My "boyfriend" just told me he is single, what do I do?

I am almost 6 months pregnant with a son and have 3 daughters the guy I’m pregnant by now is not my girls father and just told me a couple of days ago that we were not in a relationship and that he was single so my thing is why does he sleep in my bed with me every night maybe once or twice out the week he doesn’t he has his own place. I love him and won’t to be in a relationship with him and be a family but I don’t think he is ready for that family role yet. He basically comes and goes when he wonts. He washes his clothes here and spends time here but I won’t more I won’t to feel more so how can I get things changed. I feel like he isn’t even sexually attracted to me anymore either since being pregnant we have had sex 6 times and I’m almost 6 months pregnant. We lay in bed and he won’t even touch me I give him back messages and barely get one. Ive asked him if we aren’t together in a relationship then why is he still coming around and what is it that he wants from me and he says as long as I have his child in my stomach and have his child that there’s nothing I can do about it that he was going to be around regardless and that I was not allowed to be around another male or me and the male would be in the ground but I’ve caught him talking with multiple women but if he doesn’t want me then why should it matter smh I just do t get things here lately it’s like I’m going to be stuck with his child raising him alone. He did take me and my girls to meet his family for thanksgiving and he talks about future plans for us but idk i believe it I just don’t feel the same anymore do y’all think it’s my hormones going crazy or am I wanting something that’s never going to be something. He also calls me weak for going to other females questioning them he has also pushed me down and around like a rag dog while pregnant with this baby because I accused him of being with another female. He said I deserved it for having accusations. I feel like I’m begging for love and attention smh he’s also very hot headed as he tells me all the time does it look like I need to beg for sex he thinks he’s the hottest thing walking the planet. He also doesn’t help me with any of my bills I guess because he has his own bills. When I ask why he won’t move in with me he says because that would make him look bad moving in with me and that I could get mad at him and kick him out at any time and he would be stuck. What should I do? When I tell him he’s just my BD and that I don’t have to answer his calls or have him over on his time he gets very angry and just shows up so I feel stuck.

Don’t let him in your house anymore. To me it sounds like he’s just using you so he has a place to sleep, eat, wash his clothes, etc. I also wouldnt believe him when he told his family about his future plans with you, most of the time men just say what people want to hear… and I’m sure his family wants to hear that he’ll be there for you and baby even if he knows he won’t be. I don’t know, I’m basing my answer more on experience. Don’t let him tell you that he’ll be around no matter what because you’re carrying his child but yet he’s physically harmed you. He needs to find somewhere else to go.

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My "boyfriend" just told me he is single, what do I do?

If he says he single. Let him live single. Not in YOUR bed. Not in YOUR home. Kick him to the curb and RUN

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Throw that whole man away.


Throw him in the trash.

Stop having babies with strangers.

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He is using you so he doesn’t have to do his laundry and other shit at his place… bills go up… he isn’t paying you rent or anything. DONT let him keep walking over you. Throw the whole boy away.

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Get rid of him! He’s totally taking advantage of you and your kindness…move on


Tell him you are done with him. You don’t need that and your child doesn’t either

If hes single then so are you :woman_shrugging:

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Wtf? I’d be more concerned with him pushing you around like a ragdoll while knocked-up!!! Not whether or not he wants you. WHAT THE F*CK? File a police report and a restraining order. Stat.

This is exactly why mental health services should be requirements like a routine checkup at the doctors office.

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Let him be single! The man has told you.
There’s nothing wrong with what you are looking for, but it isn’t with him.

Run. Sounds exactly like my ex. I could have written this word for word. He said what he wanted, he’s around to make sure you don’t go anywhere and as long as you let him treat you like this he won’t change. He’s doing he’s bare minimum so you keep the door open for him.

Shut it and run.


You’ve got a BIG problem on your hands!!! You need help to separate and get clear of him!!!

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Revoke his privileges, and access to you!

Sounds like you cultivated a non-relationship.

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When someone shows you who they are believe them!


This is wildly abusive. Get rid of him and hold strong. You and those babies deserve worlds better.


Are these really questions you’re coming to the internet for? The man pushed you while you’re pregnant! You shouldn’t be letting him around any children, his or the previous ones. Honestly putting up with stuff like that is how women end up in coffins.


Kick him out! If he wants to be single then let him be single. You can’t make someone be with you and he shouldn’t be trying to control you either just bc you are pregnant with his baby. He is walking all over you and you need to step up and do what needs to be done!


Run! Fast! & Never go back


If you accusing him of being with a other female and he says you are accusing him… it isn’t an accusation cause he straight out said to you he is single… just block him. You don’t need that energy.

Yep. He’d be out with yesterday’s trash. If it’s your house and your money I dunno how the fuck you feel stuck…change your locks. Get a no contact order. Tell him to go play in traffic. Make it clear you’re done and moving on especially considering he said himself “ya’ll are single.”

I’ve been through this I wasn’t pregnant but I’ve dealt with this and it’s one of those things where he doesn’t want to fully commit but also doesn’t want anyone else having u and it won’t ever change u need to make him leave u and ur baby deserve more he may have to be around for the baby but he doesn’t have to stay in ur home and take advantage of u

He’s there because you can’t be alone. Focus on your children.


Kick him to the fucking curb

??? Get rid of him clearly you guys are on two different pages here

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Make him leave and tell him there will no longer be anything happening between the two of you. No one is saying he still can’t be there for the child but damn who the hell does he think he is to treat you like that? He’s basically keeping you around for whenever he decides he wants you… But girl seriously you deserve so much better.

Hi, there’s so much abuse here. He’s not going to change. You might want to contact a domestic violence agency to help you make a safety plan because chances are when you start to make boundaries, we will act out. Good luck to you and your baby!


Kick him to the curb!!! Why are YOU allowing him to ???


Put him out and don’t look back.

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Oh no baby girl, let him be single. He is using you and he pushed you while pregnant. No ma’am, let him go. I know it sucks bc of the child you are carrying but you need to remove him from your home and your life.


Girl VPO and never look back.

Narcissist. Abuser. Run. Run. Run. :running_woman::running_woman::running_woman:

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Get rid of him. Move or change the locks. You are endangering yourself and your girls.


Children are better off with a single parent rather than in a toxic home


This is physical, emotional and mental abuse!! Kick him to the curb and let him be single! Keep your children and you safe!! Dear, you all deserve so much better!! God bless!


Get out now ! Change your locks !

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There’s plenty you can do. Stop opening the door. Stop letting him your home. You’re not a hotel. You’re not his property. That’s not love. That’s control.


U need to leave him and go through court for full custody. Why do u want to be with an abusive person who treats you like crap? Is this what you want to raise your baby around bc kids learn what they see! If he puts his hands on u then call the police and make a better life for you and your child!! I’m so sorry you are going through this!


He threatened to KILL you and your child. Get the fuck away from him! Call the police and have him evicted. Get a protective order if you can get one, they aren’t so easy to get.

This is real. Listen to him he is showing and telling you what he is. He’s abusive, and you’re being taken advantage of. Please leave before you’re the next mother and child we’re all searching for all over the country. :sob:

The situation that you’re in, is YOUR fault. Your doing wife things for a man that doesn’t even wanna be in a relationship with you. You may be stuck with him in your life since you’re having a child together, but that doesn’t mean you have to be with him in anyway. If he’s single, you’re single. Period. Cut him off, now. Or it’s only gonna get worse for you.


Toxic…both of you. Think of the example both of you are setting for your children…that this is acceptable…both of your behaviors. Get rid of him and get yourself some help. If not for your sake then for your children’s.


Kick him out it’s your house and your child and he can’t do nothing about that and him threatening you isn’t good that’s a sigh of abuse so get him away and get a protection order against him


Get rid!! Cheeky f@ck! Chuck his stuff out and text him telling him to come get it, if your not in a relationship then you don’t have to do anything for him. And change the locks asap. Clearly using you for a place to stay/be cared for.


Yeah, I had one of those. Eventually just asked him “why do you even bother coming here” and he answered “because I like clean clothes and hot food”

He disnt like his things in a garbage bag outside the door tho :woozy_face::rofl::rofl:.

Boy bye!


Oh honey, this is abuse. Get out now if not for yourself, for all of your babies. :broken_heart:


You are being a wife and playin house with a man who wont commit to you. You need to accept this reality. This will go round like a broken record, the abuse then love- bombing. It will stop, when u stop it. You are worthy of love and respect. You deserve happiness and joy.


Quit being a :clown_face: n get a restraining order on him n move on


He is using you and you are allowing it.


He Needs to get his Act together! Or he needs to leave. He also needs to GROW UP!! He cant have it BOTH WAYS!!

Kick him out, get a restraining order, and RUN. He’s abusive! Why would you WANT him to stay?


Because you allow it. :frowning:


So getting pregnant didn’t make him your boyfriend after all…not a good plan. I feel sorry for your children.


You’re joking aren’t you?

