My boyfriend refuses to let go all out for my sons Easter basket

That’s a red flag my kids will always come first. Even though I usually only go all out for Christmas and birthdays everybody has their own way of doing things. I knew I wasn’t goin all out this yr so I just went to the dollar store and spent less than 100 dollars and made baskets for 6 kids. I bought all things they enjoy like bubbles, coloring books and crayons, jump ropes, and they have a little candy but this will make them happier than ever. Whatever makes ur kid happy is what’s important not what u buy or how much u decide to spend


Do what you want for your kids. Your boyfriend may be temporary. Your kids are forever!!


It’s your kid. You shouldn’t have to change traditions.


It’s Easter. Do a hunt and a small basket and be done. Y’all so extra now days tryna show the next parent your kid has more. :woman_facepalming:

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If I had to say he has NO children!! Spoil your little man momma they grow up way too fast! Say so long to the boyfriend if he doesn’t want you to spoil your baby.


First he isn’t your husband. The only reason I can see him suggesting that if money is tight and needed for bills. Otherwise I’m all for spoiling the kids on holidays but not everyday. They are lil just a short time.


Don’t let any man suck the joy from your life.

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Your kid, your choice! Tell him to move straight back out again


Hey, if its your money, he should have no say if bills are paid. Kids are only kids onxe

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You are an adult. Make your own decisions. You r paying for it.

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You run. That’s what you do. That’s not his kid, and he hasn’t been around for more than he has been, therefore, he doesn’t get to call the shots. If he doesn’t want to spend the $$, he doesn’t have too, but you damn sure don’t let him come in and call the shots on what YOU wanna do as a momma for YOUR babies. I’ve been there, done that, and I’m telling you, you either set the tone now for what your boundaries regarding your son are, and you stick to them and see how it goes, or you just plain run now.

Tell bf to mind his business. If u wana go all out for the baby for Easter do it.

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It’s your son. You can do what you want for your son! Your his mom. I spoil my son every holiday too :rofl:


If I work and paying for it I will buy whatever I choose to for whoever I choose to and if you don’t like it then that’s too bad for you cuz I would treat your child the same cuz I would treat mine and that would be good but don’t everything that any man would be able to talk down about one of my children or grandchildren that is a no no God be with you wish you the best that we all deserve especially our children


Your child, if it’s your home, your rules, if it’s your money, he has no say. If your been on your on please don’t fall into the pit where someone is telling you what you can and can’t do. Believe me it won’t get better it will only get worse. Been there, done that and it took a long time to re-find myself. Stand your ground, if he doesn’t like it he can leave by the same door he came in. Just my 2 cents


Screw him leave him now


Um, im pretty sure u ain’t gonna let a man tell u what to do over your own child, unless you weak…id be DAMNED before someone tells me what I can or cannot do for MY CHILD

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He’s your child do what you have always done I wouldn’t let no man tell me what to do for my child I’d go Easter shopping than go boyfriend shopping But that’s just me

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Do it anyway. If he doesn’t like it show him the door. Tell him your child/ children will always come first.


Ummm you choose you kid before anyone! It’s none of his business.


Your child is your first thought, not your boyfriend. Get rid of the boyfriend, nobody should act like that.

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Your boyfriend sounds like a douche


All commercialism aside. Let’s celebrate the real meaninfg of Easter


Your child
Your home
Your rules
If you’re paying for it who care

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Are you paying for it? Is it your house? It’s your kid. He can get over it. Do what you want momma. I go all out for everything for my kids even my step daughter. My husband ain’t big on going all out but he doesn’t say anything to me. He loves that I spoil all our kids

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Sorry your kid, do it anyway. Boyfriends come and go, your son will always remember these special holidays!!!


tell your boyfriend to take a hike. He knew you had your son when he met you, and he (your son) should always come first


It’s your child,.so do what you want. For him to already be acting like this about your child when he’s just moved in would be sending red flags to me. Children are young for such a short time that it’s important you make their childhood fun, if it’s tradition for you to go all out, then do it :woman_shrugging:t3:


Do what you do… only a kid for little bit…no man only 1 yr would tell me how or what to get my kid


This is why I dont date. I’d laugh in his face.


Lose that piece of meat.


Lmao. That’s your kid. You be the mom you want to be and if he won’t allow you to do that then it’s time for a decision to be made concerning him being a part of y’all’s lives. Don’t let anyone tell you how to parent your own kid.


Go all out… men come n go u only get one childhood with your kid…


Do for children. Children always come before men. Sad truth men come and go… You’re always those children’s mothers first


Not his child. Not his choice. It’s your money and your decision. I spoil my son every holiday.
He can get lost.

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Boy bye! Every kid deserves the best holidays…and if you want to go all out for his easter, do it!

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Your kids come 1st and if your partner can’t handle it he may not be the right one for you and your child

I can’t believe this is even a question. A child should always come first.


Your son comes first ! Your house your rules .

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You’re kid deserves love no matter what. I do Christmas and Easter like a second Christmas. Some of us never had that growing up. So do what you’ve been doing for your son. And if your boyfriend keeps complaining. Well make him a Easter basket full of his belongings and hit the road… he’s five and your showing love!


Its your child… none of his business. Get rid, yelling at you for something like that makes you wonder what he will be yelling at next if only just moved in. Warning signs

Easter isn’t about material things. It’s about our Savior overcoming death. Just remember that your actions have consequences. Your son will grow up feeling entitled & always expecting bigger and better from you for unnecessary reasons. Maybe look at what you’re buying and make it a purchase that will encourage good habits. Maybe purchase a membership to a zoo or a children’s museum. The boyfriend might have reservations about what you’re buying because he might see it as useless. Toys that gather dust & end up broken are pointless. But spending time together teaching him useful things and making memories is priceless. Talk to your boyfriend and ask what he wants to do. If it’s not something aimed at building a healthy bond, I’d run!

Hope it’s ur house and not his lol

I would go all out for my kid. Period. It’s none of his business what you do for your child. Do not allow him to have that type (or any type, for that matter) of control. Trust me, it will only get worse.


You are the parent, not the boyfriend. If he does not like it, tell him to leave. Your children come first!!!

Too many people are treating every holiday like Christmas. He’s not wrong. I’m editing to say that your decisions about your child are yours to make. It’s no one else’s business.

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Run. If you have kids with this dude he’s gonna single your kid out.

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If he doesn’t have any parental rights then go all out like come on that’s your baby! Parents how you want. You’re the one who birthed the baby and carried him for 9 months. A year is not long enough for him to even have a say let alone yell no to you. I’d be going to that toy store and buying 10 things if this happened to me :joy:

Just do it. Who’s more important here your son. If he doesn’t like it then he can kick rocks your kid comes first.

So,your the decide.simple.

Girl. Goodbye and goodnight. Your child only has one childhood. Make it special for him. This is your home and this is NOT his child. And even if it was…so what?

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Kids come first. Tell him mind his business. Spoiled equals love.

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We go all out for our kids too. And I wouldn’t care who had an issue with it, because at the end of the day, my kids have Easter, birthday and Christmas. That’s it. Are you seriously debating between a guy you can replace or your own flesh and blood?

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If that’s what you do for your child every year don’t go changing it just to suit a man


Lose the boyfriend. U kid should always come first. There r plenty of fishys out there. I might find u sulfate. Cuz that guy is not cut he would love u kid alot more.


Decide if you want to move forward with big changes or not.

Kick his ass out end of story. If you feel torn then your an unworthy mother. No real mother would ever be torn, nor feel the need to pick between her children and a man. Wow no wonder this country is falling to shit. Kids come first, kids come first BEFORE your own sexual needs. It’s simple you got kids with no man in your life to bad. Stay focused on your kids till they are old enough to defend themselves. Just for reasons like this, he’s yelling at you, you’ve been together under a year already moved in and is yelling at you what’s next ? Will he start smacking your kid around when your not looking because he’s not getting his way and is jealous of your child? Mom’s don’t have that luxury, you can’t just date so you won’t be alone. Your life belongs to your kids till they are olde enough to protect themselves. It’s that simple. You put your kids first BEFORE EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING that’s being a real mom.

He walked in time for him to walk out kids come first


Your Child comes 1st. He can see himself out the door.

Listen to this ladies and you’ll be just like them. Miserable alone and angry.
If you want a strong relationship, you talk with your man. If the relationship is serious. Then he HAVE A SAY IN WHAT YALL SPEND. Just like you would.


Take to Easter egg hunt in white park,throw hubby in pond


You spoil your kid. Period.
Hell with him.


Dump that dumbass. You want a man who is equally excited to do those things with you.

Not a good sign. It will only get worse… red flag! Find a man who will treat your son like his own


Spoil that baby! My son is 5 as well and I’d be damned if a man told me what I was allowed to do for my child. This man has been in your life for a year and just moved into your home and is trying to tell you how to do things? Unless it’s for a reason that you can’t afford it and he’s trying to talk to you about being financially responsible….He needs to drink a nice tall glass of stfu :relieved:Shooooooot.

Get a new boyfriend!


Tell him tough shit that’s your child and you can spend whatever you want on him and if he doesn’t like it you can show him the door!

He’s YOUR child besides since when do boyfriends have the last say in your decisions.

Kid first! He hasn’t been involved enough to get to guilt you or dictate how you do for your child. Frankly it’s none of his business! If it bothers him then I guess he’s not the one

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I’d remind him he is your boyfriend - not your Dad… neither of which you need permission from to put things in your child’s Easter basket. Color & hide eggs, put in some treats, snacks & a couple small busy toys to keep the peace.

He’s your kid not his. He should respect that.

This man is this upset about Easter? You need to get rid of him.

Your kid your house your choice

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your child your choice

Your kid is first. Tell that dude to f off

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Apparently he should move out! He’s pushing to make you put him first . Don’t do it. If you do it will only get worse!


adios sounds like he’s a controller…RUN


Sounds controlling. You knew your child first. You may want to reconsider.

Tell him your family traditions won’t be changing for him and you hope he’ll be able to get used to the changes.

Dump him… What kind of person takes joy away from a child. Trust me he is just warming up!


Wtw!?! Why would you even care what he said? That’s your child and if you want to go all out for him PLEASE do it… Sounds like you’re putting your new boyfriend before your child!! Always put your kids first know matter who’s in your LIFE! Men come and go… Your child/children are for LIFE! This wouldn’t have ever been a decision for me much less post smfh!!!


Red Flag….he needs to leave. He is trying to control you and your family and they are not his kids to begin with. RUN.

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Any man that that makes you change your behavior towards your child or makes you feel uneasy to do want you feel is right isn’t worth your time.

If he were helping point out something bad or deal with a real issue that would be different but… you having to feel uncomfortable to treat your child as you see fit… will only become more of a issue in time.
No man is worth tip toeing around your home with your little one!


How do I handle this???

Why are women so scared to leave shitty men they just met

Lose the boyfriend before your in over your head. I spent 8 years too long in a narssasistic abusive relationship. It started with behaviors like this.


I personally agree that people treat every holiday like Christmas and it’s ridiculous. But how you want to treat your kids and how you want to spend your money isn’t up to me. It’s something that you have to decide for yourself and have a conversation about it with your bf. Maybe consider why he thinks that way. UT at the end of the day it’s your decision and he needs to respect that. But if you are in a serious relationship and this is someone that may be your future husband and step dad to your son then you should talk it out and consider his side as well.

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I do the same thing and no one’s gunna stop me lol

It’s fun, and something I’ve always done for Easter.

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Easy choice, your child always comes first!


It’s your kid. You do what you want and he can get over it

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Dump his ass and do what’s best for your son fuck what he says

What does it hurt? He will be a child only for a short while. Sounds like jealousy starting to raise its head.


Girl if you don’t want drama with him…you need to get rid of him now…just saying.


You do you and your child……tell him to be quiet :shushing_face:


He’s your kid! Which the bf has no say over anything whatsoever. Kid come 1st and if bf can’t handle that then he’s got to go!


If its not his money. Or your not using bill money, that he’ll have to take the slack for.
Then it shouldn’t matter.
But if it’s coming from shared $, or end up coming out of his pocket. Then it deserves a conversation.


So lemme get this straight, your gonna stop something you’ve always done… just because this new guy who’s not even the father has said so? Girl what? You handle it by telling him to get his shit and get out

Get rid of boyfriend, simple.


He is your son. Tell the boyfriend to keep his mouth quiet or hit the road.


He’s YOUR kid, not his. If he doesn’t like the way you raise your kid, he doesn’t have to live there with you. Do it your way.


Kids ALWAYS come first. It’s not like he’s the father. He’s also 5, and those memories will only happen once