My boyfriend mom has been seeing my stepdad

I think it is “their” business, unless they are both currently married to other people… in which case… that is an issue. I can understand if your “Step”-dad is still married to your mother and you having concerns.


Yeah like a lot of others said… only question that matters is, is your step dad and mom still together? Because if they’re not, you’re over stepping your boundaries because they are two single people that can date who they please, and don’t have to tell or explain to any one if they don’t want to… now if he’s still with your mom, that’s a different story… But otherwise, it’s their life… Let them live it and don’t worry about their dating life, because if he’s not with your mom, it’s not your business… JS.


I’m confused so is the step dad still married to your mom or with your mom if not then it’s nobody’s business. It might be kind of weird and uncomfortable for you and your boyfriend but it’s not any of your business. I know that sounds rude but it’s really not. Now if he still with your mom or married to your mom well then yeah I’d have some ill feelings about it and not want to see my mother get hurt but if they are not together then let people be don’t create unnecessary drama

If neither of them are married who cares who they date or whatever. They are not blood related, so I don’t see an issue here.


Let them be, they are grown and don’t need to answer to anyone and maybe cause of how y’all are acting about it is why they are keeping it quiet. As long as they aren’t still married to anyone else then what they do is their business.


They’re adults. As long as whatever they are doing together is consensual and not harmful to anyone then don’t concern yourself.


i mean as long as your step dad isn’t with your mother anymore there isn’t an issue there


Maybe they just want to keep things private?
Maybe they are just friends with benefits.
Maybe they don’t want to make their relationship official because they themselves are not sure where it’s going.
There are so many variables here.
They are adults just as you are so maybe you should just mind your own business?


Let them have their fun :blush: it’s their life not yours.


I’ll be the odd ball out and say that’s kind of odd and I wouldn’t want my ex step mom too date my husbands dad lmao. I’d die a little inside.

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Unless your mom and step dad are married it’s really none of your business what 2 grown folks do


Neither of them are married so not really your business


Stop budding in
None ya business they are adults and can do whatever they want lol. Why does that bother you? You have your life, let them have theirs


What’s the big deal? Two consenting adults doing whatever they want shouldn’t be a big deal. Let them be.


I’m assuming these people are at least in their 40s… Let grown folks do what grown folks do! Do you really wanna know what they do in the sheets? They have been messing around for 2 years and you KNOW it, so what else do you want to talk about exactly?


You don’t need to sit them down like children. They are grown adults. They can do as they wish. Opposite sex CAN be just friends, but who cares anyways. Not your business. Good for Mom sticking up for herself.

Literally none of your business.


Sorry, but first off… its their business what they do and don’t do with one another. Grown ass adults should not be told they’re “lying and hiding” about anything and certainly shouldn’t have to answer to their child(ren), grown or not. Them getting “caught” is really ridiculous to me. How would you feel if you were seeing someone and being harassed about it constantly and being made to feel like you were doing something wrong… not very good I’d imagine. I get the whole being protective of your parent(s) but yall need to sit down and stay in your lane. Let them do what makes them happy and you worry about you and your kids.

Girl you got 4 kids you’re worried about the wrong thing


Sure this exact story was posted elsewhere a few days ago

How old are you? 10? Its non of yours to be ask what they are. Let them be they’re grown ups. Noisy people i swear. :person_facepalming:


If neither one is Marr I Ed no problem. However, if they are married to other people shame on them.

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If they are both single and not cheating on anyone they are two consenting adults that don’t need your or anyone else’s permission to be friends or otherwise. Just because two people of opposite sex are friends don’t mean anything other than friendship is going on. And what makes you think you have the right to question your elders. Mind your own business, leave them alone and be glad they both have a friend they enjoy. :woman_shrugging:t3:

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You’re grown and so are they let them LOVE each other in PEACE!!! :joy::joy::joy::woman_facepalming:


If they’re adults what does it matter if they’re getting their hanky panky on…

Maybe they’re hiding it because the kíd thínks it’s their place to get in someone’s bùsiness


You got 4 kids how do u have the time to get involved in something that is none of your business. Use all your time n energy in raising your 4 kids


I read this same thing in another group. Still the same
answer. Mind your business


None of your business! Your step father is not blood related, let them be

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I think they are being respectful. Why should you care if they hook up. Everybody is entitled to happiness. I would just focus on my own life and not worry about what others are doing.


Let them get it in. Lol. Mind your business unless stepdad is married to your mom


She didn’t say if her mother was still alive and married too the step dad?


Personally, I would mind my own business.
If they’re both single, let em be happy.


So is he married to your mom? Because if yes that’s a whole different ball game but if he’s not there’s nothing wrong with it!!!


Is this a joke? Why does it matter to you? Let them live their lives in peace. Maybe this is why they haven’t told you about it. They will tell whoever they want when they’re ready. Let them be


Unless your step dad is still married to your mom or anyone else, mind your business.


What in the Jerry Springer?


It shouldn’t be your concern. If they choose to keep it between them then respect that. Maybe they are trying to avoid the drama you are creating. Take care of your kiddos and your relationship and let them take care of their business.


