My "boyfriend" just told me he is single, what do I do?

:man_running: :running_woman: lock your doors love he ain’t worthy of you or ya kids

Why on earth did you let yourself become pregnant again. Stop having children with men that just want to come in and out of your life and leave you as a single mother. This is a pattern for you and your children deserve to have a family. You should see a therapist so this wont continúe to happen. You are now going to be a single mother of 4 stop trying to find a man and focus on providing for your children.


He is using you. Throw the jerk out

That man doesn’t love you and don’t think for a second that he does, you’re in a one sided situationship and you need to let this man go. This is the type of man not worth losing yourself over and you will if you keep giving him any of your precious time. He is flat out a controlling narcissist and he will never change because he cannot be changed. You can do better than him. You’ll have 4 kids and believe me there are amazing men out there still who won’t care how many kids you have and will take care of you and yours. Focus on you and your babies, love yourself and the right kind of love you’re looking for will come to you but he is in the way! Pack his shit and tell him to go!

Stop letting him use you.

Girl what? Why are you asking this, he abused you while pregnant. Break it off with him, and when he comes back and starts a scene, call the police and press charges for the previous abuse. He will NOT change. Protect your baby and children!


Geez kick him to curb. No washing no nothing. Now

The fact that he put his hands on you, let alone while pg, is enough to say see ya!!! You deserve better and I’m sure you don’t want your girls growing up thinking its okay for men to put their hands on them. Send him to his own place!


Oh honey. Take his key and tell him to stay gone. You do not need to be with some narcissistic ass who won’t commit to you, abuses you and makes you feel unwanted. Get a restraining order if need be.

You are a convience. A place to drop off his stuff,get fed, laundry done and a place too crash. Change the locks. Put his stuff outside,get a restraining order and Cut him out of your life.


Red flags run take notes record all of this narcissist at its best run run like the wind big red flags all over that man :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:

Why are you letting him get him out of your life

Get rid of that loser! He is using and abusing you.


You need to leave him alone. Change them locks. Stop giving him husband and boyfriend privileges he doesn’t want that role.


Every single thing you described is abuse. All of it. Physical, mental, financial… all abuse. It’s time to think of yourself and your children and kick him out. Get a restraining order if you have to, but this is not a good man. You and your kids deserve better.

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A man will do no more than what’s allowed. So wtbs you allow it, so he does it! Pregnant or not you have the power.

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He’s using you and being extremely toxic! I wouldn’t want a boy like that in my children’s life let alone my own.

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Wow I just went through the same thing :frowning: gonna be raising this baby alone too. It’s really sad that people take advantage of others like this

Stop letting him come around. Run far and run fast from him. He is abusive and is threatening you. If he keeps bothering you see if you can get a restraining order.


Girl! Throw that whole damn man out! He’s a user! Kick his ass to the curb & stop letting him run the show. Tell him that is YOUR home, not a hotel. He does not get to just show up when & if he pleases. And if he just “shows up” as you say, call the cops & have him escorted out. Tell him you will call him when the baby is born. File for child support. You already are going to be raising 4 kids alone. No need to add another one to it.

Honey moved on if he is willing to put his hands on you in front of your babies while pregnant with his child. Imagine what he would do after. With that being said he want his cake and eat it to. Change the locks on your place. And when he comes banging on the door. Call the police. And tell them what is going on. Take him for child support so it helps with bills when babe is born. Stop letting him around your daughter’s as well.

It’s time to cut that cord and stop being his “mommy” figure. He doesn’t want you he just wants what you can do for him. Get your key back and no more sleep overs because well…You’re single too! Let him take care of himself so he can learn to take care of his baby.

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Girl stop letting him get what he wants when he wants it. If he doesn’t want to be in a relationship with you and wants to say he’s single…then tell him to do his laundry at his house and sleep in his bed every night. You deserve someone who’s going to build with you not control you. That man sure as hell wouldn’t be laid up in my bed telling me he’s single….boy bye!!

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It’s time for him to get out of your bed and off your dime. He wants to be apart of the kids life the so be it but that don’t mean he gets to use you, come and go as he pleases, and tell you that you can’t have a life. If you chose to move on with someone else that’s his problem not yours. He’s the one who decided he’s single.

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Ok he threatened to kill you…
why are you still letting him be there?! Kick his ass out now. He’s not a good guy. Don’t let your daughters be around someone like that don’t let them think this is what it’s like to be with someone and expect this to be okay.

he’s literally using you.

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He’s gaslighting you making you think you have a future change locks kick him out his baby or not he can’t treat you like and incubator smh he’s dumb

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You want something that will never be and it sucks. I went through it w my ex some dudes will never be good no matter how good you are to them. Get a reatraining order before the baby is born to protect you and the baby.

