My boyfriend told me his ex was prettier than I am: Advice?

Run run fast. Hes mean spirited u need a man who has a loving heart, not him

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My boyfriend told me his ex was prettier than I am: Advice? - Mamas Uncut

If she gone let it be. That’s the grief. And your beautiful to you, nobody else opinion should matter ever


Sounds like you’re not being valued… Leave him… You deserve better…


See id be the one to be like ah well my ex was sexier than you too. And then walk away. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Nope, move on as it hasn’t been that long invested


That was really disrespectful and thoughtless. You might want to re-consider him as the love of your life.


My ex said nasty little things with a similar flavour to this (not about exes - other things), and I wish I left him at the 1st remark. It’s a sign of worse things to come. Leave.

Leave him you reserve better

He can think it not say it … mean and evil

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Oh well. Im sure guys were hotter than him. Its normal. Maybe he shouldnt have said it but its life. Im not pretty and i know it. My hubs has dated prettier but he married me and loves me.

He obviously doesn’t care about your feelings if he would say something to intentionally hurt you.


I wouldn’t get over that. I’d cut my losses.

Well maybe he need to heal bfore start et a new woman hmm, why compare to u, let him be u can just move on, also be wt him and the ghost of her untill his heart heal


I agree if she is gone don’t let it get to you
You may never get over it

Tell him to go back to her. You deserve better. U deserve a man that thinks ur prettier than everyone else

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You will but obviously he isn’t consider yourself and what your worth is you don’t need validation from anyone know in your heart you are beautiful and worthy

People say stupid thoughtless things and expect you to just let it go

Girl u need to throw the whole ass guy out and start all over again


Just say yeah your ex was better in bed but never mind !!! See how he likes u comparing x


Hun maybe she is Prettier than you, it’s going to happen but you’re beautiful so don’t let no-one make you feel like you have to compare.
Now let’s take a look
If a) he is the love of your life
B) he’s with you
C) she’s dead
And d) he’s apologised surely that should speak louder than what he said
It could be the grief speaking, don’t let your ego get in the way.
Hold him accountable and let your feelings be known but if he apologized maybe try work it out.
It’s so easy to break up harder to stick it out and work through it.
Hope that helps.


Honestly you won’t get over it


U should have said to him oh yeah she’s prettier than I am but I’m not 6feet under the ground… go ahead and be with your EX mtf!!


May we ask age range of the poster?

I want to know the context lol, if he bluntly just said it than he’s wrong for that

You can’t live your life in comparison to someone else. You always be disappointed. And, perhaps he isn’t ready to be in a relationship with you. He could have jumped into a relationship thinking it would help his grief. I think if you can talk about it and be open and honest and not allow those feelings he had for the ex make you feel insecure you can might make that relationship work.


Then tell him go be with her :rofl:


Deliberately hurtful comments are a sure sign that you should run the other way as fast as you can


Your still beautiful maybe she was too maybe he just not over hwe yet

I wouldn’t! How dare him. That’s a very hurtful thing to say. How would he feel if you told him something like that? I say get him back where it hurts but that’s just me :woman_shrugging:t4:

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You cannot/should not compare love… But if he apologized from heart and if this apology is true and not manipulated, then you can work it out…


Tell him ur ex dick is better AND BIGGER HE WILL SHUT UP


I’m going to need more information on the conversation….but I get it. It’s hard to compete with a dead girl.

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That’s horrible for him to say that to you!! You will probably find when u argue that will come out until the hurtness goes away!! Yes possible to get over it but communication will be the key where you express your feelings on how that made you feel!! Don’t bottle it up and let fester, men can say the darnest things at times without realising the repercussions

His ex is dead so…
The difference between a boy & a man: a boy just blurts things out of his mouth, a man will think of the impact of his words before anything leaves his mouth.


My question is how can you say he’s the love of your life but yet he’s calling a dead girl prettier?:thinking:

Let’s not settle for people who doesn’t care about our feelings.

You might forgive him but you will not forget it


The questions are “will he ever get over her?”, “will you have the confidence to walk in her shadow?”, “is a man who would say something so hurtful worth your time?”??? Only you can answer these questions. I think he just told you where you stand. So, there you are standing… run, don’t walk. Don’t look back :heart:


Assuming things and getting advice on Facebook are very dangerous.
Maybe ask yourself how adult about things are you? None of us know the situation you have none of us know this man and can only judge by a statement you are sharing. None of us know if he loves you or how devistated his life was when she died. Sometimes when you lose someone you love and then move on in life it does not mean you ever stopped deeply loving them. Maybe she was physically prettier than you maybe he was just being honest. It does not mean he doesn’t love you or have deep feelings


Losing someone you love is awful and I hope you guys never experience it. You can never replace someone. Beauty also isn’t all that matters. Give yourself more material than just your looks. Maybe it wasn’t deliberately hurtful and you’re just in your head and took it that way. I need more context.


Yes you will it take time sometimes guys say the stupid thing not think they all do it that was a dumb thing for him to say

A live dog is better than a dead lion.i won’t mind at all.

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Narcissistic behavior


Clearly he is not the love of your life because if he was he would never say some bs like that to you. Drop him and move on.

Many people show you who they are in the strangest of ways. When they do, it can hurt and hurt deeply, I am so sorry that you have to go through this. I’ve been through so many encounters during my life and I can’t say I know how you feel, but I can definitely resonate.

Only you know what’s right for you, you can feel it in your gut. From an outsiders point of view, I feel that you deserve respect and someone who is crazy in love with you who would never say something like that. Perhaps he still is grieving or has things he needs to sort out himself. It’s no excuse. It all boils down to the principle of respect- period.

Give yourself the time you need to think it over to be fair to yourself and him. Also, know that you are beautiful inside and out and the inside is the most important part. Hang in there, in life there’s always a silver lining no matter what :white_heart:

I would not forget it, if said to me

Sounds like a douche bag

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He’s STILL simping on an ex?! Just let him go and find someone who isn’t thinking of someone else every time he’s with you. You deserve better than that!!


Be careful. My now ex did similar things. His first wife died too. I never could compete against an ‘angel’. Don’t allow him to belittle you ever! You are much better than that. Then him!!!

If shes dead and it is recent then hes not gonna let her memory go he will hold her in the highest light but he still needs to remeber u are there an she is not.if u cant deal with that thought leave him


He should be saying how sorry he is that’s so hurtful & he shouldn’t be comparing you to the ex have words with him

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Love of your life at 7 months u need to reevaluate


As a widow who is now in a healthy relationship (remarried), more info is needed. How long ago did she pass before y’all started the relationship? What he said isn’t okay to be said to you as his partner now, but perhaps he’s not over his grief. If that is the case, he may need time to heal from his grief and you (from being hurt) may need time away from him, if not temporary, then for good. Grief doesn’t just go away in a year even, sometimes it takes several or longer before the person can be a healthy partner. I’m sorry he compared you to her. Talk with him first and foremost though so he truly understands this all. Grief also fogs the head.


I would of said go DIG her out and be with her!! :joy::joy: but I’m a dickhead like that​:sunglasses:


You need to be asking him questions, not yourself.

That was a stupid comment from him. :angry:

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It’s all up to you ! You hold the power to forgive and look past it or not let it go if your willing to look past it I’m sure it’s only gonna make your relationship stronger but at least he appologised . .

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I would leave , given what happened to me i would walk away , i was married and my husband told me he fancied my best friend instead of me when we met … it took him till after we married to come out with that and it hurt alot … i couldn’t get passed it as i am sure if he told me before we married i would have walked away or at least re considered getting married to him and waited to see if i could i over come the fact that i wasn’t who he really wanted i was the constellation prize… seriously i would walk away, for you i don’t know but i say walk … you can find someone who loves you for all of you and not compare you to an ex girlfriend or ex whatever…

It’s up to you if you will get over it hun. But it could just be him trying to not let the memory of her go but either way it’s still out of pocket to say to you. I honestly don’t think he is done loving her if he said that and won’t be anytime soon so you should probably walk away and save yourself the pain. And 7 months is far from enough time to even know who someone truly is yet. It takes some people a long time to move on from their ex and he clearly has yet to cope or fully deal with the loss of her. Set boundaries (far easier said than done lol) and don’t allow yourself to be treated that way. At the end of the day it’s up to you of you will allow yourself to get over it and what you will allow someone to say and do to you. Good luck :heartpulse:


Not until you get up and over him!! Find someone who loves everything about you, not someone who compares you to another person… especially his ex! Narcissism at its finest


No you won’t . You 2 need to go to couples therapy . He needs to learn how to talk to you . That’s like you saying your ex was a better lover. You should NEVER say that. He sounds immature.

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Well if you don’t thats immature on your part. If he thinks she is prettier well thats ok she might be in his eyes but it means nothing he might be more attracted to you inside which is much better I think.


Only you can know if you can let this go and get over it.
If you were my daughter I would tell you this is not the man for you.
He may still be in mourning. In which case st him go. Send him off with love to find a councillor. That’s not your job and I’m assuming your not qualified.
If he’s over her death and no longer mourning. He is an insensitive person and not considering your feelings.
I would also go ad far to say - you are not the love of his life. If he is comfortable talking to you this way.
I feel from the way you have written this. You may stay with him. This man is not for you.
Find a man that cherishes you and feels lucky that you love him. .

I mean if she died while they were together or something he might still have some trauma about it? Maybe don’t be so quick to say screw him. Yes it was a really awful thing to say to your current s/o, but maybe talk to him, tell him how it made you feel. Ask him about her. Ask him if he has issues dealing with her death maybe. Maybe he has some unresolved trauma he may need your support in. I could be dead wrong, but give the dude a shot

What a wanker to say that kick him to the curb.One door shuts another opens


That had no point to be told to you. Why even say it? I think he was trying to be hurtful. Maybe you should mention you had an ex that was way to big? :eggplant::woman_shrugging: see how he feels after.


Forget him. He needs time is what it seems like so don’t waste your time on him

Nope. You wont because words that hurt us deeply never go away. Im sorry :purple_heart:

Tell him you ex’s dick is bigger than his!!!:joy::joy::joy:


You haven’t known him long enough to call him the love of your life. You’re insecure. Take a step back from him now before you get hurt. He’s not a sensitive caring man for you


Erm - no - words that mean something stick - id have smashed his teeth out and then left amicably- dont question yourself - your letting yourself and the rest of us women down :heart:

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And you still have his number stored in your phone. Kick his sorry ass to the curb girl and find someone who cares enough not to be so cruel

Say yep and i’ve had heaps hotter bf and better in bed but yet here we are


Well she passed away and maybe he sees her as perfect now.seems like a young love where looks are at the top of the list.kinda superficial! A more mature love isn’t based on that.dont put him on a pedestal,he is human.


What an insensitive sop. I think you need to look elsewhere.

If you asked him who was prettier and he replied with that then as harsh as it sounds you bought it on yourself.

If it was out of the blue or in an argument than that is pretty low however please remember many people who have spouses who pass away see them in a higher light and as perfection infact many even compare the person they’re dating to them to see if that person is better.
It absolutely sucks but they generally haven’t moved on emotionally and aren’t ready to be in a relationship ship yet.


Verbal abuse is painful. You can never take back words. All the sorries in the world can’t erase it. I would definitely walk away. If he compares you now then how will the future be. Actually I would run away as fast and far as I could. There are far too many good people who will treat you with absolute respect and love.


Did you ask him who was prettier? If you did, don’t ask questions if you’re not ready for their answers… If not, why TF would he randomly say that?


I think this is missing significant context…


He is not ready to move on. Especially as “pretty” is subjective. This will not magically become a healthy relationship. He needs therapy to deal with his loss and you need to either leave or go to couples therapy to try and get past it. Even then, this might not last. I’m sorry but there’s no reason to compare your ex to your current partner unless it’s to point out how much better your current partner is. Even then, if it’s happening too often that’s a sign of underlying issues.

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Today’s she is not!:rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

I went out with a narcissist , he would say things like don’t you wish you had bigger boobs , wow look at that girl if she played her cards right … Stuff like that to try and make me insecure , this won’t last sweety


There has to be more to this than being told. What kind of moron just shares that kind of info?


I would dump him… Men that make comments like that are insecure so they want to make you insecure and want mind control over you…that’s basically mental abuse

I read this post several times and it says according to you that
“she said she was prettier the I.”
So is that something he said she said? Or did you somehow very misleadingly try to put he actually said his deceased ex girlfriend is/was prettier then you? Just wanting clarification before advise or input is given


My ex told me this 8 years ago and I never got over it. Should have left his ass sooner

Don’t take what he said personally, he just has a low self asteem and wants to humble u & shake your confidence so u settle with him even when he does u wrong, & for some reason he’s feeling inadequate. Let that hurt boy go cause u can do better

I read this as his ex who has now passed on was the one who said this and not actually him?
Also the way you says she is ‘dead’ is cold.

Tell him your ex’s dick is bigger than his… :woman_shrugging:


Tracy Gabrielle Lopez Pajes no. antos antosa lg :joy::joy:

He’s obviously not over his ex; and I would be worried that he’d compare you to her all the time. That’d be hard. I would let him go. It’s not fair on you but it’s also not his fault if he is going to compare the two of you. :pensive: You will make the right decision for you. Although there are no right or wrong decisions when it comes to matters of the heart. If you stay you might end up resenting him and if you leave you might regret it. Good luck. :sparkling_heart:


A bit more context would be helpful. If you asked him if she was prettier, then you asked for the answer. I find it hard to believe that he just randomly gave you that information.
Be careful what you ask. Especially about someone that is passed. 🤦


Something like this may seem trivial to men, but it is actually a huge red flag. Don’t focus on him, focus on urself. If you feel hurt, and you can foresee that he will continue this sort of behaviour, leave. Because it is never acceptable to allow anyone make you feel any less. You are beautiful just the way you are. :hugs:


Look beneath the comment
He is insensitive and insulting as well as immature. Do you really want to be with someone like that? You wont change him!

This one is very hard to approach - that being said the OP isn’t very clear was he just relaying information that she had said? If that’s so I wouldn’t look to much into it as she has passed and you don’t want to sound insensitive.

Maybe discuss your feelings with him on how it made you feel. But know looks are most definitely not everything hun - that is only one persons perception of you. Everyone has an opinion focus on what you can change not what you can’t. :revolving_hearts::pleading_face:

Everyone sees beauty diffently and that’s ok,but it depends on how it is said. Maybe it wasn’t meant to be hurtful, fact is he is with you above all so clearly there’s something beautiful about you too that she didn’t possess. Stop stressing and express your feelings to him in a manner he can relate to and also be confident in your own skin regardless what others may think or say. You’re beautiful and worthy stop letting insecurities get the best out of you. Lol

Exactly the same thing happened to me except he and his wife were divorced. We had a huge row and I threatened to leave. We were icy with each other for a few days but we came out the other side. I never forgot and it hurt but in my case it was a one off comment never repeated. Try and talk to him before making any permanent decisions.

Leave him, apparently he died with her!

Wot counts is a beautiful heart. :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: