Your child should come first before any man!!!Sounds like a controlling man to me! Get out of that fast before he tries to control everything and anything you do!! Huge red flag!!!
Kids come first but also why are you going all out on Easter. I agree it’s not a second Christmas. I’ve always done smart easter baskets not a bunch of junk. Like this year since she’s older it’s going to be summer clothes and shoes a little bit of candy and maybe a small stuffed animal
He’s a boyfriend…do what you want with your kid. He should want to buy him something for Easter as well and help him hunt eggs. He can’t be like a father to the child…look for a better boyfriend.
Let you? This isn’t just about Easter, these are red flags. Fighting over this? You having to be afraid to talk about it because of how he treats you? You deserve better. Your son deserves better:heart:
dump your boyfriend and tell him to move out, is this even a question
It’s not like you’re asking him to buy it all, go all out! It’s not his choice I like spoiling mine too
Umm its your kids, not his.
I’m not sure he can wave that red flag any harder honey.
Does he control you much? Tell him your children come before him. I know I would never keep him around. That’s how Control freaks do things like that, and it only worsens. I agree with Anna. I have been there Never Again..
Who is he to tell you what to do for Easter for YOUR child!?!
If he’s not paying for it, he has zero say.
If he really hollered at you, pack his bags. Never let your child come second! Sorry, sounds like he’s an ass.
Dont stop doing do what is in your heart
To hell with him. Do what you want to do for your baby. He can take his grown man ass and go away.
Kids > lame new boyfriend who is jealous of your kid
first off I do the same for my kids and if anyone ever told me I do to much for my kids it would be good bye.
Rule #1 of parenting: You NEVER let a man, a BOYFRIEND, who is not the father of your child tell YOU how to dictate how you spend your money, time, energy & LOVE on YOUR CHILD!
Boyfriend is a red flag. Throw the whole man away now.
Your son…your business…is he jealous or just a control nut?
Mine fusses if we really don’t have it to go overboard with…do you have the financial capability to afford it?
I’m in the same boat and I just do it anyways
I came here just to see the over abundance of comments telling you to ditch the douche and do what you want with your child.
Ew. Pick your child.
Girl, if it is your money and you want to do it, then do it.
YOUR KID ALWAYS COMES BEFORE YOUR BOYFRIEND. Don’t let him ruin your traditions, don’t let him change your parenting.
Out the door. See ya. Only a sign of controlling behavior. Tell him to hide eggs outside and lock the doors!
Tell him to get Lost you kid comes first
Sounds like you should find yourself a new boyfriend for Easter. Your son is young only once spoil him because time goes by too fast.
Her money, her child. Who is he to try and tell her what she can or can’t do for her child?
Its your kid do as you please and he’d be out on his head.
How tin the hell are you gonna let a BOYFRIEND, who is NOT your child’s father,tell you what you can or cannot do for YOUR child. Yelling at you!?!? For wanting to give your child a happy holiday!?!?!? He should be packing his shit and getting out of your lives.
If he just moved in with u then and ur son is ur kid not his then he has nothing to say. Ur money, ur son do what u want. Just make sure u have ur part of bills paid so he can’t come back and sat" see I told u"
Nope. That man may not be here next year or in 5-10…your son is here for your entire life. Now if he is paying bills and will be providing the money for the basket that is completely different! But it doesn’t sound like your financially dependent on him. If it’s your money then spoil your son and pay attention to that red a** flag that new boyfriend just threw out there cause he should not be even speaking about your parenting and how you handle your child yet. That is a privilege that comes after a lot of proving ones self and building a sturdy relationship with you and the child.
That is YOUR son, you do what YOU want… Unless it’s his money then I can understand, but if not, he’s not your husband and that’s your child, you only met last year, do what you wish with YOUR child, period!!
Tell you boyfriend to get fucked and spoil that kid
Do what u want he’s ur son… I would lol
Ur sons been in ur life his whole life and ur bf was only there a year… maybe he doesn’t know how it feels to go all out like that for ur kid…
Is the question should you chose what your boyfriend wants over your child ?
I hope you knew the answer to this before you even asked.
Nope . Tell him to get out . Kinda feeling like this is a big step towards him being very very mean to that little one . I’d snap . Have him go before something horrible happens . Adults can be jealous of kids to .
I’m sure if you were spending that on him , he’d be happier than pig in
How is this even a question? His yelling over Easter what the hell whatever next
Ummm you only have one child. If you wanna spoil your only baby then DO IT!!! Unless you’re asking him for the money to buy all the stuff then it isn’t his damn concern
Your kid and traditions come first.
You go all out for the child TF . ALWAYS choose your child
Tell the boyfriend kids come first like it or leave
Your son is your priority!
Keep doing what you always have for your child remember your boyfriend came into your family and you both need to talk about how important these holidays are for you and why do you need to change who you are. Prayers
You let him know that this is your child and he has no jurisdiction here. If he has a problem with the way you’re raising him, he can leave.
He’s your kid. Nobody tells me what to do with my own kids
I say it’s your money and tour kid do it how you plz if he doesn’t like it too bad with that being said I go small for Easter
Hahaha Ignore that fool…it is none of his business what YOU do for your child for Easter unless he is footing the bill.
Tell him to get over it or leave
Sounds like you should learn more about your boyfriend’s background, upbringing and family. No it isn’t Christmas (which is a religious celebration) it is also a time to enjoy family and feasting remembering that Easter too is a religious holiday.
No way in hell I’d let a BOYFRIEND (who is not even the parent!) tell me what I can and can’t do with MY child. If he doesn’t like it, I’d show him the door.
Thats your kid not his not yalls he has been a part of your life for a year that baby will be there forever. It’s not his place or his business to tell you when you are doing to much for your child.
Kids first before anyone…. He can’t tell you what and how much you spend on your child he’s not his kid!
Kick him to the curb immediately!!
Uh fuck him do whatever you want for YOUR KID
Pick your child over the man.
This could be the last Easter that your son technically believes in the Easter bunny so I say go at it mama
Well, if he feels this entitled to argue how you’ve been doing things for 5 years itll just get worse with time. Choose the child.
Yelled at you for wanting to do something special for your child?? RED FLAG. I go all out anytime I can for our kids. Their dad might gripe at me a little when I spend too much money lol…but he knows it’s all about their sweet faces when they open their stuff. We only get those excited faces for so long, enjoy it and get that baby an Easter basket.
I’m sorry, why is your boyfriend’s opinion mattering over what you wanna do for your child? Go overboard they only have 18 easters with you remember that. Then they can do whatever they want.
Kids are only little once! Who is more important… boyfriend or son.
Tell him to $@ck off
Lmfao I can’t believe this!!! You’re actually considering what your dumb boyfriend said for your son. Who you going to listen lol your boyfriend and not your own blood?! girl get your head out of your ass children deserve the world. You don’t need to date .
It’s ur kid at the end of the day it’s your decision and he can have an opinion and voice it but to really mind his own
Tell him to move back out if he can’t handle how you parent your own kid.
Girl fuck him u do what u want for ur baby he was there before him…the end!!!
You are the parent, not him. You can do holiday gifts however you like.
Your 5 yr old son has been with you longer then this bf so plz put your son first…
Kid comes before boyfriend!! I will always go all out for my boys IDK care what anyone says! Easter is Spring/Summer time Christmas in this house! Lol
OMG. Your children always come first. He has no say in anything as he is not the father. He is a piece of Crap so called Boyfriend. He either gets his act together or you kick him and his ASS out of your life for your sake & safety & your son’s.
You do the same as you do every year for your child, why change things now
Tell him to fook off its your child nor his me moved into your life not the other way around, maybe jealous you not spending it on him x
Sorry but get rid of boyfriend. He is already trying to control what you do with your son. It’s not his money why does he care so much.
If he can’t handle you spoiling your kid then bye. Your his mom you do whatever you want to do for him. There are men out there who would be right by you spoiling him too
Dump him and be a good mom. Seriously. Major red flag. Tell him to go ahead and move right back OUT!
Why is this even a question do you want to pick him over your son who expects a big Easter since that’s how you always do or make your bf happy which one??
Is it his money being spent? No? Okay then tell him shove his opinion
Drop that pos like a hot potato
Why does he care so much?
You are a good Mom for doing the most for your child! I would see this as a red flag… and wouldn’t even have my child around this person.
My husband and I make our kid priority and she always gets the most from holidays and birthdays etc…
Actually I find that is the most sexiest quality a guy can have is how he treats his kids and others kids.
Get you a good man girl,he sounds beyond selfish.
You’re using your money and you’re making it- plus he is YOUR son! Do what you always do for your child and your boyfriend can back off.
No offence but he’s only your boyfriend. Fuck his opinion and do whatever you want
No man has the right to tell you what you can and can’t do for your child.
Sounds like your boyfriend needs to move out and go find someone else to yell at. Children come first.
Always choose your children over anyone.
You should be able to do what you want to do for your child. He was there before the BF and will be there after too. Now, having said that, going “all out” has different meanings. I do have to say some people spend a ridiculous amount of money on children’s party’s etc. just to keep up with the Jones’s and trying to show off which I think is not showing any sort of boundaries for the kid and only making the parent look like their showboating their child. But if you have it to spend then but going into debt or above your means just trying to show off is not right or good role modeling for your kid. It’s okay to do nice things for your child and have fun but it’s silly if you’re just doing it for yourself to impress other people. Some people want to pretend to live a champagne life on a beer budget which never works
- It’s YOUR KID. 2. If boyfriend is actually yelling at you for something like this, it says a lot about who he is a person, and it’s not anything good.
Get rid of the BF! Your kid is only 5! He will not believe forever! Enjoy!
Girl… you do YOU! He does not get to decide what you do with your own damn money
It’s your kid, it’s literally none of his business. He does not get to YELL at you for something like that. Ever. Unless you literally aren’t paying bills or spending astronomical amounts with credit cards, it’s none of your business how you spend your money.
Just cuz he moved in doesn’t mean he makes the rules. Also you need to realize that your son will notice
Your child is way more important than any man you’ll ever date
Take your kid out and have fun
He can pack up and leave if he thinks your son isn’t that important
I guess it depends….are you working? Or is it just him providing for you both? If so, I understand his point. He may
not be able to afford it.
The hell with your boyfriend, if your able to spoil him and give him memories of great times, then do it. Who’s he to decide what you do for your child.
Tf he can move right back out. That’s a hard no.
There are children who get nothing. Don’t let outsiders dictate what is too much or too little in your home. That is you and your child’s safe place, free of judgment. He can kick rocks.
Choose your kid always
Tell him to mind his own business and if he don’t like how you bring your child up and the traditions you have then he can leave, your kid comes first you shouldn’t have change how you are with your child because of a boyfriend men come and go your son is forever. Your boyfriend be greatful that your letting him be a part of your family don’t change traditions because he’s made you feel like that he’s in the wrong not you. Don’t let him control what you can and can’t do for your son trust me that’s where it starts. He has no right to tell you how much money you can spend in general let alone on your child
Tell him to mind his damn business … they are your kids you could do whatever you want on Easter…Maybe if they were his kids he would feel differently