I started my period yesterday and my boyfriend wanted to cuddle and lick my ear while I’m cramping in pain from menstrual cramps. I shrugged away because I’m uncomfortable and in pain and he says he’s going to leave me alone, and sleeps on the opposite side of the bed with his head by my feet. I wake up this morning to use the bathroom and go back to bed and he wakes up starring at me angrily and has and attitude and won’t talk to me when I try to talk to him. I feel like no matter what I do he thinks I have an attitude towards him or that I’m being funny when I’m not. Am I being funny acting? Idk what to do, because I want this relationship to work.
Sounds like u kinda do. He wanted to cuddle and u pulled away from him. If it had been me I would have went crashed on the couch
Tbh he’s covered in red flags
Throw him a pacifier since he wants to act like a baby.
Sounds like he’s hurt you rejected his affection.
If he’s not mature enough to understand women and menstrual cycles… he’s NOT mature enough to be in a relationship.
Tell him to STFU and let you bleed in peace.
He sounds like a man child
Holy, just tell him you are agitated cuz your in pain, no one wants to be licked when they’re in pain he should respect some boundaries and man up maybe get you some midol and chocolate
Red flags, red flags everywhere.
Parents teach your kids about periods so they don’t end up like this dusty prize.
You need to communicate if you are wanting that relationship to work. You didn’t say you explained to him why you don’t want to play around like that, you just shrugged away from him. He probably felt rejected. Simply communicating and using words would more than likely solve that issue.
If not then red flag.
You mean you’re wasting your time on a child who there’s tantrums lol
Communicate. Let him know how you’re feeling, and listen and attempt to understand how he is feeling. Communicating to truly understand and help each other will help you guys so much. My bf and I have been together for 3 years and we just started doing this 6 months ago and our relationship is better and healthier than ever before.
Lori Simon Pouppeville i need you to weigh in on this lol.
Sounds like a big ass baby!!!
Dump that motherfucker
A bit childish for him reacting that way. My husband of 20 years knows to leave me be and make sure I don’t run out of tampons. He knows I don’t like to play when in pain or feeling off. I mean I cuddle but he knows not to go beyond that. It’s called respect.
Sounds like he’s a creep!
And why do you want it to work?
You should tell him what you’re going through that way he knows better. My hubby knows not to touch me during my time of the month
Depends. Did you tell him why you shrugged away from him? If not, he could have easily took that as you being mean for no reason.
Your boyfriend is a B**** . he’s the one on his period!!
Sometimes you want a million dollars too…but you’re not going to get it without some really bad consequences…leave while you still can…
Tell him to grow the f…k up
Did you let him know that you started? I mean, sometimes they don’t pick up that you have started your period. You didn’t say in your post that you told him or not. I mean I get that he may think you have an attitude, but geezs talk to him about how your feeling, let him know why you didn’t want to be touched.
I remember not wanting to be touched when I was on my period. I was still in high school and my bf was the cuddling type, and I was against it when bleeding, tho I also acted like a b!tch
If you nerd to explain this to a supposed adult
What in the, thank Jesus we’re not pregnant nonsense is this? …
how old are you guys? …
ok never mind that. That man sounds extremely childish. Yes us woman sometimes grab an attitude during our time. That is kinda natural. When you’re bleeding to death (Lol ) just let him know you need space during your time of the month since your body is crying over not being pregnant and if he doesn’t understand that then ur body should naturally want to rid itself of that man-baby too.
Those are his feelings. Let him deal with them on his own. Explain how it made you feel. That’s it, he can deal with that information how he wants. Respect your own boundaries
He’s immature and trying to shame/punish you for not being open to sexual advances while you are in pain. Run.
Sounds like he’s on his period too I would leave him if you’re not understanding of my needs when I’m on my monthly then by that sounds like something a female would do
Tell him to stop being a little prissy bitch.
Leave him. My ex husband was like that. My man of 7 years will literally wait on me hand and foot while i have my periods. The first time i got one while we were living together he cried a little bit and said that he wished i didn’t have them. Lol he’s a really sensitive soul and that’s part of the reason i love him so much.
My bf of 3 yrs does the same thing when he is mad I also can’t talk to him cause he says I always have an attitude or I’m just trying to fight even when I’m trying to just talk. I just kinda got use to it but it doesn’t mean it is right. But in all relationships there will be ups and downs it all depends on how you handle it. Me and my bf learned to give eachother space when we are mad or having a argument.
All these people jumping to say leave him. Everyone is so quick to end a relationship.
Men don’t always understand, let alone understand something they have never experienced. A man does not know what it feels like to have a period, just like women don’t know what it feels like to get kicked in the balls. Not to mention, just because you feel that way on your period, doesn’t mean all other women do. Maybe he has an ex that didn’t experience her period the way you do and it was never an issue for them, so he doesn’t realize that it’s an issue for you. Have you flat out had a conversation about it with him? Explain to him that during that time, you’re just not feeling sexy and would like to avoid sex.
Now, if you’ve already had conversation, he knows how you feel during shark week, and he just doesn’t care… then he’s a clown, doesn’t seem to care about your feelings and shouldn’t be someone you should wanna build a future with.
Your boyfriend needs to grow up.
Show him the door he’s obviously not going to understand how you feel during your cycle.
Ok i am going to be 100% . I was once in this same kind of relationship. He is a Narc. You need to run from this one and do not look back. It won t change or get better
You’re dating a child , go get better
Throw him a tampon too
Telling u right now he’s not going to be your forever one. Your forever one treats you like a queen no matter what
He’s being childish af like he jus doesn’t even try to understand or see what your going through it’s all about him
Your “boyfriend” does not love, respect or understand women. Small hurt men do not. I LOVE my boyfriend for not being that way. Grateful I did not get stuck on the other one.
Let him know its that time of the month. I get moody that time of the month and if I am moody my 2 boys and my husband suppose that is what has me moody and stays clear
Ew. That’s behavior. Seems narcissistic and childish.
He needs to knock it off. I had a tubal 5 years ago and my periods are horrible now. My boyfriend has literally gotten me ibuprofen, a cup of water, puts on something for me to watch (if I want) and will legit tuck me into bed cause he knows how horrible they make me feel
Sounds very immature. I would rethink trying to make something work with someone this childish.
You can’t make it clear you want personal space by rejecting him and then be upset he has an attitude about it.
You have to use your words to say you don’t feel well, that you love him, but right now all you want to do is hold hands or cuddle etc. whatever it is you feel up to so he doesn’t feel like all you want is for him to leave. Because soon enough he will.
Are you telling him how you feel? Did you tell him you’re not feeling well and why and what would help? You need to be very straightforward and vocal first and then see how his behavior changes or doesn’t. No one is a mind reader, he could be thinking you are being standoffish to him for no reason.
Sounds like shes on her period too , maybe you guys synced
What an childish brat he’s being an a$$ you can do better
Boy, being the operative word. I’d send him home for being a little bitch, lol
I have added another male to the Aqua Tofana list
I’ve got my period now and if anyone tried to cuddle me things would get ugly. Kick him in the sack, lick his ear and then ask to cuddle. Time for him to man up buttercup.
It’s completely normal to not want to be touched. It gross that he knew you didn’t feel well yet still tried anyway to be sexual in some way. It’s actually healthy to have non sexual cuddling. I suggest looking up the definition for gaslighting and look up the wheel of abuse. Show him where on the wheel he is at. Let him know that you will be the one leaving if he doesn’t get his ducks in a row and not the other way around. Your body is not his. Saying don’t lick me I’m in pain shouldn’t cause a manchild tantrum.
Tell him to grow tf up
He feels entitled to you…
Tell him it’s p.m.s. and your not afraid to use it.
How old is this child ? Jesus take the wheel …
That’s a boy boy not a man. Really might want to rethink whether you want to maintain that relationship.
Relationships should compliment not complicate. He’s not the one!! Get out now!
If you have told him you dont feel well and he still persists…finish the relationship and save yourself the agrivation later as sounds like like hes acting like a child…
Have you explained to your boyfriend how painful it can get. O am the same that time of the month I explained it to mine and he is such a understand sweet person and understands .
Sounds like he needs his dummy put back in his mouth and his toy given back that he chucked out of his pram. .fuck sake really…and you call that your bf.
Lick your ear? Sorry I can’t get past that. Yuck. That alone would be enough for me to get rid of him.
Men should have periods!
Sounds like a child throwing a tantrum because he didn’t get his way. Throw the whole boy away. You shouldn’t have to explain yourself to anyone. If you don’t wanna be touched and licked on, no further explanation was needed - PMS/cramping or not.
Are you communicating? I can’t get past that you say he has an attitude but upset that he says you have an attitude. If you told him why you moved away, and he’s acting this way, it’s childish. If you didn’t explain the reason, how is he to know?
Guuurl! Who is the baby here? STOP.
Men don’t completely understand what we go through. We don’t even understand what one another goes through. If he can’t come to an understanding that sometimes you’re not gonna feel well due to girl issues, then he needs to get gone.
Girl… If you don’t tell that man to back tf up and respect the fact that you’re on your cycle… Tell him to quit throwing a tantrum like a child and bring you some damn midol and ice cream
You have already answered your own question he isn’t worth it.
If your bf acts this insensitively when you have cramps, wth would he act like if you were pregnant and having a baby ?? OR worse yet, if you became seriously ill ???
My first husband was like that. He would put me through hell because my period came. I divorced him in ‘99 and I still get major anxiety when my period comes from it. And I’m single now!!! Do not allow him to do that to you!
How old is he ? 12 ?
I don’t feel like doing much when I’m on my menstrual cycle either.
But my husband knows that.
It’s very painful and I feel very sick.
I felt like I had the flu yesterday and today. Body aches, horrible cramps etc. The cramps I have when I’m on my period remind me of labor contractions.
We have 3 children together and have been together for 8 years now.
No means no, and if he’s going to pout and throw a fit…trying to guilt or pressure you into doing something you don’t want to do.
Then it’s not worth it.
Been there when I was in a toxic and abusive relationship with a narcissist. He was very good at manipulating and controlling me. Pouting and acting just like this to get his way, after I already said No.
IF you truly want this to work, you need to both be on the same page. He needs to understand what “No” means and not throw a fit when you’re not feeling well.
Communication is one of the keys to a healthy relationship. It doesn’t matter who has the attitude…he is being very immature.
He needs to learn that everyone needs their personal space, even if in an intimate relationship. Thankfully my husband knows better than to do this when I’m not feeling well and doesn’t throw a fit or pout.
I wouldn’t be with anyone like this after my past experiences with guys like this. They weren’t healthy relationships whatsoever.
My ex always said I was trying to start an argument when I wasn’t, and just wanted open communication with him. He never wanted to communicate with me and always got pissy when I spoke my mind or said NO. My husband does not act this way.
You do not have to be with someone who makes you feel bad for saying no.
If you’ve already explained why you’re acting how you are, if he knows you don’t feel well and knows you’re on your period, then he’s not worth it.
Even if he didn’t know, pouting and throwing a tantrum about it isn’t how he should react either.
Seeking couples therapy will help. You can work on communication skills and expressing your emotions to each other. You’re never going to get anywhere without being open with one another.
Instead of throwing a fit, and getting mad…he can say how he is sorry, understands that you don’t feel well, and that you need your personal space. He could say, “I’m here if you need me or want anything. Just let me know when and if you would like to cuddle without being sexual and I’ll be there.”
I don’t like being touched all the time either. I get touched a lot by my children during the day, and by the end of the day I’m all touched out.
That’d 100% piss me off even if I wasn’t on my period
Sounds like he’s a dramatic crybaby. Shit I would have an attitude too if I was cramping and he was being annoying.
How old is he, 12??
Curb the attitude, explain it to him. If he loves you he will listen. If he doesn’t, he’s selfish and not worth your time.
He sounds kind of childish.
Exit the relationship now. You need a partner not a project.
He’s a punk.
A bit*h boy…
Not a MAN…
What a child, get a man!!!
He’s a dumb a**! Break up with him.
Ew this whole thing made me cringe. If a man ever coped an attitude for something like that I’d be pushing him out the door so fast.
Secondly, you dont owe him shit and he’s trying to guilt you. Let him walk around and mope. Don’t you dare feed into it. Don’t stroke his ego or explain your self.
Sounds like a dickhead. Find yourself a man not a Mouse.
He’s tripping. Reassure him that you didn’t have an attitude & that you’re on your period. Ugh men. They can be so oblivious and annoying.
Men don’t want to understand what it’s like for us women when our period comes nor do they care how we feel when we are cramping
Tell him to loose the attitude
Go wank himself with Mrs Palmer and her five daughter’s
Or f off
Talk to him more. If he doesn’t sit and listen like an adult it’s time to rethink the relationship. Instead of shrugging off his advances tell him “hey I’m cramping so I’m not in the mood”. Communication is key
He can go to hell with that attitude. You are on your period and his dumb ass needs to understand that.
It don’t sound good.
My husband, who i been with for last 21 years, is same. or tells me i just need " the D, it cures all," always tells me what i like and that i have other holes. Men are douchebags for real…run girl run
It’s cramps. He needs to grow up. Kick him down there and lick his ear and see his he likes it.
Fuck him . U shouldn’t worry about his feelings. Cos he doesnt worry about yours. As always in most in men . Just cos he was horny he pretended to get some. yuck.man what a selfish disgusting creature
He sounds like an immature dick!
Omg he needs to grow up
Girl…you are under no obligation to allow him to touch you whenever he wants. If you need some space, let him know. You don’t feel good. Dude needs to take a chill pill. Sounds like he has the attitude to me.
That’s not a man, that’s a baby