Idk why you’d want to be in a relationship with someone that has the thought process of a Neanderthal!
What an absolute loser. Why are men so *gestures vaguely *
Did you communicate with him that’s what was wrong? Not blaming you at all btw but sometimes they are bit thick and don’t realise or need telling multiple times
Mine tells me many many time when he’s not well or in pain so I tell him when I’m on my period to show him how bloody annoying it is
He still claims sex helps cramps and I’m like great but does nothing for the desire so back off
He however isn’t childish about it
Just leave him if it doesn’t understand
Kick him out leave him . He’s a control freak . He will damage you .
Let him be mad and think you have an attitude, who cares. You can’t do what a man wants to make a relationship work, you’re not obligated to be the one doing everything to make the relationship work, it works both ways, he as well should be making u feel comfortable while hurting not mad cuz u won’t let him lick your ear… I would tell him eat a D*** and wouldn’t worry about it the baby is in his feelings or not.
Till him the truth you are on your monthly thing and in pain
Well for one you’re entitled to feel how you want to feel. Your feelings are not right or wrong. Even if some ppl may think you’re being ridiculous if something has you feeling a certain way no one can tell you how to feel. Talk to your boyfriend try to get him to understand it’s not him and a lot of women don’t want to be touched during that time of the month. Idk if he’s ever been really sick or hurt but I’m sure if he has he didn’t want to be bothered either. Try to get him to understand
Sounds like you have a boy not a man. He needs to grow up and not get butt hurt when you aren’t in the mood to do things. Maybe try the cramps simulator on him, and then ask if he wants to cuddle. He might get perspective
He’s an inconsiderate immature child who needs to grow up. Don’t get emotionally upset with him, get cross and put your foot down with him
Is he 10? This sounds like child behavior.
If he doesn’t understand this he will
Never understand anything You go through Child birth , loosing a loved one , etc… Kick him
To the curb
Who can stand and not be picked apart. Talk to him. Be genuine. Rejection is uncomfortable. A guy expressing affection and being rejected is gonna feel awkward.
Can I ask how old you are……
I don’t think anyone has a right to dictate how you feel. If you’re in pain and uncomfortable if anything he should be understanding. People like that expect you to pretend and put on your best despite how you are feeling because it’s an inconvenience for them. Don’t ignore it. Even if you don’t wanna kick him to the curb you need to remember he puts himself first moving forward.
Oh good grief gf!
Toss him out for goodness sake! Don’t waste precious years of your youth to a Toxic person!!
A grown man that hasn’t learned about PMS & is considerate about it is
Don’t wait to find out how he’ll treat you during pregnancy, child birth etc.
Communication is key, did you tell him why you were rejecting his affection? If you did and he still feels rejected then that’s on him! If you didn’t then he’s not a mind reader and you two need to communicate a bit more.
Just tell him that you love him but you are in pain. When you feel better, you will be fine with him touching you. Let him know it’s not that you don’t want him but you are hurting right now. Let him hold you. If you are honest with him, he should understand. If not, he doesn’t deserve you
Make your life peaceful. Ive been with partner that thought i owed him sex before. He ended up cheating when i was pg and couldnt very much. I wont ever put up with this again
Omg. I don’t even know what to say! He’s immature . You need a man not a boy.
You have the right to say no. He should accept that. He’s trying to manipulate you to do what he wants when he wants. No you aren’t wrong. He is.
Tell him he needs to grow the hell up. Find a real man and leave the little boy on his own side of the bed to sulk.
That’s gaslighting. Not talking to you cause he’s mad you didn’t wanna do anything with him? & basically throwing a temper tantrum sleeping on opposite side of bed? Total red flag. You can’t “make” something work. It shouldn’t have to only be you trying to make it work. Good thing he’s only a boyfriend. Tell him to kick rocks and if you wanted someone to sleep at the foot of the bed you’d get a dog.
communicate your feelings.
If nothing changes, just know .
What you accept, will be your future.
Tell him.hell ya u got attitude ur uterus is also hurting if he can’t see that find a real man that will understand the week u got ur period is time for you to relax
This whole story sounds so infantile. With so many things going on in the world your concerns would be the very least of my worries. Get a grip!
Run away, run as far away as u can… this don’t stop either till you call them out.
Uhmmm, are y’all teenagers? Cause…
I do the same last thing you want
Communication…he is not a mine reader so he didn’t know you were uncomfortable and in pain …I’m sure if you had said that he definitely would have understood
I’d get my tampon and slap it across his face!! He may understand then!!
He just pissed cos he wanted sex ignore him he will get over himself if you’ve explained your in pain n he wants to carry on being stupid leave him to it xx
Knee him in the happy sacks, then get pissed when he won’t give you snuggles.
