Your son comes FIRST!!!
I sort of agree with him. You are setting up some major expectations he won’t have for a lot of his life. And Christmas and Easter are supposed to be religious holidays about Jesus of Nazareth, not commercial blowouts. Does BF have kids of his own & he can’t compete with your largesse? Are you expecting him to foot the bill for all the Easter goodies?
And what do you do to “go all out”? Are you buying a ton of chocolates? Hiding 100 eggs? Buying him a mini Lamborghini or expensive gaming system? Taking him to Disney World?
I’d say hide some eggs, give him a little basket with candy, take him to church and have a nice meal together is enough. Why is it important to you to spoil your little one, and why is it important to your BF that you don’t? What were Easters like for each of you as kids? Find out the whys and you’ll be able to make better, more informed decisions together.
Also, he’s 5. How long before he outgrows clothes, toys, games, etc.? How much chocolate at a time is healthy? It’s not worth spending money on things for a few months. Instead put your hard earned dollars towards longer-lasting things and experiences. Remember the most precious gift to anyone is time, attention and really listening.
Your kid your house? Your rules.
Although he is right its Easter not Christmas or birthday.
Teach him about the true meaning of Easter
Run as fast as you can if he does not want you to do for your child he is not worth having around.your child comes before anything but GOD. SO PUT HIM ON THE GO
Do you really need people to tell you? It’s called your child comes first no matter what.
First of all. It’s your kid. I go all out for my child and I’ll be damned if anyone is going to tell me otherwise. If we were married or if that was his kid and we didn’t have the funds to do so that’s different but if I’m the one paying all my bills and taking care of my child by myself then I do what I want for and with my child
Is what your doing taking funds away from anything important or affecting a agreement you have with him? If no, there isn’t a strong reason not to do what brings you joy just because he doesn’t agree.
Never let a man dictate what you do for your kid! Now I’m curious, how do you go all out? What all do you want to get him? Lol
As long as the bills are paid and you’re not struggling financially then there’s no reason for him to say anything
YOU are the parent. YOU make the rules with YOUR child. No, and I mean NO ONE gets to decide that for you.
You get to do this for your child. Boyfriend is going to cause more issues in the future, if he has a problem with you doing this for your child.
Your child comes first
That is your kid don’t let him tell you what you should and shouldn’t do for him. I say go all out if you want to do that and have the finances for it
Read what you wrote mama! He yelled at you telling you that you’re doing to much for YOUR KID. He’s not your boss. Why would you want someone like him to be even involved with your child? He obviously has issues with you having a child. And it’s not his money to tell you what to do with it. Girl…red flags…RUN
I would Just do it!!! It’s your child. He only has 1 Easter a year. Do whatever you want for him. He’s YOUR child not his.
Its your kid. Not his. The easter bunny can spoil whoever the easter bunny wants too.
Get rid of the boyfriend!!
No one tells me what I can or can’t do when it came to mine and holidays!!
Run, run now! Go be the best mom you can be for your kid. There is a better man out there for you!
Sounds like the bf needs to stay in his lane
Eh, as someone that agrees Easter is not a second Christmas I would still go a little overboard (not a lot) as long as financials were good. He shouldn’t have yelled but raising a kid together (and that’s exactly what y’all are doing even if not married) does mean y’all need to have talks on what each of you find acceptable/unacceptable. If the way y’all want to raise him Is far too different probably best to end that. If y’all can talk it out and compromise then great
Time to remove this Easter a$$ from your life. The Big Red flag is waving on this control freak!
Uhm, easy. You do what you want. If he’s already doing this and he just moved in, I’d be telling him to leave. Your child comes first and he needs to not only stay in his lane, but take an exit ramp. The audacity.
Your son. Your rules
It’s your son he doesn’t get to decide what you do with your own son. I feel like that could be a boundary breach. Yes. Easter isn’t Christmas but showing your kid love isn’t a bad thing. My now seven year old begs me for another easter scavanger hunt I did when she wa four it was alot of fun and yes my husband and I did go over board but it was the memories that mattered.
I wouldn’t let my BF get in the way of my children’s happiness and what I want to do for them. Cus they are MY kids. My rules, My house, My Kids… don’t let anybody tell you different girl!! Esp a man that isn’t his father.
No man will ever tell me what I can and can’t do for my child…
now if it was dad, and he had a justifiable reason then I’ll hear it out.
He sounds controlling . Is this his child ? Do you work ? If it doesn’t set you back on bills I say go for it ! I grew up with holidays being big in our home. They are only little once ! Just do it !
I did that when my kids were little and I wish I had kept it simple. THEY DONT REMEMBER!
If you let him start the next time will be bigger, and there will be a next time.What ever you do or get sit him down and explain to him that Jesus is the reason and maybe go to Easter service.The first part I was talking about boyfriend!
Get rid of the boyfriend
Men are replaceable… children are not.
Compromise and go to church.
You are the parent… Not him, not his call what you do for your son. He knows where the door is if he doesn’t like it. He sounds like he’s trying to control the situation.
You tell him to stay in his lane. It’s not up for discussion unless you cannot comfortably afford it. Then he has a very valid point
Your boyfriend is right, but he’s your child so do what you want.
Your money and your son.
More advise than you wanted, but let him know asap that you will not accept being yelled at.
I agree that this is your son and you raise him how you want to . But , I agree Easter is not the 2nd Xmas . Teach you child what Easter is really about . This is a teaching moment as a parent .
Make his gifts relevant and useful. I used to fill the plastic eggs with change to put in a piggy bank, books to read and part of a series, decorated holiday socks can be rolled up and fit in a larger egg, crayons, small to do tablet, chapstick and smaller candy’s.
Is he paying for it or something? Makes it sound like you’re using his money which you most likely aren’t, so why is he so buggin about it. Buy him (your BF) a Easter basket too maybe he will shut up lol
Sounds like your boyfriend should mind his own business
Get rid NOW if you let him dictate this he will NOT stop please take care x x
No man will ever tell me what I can and cannot do with my child or for my child Period
Tell Boyfriend to hit the road
Go all out, if it’s your money you work for then go the hell all out.
Get rid of the worthless manchild! He aunt a man sis… you loved him in! A real man moves you in! Ain’t no man wanna go liv3 by his girlfriend so get rid of him like a used Pad
Boyfriend. Not husband and not baby daddy, not
Paying for it =
Um. Less than a year and already throwing fits about something you find joy in FOR YOUR KID!?!? SAY BYE!
Get rid of him I could nevaaa
Your son comes first not the boyfriend! You continue spoiling him mama !
You will not be happy with this guy! You can do better!
Your sons more important.
Well 1st he’s your kid and your kid comes 1st not your boyfriend 2nd go all out for your son
He can get mad, get sad & get glad all in the same day & stay in the business that minds him as well!! Not his kid not his choice unless hes paying for it! Other than that then you do you & go all out if you want to for your baby!
He’s not his dad sooooo hes probably mad cuz he wants your $$ . Dose he work? Dose he pay the bills ?!? Dose he have his own car ?
Your kid comes first not your boyfriend. What he needs to understand is that your son was in the picture first before him, he is with you knowing you have a son, you can do whatever you want for your son he has no say so right now until he puts a ring on it and marries you but even then. For goodness sakes it’s one kid and it’s not like you’re going all out every day. Tell him he can get over it and if he doesn’t tell him to leave!!!
I always go all out for my kids but this year I’m BROKE and possibly single so I can’t go all out and I know my kids will be expecting their usual big baskets.
Not his child. Your child. And if this is any indication of how he’s going to be as a step dad, run!
Whatchu mean “ let you “
U could to an Easter egg hunt with him plus Easter basket but u shouldn’t really be doing more. Your just gonna raise a spoiled brat so I agree with the bf however it’s your kid.
I get it kinda, Easter has lost a lot of it’s true meaning, BUT that being said…your child, your money, your choice.
Your son was there first and always will be boyfriends can come and go do what is right
Well depends how y’all relationship is. If the relationship is very serious and he’s husband to be, then he will have a word in what you do and everything, either you accept that or you be alone or be with your kids father. It is what it is.
If y’all financially struggling and your bf has real plans to own a house with you or something, and you’re spending too much on some holiday, then yes. He makes sense.
Ofc all these miserable alone will tell you to leave him.
You can still make your kid happy without doing all out. Kids are easy to make happy. I am sure one bag of chocolate and candies will do the job. You’all childish.
A prime example of the greedy, money driven world some still live in… Spend some quality time with your son and your boyfriend. Put the money for tat you’d spend on the useless crap, in a savings for your son…Easy… If the boyfriend is abusive, leave…
You do what you want for your son if he don’t like it he can hit the bricks!
Tell that guy yo take a hike!
If is the price or effort the prob? If price shop second hand (besides candy) if effort F him
I’d say go all out for your kid and if that man loves you and cares about you and your child then he’d let it be you only have every holiday once a year and before you know it your child will be grown do every little thing you can while they’re little all the memories do matter they grow so quickly. That man can come and go but your kids will be there for life always remember that
Kick him out , you can see what’s coming .
Do all out for your kid. Make the memories.
No guilt.
Always always always put your children first ……
Your kid comes first
He’s jealous of your son. That’s a HUGE
Do what you want for your child. If the boyfriend has an issue, he might be the issue. Don’t change the special things you do for your kids for a man you have only had in your life a year.
He had no say in this. Move him out
Tell him to scratch his mad spot and get glad. Your little boy isn’t going to be little forever. You want to enjoy him to the fullest while he is little.
U go all out for ur baby. If that’s what u want and u are able to then do it. If he can’t see that then he isn’t the one. He should be happy to know u love ur baby and want him to love the holidays.
Yeah…don’t let a boyfriend tell you how to raise your child. He’s not his father and you’re not married to him. He has no say in what you do with YOUR kid. I go all out for holidays too and get my kids way too much for Easter and there is nothing wrong with that. Truthfully this is showing some red flags about how he would be as a stepdad. Your kid comes first.
Also if he is really that mad about you going extra for your son maybe tell him, that if that’s how he’s going to be then you two might need to rethink your relationship because this is how you are and what you do for your kid and no one is going to come in and change that. And he can be apart of that tradition and those special moments or he can he find the door.
You’re setting yourself up for an entitled child and a house full of junk. What Will you do if you have more children? Will you be able to do this for all of them? Or have a child who resents any future siblings because his loot disappeared? His birthday should be your focus for an incredible gift because that day celebrates him with lesser gifts but more experiences on other holidays. Is your boyfriend bossing you around? Perhaps he thinks that since he moved in you consider him a member of the family. You have to decide if spoiling your son is important to you and also if the man is important to you. He isn’t telling you to deny your child medical care.
Get rid of the boyfriend now. It’ll get worse.
Boy bye! Your son comes before him. He can’t respect that, show him the door
Ur child not his u do what u want when it comes to ur child he has no say on anything. Honestly I’d get rid of the boyfriend.
It’s Your Kid! Who Is 5!!! Is he Really Jealous of a small child??? Get Rid of the Man. Spoil your child, they grow fast! Toss that man Away!
Uhhh your kid comes first. You’re boyfriend sounds like a jealous child. I’d let him know he can go. It’s not even his kid….why does he have a say again?
Torn? Never such a word when it comes to YOUR child an a boyfriend
Do not let him control you child’s first
Why is he upset? What’s the reason
I have to agree with others. Boyfriend, not husband. I go all out for Easter regardless of what my husband says. Eggs with candy in them, coloring books, cotton candy, stuffed animals, the works. He might have an opinion on it, but it’s just that, an opinion.
He refuses or told you were doing too much?
Never change what you do for your kid for some guy. Ever.
I’m sorry, just my opinion… But I am all for LESS STUFF. I tried going all out for my 3 babies as well, and noticed that a lot of the “stuff” (esp holiday themed) ended up on the floor or the bottom of their toybox (and eventually in the garbage.) I started buying only things they would actually need and/or use, less is MORE, and teaching a child esp that young to expect so much “stuff” on a holiday or any day might end up backfiring honey, js
he’s your son…go all out…pfftt…reeeaaalllyyy…what makes a man think he’s so superior that he can dictate what a grown ass woman does.
You do what you normally do for your son. It’s none of your boyfriends business and if he has a problem with it or with your son tell him he can move himself back out again.
Your son should come first always. If he isn’t with that he is the wrong guy. Why do less for your son to please some man. Sounds like he is the kid
If you wanna spoil him then do it, your son will remember all the nice things you did for him!
You always choose the child… even if it’s just something you do for him… you’re his mother and it’s something you do and have done so he needs to get on board or stfu
Not his kid not his business
So do you work? If so then take some of your money and spoil your son. Your bf gets mad… ohh well if you have been a single mother for X amount of years, then you are comfortable doing things your way. You know what you can afford I’m guessing, so good luck but spoil your son:heart:
It’s your child, you make the decisions! Unless it’s his money you’re spending, he doesn’t really get a say IMO
Do what you feel is right what ever is in your heart