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Sounds like my ex who left me no choice but to go to the police. You need to go get a restraining order for you and all of your kids, including your unborn child, and press charges for domestic violence and abuse if you can. Don’t fight it. Just do it. Do it for the children because if he’s comfortable enough to hit you while you’re expecting, I’m willing to bet he’s comfortable enough to put his hands on those babies.

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Mate fuck himmmmmm.
He’s using you and using the old I don’t want you but no one else can have you either.
Bin him. Tell him he can be in his kids life but he don’t need to know you

You know the answer. Now you just have to accept it and take action. If not for you then for your girls and unborn son. Starting over as a single mom sucks but so does dying and leaving your kids motherless. :cry:


Change your locks! Block his number. R-U-N!! First of all… and take this from someone who was a victim of domestic violence… he should NEVER put his hands on you. Pregnant or not. That is NOT acceptable. Please step back and think of it like this… would you want someone treating your daughters the way he treats you? No. Run! The fact that he has threatened you… another red flag. Run Babe. Change your locks, file an order of protection due to the domestic violence and threats, block him and heal. Get yourself safe. Have a family member or friend stay with you until you feel safe. Find a counselor to connect with. I know it all seems overwhelming. Please get yourself out of that situation. Feel free to message me.

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Is he someone you would be ok with your kids dating? An abusive, narcissistic asshole? I hope not. Run. Your kids don’t need to he seeing that an your child doesn’t need to be brought up in that. He isn’t your bf/husband nor does he want to be. Stop wasting your time & begging for shit from someone that doesn’t want to be involved more than a the father of your child, if that.

Block, block, and block. He is TOXIC! Being pregnant with his child… Prepare yourself to “handle” him for the rest of your life. It’s not just “18 years…”. Prepare yourself to “handle” his family and friends that are going to come at you wanting access to your baby. If he is this bad NOW…. It will only get worse unless YOU stop him. I understand you love him. His actions have shown and proven he does not feel the same. Protect yourself, your children, and your unborn child! The government, police, and public can only do so much. You have to advocate for yourself and your children. Praying for you! Speaking from personal experience and pain. I pray for protection and peace for you and your children.

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Please talk to a professional about this. It sounds like you could use some therapy and support. You deserve so much more than this. Get yourself and those little ones to safety.


Restraining order right now… he’s using you… when he says he’s single, he means it… you are nothing to him, and he will continue treating you as such… babe, you’re being used and abused… change your locks, keep him away from your babies… I know you want him, but he does not want you, and never will… please, for your safety and your children’s safety, stay away from him

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You’re not legally married… change those locks… don’t even ask for the key… set your boundaries. Say NO MORE!!! You are BETTER than him!!!

He literally threatened to kill you by saying you being with another male would get you put in the ground. Stop letting him in your home. He is using you and dragging you along and becoming more aggressive and violent. Run now, do it for your kids if nothing else.

Baby girl move on for your own sanity!

Run away…
He is USING U … he does t want u and will not let u have someone else…

What he is doing is abuse…

U have a duty of care to ur children… do not raise them around such a selfish loser!!!
It’s ur responsibility to protect ur children… being with that toxic narcissistic idiot is not what is best for ur kids and u …

Kick him out… ur already doing it all alone anyway …

lose the deadweight


Cops report
Protect your kids and yourself

Stop letting him sleep at your house and wash his clothes. He’s single. He can do that at his own damn house.

Never assume that a man wants to be your boyfriend just because he wanted to have sex with you. Kick him out of your house and live your life. He is not worth your time.

:speaking_head::speaking_head::speaking_head:MOVE IT ALONG !
Ayy, at least he told you instead of having you look cr@zy in these streets chii​:100::raised_hands:t5::dart:
This is a blessing…move along

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You need to completely get away from him!!! My daughter’s father was this way, and I’m telling you now, he won’t change. When I was pregnant, he demanded to know my every move to the extent of trying to tell me who I could and couldn’t hang out with. His reasoning was that since I was carrying his baby, he has a right to control me. He would also get very upset if I was talking to other men even though we weren’t together due to his cheating. My daughter is now 7yo, and he still feels entitled to whatever he wants and tries to control me as well as my daughter. You need to RUN!! Being a single mom while pregnant and with a newborn is hard, but at the end of the day, if you allow him to treat you like this, you’re only showing your babies that it’s okay for someone to treat them like that. My final decision to stay away was made because I knew I wouldn’t want any man to treat my daughter like that or her think it’s okay to be treated like that. You and your babies deserve better!

Yeah that sounds like a very toxic relationship and I would end it! He has no business putting his hands on you in a physical violent way pregnant or not but especially not while you are pregnant sounds like he wants to have his cake and eat it too … If he wants to be part of his child’s life that’s one thing but I personally would end the relationship if he can’t shape up and be the man that you and your kids need

If you’re buying this load of shit… I feel bad for you. There’s plenty you can “do about it” get it together before that baby comes.

Girl change the locks and tell him if he is single he can leave and not come back as your bed is for your partner.
And I agree he is using you. Kick him to the curb


You are being used and abused. You are wasting your time with this loser. He doesn’t get to decide if you move on from him. He doesn’t want to be with you. Cut ties with him. File for child support when the baby is born. F him.

Looks like he wants Kate and Edith too. Be careful

Omg :astonished: seriously? Get that jerk out of your home.

Get the hell out of that situation right NOW. That’s going to get more and more abusive as time goes on. The psychological and physical abuse will effect you and your children for years if not the rest of your lives. Take it from a single mom who has been there. You can make it without him because he is already mooching off you. You pay all the bills.

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If hes single, than so are YOU! Tell him he dont need to come around, until the baby is born.

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Kick the POS to the curb

I stopped reading this after i read you arent allowed and the part where nothing you can do about it. Hunny there is do not let him back in your home get your self a lawyer when your baby is born if he still wants to be a part of your kids life in 3 months. Dont give him another second of your time.


He’s a nasty, selfish, narcissistic arsehole snd you need to run very far away from him before he gets worse. You deserve a lot better than this.

You my dear need to set some boundaries. You are letting him manipulate and control you! That baby gives him NO rights to you or your house. Either he’s in a relationship 100% or he goes. If he wants to see the baby he can establish paternity and get visitation. Oh and pay support. You are better than this and deserve better.

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I would stop allowing him over. He can wash his clothes else wear and sleep else wear. File for child support when baby is born and setup a placement scheduled with the courts. He is not wanting what you want with him. No reason to keep doing for a man who isn’t doing for you. Do for yourself and your children and forget that shit.

Look you should never ever be with someone who puts their hands on you!! If you are questioning the fact that you should stay with such a hateful man maybe you need to reevaluate your decisions. But…. Get rid of him before you end up on the 5 o’clock news!!

And you are with him because??!?!!! Don’t walk - RUN :running_woman: in the opposite direction!

Grow up and take over your life, and get fixed!


Kick his bum out, change the locks move on with your life.Best of luck in whatever you decide but you & your children deserve so much more in this world. If he wants to be single let him go…


Why are you teaching your daughter’s to accept this treatment? You deserve better, and no threat he can make of forcing you to be alone, or turning up randomly at your house is acceptable. He can’t control you just because he got you pregnant. Leave and set him very clear and strict boundaries. Before you end up a total mess.


Run. Run. Away. Change locks. Get a restraining order if need be.


Be keeps coming back because you are free rent few laundry sex whether he feels like it and you just let him… if he’s threatening that he can come and go as he pleases call the police! I’ve heard this story so many times, it’s because you allow it… don’t get me wrong you are a victim of this abuse but believe me when I say, say no, it will make a difference when you set boundaries

Stay away from him. He is fucking abusive, he can not control you and your life unless you let him. You can press charges for communicating threats and take a restraining order out on him for doing such. Cut them ties and move on. Tell him to fuck off.

Talk to someone who can help you make a safety plan and get ready to run. It’s not easy. I’m sorry you’re going through this❤️

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He’s single,comes and goes as he pleases. He doesn’t sound like he’s there for any other reason then free meals sex, and the control bit I’d say it’s time to say good bye to him. What joy is he bringing to you? There’s MUCH better out there.

He’s manipulating and gaslighting you. He doesn’t want you talking to other women because he knows he’s wrong and doesn’t want you to figure it out. And that threat about talking to other men was a threat of physical harm. If he’s not helping with your bills then he’s an even bigger loser. He may have gotten you pregnant on purpose to trap you. I’m so sorry. I would kick him out, but thats me. Don’t beg for anything, you deserve better. And a final thought, you need to protect your other children from him. He is setting a very bad example of what love should be. They are watching. And the next time he puts his hand on you call the police ASAP. You cannot wait even 2 hours. Call immediately and file a complaint. That is physical harm and he needs to know that the police are watching him.

What should you do? How about focus on the precious life inside of you, and don’t give this man/excuse of a human being another thought or worry. He’s horrid as hell to you, I’d almost be encouraging him to get the hell on somewhere else.