Then dump his childish gaslighting ass
Shit he better learn fast cause I would have hurt his feelings real fast and he would be a tongue short:rofl:
He his fortunate that you didn’t rip his head off and drop kick it! Let him pout and get on with your day!
That’s totally unacceptable behavior, unless you’re dating a literal child!
Jesus ye both need d grow up
He needs to grow up. I sense he’s a very controlling person? He needs help, you both need help.
I’m sorry… Lick your ear? I’d bite his off to be fair.
Am single but my ex my son’s dad knew I was quiet and just wanting baths and cuddles no talking no judging just lots of baths showers hot water bottles & cuddles and chocolate am on my do das and not to piss me off lol
But he would always come in run me a bath give me chocolate and rub my back and belly go me a hot water bottle and help out with our son when I waa on my do das
That’s a real man if you don’t get tlc or left alone on yours then he ain’t. Real man
Ignore the man child
Maybe that was his way of trying to make you feel better, if he recognized you weren’t feeling well which I’m sure he did and you were not so kind
Now if he was just being an absolute man child about the whole thing I agree with the above violence suggested
I can relate , so don’t attack me I just had to come to this understanding, my periods are horrific and my moods well straight up psycho during this time but we also have to remember that during that time they may be unsure of what to do or how to act , to some men not mine who is so understanding, just think oh she’s gonna bleed for a week they don’t know the pain and moods we suffer that aren’t in our control, maybe sit and talk to him about it. Explain what you need or don’t need during that time.
“I want this relationship to work” when you are clearly bring gaslight and emotionally abused is code for I have no boundaries…he knows it and uses it against me
He’s manipulating you lol
Why do you want a relationship with someone like that to work? Find a grown man. This one acts like a child.
Men… Tell him to talk to his mom about women s thing. Do not change a thing.
He sounds pretty young. Most adult men understand about period pain.
He sounds like he doesnt understand the woman anatomy at all🤷
He is pissed off at because you would not give him some when he wanted it . This is a huge red flag. Leave his asss now!!! This man is not good for anyone. He is trying to force you to sleep with him every time he wants it by making you think if you don’t he is going to be mad at you. LEAVE!!!
My husband always avoids me when my period comes it’s like that’s when I want company the most… But he still leaves me alone
Thank goodness he’s only your boyfriend and showing his true colors before you walk down the aisle. If he’s this way now, just imagine in a few years from now. Try talking about the situation and lay it on the line. If things don’t change, time to work on loving yourself again without him around. Then let the magic of meeting someone else who’s kind and understanding happen.
Girl, if you have to explain that you don’t want your ear licked because you are in pain because of your period that’s your first red flag, it’s YOUR body, the fact that your boy is acting the way he is after you explained is your 2nd red flag (I say boy because no real man would act so incredibly insensitive to the fact you are in pain) your 3rd red flag is he made a choice to be incredibly selfish and act like a little bitch instead of stepping up asking if there was something he could do for you to help with the pain. In that short paragraph you posted immediately I saw 3 red flags!!! I saw you questioning yourself over something that women can’t control and him making you doubt yourself, your boy just gaslighted you and went narcissist on you for having a period what the fuck🤦♀️ you deserve better, do you and your future a huge favor be done with that. I don’t know you but if immediately I seen 3 red flags, safe bet that there have been 100’s more before this and 100’s more to follow this!! Move on girl and don’t look back, do better for yourself💕
He needs to grow up.
He sounds VERY passive aggressive. How immature of him! If he can’t be more compassionate towards you during your cycle, if he feels the need to control you or disrespect you in this way, you may need to rethink this relationship. Please take care.
Tell him to stop acting like a child. If that’s how it was for me, I would have been gone. I’m to old for dumb stuff like this. It’s petty.
Lick your ear? Gross! I wouldn’t want to cuddle for that reason alone. Also, your boyfriend sucks and is being a big baby. Sometimes, a girl just doesn’t want to be touched while her friend is in town. The big baby needs to understand that
He sounds like a child
Sounds to me like he needs to grow up some and learn more about the female body
Did you communicate with him as soon as ya seen him that your monthly started and how you are on it along with how ya want to be handled during it?
he over reacted with attitude because he thought you gave him attitude without explanation
communication is key
jerking away instead of just having a calm explanation - so he actually understands and has a chance to empathize - knowing ahead of time would’ve clearly saved him- he didn’t know ahead of time yet he’s going to be blamed-
guys will adjust when they actually know how you want yourself handled during that time.
obviously everyone is different and if they don’t know how you are specifically they’d have no idea -they aren’t mind readers by far - a lot of women just expect guys to just know too much
instead of actually communicate with them
we can’t jump to manipulation and gas lighting every time there’s faulty play in communication
if there’s a clear pattern of behavior then absolutely
but ya can’t just always assume the worst and just be pessimistic about everything- you’re own bad experiences are not everyone else’s- some people need to fully heal before giving advice
off of this little bit of info no one should be telling anyone to just run
obviously if ya can’t communicate and every little thing bothers ya about each other - it probably won’t work- but we don’t know the full story only this snip it
How old are you guys?
Ditch him sweetie, it will never work !!
Both of you sound childish
He is an immature ass. Get yourself a real man
Oh how cute, he is just a lil man, Goodluck with that.
He’s a baby, you don’t want a child
He’s on his period too lol but seriously men don’t understand us women sometimes… I am same way when my period comes and then my significant other gets mad when I don’t want to be touched or need space!
Kick them nads then ask if you can lick on his ear and then the big baby might understand where your coming from lol. Seriously though, sounds like you have a bigger issue to worry about with this person and future bad behaviors on trying to groom and manipulate you. Set him straight now and take no disrespect or blame yourself when you allow him to mess your head up.
He’s being childish.
I had ctamps really bad i want to my dsughter and git pills you take a day or 2 before you start. And he needd to be a little more careing. One more thang you can try is a hitting pad. But the guy needs to be more csreing.
Don’t force a relationship
Leave that baby send him home
Sounds like a f***ing child. Tell him to grow up and learn the female anatomy or get wrecked
All I heard was man child and working on breaking you down so he can control you with guilt. Get out while you can.
Please whatever you do, don’t get pregnant by this man
Get away now, it’ll only get worse!
Sounds like he’s being a little emotionally/mentally abusive honestly. He’s guilt tripping you for not giving him what he wants when your needs have to come first for a short amount of time. You can’t help being on your period. He sounds like a selfish Pratt. I’d never stay with someone who carried on like this every month and then told me I was the one with the attitude.
Your to immature to make it work. Wtf did I just read
I think you should stand your ground and it will be what it will be. Apparently he doesn’t know what this week entails better to learn now than not at all!!
Why would you really want a relationship to work with someone who pouts and treats you badly when you’re in physical pain?
Mine knows not to mess with me when I’m moody/cramping but we have been together forever I think.
Clearly he is a man child and has no idea how women get when cramping n being on his period u have a logic reason for haveing an attitude n well he needs a life lesson on women n periods
Men cannot read our minds some have no idea what we go through during that time of the month I had to have a talk with my husband about it and yes girl I act funny I hate it I get an attitude I even roll my eyes but it’s all hormonal it does go away I just ask him for 3 days of me time and he gets it talk to him tell him everything that you go through during your days good luck
No he is being an asshole because he wanted to have sex and you didn’t. He clearly doesn’t care about your feelings or comfort.
I have birth control and don’t have periods but if I don’t feel like it for ANY reason, my boyfriend just cuddles and we watch shows. He’s acting like a child and you deserve better. I would have kick him in the face "accidentally "
Ew, has he not been with other woman? We get periods and we’re bitchey and feeling like crap he should have some consideration, stop acting like a baby and man up.
If your man didn’t do anything “wrong” besides trying to show you some affection- don’t let him go to bed upset like that. Don’t let cramps and discomfort be an excuse to let him fall asleep unhappy. Honey, we all get them. We all get in pain. He either didn’t know because he’s not a mind reader, or he knew you were hurting and was trying to make you feel better by showing you affection. Sorry girl, but it sounds like you are in the wrong. Maybe try an easy tone next time if you really don’t want to be touched. Tell him nicely that you appreciate his affection, but you just don’t feel good. I bet he wouldn’t have gone to bed upset if you responded in a kind manner. Don’t hate me…lol… been there done that sort of thing myself. Was his sleeping with his head by your feet a little extreme? Maybe but he’s a man and doesn’t understand how hormonal and unbalanced we can get on our cycles. . He felt rejected, could you imagine how you might react feeling rejected by your man if the tables were turned? I know I could! I could get downright ridiculous!
For some of these comments - yes men can’t read our minds, HOWEVER what I just read was extremely childish and very immature of him to act like this.
Men should be aware from their previous relationships how most women can be when on their period, some women are in a crazy amount of pain and some aren’t.
I would honestly not want something like this to work out because it’s just going to continue happening. Red flags right there.
He’s a fucken baby lol
Know your worth. Is this the example you would want to set for any future children
Not worth it. I went thru that for a year.
Holy crap is this dude 10?
It was very childish for him to act that way. Trust me from someone who is getting out of a 13 year marriage with a man-child right, you deserve better.
You sure you want that to work lol
He sounds like a child
Sounds like he’s immature and better left alone
Get a new boyfriend!
Wow. Gaslighting at its finest. Don’t feel guilty. He’s an asshole
Run. It will not get better.
Is he 12 or just an immature A-hole?
Ew, what a man child. Leave him