My boyfriend mom has been seeing my stepdad

They are two adults if they want to naked wrestle they are allowed. Just worry about you and your relationship

Sweetheart. As strange as it feels. Esp since they are sep grandparents from both sides. As long as no one is getting hurt ie if either stil have partners. Than let them be. If they are happy. And happier for their friendship who are we to say its wrong.

Take a few deep breaths. And repeat if it upsets you. Life is too short.


Its not yalls business they are grown ass adults doing what they want and don’t want you drama in there lives. Let them live it how they want.

They are adults. You are adults. Stay in your lane and mind your business. That woman doesn’t want to discuss her love life with you and that’s fine…doesn’t matter if it’s your “step” dad (what’s with the quotes there? Is he your stepdad or not cause if not this is even more removed from your business) or not


Is it really something you need to know?? Just don’t be up in there business. They aren’t doing nothing to hurt you.

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Can someone please explain to me what’s going on?

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If your step father is no longer married to your mother what do you care? Let them be happy.


Uhmm…mind your own business. That has nothing to do with your relationship and you have absolutely zero to do with theirs. Just because you WANT to know information doesn’t mean they owe it to you. They are clearly adults and so are you.


Girl worry about you and your own family she will tell when they both are ready, they probably need privacy and dont want anyone asking them anything which is what your doing, leave them alone, let them be and it shouldn’t be taking a toll on you they are grown and they know what they are doing mind your own business girl

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They’re not sneaking. Do you tell your dad everything you do and with whom? They don’t owe you an explanation and they sure as heck don’t need your permission. Be happy for them in their friendship, and support them when - and if - they update their relationship status.

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My husband’s dad married my husband’s ex girl friend’s mom. It’s weird lol. They were sneaking around too when my husband was actually in a relationship with his ex. His dad doesn’t respect him on the whole “I don’t want anything to do with her.” It was really hard on him mentally and emotionally. Now he doesn’t really speak to his dad. I hope your situation is better or different.

If there’s cheating going on you need to get it out in the open! If there’s no cheating going on then who cares they’re adults and can do whatever they want


Sweetie if there’s no cheating involved then as adults they are allowed to be as private or as open as they choose. It’s not yalls business until they decide it is. Her choosing peace is understandable. If a relationship that’s not yours is taking a toll on you, can you imagine the toll you guys are putting on them?


Y’all are all grown let that man and woman do what they wanna do🤷🏻‍♀️


Ummm, they are both grown as fu€k, leave those two consenting - no blood relation adults alone.
This would be one of those cases of “mind your business” …
Unless this is an affair situation, ur step dad still married to ur mom? Or is BF’s mom still married to his dad? … if yes… then go ahead and start a WAR. . If not … just shush, you didn’t see nothing, you know nothing until they wanna come out with it.


Stay in your own lane. Let them be and you focus on yourself and your kids. As long as nobody is being hurt! As they are fully consenting adults. Just be happy, that they are happy

Wait what? Does it even matter?

They are grown ass adults who obviously enjoy each other’s company no matter what the relationship is (which is none of your business).

You sound crazy, stop.

Also want to add. I find it funny you think you have a right to question them, about their adult lives. They don’t owe you anything


Uh…they’re adults. Mind your own business!! They don’t owe you an explanation, no matter how they’re related to you :woman_facepalming:t2::roll_eyes:


Do you mean one of your kids I’d your step dad??

They can do what they want

Wait…is one of your kids your step dad or your boyfriends?


If they are single let them enjoy each other company


So you are saying men and women can’t be friends? Without sleeping with each other?

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They are grown. You need to let it go.


And that one of your kids belong to your step-dad? Or did you mean your boyfriend

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Grown adults non of your business


Why do you have “to know” - it’s their thing- you don’t need the drama in your life - let it go. EVERYONE deserves to be happy. Besides remember when we were young how cool it felt to be naughty - they are adults and so are you - act like one.


Why is it your business???

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They grown they don’t need your permission


Mind yo business, I’d be glad my mama was out with someone decent even if they’re “friends”. You need to quit before she hurts your feelings :rofl::rofl::rofl:


It’s not your business. They are consenting adults. Leave them alone.

Maybe she knows and don’t care. You and your bf need to stay in your lane. Everything your parents do isn’t your business and vice versa.

These comments are terrible. If it’s bothering you he’s being sneaky , you have to speak up for yourself . Good luck♥️ if there is nothing wrong what he’s doing HE WOULDNT BE LYING😁

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You need to tell your Mom. Your loyalty should be with your mother. If your step dad is still with your mom.


As long as neither are married to other people it’s not your business.

It’s their business. Leave that grown man and woman alone if there both single.


I’m confused. Are they single? If they are let it go. If they arent-let them sort it out. The child though- you have a kid with your step Dad?

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I’m a bit confused to. Step-dad, kid, boyfriends mom

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You have a child with your step dad??? :grimacing: They’re adults, not kids. Let them sort it out. You just worry about your own kids.


Is your stepdad still married to your mom or is his mom still married to his dad, if not there is really no problem with it.


They are adults and not doing anything illegal. No one else’s business but theirs.

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None of your business!

If your mom and step dad are still together… (which was not clarified) then your mom needs to know… and this is your business. If your mom and step dad are not together… then this is not your business… if your bf mom and dad are still together… then his dad should be made aware as well. If they are not. Then it’s not his business either.


Why is this even your business?? Adults worry about their own. Talking about being “caught”?! Are you sure you aren’t 12? When you keep your nose to yourself it’ll stay clean and you’ll have less worry in your life.


Is step dad with ur mother? I mean if they are both single I don’t see anything wrong with two adults hooking up. However if he’s with ur mom that’s a total different thing. I’d been told my mom the first time.


It ain’t your real dad so let’s be honest it doesn’t matter either way

Are either of them married? If not then they don’t owe you an explanation. They are grown adults and you are not their parent. Frankly, it’s none of your business. They weren’t “caught” doing anything, there is no reason for them not to have dinner together.

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Why does it really matter? If they are happy? Why does it have anything to do with you??

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You “caught” two grown adults having dinner and think they should have to “explain to you what’s going on??? Unless they are married to other people and this is an affair it’s none of your business.

Let them have their time together and enjoy the relationship (no matter what it may be).


It’s really none of your business


I can’t get over the comments saying it’s not your business… If he was your bio dad people would be like tell your mom… so why not tell your momma? Even if the step dad and bf mom are "friends " he is still married and married men don’t usually go out w/o their spouse… when they do its an emotional cheating relationship. Your mom deserves to know.


Before asking for advice, please give ALL THE DETAILS!!!, otherwise everyone here is just speculating, is yr mom n step-dad still together, is bf mom and dad still together, who is the father of the 1 child you mentioned etc etc etc… geeeeeeeeezzzzzz​:roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


It’s really nobody’s business but theirs.


I understand how this makes you uncomfortable. Your step dad was with your mom and now your MIL … but unless step dad or MIL are still married, it really isn’t your business. Very uncomfortable situation!!! :confused:

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Um…:roll_eyes: They’re adults? Who cares if they have a friendship going on? Unless someone is cheating the post doesn’t really specify if your step dad is with your mom but dinner can be just dinner especially during this pandemic may be they are just keeping Sain having one person they can talk and hang out with
Not sure why you have to discuss their friendship when really doesn’t have anything to do with you

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Wtf do you think they have to sneak…they are grown.Who are you to have any say in what these two adults do.Unless either are still married, its none if you or your boyfriends. business…grow up and learn how to stay in your lane🤨

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Who are you to discuss who they spend their time with? Like really

Honestly it’s non of you’re business. Last time I knew of they are adults. If they want to tell you they will.

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If they are both single…keep your big nose out of it


It is not any of your business

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I don’t get what the issue is. It’s their life, and honestly it’s not really any of your concern. Two grown adults hanging out? What’s the problem? Why are you owed an explanation?


If neither of them are married what’s it matter? Let them be. They are grown adults and don’t have to run things by their kids. They told you they were friends. Dont really matter what kind of friends they are as long as they are happy. Drop it.


Honestly, as long as there’s no cheating going on, it’s their life & they can spend it the way that they want. I understand where it’s an uncomfortable situation for the both of you, but you guys need to just let them do their thing. Either choose to accept it or ignore it, then move on with your lives. Getting involved and being resentful will only create a wedge in the family.

I get where your coming from with your kids knowing him as your step dad but unless they are married or cheating it’s none of your or your boyfriend’s business. Let them be as they are adults. I’d rather they both be happy together than lonely. Also she’s the mum so she answers to no one especially you and her son.


They’re grown ups. One isn’t biologically a parent so idk what the issue is. I mean they raised you guys up, they don’t need to explain anything to you.

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How is this any of your business? You can’t stop it or change it. You either accept it or don’t. & if you don’t then, that’s your problem. Not theirs. How are they sneaking? Who do they have to hide from?

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Mind your own business!

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Is your stepdad still married to your mom? That would be a problem. Otherwise I see no harm in it.

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If they are both single, who cares! Everyone deserves to love someone and to be loved back by that same person! If they are in fact not single well, I would be a tad upset too!

It’s THEIR business, I’m sorry. You and your husband have no say. Let them LIVE these last year’s HAPPY.
She is so correct by saying she chose PEACE. Good for her :pray:

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They’re adults really none of your business.
Can’t believe these posts are for real.
Anymore, I think they’re just for drama+not for anything but stirring the shit pot for arguing.
Know what they say?
Those who do,should have to lick the spoon

Girl that’s none of your business

Just let her do her…if it’s not hurting anyone who cares

So what. Let them live their lives. They are both consenting adults, they’re not hurting anyone. They don’t owe you a thing.

This lady just said she had a child with her stepfather who is now banging her boyfriend’s mom?
Someone call Jerry Springer.


Mind ya business ! Unless your step is still married to your mom but even still isn’t your business your nosey

I would be mad at you to for sticking your nose in where it don’t belong ,Why don’t you just mind your own business and pay attention to your husband and kids and not what everyone else is doing…


Well really its no of your business. They are grown adults and dont need your approval


None of y’alls business period…


From what I understood your stepdad is still married to your mom (thats the only reason for you to be upset) in other hand its not really your place, you can let your mom know and then decide what to do. Isn’t your fault, isn’t your bf fault and its not really your problem to solve. They are all growing up and can solve their own relationship issues.

Is your step dad still with your Mom or is he single? And is your bf Mom single? If both single let them be.


Take care of your 4 kids! What the adults do is none of your business!


Mind your own, let them live theirs wtf lol

It’s not your business if they are dating as long as they are not married to other people

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I don’t understand how it’s any of your business?


Let them be happy n enjoy their senior yrs together. It’s none of your buseness. Keep out.


What does it matter what mom and step dad are doing?
Who cares they are adults and allowed to get their freak on if they wish!


I got too many of my own problems to be worried about others. How do you find the time? Let that go. It is NOT your business.


Non of your business‼


As in her an her boyfiend have 1 kid together out of the 4 she has lol

Tbh in my opinion this is none of your business and you should just but out who cares if their friends or something more their adults and can choose what they want to do with their lives


Wondering how he can be your stepdad and you have a child with him :see_no_evil:but hes seeing somebody :see_no_evil::see_no_evil: confusing :thinking:

Everybody is saying it’s none of her business but that is not okay. Her kids grandfather on their dads side is secretly seeing their grandma on their moms side. That’s SICK


If they are both single what is wrong with it,and it’s not any of your business.

Only question - is this step father still married to your mother?


Why is it an issue regardless? Sounds like they are both single. Maybe they don’t know the status of their relationship themselves. Unless they are doing something that is/could hurt you or your family, you should just leave them alone until they feel like there’s something to say. It’s not really up to you to force them to define their relationship. They are adults.


It’s just your step dad, Why would you care? They deserve happiness too!


Is your stepdad still married to your mom? If not than I think it’s okay. Let them be happy.


Life’s too short to be anything but happy. Gore would you feel if they were all in your relationship asking questions and making demands. Leave them alone. They’re grown. Raise your kids and mind your business.

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