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If you have to question this you need to question yourself. What is your happiness worth? Arw you happy doing what you’re doing? He is not the one, kid or not. He just wants you sitting there at his command and you are not a dog. He needs to go and you need to live. Know your worth. Respect yourself.


He’s single change the locks. And throw him away


:flushed: wow… Even typing this out… you don’t see the HUGE GIGANTIC RED FLAGS??? HE PHYSICALLY ABUSES YOU… AND YOU STILL WANT THIS POS AROUND YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN. tell him to fuck off and you are done.
Change your locks… and call the cops if he comes back.
Tell him if he wants visits with his child when the baby comes… To bring you to court.

He’s a narcissist…
Get rid of him…


Kick him out and hit him with the child support after the baby comes.


A rent free roommate with benefits. He may move out and date you again, but you are being used. Your own the house. He doesn’t need to be there. You already pay the bills. When the baby is born file for child support. He’s abusive


Some of these questions can’t be real!! It is so glaringly obvious that you have the answer to your question. Nobody is going to tell you he isn’t using/abusing you.

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Get out now!! Is that what you want to show your daughters? Do you want them to think that, that is how a man should treat you? Do you want your son to think that’s how you’re supposed to treat women? They can all feel how you feel and can tell how miserable you are even if they don’t say it. I was in a marriage like that. I woke up while they were still young (I had 3kiddos in less than 3yrs) and got out. My kids can tell I’m happier with out their father. They know a normal a life because I didn’t want them to think that was a normal life. Their dad saw that kind of behavior and thinks it’s ok and it’s not. Don’t allow yourself to be treated like that. Don’t allow that kind of stuff around your kids. You’ll move on you’ll be happier. I’m a proud single mama for a 4yr old, 3yr old, and almost 2yr old. Go through the courts and put it all on paper!


Get him away he is sooo toxic and you don’t want your child learning that behavior. You can spend so many years not knowing your worth.

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Why in the world are you with him??


He told you he’s single. He has given you his truth. That is why he doesn’t rub your back, isn’t affectionate, talks to other women etc. If you didn’t know before you do now & it’s up to you to set boundaries. He’s going to do what you allow because he’s clearly a selfish jerk. So you will have to take control of your heart & life. Change the locks, have him remove his items, create a co-parenting plan and be single too.

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Stop letting him use you give him the option either stay or leave can’t have both. you can do it on your own find someone who will want to be with you

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What message are you sending to your daughters? If they came to you with these questions what would you say to them? Get help, get therapy, get the hell out of that ‘relationship’ before you endure a lifetime of abuse and perpetuate the cycle onto your own children!


Your the keeper of your own body and soul…your the one who has to make the rules for your life.

Change the locks. You are not a motel, laundromat, warm wet hole he can use. You can make it without him. It’s essentially what you are doing now.


Don’t let him sleep there don’t let him wash his clothes. If wants to say he single then he’s single don’t let him use u

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He’s doing it because you’re letting him. If he’s single kick him out.


He is seeing other people straight up and he’s abusive I don’t understand why you want that? He using you and doesn’t care about the baby. He was putting up a front in front of his fam. Just leave he’s bringing you nothing but pain and will do the same to the baby.


Kick him to the curb! You’re being used!

He is bad for you and your kids .


What. A. Loser.
Get rid of that classless baggage.


Ur straight up getting played momma :sweat_smile: throw the whole “dude” away. He’s dragging you along so you won’t see anyone else. He’s clearly not being faithful to you but not allowing you do see others which isn’t always easy at 6 m preggy but that’s not the point. I would say dump his ass but he’s saying he’s single so, so are you and can do what you want quit letting him play boyfriend role with a “friend” name

I’m sorry this is happening to you. You must change the locks. Not let him close to you or the children. Let him know he can have a dna after the baby is born and that he can have parental rights.
Pays no bills, comes and goes as he pleases, avoids affection, has no intention of becoming a family.
And he is abusive.
Once is all it takes.
Get out. change the locks. You have to be strong. You made your own people and you are responsible for their well-being. He will only escalate the abuse weather it’s mental or physical it’s all red flags. Men don’t change. Tell him goodbye.


Girl it wont be long and he will be flat out beating you.

Why should he commit when he gets everything he wants without doing a single thing to earn it.

I’m not sure why you have to ask what you should do. Just because you’re pregnant does not mean you have to be with him. Girl you need to sit down and give yourself a talk about your worth. He’s told you you’re not in a relationship with him then that’s what he means. When someone shows you how they feel about you believe them. If I were you I would wait till he went to work and I would go a very long ways away to some friends he doesn’t know about and I would disappear because he sounds like the kind of guy that will do some major harm to anybody who comes near you and you and your kids


Mama you’re a doormat to him. He will continue to walk all over you because you’re allowing it. It’s hard and scary but you, your girls and the baby growing in your belly deserve wayyyyyy better. Don’t settle for what he’s “giving” you. Or the lack of what he’s giving you.


you have set yourself up for this behavior 3 kids and then another one. There is no answer for stupid

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Kick his ass to the curb what the fuck I’d be having him a police escort up out muh house fuck that if he has a key you need to just change locks he is absolute garbage

Leave his ass alone and stop allowing the bullshit. Believe what you SEE.

A restraining order may even be necessary for this one

RUN FAST…this is one that will not change. He isn’t giving up his place because then he won’t be able to live the single life. He has told You he is single and I would bet money he has a few that entertain him at his place or whatever… You have been abused and you are carrying his child. You have daughters that will think this is normal. I would cut my losses and tell him to kick rocks.

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And whatever you do do not put his name on the birth certificate


Why are you even asking us these questions? You need to get away from this dude. He’s a toxic person. Why would you even want him around your girls. You don’t want them seeing mommy pushed a round & upset. RUN GIRL!!!


Change the locks and put his shit on the curb. The abuse has only just begun. No way in hell he’s single and you’re indebted to him as long as “his child is inside you”. Absolutely not. You need some friends and family to be your biggest advocates right now because it seems you can’t really do it alone. Your children deserve better. If having a man is that important to you, there are plenty more where he came from but he… is not the one.

OMG!!! If you already have other children, and this Man is a narcissist and abuser (you said he’s already pushed you down and around like a rag doll), why on earth are you NOT changing the locks and reporting him to the police? I’d be more interested in protecting your other children from seeing the abuse you are taking (and believing it’s alright), than holding on to this piece of garbage. Get in touch with a local support group and get him out of your life NOW while you still can. You owe it to your children and unborn child to get as far away from an unstable and dangerous relationship, as possible. Change the locks and if he causes a scene, call the police. Get out now!!!

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Do not put his name o no the birth certificate!

Do not tell him your in labor.

Now This week beg or borrow change the locks and changes your phone number

Make a police report that he put his hands on you.


Please get rid of him. Think about the 3 daughters you already have and please…be 100% honest with yourself…does he really give a shit about them at all? Your kids need to come first!

Sounds familiar run now you will be better off get away from the situation for a few days to think tell him not to come over you need a clear head even if it’s for a few days no contact you will realize a lot

Um… really?
Is this the look you want for your daughters or son?
Change your locks.
Get a PPO.
You’ll be protecting your daughters, son and yourself.
Block all his communication.
You still tolerate all this even after he put his hands on you? You still tolerate all this with his shady a— treatment towards you? While he basically admits he talks to other females by claiming he’s “single”? What you have here is a PUNK.
Girl, thank GOD you don’t live together. Please be done with all this for your own mental health and your children’s.


Toxic AF! Get the hell out of there! Lock your door, don’t let him stay over or do his laundry, or anything. He said he’s single? Well, you are too and you don’t need some fool pushing you around and dictating what you can do. You may have feelings but seriously this is not a person you want in the future.

If for no other sake.leave now…tell him not to come back around.he is abusing you,and your daughters see this. Don’t let you children grow up believing this is acceptable, because you accepted deserve better your kids deserve in your heart know this. You are stronger then you believe. You need to find something to help build your self esteem. Think long term,day after day,year after this what you want? I doubt it. Make a break now. Tell him you will go through a lawyer about child support and visitation for new baby. This is your one and only precious life.I am praying for you.

First off your not stuck. You have more rights than you think dear. Stand up for yourself and that unborn child. Your just an option to him and that child will never be a priority. Let him go! He will only cause you more heartache and pain than he is worth.

Change the locks. Change your phone number and move on. Protect those kids from this jerk.

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Come on lady. He is not into you. Don’t entertain him anymore. Don’t let him come over, don’t talk to him unless it’s about the baby. Do you really want this idiot to be the male example/ role model that your girls see and learn this is how they should be treated? Do need to do better for them


Dump him change the locks after you throw his stuff to the curb.Take every piece of advice written here by others.You have allowed yourself to think you need him and you don’t

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If he wasnt ready to be a “family” he should have kept it in his pants. Also, accusations or not- you DO NOT DESERVE to be pushed around. Change your locks. Tell him to get out. Your children dont need or deserve to see you treated like that either. You are their protection.