My boyfriend refuses to let go all out for my sons Easter basket

Kick his ass to the curb

Who’s the parent?! My kids will always come first. Don’t let some guy come in and change the way things used to be before he showed up, that’s not fair to your boy. If he’s making you feel ridiculous for your parenting choices or trying to drive a wedge between your child and you, he’s not the one sis

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It is your child, it is your money, he doesn’t have say. Don’t go changing how you take care of your child for some guy. They aren’t worth it.


Say adios to the boyfriend. Major red flag.


If this man moved in to your place (not sure what the laws are in the US) and now he’s made himself comfy just be careful he’s not using you for your home and money sounds like to me he is and the number one red flag is “never let another person you have welcomed into your home decide what you can and can’t do for your kids” your children come first and this man if he really does love you he has absolutely no right to dictate what you can and can’t do in your own home that is your children’s home, I’d tell him to piss off regardless how you feel about him as to me this is the start of control and it will get worse, selfish prick. :australia::australia:


Tell him either get with it or kick rocks.

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I went all out for my son. I don’t even think my husband would attempt to tell me I couldn’t. I threw a children’s Easter party for toddlers lol

you don’t, you leave him. If it’s too much for him then he’s not enough for you.


You are married so he basically has no opinions on how to raise your child.

Easter is all about Jesus died for us and him raising from the dead. That buy candy if you have to but tell him the truth that Jesus blessed you with money to buy the candy.

He can piss off. That’s your kid. A 1 year relationship means he should shut his trap. Let me guess he doesn’t have kids…

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Only your boyfriend ,the boy is your kid tell the boyfriend to pound salt !!! when a man takes on a woman with a kid that kid becomes his responsibility too , if he is any kind of a man !! You may want to reconsider your relationship , If the boyfriend is that way now , think how he will be if you do marry him ???

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Tell your boyfriend to kiss off. Your son is more important.

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On the road again. See ya

Do you even need to ask? Your son comes first end of story. He is not your sons father and your not together long so tell him to grow up

Did you know that, in the toy world, Easter is the 2nd biggest toy holiday of the year? The 1st is Christmas!!

Get rid of him. Controlling and guilting is not good for a relationship. Spoil your kid and help him grow up loved. Rethink boyfriend.

No! BF is being totally unreasonable.
Hard hell no to him!
Your son deserves anything you want to give him.

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Screw boyfriend. It’s your kid do what you want

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Is the boyfriend the child’s father? If he is not, the child is YOUR child and you do what you want for YOUR child, YOUR children come first before boyfriends/girlfriends

Has he stepped into be the father role in your kids life? Dangerous territory without marriage. Sounds like you moved in without clear boundaries, and that conversation needs to be had ASAP.

Our Kids are only little for a short while. As long as you’re not going in debt to do it , do it.

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He’s YOUR son & I assume you’re spending your own money on his Easter basket right? And this guy is your boyfriend, not your husband & not the child’s father? If so, what is in question here…this is easy. You do what YOU want for your son. If you give in now this early on something this small of an issue, it will only get worse. I personally would start packing if he wants to start controlling what you do with YOUR child. That you have five years longer history with than the boyfriend. Boyfriends come and go, you will have your child for the rest of your life, God willing.

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Your son was on the scene before your current boyfriend. Your son must always come first remember that. It’s a form of him trying to control you and it will only get worse., if you both are not on the same track for child rearing rethink relationship. It’s your job to always protect your child.


Get rid of him. It is all about the kids.


Get rid of him, he is not worth a cent. Needs to grow up.

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Do what you would normally do this man has no place telling you what you can and can not do for your son :smirk:


Only one answer to this… And it is not “Give in to a boyfriend that sounds younger than your five year old”
Do what you want… It is your child x

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Do what the hell you want! Its not his kid and he doesn’t make the rules especially if it doesn’t effect him financially


Boot him back to the rock he crawled out of

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Ignore him and look after your son

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That’s your child, not his. If you want to do that then do it. Stuff him! Who does he think he is?! He just moved in. Super rude of him tbh.

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brah - fark your boyfriend, HE IS SECONDARY to ya child… now - say it with me…


Your a mother first, fuck what he says. That’s your son so stay true to how you like to do things for your boy. Soon he might start saying to feed his ass first instead of your baby! Don’t let him control how you run things for your boy. Once he controls what you do for your baby once, he’ll keep deciding what you can and can’t do.

I’d keep a close eye on him with your son to!


Put your kid first forget him your boy should always come first over any man simple I would spoil him still an if he don’t like it he knows where the door is

Get rid, he had no right to yell at you, maybe he is showing his true colours, your Son is well more important than him!!

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the boyfriend is not for you give him the


Kick him to the curb! This is YOUR son. He needs to check himself on the way out.

Sorry hun. Get rid of the boyfriend. Your Son is way more important than the boyfriend :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:


Go with your heart and treat your 5 year old as YOU want.

Go all out and spoil your boy as much as you want.

Why would you want him around your kids? EVER


Get rid …I had 4 kids when my b/f moved in aged 3 to 12 I would never have allowed him to dictate to me what I can do or spend on my kids but he’s never tried either and that’s why he’s now my hubby …


I had a nasty step father growing up it lasted until I had size and took up for myself . Children Come First !

Tell him to fuck off; your kid comes first!

Your child your choice hunny

Tell him MYOB. It’s your son not his!

Totally agree don’t let him control you, you spoil your child if you want, you only have them for such a short time!!!

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Girl, go ahead and do what you want for your son, he is only little once. Tell your boyfriend take a hike

Your child always comes first, some men come and go, but the child will be your child forever. It’s an easy decision for me.

We don’t go out for Easter, just candy and a couple small things. I agree it’s not another Christmas and would not let my husband go all out for my kids (good thing he agrees with me). But this is your kid so ultimately your choice.

This is definitely a red flag. None of his money is involved so it’s none of his business. He will be more demanding if your relationship grows.

Not enough info to go on…Maybe it’s a financial thing where he lives with you now :woman_shrugging: if y’all didnt live together or if you split living costs 50/50 I would tell him to piss off … agree with others it’s your son an you should be able to spoil as u wish if it doesnt interfere with living costs .

What a drama queen attention seeker.

Boyfriend says : i dont really see the point

Lady literally trashes him for attention and accuses him of “forbidding her” and all these other things.

Ive said to someone “you dont have to take out a loan just to but 1000$ in chriatmas presents”

If i found out that person says i gave them orders or told them what they are allowed to do just to get some attention id be feeling some way.

All these people jumping in never even read the whole post just fell for the bait.

Lady: “Im making these 12 different foods for thanksgiving”

Guy : “why do we need so many different foods?”

Lady to her friend : “yeah greg keeps telling me what im allowed to make i wanted a casserole too but he said im not allowed and forbade it.”

Sounds like OP didn’t like hearing his opinion on it and if he should keep it to himself or not is one thing but directly lying about someone and acusing them of being abusive is another.

Give him the flick ASAP

Reconsider the boyfriend! That will only get worse!

Tell him your child comes first. If he doesn’t like it he can get lost

That’s a no brainer!! Your child always comes first!:rage:

My boyfriend and daughter’s father saids well don’t stop doing what you want on his account do it as if I were not here! I do just that! She is our one and only for each of us. I do my best not to get in his way of what he wants to do but he usually has an opinion when it’s my turn. I listen to him but I do what’s reasonable. I say do what will make your child happy and feel loved!