Sounds like you need to leave. Sounds like there is no hope for a relationship and Sounds like he can be abusive. Why would you want to be in that kind of relationship? It goes both ways if he’s single so are you. You should probably set boundaries. He no longer stays over does his laundry there.


Wow talk about control!! You need protection from him, you need to also get your girls away from his scummy self, kick him out & tell him you will do as you please, sounds like a narcissistic


Love yourself…and leave him!….you deserve better! :sparkling_heart:


Y’all got to stop setting standards so low and settling for less. He sounds like this. Using you for a place to sleep when he ain’t sleepin in some other girls bed.


That is some shit spelling. No offense.

This has to be a joke!


Sounds like you need to end this and hopefully find someone who values you

He’s using you. Get him out of your bed and out of your home.


Get out now god will provide

Ummmm if he’s not ur boyfriend y is he still in ur bed??? Grow the fck up and have some respect for urself!! Quit letting a loser come ovr and fck u when it’s convenient for him! Long as u let it happen it will continue…Get urself fixed and stop having kids with fckin losers :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:


Get yourself into counseling so you can figure out why you have to even ask these questions and why you allow this man around you and your children.


He’s already told you he doesn’t want you or a relationship with you. And him coming around is his way of controlling you.
Call the cops and get a restraining order against him and move on with your life.


File a restraining order against him for literally abusing you. Don’t let him step foot on your property again.
He has no right to be around you and your kids whatsoever! If he wants a relationship with his child and wants to co parent he needs to take you to court and arrange 3rd party meetups. Don’t put him on the birth certificate and make him establish paternity himself.
If you don’t think he’ll do the same damn thing to your daughters that he’s doing to you,you’re mistaken.
It’s your job to protect all of your children from him.
One of these days he’s gonna take it too far and hurt your baby (or worse) and you.
Cut him off. NOW

He sounds controlling and frankly a bit scary. Stop letting him spend the night or wash his clothes or anything else at your house. He isn’t making you a priority and frankly he is using you while believing you have to answer to him. Cut ties and take care of you and your children. This guy is bad news.


He is single and so are you, you’re not married.


Don’t let him in your home. If he has a key, change the locks! He’s not your boyfriend or husband, so he has no rights to you, your girls or your home. I hope you have documentation of the abuse, so when the new baby comes you can block him from their lives as well.


You definitely need to get yourself and your girl away from this situation. This is not safe at all for any of you including your unborn child. If the place is yours get a restraining order asap , get all his things together and take them to either his friends of family and tell him thats where it all is. There is so much more you are going to have to do but this is a start and also please start seeing a therapist so that you can learn about about healthy boundaries


Get a man that will love you then

You tell people how they are allowed to treat you.

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Please stop having “relationships” for awhile and focus on your kids and yourself.


Darling you are in an abusive situation. He is manipulating and controlling you and very much taking advantage of you. Don’t let him in your house anymore! Get ready!Talk to a lawyer before the baby is born to settle visitation and child support and do better for your kids!


I would say hell no and not let him in.

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Well I hope he don’t bring to you any sexual diseases …My god girl I would not want to have sex with him for the safety :safety_vest: of your child DON’T…get into counseling and learn how to LOVE YOURSELF + get fixed

Everything your questioning, “why does he” is because you allow him to. Kick his butt to the curb

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Narcissist, run as fast as you can while you can. He wants his cake and eat it too


And you want a relationship with him, WHY?? I’m really not being judgemental just kinda sarcastic…I found myself at that point once or twice in my life…but I learned to love my self and now, I don’t understand what my thought process was cause there was NO excuses I could come up with to have made any of it ok…the way I was being treated, the way I begged for him to love me or me even excepting the behavior…IT STARTS WITH YOU !!! when you learn to love yourself, you learn your worth and WILL NOT except anything less than you deserve…you have to set boundaries…they will only continue to do what you allow them to do…

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Change the locks and have an order for custody ready to go. He doesn’t want to move in with you bc he’s cheating and if you find out and kick him out he won’t have anywhere to go.


Get rid of him. He is using you. He cares nothing for you or your children and it won’t change once the baby arrives. Change ALL your locks on your house first then
In the meantime make plans to leave the area quietly and very secretly as FAR AWAY as you can get. Lat low do not contact him change your phone number. Start a new SAFE LIFE without him.


Chlamydia could cause your child to be born blind .Aids can kill both of you ect…ect…ect.

Your not looking for advice, you already know what to do! If you need someone to say, “Your a grown ass woman, leave him!”…there you go! This guy is taking you to the cleaners, he doesn’t want to “live with you” because it means he would have to contribute to the household and it sounds like he’s a lowlife. You DESERVE better❤️

He is trespassing if he comes around.
Just call the Police to have him removed from YOUR house!

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