They are grown adults. Not your teenage kids. Did you tell your parents everything? It’s time you let them grow up and let them have their own life.

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I wouldn’t worry about it unless it means someone is cheating. Honestly it doesn’t really effect you where they’re keeping it hidden so move past it and let them be.


If your step dad is not married to your mom, let them be. If your step is married try amd have a conversation with him. Hope is gets straightened out for your peace of mind

They are old and enjoy each other’s company so I would just mind my own buisness and let them be, it’s not hurting anyone.


If your step dad isn’t with your mom anymore, he has the right to see anyone he wants


They are grown, and if he isn’t married to your mom anymore then there is nothing wrong if they are having a relationship. Let. It. Go.


They’re adults. Unless either one is still married to or in a relationship with someone else, then it’s nobody else’s business if they’re friends or more. I don’t even know why it bothers anyone or anyone else feels that what they’re doing is somehow their business and they have a right to know anything at all. They’re adults! They don’t owe anyone any type of response, answer, explanation, nor anything else unless they’re committed to someone else and are actively cheating on their partner. Mind your own business! Worry about your own business!


That’s weird lmao. I’d wanna know too especially since that’s your mother in law

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You forgot to mention if your mom is still in the picture… That is a very important detail because if he is still with your mom their relationship is definitely inappropriate but if your mom and step dad are not together he can be with your bf’s mom and they can keep their relationship casual and it’s non of your business


I’m wondering why it’s anyone else’s business? Are they cheating? Then that’s different. But for you and your husband to sit down two grown consenting adults is out of line. It’s their life. Step aside.


Why is this an issue??


This is the third or fourth exactly repeated story on this page. Stirring the pot much? :sweat_smile::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Ummm…just because he came out of her vagina doesnt mean he has any business to what goes into it afterward. Youre lucky youre not my kids Id tell both of you as much straight up :rofl: if she doesnt want to admit a relationship or even friendship dont push it. Maybe shes embarrassed. The only way I could see any problems is if your step dad is still with your mom AND messing around w his mom. Still nunya though!

None of your business… They are grown


They are grown give it up and let them be if not married to some one else


They’re grown. They don’t owe you guys an explanation. No wonder they don’t want to tell you guys if youre acting like this lol. As long as your “step” dad isn’t still with your mom, why does it matter? Why would it take a toll on your? Overreacting much?


Stay out of it cause if they want you all to know they would tell you let them live there life


I don’t think it’s overreacting at all especially if someone is cheating on someone. Honestly if thats the case then you need to tell on them period. People telling you to mind your own business but if someone’s cheating then you need to tell on them, everyone on here would want the same respect of being told if they’re being cheated on. Everyone is so quick to judge but even if no cheating is involved, how do you explain that to your kids? Oh well your grandma from dad and your grandpa from me are together? Especially if they have seen them separately with their possible significants, if thats the case they should atleast speak the truth so her and her SO can discuss it properly with their kids or have grandparents explain it. Like jeez.


Wow. Grow up. What they do is their business not yours. Also they’ve already told you that their friends, why do you have to make something more out of it then what they say it is? Get a life.


If they aren’t married to other people.
What’s the big deal? They are adults,


FYI the boyfriend’s mom has already come to “peace” with your relationship with her son, suggesting you do the same and mind your own business Sis. :v:


It’s their lives let them live it the way they want

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They are adults. Its NOT YOUR BUISINESS!! They stay out of yours… Get a life. Grow up. Stay out of theirs’!!!


Is your stepdad still
With your mom?


No knows business I wouldn’t want to discuss either

IF my I knew my stepdad was cheating on my mom I would tell BUT if neither are tied and seeing one another it’s none of your business. Mind your own😁


Are they sleeping together and are still a relationship with someone else? If the answer to that question is no them mind your business. If the answer is yes, mind your business.


Stay out of it. They aren’t kids and can do what they want. How would u like them saying you and your bf can’t be together?


so what if there happy and haveing agreat relation ship leave them alone. or would you rather have them with someone that mistreats them or beats them or a drug head so if happy you need to mind your own and just set back and injoy the time there still here in this ugly world?

They are adults. Move along.

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Your step dad is a father to one of your children? Is that what I’m understanding? If so then that’s messed if not then it’s none of your business who they date.


Making a mountain out of a mole hill.

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Why is it any of your business?


One of the kids is your stepdads not being funny I am just asking to gain clarity? This is a bit much where is the wife is she alive deceased like nothing has been mentioned about the wife why isn’t she made aware of what is going on?


She’s not saying that she has a child with her step dad she’s saying she has a child with her boyfriend and 3 other children. Still…. I say mind your business…

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She’s not saying that she has a child with her step dad she’s saying she has a child with her boyfriend and 3 other children. Still…. I say mind your business…

Idiot.mind your own business.not rheirs.

They are adults. They’re not having kids and if they did, it doesn’t matter. If they’re both single consenting adults, stay out of it.

I wonder how i am going to face my mum ever if i know about my step dad has a “friend”…

They’re adults and it’s none of your business

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If the Stepdad is one of your kid’s dad no wonder you’re jealous and in their business and eeww