He sounds like a baby!
He is immature and you deserve better.
Love yourself and move on.
If my husband laid there “licking my ear” he’d get punched
Communication girl. You gotta use your words and make it clear that sometimes you just want to be left alone if you’re in pain/having cramps. Be nice about it though, don’t let your hormones have you acting all bitchy. Tell him you love him but your body is busy doing its thing rn
Even if you were not having your period if you did not want to be touched or licked he needs to back off.
OH stop it, Keep in mind Men have a need to fix things. I know my husband wants to be near me when i am on mine. My cramps are hell, i swear he thinks his cuddles and love are the cure. BUT, it is nice that he is like that. Maybe he just wanted to “help” in his own way. He isnt a man child. He gave you space because you shrugged away. Be thankful he stayed in the bed with you and NOT the couch or another chics place.
Hand him a bottle and say go find a mommy because he’s acting like a 2 year old. You need a mature man. This is not worth your time.
He sounds so childish! Walk away!
Licking ears was enough for me
If this is something he does on a regular basis… leave. But if he’s doing it bc he had a bad day and wanted to hold you, or if he thought it would make you feel better, then he might be hurt and was taking it out that way. Doesn’t make it right but just playing devils advocate. Maybe in a previous relationship his ex wanted him to hold them and lick their ear, who knows. But he should act like a grown adult… so again, if this is normal leave. If not, maybe try talking with him
Sounds like he needs to grow the fuck up and be an actual man!!
He needs to mature show him what it feels to have period cramps, tell him to go and learn a bit of what happens to the women’s body when it’s on its menstrual cycle so he knows what you go thru is not a game a or you just having an “attitude” i told my husband what it feels to get cramps and he totally understand, he gives me my space to rest and helps me out
He is being a douche-canoe, tantrum throwing, wanker. Not worth your time entertaining his behavior.
He should be your ex soon…
Get a new boyfriend
Wtf?!? Sometimes I read these and confused at y’all answers. Lol leave him? Because he tried cuddling and licked her ear?
Communication… my husband and I have different ways we deal with pain (and sickness) and it’s something we had to talk out. I like to lay my head in his lap and just be held (it a comfort thing), while he likes to be left alone and not be touched at all. We both treated the other the way we wanted to be treated and it was frustrating on both sides. Talk about it… neither of you are mind readers.
Just my 2 cents
Since when do cuddles hurt? I think lack of cuddles hurt more!
Eiw. He’s a big baby. Throwing a tantrum. Huge red flags. I would consider finding a new BF stat.
Have you tried nicely communicating to him that you don’t want to be touched because of your period instead of just moving away? It seems like a huge reaction for a small issue, but people can really feel burned when rejected.
All I can say is wow now I see why so many relationships fail if this is your biggest problem then its nothing compared to what 20 years of marriage can and will throw at ya smh maybe a little childish on both sides communication is key to any happy healthy relationship
Sounds like a high-school brat! He needs to be checked asap once a month women hate everyone and everything lol any man knows this.
Tell him have some patience with you while your uterus sheds itself out of your body by bleeding uncontrollably because he didn’t implant his seed.
It took a long time for my husband to understand when I’m cramping i can’t stand that the sky is blue or the grass is green and I hate everything in-between, but after 12 urs he has realized to leave me alone for 2 weeks:rofl:
Too much work. If you’re with the right person, it is not work.
He needs to grow up. If he was sick in any way like flue with hot flashes/ cold flashes body aches he wouldn’t want to fricken cuddle. If he can’t sympathize in any way, what good is he?
Easy solution… sleep on the couch.
He sounds like a spoiled child not getting his way
Then you need to use your big girl words. Period or not, your partner is not a mind reader. Something as simple as, “Hey babe, my cramps are acting up and I not feeling 100% I am uncomfortable and in pain-Can you just hold me or let me snuggle up against you and then when I get to feeling better we can get back to this?” or “Hey, I know I am a little hormonal right now but please don’t take it personal if I seem a little standoffish, periods are hard enough to navigate and your understanding will make it a little bit easier” It’s a little nicer than just shrugging away from his touch. Imagine how you would feel if you tried to run your fingers through his hair and he just shrugged away from your touch? I am pretty sure you’d have an attitude too. You can’t just “talk” on your terms. Relationships are a two way street. If you want the relationship to work then you need to concentrate on communication. Periods are part of life and yeah, may be uncomfortable to talk about, but make it normal conversation. He can’t understand how you feel if you don’t express it until after he gets upset and then it’s this vicious circle of victimism.
Have you told him you’re on ?
a group where we tell you to dump them
Your with a boy and not a man . A man communicates .
He’s acting like a selfish child. You decide if that I’d what you want to live with. Only you can make that choice.
U need to move on get a new life and be happy
You’re sassssyyyyyyy like instead of rudely shrugging him off. Communicate and tell him what’s going on.
Sis if he can’t understand that you are cramping and not in the mood, leave the whole man. A man wouldn’t respond to you that way by being passive aggressive towards you. He is a boy not a man.
He took it personally. Maybe set boundaries. Say “when I’m on my period, I will warn you but please respect my personal space”
Find a man babe one who will go buy you chocolate and a teddy bear to cuddle when you don’t feel 100% not a little boy who gets mad at you for being in pain and grumpy. My man can tell days before I start and he prepares himself lol. Find you one of those!!! Let the little boy go.
A child in a man’s body. There are lots of those!
Your gonna hang your star on that?
Yea fuck that tell him to grow up and stop acting like a child he’s probably upset because this isn’t about him … wait he’ll probably be ill in a couple of hours and need attention
You need to sit him down and educate him about what you go through with your periods and tell him that you’re dealing with period issues that you love him but you hurt too much to get frisky. Compare cramps to being kicked in the nuts with the pain lasting several days ask if he would be in the mood after a hard kick. Also guys don’t pay much attention to our cycles we have to tell them it takes years of training for them to realize our moods change when we are menstruating giving a heads up makes a huge difference.
Why is he licking your ears
You lost me at “he wants to lick my ear.” Is he 5? He acts like a 5 year old!
Have you thought about just telling him?
He’s having a temper tantrum.
Tell him y’all cycles must be in sync
Have an adult conversation with him
Sounds like y’all need to act like adults . Tell him stop licking your ear also !!
If my boyfriend licked my ear, I’d instinctively turn around swinging
Get rid of him, sure you do not want to hear that. I learned the hard way. People do not change
If anyone licked my ear no matter what was going on I’d leave
There are three other weeks to the month he can’t buck up be a supportive man?
Get the period simulation an make him go through it with you maybe then he will respect boundaries during this time but it might also be his weird way of trying to comfort you he might have read seggs makes you hurt less guys are ding dongs
We all go through that when they can’t get any
buy a cramp simulator from amazon and have him try it
This literally happens to me on the daily🙄 I learned to let him have his little attitude but make sure you do your part and talk to him. Just that you have pain and don’t feel good and just not in the mood for any of that. If he still doesn’t understand dont stress it. As long as you did your part in communicating that’s all that matters. He’ll be fine after a while.
That’s a whole boy you have there, no actual grown man is going to fault you for having a period and being in pain.
Your boyfriend needs to grow up!
Let him suck his own dick and let him be mad , I’m glad I’m not this gullible anymore , no offense but you’ll realize more as you age lol I did some what
Girl run, don’t walk
If his love language is physical touch he probably just felt like you rejected his love. Try communicating better next time. It’ll be better for the both of you
How old is he 15? Tell me to drop his and man up. Pms is life. Don’t have kids because he definitely couldn’t compete
Tell him to grow up and stop being selfish. Acting like a little boy who can’t deal with being turned down.
You do have an attitude.
Having your period is no excuse to treat someone like crap. I have a super heavy flow, I get such bad cramps that I’m in tears during my period, I also have ovarian cysts that burst (which is super painful), and you know what? I don’t take it out on anyone.
And he’s mad with an attitude because you’re treating him like crap.
Maybe instead of pulling him away or pushing him away, talk like an adult. Just say something along the lines of “Babe, I love that you want to cuddle, but I am just very uncomfortable right now, is it okay if we cuddle later instead?”
Tell him to grow up.
He is acting like a little boy who didn’t get his way and not a man that understands when to ease off
Why tf would he lick your ear? I’d be unhappy with that no matter what time of the month it was.
Tell him to grow up! He’s acting like a child.
He seems very childish? I can understand sometimes being like that when your not bleeding to death.
How old is he? He’s mad because you have cramps and are on your period how immature! Wish I had some advice to help love!
is all I gotta say
How about instead of coming here to ask for advice, talk to your boyfriend and tell him how you feel at the start of your periods, your hormone go crazy, and ask him how he’d like to be told and talked to and tell him how you’ll like to be told and talked to also. Or else you’re relationship will always be rocky. Go to him, and just talk.
I swear some people don’t need to be in relationships. Did you tell him you were cramping or on your period. Tell him to jack off in the corner and grow up.
Pains sometimes last a lifetime…follow your heart…
Sounds young. Maybe explain to him what your body is going through and how you feel. Tell him how he can support you during this time.
It’s not that he needs to “grow up” like some are saying… he was conditioned to think that way. Meaning, the way we are raised and the environment we are raised in has a HUGE impact on our personalities.
If this bothers you now, don’t stick around because it’s going to only get worse with time.
Does this man child know anything about women?
Kick him in the nuts and then ask if he wants to cuddle
lol jk explain the pain, where it’s located and how he can help. If still acts like an a** then kick him to the curb.
You both sound young. Communicate more. Stop acting like children. Talk it out. Sounds like not a big deal. Learn to communicate your feelings to him. Not facebbok
Narcissist relationship in the making run for the hills girl!!!
He’s a boyfriend tell him to get the hell out!! He has no respect for you!!! He only thinks of himself and then blames you because he doesn’t get what he wants!! Send his unappreciative self out the door find yourself someone that can respect you!!
My man says thats seriously fucked up on his part so idk talk to him go from there
Well none of us are there to see any of this behavior so I don’t know but maybe you’re taking it to heart since you have to ask.
He’ll get over it. Ignore his grumpiness it will pass.
Just. Help. Him. Understand
No…just sit down and talk to him, that you are on your period, and don’t feel good.
And if ignores that… explain the period…full details
He does not get it. He needs to grow up
Are you both 13? Grow tf up.
Some people are so rude with their comments, people are asking for advice so to be talked crap to, geez
Tell that douche you have your period . And maybe he has his
How old are you both exactly? Lol
What a little cry baby. Ugh I can’t stand men like that.
If you don’t smack him in the damn mouth- what the hell?? He showing out because you’re on your cycle? Childish ass little boy right there.
Someone has some growing up to do. He needs to act his age and not like a child throwing a fit.
Okay well when he doesn’t feel good lick his ear and annoy him. My husband annoys my soul but I still love him lol you’re literally looking for someone to annoy forever
Um… Are you talking about your cat:scream_cat:?
Sounds like a 2yo. Why are you wasting time with him?
Lemme tell you, men are something else!! I’d let him cry it out for awhile. He’ll get over it.
That’s a red flag for me if u can’t respect my space while I’m going through my women shit then u got to go I hate being touched when I have my friend in town
You’re both like 15?