My boyfriend refuses to post me on social media: Advice?

My bf refuses to acknowledge me anymore n social media. He will not like my posts let alone comment on them. Posting pics of us together is a no go. I have, and tagged him in them but he never comments. I’ve said things about it but he just laughs at me. I am 49, he’s 52. I am proud to say I’ve got a better body than most women half my age, he likes chubbier women. And his last gf he posted tons of pictures w was in her 30s and much bigger than me. I’ve had multiple guys hit on me, some seem pretty decent. But my bf and I aren’t “seeing other people “. I’m wondering if I should start? And should I tell him I’ve started? I don’t want to be a “cheater” despite the fact that when we first started dating he told me he’s not ready for a relationship.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My boyfriend refuses to post me on social media: Advice? - Mamas Uncut

It sounds like you guys aren’t on the same page. He said he doesn’t want a relationship, but you are expecting relationship qualities.


It sounds liked you should tell him how you feel. If he doesn’t care then you deserve better!


It’s Facebook let it go


That’s not a boyfriend. If he’s ashamed or won’t share about you, that’s a biiiiiig red flag. Sorry to say xxx


Maybe he’s just matured since his last girlfriend and doesn’t feel the need to post everything on social media. My partner rarely does either and we definitely don’t do soppy on there x


Well you’d be a cheater anyway even if you told him, UNLESS he agrees with it tbh… you’re better off just walking away. Clearly not on the same page and thats okay! If you want different, get different

You aren’t in high school anymore. Why feel the need to post everything and get validation for it? How is he in your actual relationship? That’s what counts.


If he said he’s not ready for a relationship, he’s not your boyfriend so date whoever you want :woman_shrugging:t4:


My ex was like.this never acknowledged me on social media turns out he was cheating on me


Somethings rotten in Denmark as the saying goes.

Why would u tell him? Just leave him so u can freely do as you please…or tell him social media acknowledgement is a deal breaker for you😑

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wtf does his last girlfriend being bigger than you have to do with anything? Are you implying he should be more willing to post you than her because you’re skinnier than she is?

And you’re considering cheating…because doesn’t post you on social media?

Except that it can’t be considered cheating because he told you he doesn’t want a relationship…

You cannot be almost 50 years old you sound like a child.


It’s Facebook. He doesn’t have to post anything or comment. My husband doesn’t, dose that mean I should divorce him? Grow up your not a teenager


You deserve better than that and you need to have a heart to heart with him and tell him how you are really feeling and go from there

You’re gonna throw a relationship away over social media :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Repeat your age again…let that sink in.


Then he’s not your boyfriend. And what effort and energy you put into a relationship that he doesn’t want is your choice but don’t expect him to put forth the same effort or adhere to boyfriend standards when he said he didn’t want a relationship and you are trying to make what you have into one.


Well it’s cheating if you start seeing someone else while still in a relationship even if you tell him before you do YOU NEED TO GROW UP YOU SOUND LIKE A TEENAGER


You’re 49 & acting like a high schooler.


Social media is just another thing to complain about. When you are out in public together does he stay away from you? Does he hide you from others in real life? I am 31 and my man doesn’t post me either and I couldn’t give a shit less. Before Facebook was even a thing did it matter?? People are so simple minded. The fact that you are putting yourself above everyone is gross and I wouldn’t post you either… grow up… you’re how old again… didn’t you have dating experiences before Facebook was a thing?

He’s a cheater… my ex did the same to me.

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My husband doesn’t say a word about me on Facebook :woman_shrugging:t2: It’s just not his thing.

My boyfriend hates social media, I on the other hand love social media. He is not one to like or comment on my stuff but that is who he is and I love him regardless. If that is something you cannot be ok with then you need to find someone more on your page with that.

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You sound very immature for your age. Its not about the weight you are either, as for your man…seems like he just isnt that interested , and keeping you around till the gal he fancies comes around.

Sounds like you are ready to move on.

Did y’all just meet recently?

You are what is wrong with relationships. Needy…and immature. Grow up…stop needing so much attention all the time…and let that man go…because you don’t deserve him

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He told you he didn’t want a relationship but you call him a boyfriend and want him to post about y’all? That’s not how it works. He may have others I wouldn’t doubt. But why don’t you just ask? Lol. 

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Hes just not that in to you. Move around.

Without worrying about the body judgement, I can see where it’s upsetting. Like he was proud of the ex but hides you. I’d say, have a talk with him. And see where he’s at. If he still isn’t ready for a relationship, cut your losses and find someone that’s a better match for you.


Talk to him about it


Tell us you are insecure and don’t like fat people without actually telling us


The better question is to ask yourself why you need the validation of social media?

He could just be a private person. If he often posts/interacts on social media but just not with you- that’s a red flag. If he isn’t active on social media- you can’t expect him to change his behaviors just to satisfy your need for validation.


Wait so he is fine with you tagging him in photos and blah blah blah, so probably not cheating. But your mad because he doesn’t react to your photos?:sweat_smile::woman_facepalming: what. How is he in the real world with you? Is he good to you? Does he compliment you?

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breakup with him and go fund your soulmate sis


Start dating. Your bf is a loser.


49? not 4? Or 9? 49!


My dude did me the same way been seeing him 3 years and found out that he moved 2 different ho in behind my back. I was fkn livid then yesterday found him on tinder. I’m now single

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Sounds like he’s cheating or you just want more then he’s comfortable with if not happy leave no need to cheat!!

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Girl you are too old to be this childish.


You want to dump him because he won’t like and comment on your Facebook posts? :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:


I used to feel this way because my husband has 100s of tagged post with his ex… and he didn’t say anything about our relationship or post things with me… but then I noticed something when he’s with me he’s not on his phone… he’s not taking pictures of everything… he’s enjoying the views with me like normal people used too so I tag him in cute pictures I take every now and then…


Maybe it’s not about the looks and it’s about the personality :woman_shrugging:t2:


You are one hot, insecure mess my dear!

I tag my husband in pictures and stuff on FB and NEVER get a reaction/comment. That doesn’t mean that he doesn’t love me. Life doesn’t revolve around social media! I’d be more focused on what your relationship is like between the two of you instead of what you’re trying to make it look like on social media.


He said he doesn’t want a relationship but you’re calling him your boyfriend. He’s not your boyfriend just because you say he is. He has a say as well. I think you should let him know you want to be in an active relationship and ask if he’s willing. If not, tell him you’d like to pursue one elsewhere. I understand things can be complicated and his actions may not match his words but when someone tells you something, believe them. Good luck :heart:


Yes please do him a favor and start seeing someone else so you can take yourself out to the trash where you belong. The fact that you feel you need to put his ex down solely on her appearance makes you trash. It doesn’t matter that YOU think you look better then other women your age, your attitude makes you ugly.

What’s your real age I’m 30 and I could care less if my husband post me on social media. I don’t like our business out there anyway. This is what is wrong with the world and why relationships don’t work like they use to because people has to post every aspect of their lives on Facebook Twitter etc. How about less about social media and see how he does in real life. Does he introduce you to his family and friends does he acknowledge when you do some new or something nice stuff like that. Grow up and stop worrying about the unnecessary shit

It’s Facebook lol I don’t really post much about my man. And vice-versa. But if it truly bothers you to the point of leaving, talk to him about it. Relationships don’t work unless there is communication. Also you don’t need validation on social media for him to prove his love. As long as he does that in person, why care about social media?

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Why would you cheat just because he doesn’t respond to your posts?
Time to grow up

Not ready for a relationship means just that
You guys are casually dating


Imma be the one to tell you. That’s not your boyfriend :sweat_smile:

I’m sorry but just because you think that you have a better body than somebody that might be a little heavier than you. That says all I need to know about you. have you ever heard the term different strokes for different folks? Maybe you should come down off your high horse. There’s a reason that your so-called boyfriend isn’t posting anything about you on his page. There’s no way I would be with a man that had social media and wouldn’t acknowledge me on it.


You’re 49 and acting like you’re childish. Social media isn’t everything.


I mean I wouldn’t just start and then tell him? How would you feel if he did that. Have a conversation. Say you’re not getting what you need. If he doesn’t want to improve on that for you then mention having an open relationship if you want to date and still be with him. If he’s not ok with that, which not everyone would be, then it’s time to end things and start dating as a single woman

Definitely do not cheat but you need to verbalize how you’re feeling while you’re feeling this way and I get it it’s like he’s hiding you and that’s usually a sign of infidelity because he wants to keep his options open whether he’s actually done that or not is between you and him but guarantee you are not his first choice if he’s behaving like this

You say he’s your boyfriend but are you his girlfriend? :crazy_face:


I’m not even friends with my bf on socials? I dont cheat, either does he and weve been together 10yrs…is that weird?


This sounds super toxic. Seems like y’all would be better off without one another. He even told you he wasn’t ready for a relationship.

Set those boundaries up ASAP !! if he doesn’t want to acknowledge you then he’s still dating others and doesn’t want to damage his ego with other women.


Anymore…so it’d be safe to assume he did at one point?
Ok so if he never did and still didn’t that wouldn’t really be an issue.
But he has at some point and now stopped.
Hmm, I’d tell him I noticed and see what he says. Then I’d ask if he has someone on the back burner.
Don’t say you’re seeing other people- and if you’re wanting to see other people, just leave.
Don’t be a cheater and say someone else made you cheat. Don’t be that person.


What excuse would you have made before Facebook? You are sounding way too insecure. Do you really need him to like your Facebook posts in order to have a relationship? My husband will be shocked when I tell him, but I guess it is what it is. And what this is, is ridiculous.


What law says all your business need to be on social media?


Is this a serious question? Who cares…you are being a bit over dramatic. It’s social media…

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If he isn’t ready for a relationship, then y’all aren’t dating?? He’s not your bf lmfao so he doesn’t have to act like it. He’s single lmfao even if y’all were together why tf would you cheat? You sound super immature.

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You are talking about seeing other people because he doesn’t react to social media posts and put up pictures of you and him? I mean sit for a min and think that through I get upset because I feel ignored when I don’t get a response but seeing other people because of it has never crossed my mind if you want to see other people thats all you but blaming it on social media seems crazy

Is social media really that much of a big part of life, that you can’t have a relationship without it ??


You’re literally almost 50 and fucking worried about that? Jesus Christ grow up

Ma’am you are way too old to be acting like this. Just go your separate ways. All this drama at half a century, I can’t.


You both sound immature.
It’s really nice to have the validation of someone who shows the social media world how much they adore you but if you need that kind of validation then maybe ask yourself why? You sound a little vain tbh. What does it matter who is better looking?


These “fan” questions are just weird and most times lack the sense to properly advise but carry on lol

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I love how some people post for advice and it might seriously be something heavy on their heart or mind and bothersome to them but then you have some that want to call it childish or what not but truly these people are obviously just looking for advice. It’s sad.

I say find you a guy that is absolutely in love with you and cherishes you for who you are and don’t take anything less then what you deserve from anyone! Best wishes :heart:


I’ve been married to my husband for almost 9 years and we don’t do that. It’s social media, nothing to be serious over. Now if he does things similar in person I can maybe understand but social media alone, that’s pretty childish. I’m sorry.

Ma’am he’s not just your boyfriend. And people can change types, but more than likely they won’t. Insulting his ex won’t get you anywhere in life, just stick on boasting about yours. If he’s not giving you what you want then go be free.

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On my social media accounts people don’t even know if I’m married with a family or single. This has nothing to do with real life.


Y’all aren’t in relationship if y’all both don’t acknowledge and agree to it sounds like you are childish insecure and hate thicker people than you grow up you sound toxic as hell no wonder he doesn’t want to acknowledge you he’ll I wouldn’t either

If you are thinking of cheating, then just break up… why stay?


Talk to him about it if still don’t say anything to you then I would have to say he’s not interested in you. So I would leave him tell him it’s over and just start seeing other people if that’s what you want . You’re 49 and he’s 52 y’all are adults not kids but acting like kids .!!!

People telling you you’re acting like a child because you’re worried about social media. Look at what you’re on, your social media. Social media runs the world now. So for someone to refuse to make you a part of theirs, says a lot about their intentions. If someone is not active or doesn’t use social media, it’s different. But if he has it and uses it, but refuses to make her a part of it - it’s a red flag. Stop telling her she’s acting childish for feeling the exact thing you’d feel if your man kept you a secret on his main line of communication with the world and his friends.


He’s NOT your boyfriend. He is somebody else’s husband or boyfriend. Time to move on to somebody who respects you. Red Flags everywhere. Sorry

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It’s your boyfriend and your 49… acting like a 20 year old with no self esteem… just leave go be with the guys who are hitting on you maybe they’ll post you.


Omg :sweat_smile: is this for real? If I cried everytime my man didn’t post me on Facebook :joy::joy::joy:


If he said he’s not ready for a relationship then he’s not your bf and he doesn’t want to claim you. Social media isn’t everything, but if he’s not making it known he’s seeing someone then he isn’t serious about you.


If you’re dating and he’s said he’s not wanting a relationship and expressed those wishes, he’s not your boyfriend. He’s just someone you’re dating I.e ‘seeing how it goes before you’re exclusive’


Ya’ll are too damn old to be THAT concerned about Facebook. :roll_eyes:

I deleted my husband from social media years ago…lol

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Ugh… obviously you’re not his “one” move on and find someone who’s proud to have you.


Oh my :rofl::rofl: your abit old to be playing games


A relationship can still thrive without being social media official. The whole world doesn’t need to know who’s in a relationship with who. Honestly the best relationships are the ones that aren’t advertised on social media.

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If you are going to see other people make sure you end your current relationship first.

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First of all you are 49 etf u concerned with socal media posts and like and nonsense yall sound exhausting and immature


At y’all’s grown age this what y’all fight about?:rofl:

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I thinks he’s already cheating

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Just break up at this point.

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I post pictures and posts of my husband and tag him in cute things and he doesn’t comment or like them bc he works 6/7day work weeks :sob::sob::sob: I’m gonna go cheat on him now bc him providing is just to much to handle and I need constant attention.

Did…did I do it right?


No offense but u sound so insecure, and commenting on how much better your body is than most women half your age …who are you trying to convince? :thinking: You sound like you want a lot of attention, why does your relationship hafta be broadcast on social media?


You don’t have to prove your relationship on social media.

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Believe people when they tell you who they are…

You sound like you are a 14 year old little girl


Ummm is this high school? Grow up and admit he might be older, but he isn’t mature and neither are you.

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