My boyfriend refuses to let go all out for my sons Easter basket

If you wanna spoil your son then do it. If he doesn’t like it tell him bye bye


I always go big for Easter and Christmas, my mom has 8 grandchildren and her and her husband spoil them 2 times a Easter.Easter and Christmas, tbh I would go all out and tell him that your son come above anything and everyone.


You seriously can’t decide who to keep happier? your child or some lousy bf of a year ? Seriously kids are forever not no dumb man… you buy that baby whatever he wants for Easter and tell that bf to :kiss: your ass…

Tell him to go pound sand…if it isn’t costing him anything he’s letting his selfishness rule!

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Compromise, scale it down some to the point you can both agree on.


If ur buying it with ur money… I’d Tell him to Shut the hell up and you can do what you want for :hatching_chick: Easter :rabbit:. What’s he going to do bitch about Christmas too.

Tell him if he doesn’t like it, he can leave. He doesn’t have to live with you.

I agree that no one needs to go all out on holidays, but each to their own. Your child, your choice.

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You feel torn? Tell that guy to kick rocks!!!


That is YOUR child. You do for your child and if the bf don’t like it he can leave. Do not let this behavior start because it will NEVER end!


That dude is acting more of a child than ur kid!
Jealous acting, if ya ask me!
Do what you’ve ALWAYS done for your son!
F what he thinks!
No REAL man would change the way you interact with your flesh!


I mean, I kinda agree with him.

Children before boyfriends!!!


Get rid of him. Our babies come first !


Get rid of boyfriend jealous of child! And the fun and memory making!


This is your tradition, and this makes your son happy. You also enjoy making your home feel and look what the occasion is. I have no children here. But I still play with deco for my home for the occasion.:blush::+1:it’s fun. :rabbit::rabbit2::clap:

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Buy your boyfriend some things too, maybe he’ll chill out then. Probably just jealous.

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I do! I can’t wait til Easter, I went all out. It makes me happy seeing them smile. Run now, he is trying to control the situation and things will get worse


If you give in this time he will only continue to do this to your son. This is a huge red flag. Choose your son!


You tell him kick rocks and blow bubbles and ball out ON YOUR CHILD


You get your kid the stuff you want. He’s not the person “in charge” because he’s the boyfriend. He’s not even the stepdad. He doesn’t have a right. We bought two Easter baskets, my daughter will get one from my grandma and from her nana. So she’s going to be spoiled too! I even bought an Easter bunny to go with. My fiancé picked one out and I picked out the other. She likes cars and they were split into boy/girls (if you don’t make your own) with paints. The one I got has candy, a flamingo light for her room and lots of other fun “girly things” and we got two different bags of Easter eggs already filled. Spent almost 100 bucks at least on her Easter. Keep in mind there’s Christmas and her birthday right after. We still spoil her because she’s my baby no matter how old- she’s 3. Won’t remember but she will remember that she never went without on a holiday.

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Tell him to kick rocks


I agree with your boyfriend:)

You say “fuck off” and do it anyway. That’s your kid. Stand your ground now, or he will do this with every holiday.

Kick him to the curb

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You go all out for your kid and tell this new bf if he doesn’t like it, he can get out!!!


If it’s your money you’re using to go all out on his Easter basket then he has no say!

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Don’t let him come between you and your son! You go all out for him and put your foot down now before it’s too late! My kids missed out on every single holiday. My ex husband never let us celebrate. I’ve been divorced for 4 years and we have had a huge Christmas every since


Put your Child first & get rid of the boy friend :-1::-1:


If your boyfriend is this demanding after just moving in, I think you have a problem. He sounds controlling and possessive. Your son is YOUR responsibility. You are his protector and EVERYTHING to him. Get rid of the boyfriend!!! He will only get worse!! Next thing you know, you will only be ALLOWED to do as HE says.


You handle this by being the mother you want to be because that’s your son. And by not entertaining anyone who says otherwise


Uhm, fuck that guy :v:t2:

It’s YOUR son, do as YOU please!


Who’s paying for it? He can blow.your kids grow up so fast enjoy it!

Define what “going all out” means to you. It means different things to different people. Are you talking about spending $20-40 on an Easter basket or $200+ on a basket & gifts? Unless you’re cutting into your household budget and this will result in him having to cover your portion of the financial responsibilities, you’re new boyfriend doesn’t get a vote. He’s not been around long enough to be a vested stakeholder in your son’s future. With that said, “It’s not a 2nd Christmas” is an ironic statement to make. Christmas was the day Jesus was born and Easter was the day he resurrected. Sounds like someone’s lost sight of the actual meaning of those holidays.:person_shrugging:


Tell this guy goodbye!!!


Take care of family first.


Last i checked its your kid not his. You do want you want with your kid and you remind him that its your child.

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Kick his ass out. Your kid your choices of what u do for u child

It’s ur kid… go all out for him and don’t worry about dude. Like you said he isn’t the father and he just moved in… so what if he gets mad…then he isn’t the one for you or ur son. Be a mother and do what’s right… you may have to kick him to the curb. Starting red flags

Your boyfriend! He’s not the father he needs to stay out of it, your his Mother. Boyfriend :roll_eyes:

The beginning of control issues


All I can say is fkn wow

You are mom… granted yes, it’s not a second Xmas…but ultimately you are the parent… He is not. You decide

I believe this should be your decision. Now if your using his money that may differ some but I don’t feel that he should make such a big deal unless your going crazy about it and it’s his money.

Everyone is different with Easter basket traditions, but I don’t see how he has a say?? It’s your kid, your fam tradition. You love doing it, and I’m sure your son loves the basket. Tell your bf to shut up😂

Its your child!! Tell your boyfriend to grow up


My ex was like this and I left when he told me I couldn’t go all out for my daughter on any holidays because “kids don’t need to be spoiled” when it was really to waste on his drinking habits and cigarettes and weed issue (I was the only one working let me mind you.) Never will let a man tell me what I can and can’t do for MY child. If he would get mad or argue bc you want to do things for your child then he isn’t mature enough to date someone with a kid. My bf now goes all out for my child with me. Best decision I ever made!

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Don’t let a new boy toy make decisions on your son. That’s a HUGE red flag


Choose your kid! If he can’t handle that then bye bye bf


Do what you want for your kid, our kids come before any man period. He sounds like a child making it a big deal kids love Easter I have 6 and I go all out for them as well.


Go all out with your son and kick him to the curb


Do it…my son is going to be 35 this month and I still do a basket of goodies and dyed eggs for him. feel happy to do for him even though he is an adult and lives on his own. Just something special I like to do so you should do what you think is right for.ypu son. 8f he is.going to pitch a fit over so.ething like this what else is he going to not like.


Your child. An you said he is a boyfriend. All I can say is priorities

Go all the way out and put your boyfriends stuff in an an Easter basket with the BIGGEST bow and kick his ass to the curb. And as fir you baby boy give him the best Easter ever they’re only little for so long these are memories momma! Don’t let anyone take them away from either of you!!

YOUR CHILD COMES FIRST!!! Stand your ground!!! Tell the bf to go spend the weekend with a friend… NO… don’t quit being the SAME MOM… or be told how to mother!!!


My kids and their fiancé/ spouse get an Easter basket

Sounds like he needs to move the hell out.

Um no. My husband said some crap once about what he had when he grew up and I said well me too… my kids will get more and more If can provide it and that’s that… he complains sometimes but he knows, I’m going to anyways. I make a big deal of every single holiday EVERY SINGLE ONE

YOU are his parent. Do what you want and if the boyfriend doesn’t like it, he can hit the rood.

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It’s not his business what you do for your child. You took care of him as a single mother so I really don’t think a new boyfriend has the right to tell you what you can or can’t do for your son.


Grow up and stop spoiling your son. Give him a chocolate bar and bunny and stop


Throw the whole boyfriend away.


Your kid comes before your boyfriend so if you want to go all out for YOUR KID for Easter then do it. It’s not right that he moved in and trying to tell you what to do with your son. Boyfriend’s are replaceable but memories with your son aren’t and they’re only little for so long. So enjoy your Easter with your son and buy him whatever you want. Oh and he’s obviously jealous of your son and can’t handle being in a relationship with single mother. :rabbit:


He just moved in? He can leave. You will never be able to reason with him.


Continue to do what you’ve always done! Who knows what else he will try to change!

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Lose the bf :person_shrugging::man_shrugging: go all out for your kid


I bought my kids new bikes and shoes and cheap easter baskets. I do this on my own. And if there ever is a man to come in to the picture. I will not let him decide what I do and don’t do for my children. And as a mother you shouldn’t even have to ask this question. Flat out tell him how it’s going to be and if he doesn’t like it to kick rocks.


Kick his ass to the curb! Dick isn’t more important than your child! Stop taking the bs from these wanna be and focus on your kids!

He can kindly fuck off.

I would be more letting him know what Easter was about. Your Child should also know we not able to have it all, sometime the money isn’t there. Or stand you stand. and do what you what. Maybe he boy friend has a reason and you should talk about it. But before he moved in . Know what and how your child was to be rise.:love_letter::love_letter::love_letter:This is said with love.

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You do what you want for YOUR SON!!! Don’t ever let no man tell you any different!!!


You do what YOU want for your child! He has no tight to say otherwise!

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Yes its your decision. But if you’re using money for presents and gifts where you’re lacking in providing. Or going into debt. Then its not a smart move. Also. Spoiled kids turn into ungrateful kids in some cases. Just my 2 cents.

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Do what you want with your son… by the sounds of your boyfriend… he’s not a keeper…

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You choose your child before any live in for sure

tell him to mind his business… lol

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Tell him it isn’t up to him. It’s your kid, your money, your place, your way or the highway.

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Your child, your decision. They are only little once💙 no man should yell at you over you wanting to do something nice for your child.

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Tell him to kiss your ass. :woman_shrugging:

I say we all send your kid shit for Easter just to piss him off.


Get your son what you want to get him. Its not up to your bf just because he lives with you now. Youre still his mother and its yours and your sons memories.

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Do what’s right for u and ur kid. Homeboy is just an add on, not a necessity… hes too new in the mix,so he doesnt run shit like that. Stand up for u and ur kiddo

Your son, do what you want to! And give your boyfriend a Easter Basket since he is acting like a child!

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YOUR kid YOUR decision. Spoil him all you want!


Your child… your call.


Get rid of him he won’t be good to him


Do what YOU want for YOUR kid.
Don’t EVER change what you’re doing for your child based on what your bf says. Bf’s come and go. Your child comes first and is forever.
My mom had this mentality and I have the same.

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Your child comes first

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There’s a lot to unpack here:

  1. You’re the mom so you make the decisions
    1a. If you can’t agree on how to parent that is a major red flag for a relationship.
  2. If it’s your money it is your choice.
    2a. That is assuming you can afford it without causing any hardship on yourself or the household.
  3. He has no business “basically yelling” at anyone.
    3a. If he tries to control you over this it is likely to escalate.

You do what you want for YOUR son. If he don’t like it theres the door. :woman_shrugging:t2: Our babies come first.

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Tell him to fuck off You’ll do what you want for your son

It’s your kid and you can raise him and spoil him how you see fit. Mark that up as a red flag and him trying to control you and if there are other red flags that youve had in the past that we don’t know about then definitely its time to move on without him


Well Easter isn’t a second Christmas and depending on the situation you may be doing too much. If you celebrate it as a religious holiday then it probably shouldn’t be clouded by getting a bunch of gifts. If it’s solely for fun then whatever.


depends on how far “all-out” is to you. $50.?$100?But then again if ; you are paying the bill, who cares what y our boyfriend says. why did you move him in after only a year anyway.

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I’m the queen of going over the top for holidays. My husband tells me all the time. Lol but in my eyes kids are kids once. My kids don’t get a ton of candy per say they get somethings like peeps, cotton candy things like that in their basket the other candy is in the egg hunt but they also get outside toys bubbles and some random mystery things they like

Kick his ass out who is he to tell you what to do with your son

Tell him to Fok off and get out!


Go all out for your kid. Hes a boyfriend, not a husband, not the boy’s father. Therefore, not his business.

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Get rid of the boyfriend and raise your kid as you see fit.


He’s YOUR kid so do it up