My boyfriend of two years came home with lipstick on his ear

At first I thought there was a possibility a random chick grabbed onto him or hugged him and the lipstick came off. But since he’s making stupid excuses instead of telling the truth, I’d say he probably has something to hide.


If you look for the bad in a person you’re guaranteed to find it all of us have our flaws all of us are imperfect but I wouldn’t be so quick to throw him under the bus if he treats you and your family correctly it is possible that he was confronted by a woman in public and he didn’t feel comfortable talking about it maybe because he felt you would overreact or maybe he didn’t know how it would be taken (men tend to internalize their issues instead of being outward and spoken) all I know is I’ve been in his shoes and I’ve been accused of being a cheater when I sure as hell put all my heart into being faithful and in the end I was the one to have to kick rocks because of her suspicions and lack of trust… Truth is if you can’t trust someone you shouldn’t be with em


Sweetie When the bars close down what is he still doing out till 5 am.?.does he drive to the bar and back or does he take a taxi…because i would put a tracker under the seatcof his vehicle if he was driving…e may be a fabulous guy but when he goes out to the bar he is dancing slow dances with other women that is why the lipstick is on his ear…and you dont think he is going home with any of these girls you are sadly mistaken…he leaves you at home and he never asks you to join him does he…personally he is a cheater and the times he goes out with friends he is sleeping around…and he is a good lier to not even admit the lipstick and to say its blood is good very good…try downloading a spyware on his phone like pc tattletail that shows even deleted messages and you shall soon find out…better to know then be suspicious all the time…personally i would have friends go out to the same bar and spy or come on to him …but thats me…


Just leave. Life is too short!


I guestion would he let u go out and have ladys night and stay all hours off the morning out .
2.if your sure its lipstick maybe a chick kiss hes ear probably went to the strip bar .
3 if he loved you enough he wouldn’t spend so much time going out with hes friends.
4 if you have no trust. Then there’s no point carry on in the relationship.

Dump him he’s too immature. Doesn’t know when to grow up and stop the weekend drinking. You don’t wanna get saddled with a man like that. He is not for you.


Trust your gut! It never lies!!


GO… Find someone you trust.

You need to have someone check him out & see where he goes " otherwise get rid of him "

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Hire a pi n have him followed


Trust your gut, you already know

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hahaha the internet is fucked. Ya’ll ready to ruin a good thing. Here’s a spin, maybe it was loud where they were i.e. a bar and someone was trying to talk to him and that someone was a girl so they were talking into his ear and that’s what happened. Sheesh so quick to judge. Relationships are not black and white and trust is needed, from both parts. Bottom line, talk; be open. If you are still getting that gut feeling be true to yourself and don’t waste yours or his time anymore, but to just dump him over something so superficial is just childish and shows that you need to mature before committing. Also someone said about a guys night and them going too hahaha then that wouldn’t make it a guys night…duhhhh I ain’t going dancing with the girls sipping on seltzers at the club for girls night either. People need their own time too. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Trust whatever your guts telling you


kick him to the curb if you even think you have to check on them. Life is too short.

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A family man doesn’t go out drinking with his dudes and staying out all night.


I imagine he may feel suffocated at home with this insta-family scenario he encumbered upon. I would say leave him if he continues. I hope you don’t rely on him money and can make it on your own 2 feet. Send the kids with their birth dad and go out with him, make some time for yourselves…


Even besides him probably cheating …. Are u good w having a partner that’s out partying god knows where instead of at home w u and the kids , f that


Here’s what I do when I wonder is it or isn’t it, (if you have to ask, you already know the answer ):smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I would say out of the blue so how is your friend today is she well …if he blushes you got the answer you were looking for if he flusters show him the door… don’t make a scene it’s not worth it

Never ever ever rest on a BOYFRIEND. they’re a friend that’s a boy that you have FWB. They’re not serious cargo. Break up move and move on


That’s a hard pass for me. Either he gives up the boys night and only goes out with you along or he is gone.


U say he supports u then ur stuck. Get a job save money and get a plan to get out. Don’t just kick him out if he’s paying the bills. U have to plan ahead. I’d try to find the truth as well. Good luck


I think the key word is “boy friend”. He is free to do as he pleases.


He’s wrestling with a woman in bed


Ya id definitely be going with from then on


Oh baby you’re worth so much more than that.


Get financially ready to leave! First a job then get a place . He won’t notice if he’s on his weekend benders. Then stock with furniture n groceries next weekend bender, move out. If he wants you back before or after then you ask him which he wants most his weekends or an all week wife. Your too old to playhouse you have two children.


Cut your losses. Luckily you don’t share children with him and don’t have to go through a divorce or custody battle with him. You not trusting him is your answer. There can be no good relationship that isn’t built on trust. You deserve a commitment and too many dudes stay in relationships like this and do as they please because they aren’t “tied down”


Yeah bye boy bye…
Find yourself man that respects your relationship.


Why is he supporting you when you’ve only been together two years? And this reads like he’s not the kids father? And you aren’t married? But your mad he’s going out and having a life? Do you not work, or have means to support your own children and yourself?:flushed: What is even your plan then if it didn’t work out cheating or not? That doesn’t make any sense at all. I’d start working on yourself getting a job and getting self sufficient for you and your kids then you can be pressed about what your man is doing cuz you don’t need him then :ok_hand::flushed:


Leave, if your asking on here you know what your gut is telling you. Don’t stay, that will lead to u stalking and making yourself go crazy.

Maintain self control know your worth and move on now


Your a single mother of two … and you don’t trust your boyfriend ???
:rofl::rofl::rofl: bish out here calling single…. Think he should be the one with the problem here


All I’m going to say is, the boundaries we enforce, are what we teach our significant other, we are okay with, in regards to how we’re treated. If you have small children, it’s also what they are learning is okay to tolerate, in a relationship.


Gotta love all the advice people give without really knowing the full story and making all kinds of assumptions.


Time to leave not even worth it I’m sorry u had to deal with that you are worth more

Get some child care and a job focus on yourself and kids and act oblivious

  1. Get help. Asking random ppl online isn’t sane. 2. If you keep looking for signs usually you’ll find them. Even if they’re not really there. 3. If after two years you haven’t set standards and boundaries for yourself in that relationship. Lines will forever be cross. 4. Don’t stress yourself you was happy before him be happy with and without him :blush:

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Lipstick on his ear! If you would have looked a little deeper, you would have probably found some there too. Look I have been there and I know how hard this is. For your own self respect Get a job or 2 and put this trash to the curb.

You have a man that has been there two years, supports you and your children and is actively involved in their lives. What else do you want. Sounds like a caring person to me


Let it slide this time. If there’s a next time leave.

You could also think of it as maybe a female try to say something to him in his ear and got lipstick on it but if there’s other signs I would definitely keep an eye out

Its definitely sketchy BC he wiped it off right away instead of looking in the mirror to double check and make sure its blood or not. Also blood nor lipstick wipes off easily in one swipe with ur bare hands. Some sort of moisture is needed… So if it wiped off that easily…def not blood…

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Start doing a girl’s night! Do you! And always trust your gut! If it don’t feel right, something isn’t right! Go with your instincts!

You need to have a sit down talk with him and tell him it’s either the whore or the door. Why would you even consider to keep checking for signs of infidelity? If he insists on staying out with the “boys” then it’s the door. You’re first mistake was to “let” him take care of you and the kids so he may feel entitled to do what he wants. You should have had a job too, this way you’re unprepared for the possible outcome.

Kayla Goodale you’re entirely too much in her business. Thats not what she was seeking advice for. And even if it was, she asked for ADVICE not JUDGEMENT. Maybe she had to stop working after covid and he didn’t and they found that was better for them. Or maybe its temporary while she looks for a different job. Either way, not your business. Not once did she say she COULDN’T or WOULDN’T work, or that she didn’t have options. All of that is irrelevant, though because lying and cheating and crossing boundaries is not ok.

I think you already know the answer

Don’t over think it. Trust your gut. It’s always right even when we don’t wanna listen. I’ve been in your spot pretty much. And if he gets defensive when you ask basic questions. Ones he would want to know himself in ur spot. He’s guilty of more than drinking.

Once trust is gone it’s over

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You havent caught him ?? Wait n make sure

Always trust your intuition. that’s your guide or guardian angel telling you something. You should listen .