if he feels that way. My youngest won’t eat any meat either. They are your children, you call the shots…period. He is just a boyfriend, it’s great that he helps you but that doesn’t give him ANY right to tell you how to raise your children.


Imo kids should be eating meat. Not a protein substitute.
Kids can not make these kinds of decisions. He is 4. Make it fun or something. Or at least explain to him why meat is important. If the kids call him dad then I’m going to assume this is an invested relationship and he should have some say in raising your children. That comes along with being with a woman or man with children from previous relationships. However, The boy shouldn’t be punished for it.

This is my opinion. they asked a question, I gave my opinion.
I’m sure there will be a bunch of people who don’t agree. And that’s fine.

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A lot of kids that age do not eat meat. I believe it is a texture thing. He might outgrow that but i would never force my child to eat something they do not like. You know what’s right for your babies. Your doing great!!

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If you can offer the child another option to get the needed protein and he feels so strongly about it, then do not force it. It may be a phase, it may not… ask your bf to support that choice…

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Don’t use food in that manner. If he doesn’t want it, don’t force it. My 4 year old won’t eat meat either. It’s just a phase. Peanut butter is a good replacement according to our pedi, so we give a PB sandwich if he’s not wanting the meat. Also…never let a man, let alone a boyfriend, parent your children. Just no. Your say should be the final say.

I would tell him to eff off. Like adults kids have food preferences.

Get out of that relationship immediately. He is a control freak. It will only get much worse as time goes on. Do not subject your children to this person. Your children come first always, not him. Been there,I got rid of him right away


Nope. End relationship immediately baby, I’m so sorry. I had one of those. Broke my heart. If they don’t get it… They don’t get “it”.
I am 100% certain the right person will come, if this one doesn’t work with you on this lovely heart :heart:


When my daughter was young she refused to eat meat she didnt touch it until like age 6 so I made at least the side and vegies that she liked. I still offered it to her everyday. You should never force a child to eat something that is not ok. I would walk away from that situation asap!!! Your kids come first and if its starts with force feeding whats next?


Those are YOUR kids. Your children will always be with you , idk how serious the relationship is but if he’s just your boyfriend I wouldn’t let him tell you how to raise your kids


My 3 yr old gives us a hard time about eating meat along with many other things. Sometimes hell eat if i feed him (which i only do so hell eat) but if he doesnt want to eat, i do have him take 5 bites before he can be done, and remind him thatbhe doesnt get anything else. Depending how much is left i will save it & tell him he can have it for lunch since he doesnt want it for dinner. I do not force feed, i am very strongly against force feeding. For this situation i have to agree with you. How long have you & your bf been together? That also plays a part in whether or not he really gets a say on how you raise your kids.

My mom woulda made me sit at the table until that shit was gone, or you can baby your kids and end up with more spoiled brats to ruin society


My sister didn’t like meat until her late teens when she started tasting stuff. You can’t force someone to eat something they don’t like or won’t eat. I’d find a new relationship or focus on just the kids


He may only be four and doesn’t want to eat meat don’t force him to eat anything or it may become a lifelong battle. Geez let him have a say of what he consumes. He may come around or he may be a vegetarian for life. Nobody should force food on a child. As long as he’s eating otherwise healthy, give h a supplement and let it go. Your man is an idiot if that is going to split y’all up. Not that big of a deal!


Tell him to mind his own business especially if he’s not the father

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If he doesn’t want to eat meat, don’t force it on him. A vegetarian lifestyle is totally the boy’s choice, not the boyfriend’s.
I see it no different than trying to force a particular religion on a child. It’s wrong. They need to pick for themselves.
Bottom line: If they want to live a particular lifestyle, let them.

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Ummm so you do not make him eat meat but if he Dosen’t he doesn’t get anything else???

Start off with focusing on what your child NEEDS!. A well balanced meal WITHOUT meat. If he doesn’t like it then dnt make him. But you also need to make sure your child eats. I can see if the topic was about cleaning his room…

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If my child didn’t want to eat meat for that reason I would respect it. That’s not fussy eating. I would look at adding another protein, like eggs or meat substitute to replace meat. Don’t let your boyfriend tell you what’s best for your child. Mother knows best, most of the time. x

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Just saying but he stepped up when there own dads didnt plus the kids call him dad you wont always agree but I think he has a right to voice his opinion considering the situation

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Don’t sweat the small stuff, Mom. One day he might be eating steak for breakfast. Tell “Dad” it’s no big deal.

Nope right off. Kid is eating everything else and has given you a valid reason he is refusing to eat the food.

You do ehat you want with your child. He can back off or hit the road. Let him know it.

I think that’s a pretty ridiculos reason for a 4 year old to come up with lol. BUT, I’d never make my young children (2, 3, &4) eat something they didn’t want to unless I knew they were just bullshitting to be a brat.

First of all, she said if he chooses not to eat it, he doesn’t get anything else so she is basically forcing him to eat it. I think all kids do stuff like this. Our rule is you have to try it at least once before you say you don’t like it. He is 4 years old. All he knows is this was once a helpless animal. He hasn’t had time to learn and get the comprehension of it all. Cut the kid some slack.

Start giving him vegan meals not picky sound vegetarian lol look you can replace that man you can’t replace that child of yours he will hate you later also alot of doctors tell you not to force your kids to eat they will eat when hungry just like us adults eat when hungry

My daughter doesn’t eat meat. Forcing him isn’t going to make him like it. But do make sure he’s getting protein. This is getting him extra attention, negative attention, but still. Keep offering it maybe he’ll change his mind.

My daughter doesnt eat meat but I will make her take a couple of bites. Sometimes she ends up liking it and other times not. One thing you learn with parenting is that it is a negotiation, especially as they get older. You cant really “make” anyone do something. It usually becomes more like an: if you dont do balnk this is going to happen. With a step parent, it’s a little different. You as their parent, make the decisions and the step parent offers support. It’s hard to lose your voice when it comes to children. So be careful about making him feel as if he doesnt have a choice. In order of a functioning family Mother and Father agree, then the kids get talked to. It should never happen at the time. It should never be done in front of the child after the issue has arisen. It should come to agreement prior. If things need to be altered, talk later. I think he may just feel a struggle for power. Four against one is a hard place to be. Honor that he is in your lives and honor his opinion. It doesnt mean he is right or wrong. Everyone is brought up differently. He just wants to put in his input on how to raise a young family. I promise if he feels like you hear him and respect him, he will probably back off. Just talk about it away from the table.

All kids go through weird eating phases. My girls both went through anti-meat phases. Tell your bf to become a vegetarian and force feed him veggies. :roll_eyes: I wouldn’t let anyone force feed my kid anything. Adults don’t eat things they don’t like.

Wait what??? It could be many things…for the child not to want to eat meat… if he eats vegetables and other things the meat isnt a big deal… hes able to say he doesn’t want to eat it leave it be read some of the comments

What does this have to do with holidays?

Never let a man or anyone make choices for your child if he dose not want to eat meat he should not be made to ! feed him other protein … You are his mother …

Some of these comments. Smh. She didn’t ask to be judged for how many kids she had by previous relationships or if she should let her kids call him dad. That’s her business she’s asking what to do about her 4 yr old and then fighting about it. If you don’t agree don’t be rude and just scroll on. Lots of woman have kids from different relationships. Get out of the 50’s :woman_shrugging:t3: