My boyfriend and i have been together for about a year now…we met just after easter last year. I have a 5 year old son and love going all out for him for easter but my boyfriend who just moved in basically yelled at me and said i was doing too much…that easter was not a second christmas…but i like spoiling my kid on holidays so now i feel torn…i dont want drama with him but i wanna go all out for my kid…how do i handle htis?
Tell him to kick rocks, you shouldn’t feel torn and the fact that you do means the boyfriend is a huge red flag!!! Your son comes first always!!! Kick the boyfriend to the curb before it gets worse!
Yelled: red flag
Feeling torn: red flag
Do you depend on him finantially? Who he thinks he is to question your parenting and the way you spend your money in? Put your child first as stated in the previous reply because you will regret later if you don’t. And most importantly, put YOURSELF first as well. Your child is small and loves you unconditionally. That boyfriend of yours obviously has issues and doesn’t seem to love you as inconditionally as it should be. Just kick him out. The sooner you do it after the first red flags the more pain and struggle you will be removing from your life. And if you are asking in this blog probably is because you already know what you must do and most likely these are not the first red flags you have seen…
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My boyfriend refuses to let go all out for my sons Easter basket
Kid over boyfriend. Period.
Is he paying for it? Are all your bills paid? Then it shouldn’t matter
Your kid, your rules!
Who cares what he thinks?
Your child not his. Kid over boyfriend. I’d say bye to that dude
That’s your child and he is not your father. You should not fear his reaction
Tell ur boyfriend to kick rocks
Kick his ass to the curb, thats not the energy you want around your kids❤️ it will only get worse!
He is right, it’s not a second Christmas but I’d never let a man dictate what I can and cannot do for my children !
LOL I’d tell him to bunny hop right out my door… How dare he act like that towards giving JOY to YOUR CHILD. Kid over boyfriend 10000% every time. Sounds like a shitty step dad anyways.
Do what you always do for your child! They are only this little for a short time!!
Go for it!
You did it before he moved in so why stop now
U go ALL out honey fuck him for real sorry jealous ass
That’s your child, you make the decisions your child comes first always
It’s your kid do what you want. The bf doesn’t get to tell you what to do when it involves your kid
Tell him to stop being jealous over a child. Smh i go all out for my kids and idc who doesnt like it. My kids are happy.
Your kids should always come first. Your kid , your rules
Hmmm he isn’t even your kids father if he isn’t paying for it I would tell him to kiss my a$$ or to kick rocks
Your kid your rules!
If you’re paying the money for it, do it. It’s your son and it sounds like this means a lot to you.
Thats a red flag tell him that its your child and if you want to go all out that your allowed, tell him if he doesnt like that you spoil your son that he can leave, if i was in your shoes id kick him out and never talk to him again
Your baby, your rules. He doesnt have to be apart of the fun, buy the goods yourself and spoil your kid. Kids over everyone … period .
I mean this in the most respectful way possible. Fuck him. Kid over boyfriend. Always.
Tell him he’s just jealous and to zip it
Your kid, your decision. Spoil your kid. Maybe get a new bf
I’d be taking it a knotch up causeeee,
Kids are only kids once, I say ABCDE F him:notes: spoil the kid
Do what you want and kick his ass out.
Your child’s happiness comes first. Ur the parent, not him
You’ve been doing it for him every year I’m guessing so if you stop now I promise it’ll hurt him more than your bf being mad and your bf needs to get over himself!
Absolutely not up to him what you do to don’t do with YOUR child!!
Time for a new bf child comes first always
Your kid. He doesn’t have a say unless you’re using his money.
Umm your money, your child, your choice!!!
sound slike its time for him to go . red flag
Do what you want. Your child.
Never let a man dictate how you treat your child.
Do what you want it’s your child
Um- Jesus is the reason.
Your kid, celebrate Easter like you have without him. I wouldn’t let your boyfriend come between you and your son
Do whatever you want. Enjoy your son they are only young once. Make precious memories
Sounds like he’s jealous
He’s your kid and it’s your money!!! Buy him whatever you want
Your child
…do what you usually do🙂
You go all out for your kid and tell him to beat it.
Dude your kid should come before your boyfriends twisted distortions anyways
Do for you child period ! And never let any man not even his biological father tell you how to treat your son !
Go all out !
Boyfriend? Yeah, none of his business. Run him off!
That is your child. Tell him if he doesn’t like it, then he can fuck off.
Bet any man tries to come in my home, and expect to run the household… they’d be gone
Your kid should always come first- no questions asked. They are only little once - spoil him! Your kid, your money - so there shouldn’t be an issue!
You’re kid only young once
Your child, your choice. The boyfriend does not have a day.
Do it anyway. It’s your kid. You money. Your choice
WTF?!How is that of any concern to him??
It’s truly really simple , your son, or the boyfriend. Make the right choice
He’s your kid. It’s your business what and how much you spend on him. Boyfriend is just being an asshole.
Drop that idiot asap
He is YOUR kid, obviously you work and have done this before, you do what you want. These are memories you are making for YOUR son, if you dont do it then who else will? Obviously not the new boyfriend.
Your kid comes first. I would get rid of the boyfriend. Never put your child second over anyone.
Let me answer this question for you. Kid or boyfriend?
Bye bye
Spoil the baby. Kids first. Always.
open the door for him
Is he paying for it if not then carry on
Red flag! Be objective enough to see it. Does he have children?
Your son your money your house screw him
Ummm kids been around longer than him and will be around still longer than him, you don’t need permission do what you do
I say you do what you want… he’s your son and I dont think he should have a say on what you do for your kid. Go for it mama
Mmmmm why is this a question? Your bf who recently moved in w YOU thinks he can demand you to not enjoy Easter w your son??? Pardon me but hellllll naw! He’d be adjusted real quick or hit the bricks!
Fuck that guy, continue doing what you’ve always done for you kid. Kid over boyfriend every fucking day.
Do what you want, he doesn’t have to join in on the fun or planning.
Alot of these comments shows why the divorce rate is so high, kids are supposed to come before your spouse, it’s called communication. Maybe they don’t have much money and hrs the one working. Too many questions to just say its my kid blah blah blah
Tf do whatever u want with YOUR kid!
Your kid your rules tell him to mind his business and maybe get him something too with his grumpy ass. He sounds jealous I’d watch that
Go out for your kid, fuck him
Go all out they are only little for such a short time
He’s only little once
I would laugh in his face
Your kid, your money, your business.
Your child comes first always tell him to deal with it unless you’re not a good mother are you ?
Tell him to get on his bike xx
Tell him off… it’s your child not his, he has absolutely no right to say a thing.
your kid comes first over any man
Hell no you can do whatever you like for your child! Is this even the boys father?
Oh hell no. Tell the bf to mind his business
Your house ? Your son ? Your money, most likely ? I would do it anyways .
Your kid comes first. He will be there long after your bf, just as he was there before him.
Your child not his
End of
You tell him this is who you are and have always been and this is how you intend to raise your kids and if he wants things to work out he needs to get on the same page and lose his demanding attitude. That’s like entering controlling right there.
Kid comes before ANYONE period.
Find a new boyfriend!
It’s your kid do what you want. Let him be mad, he has no place saying what u should or should not do for ur child.
This is your child and your money tell him to have several seats
Why change your son’s holidays and what he’s used to please a man you’ve been with for a year…girlll throw that boy away. Your baby comes first
It’s your child. My husband thinks my son is too old for an Easter basket altogether but guess who still gets an Easter basket
Don’t let someone’s dusty ass son tell you how to parent your child.
I mean, I agree, people go all out for everything and its ridiculous. But, its your child and he should respect how you chose to raise him, but I don’t blame him for speaking out.