My boyfriend treats my son badly and doesn't contribute anything: What should I do?

Uh, leave! Your children are the most important thing! I’d be damned if some MAN treated my son like crap.

Kick him out for good your kids come first if you don’t listen to everyone you will lose your kids and housing


I’d walk the F out sweety before he starts getting violent because those are major signs of domestic abuse and it’s not right because he doesn’t discipline his children at all.


Didnt even read past the headline…drop his ass. If he doesnt like your child, leave his ass. Your child is number 1 in your life. Why have you stayed this long? That speaks more about your character I think. There is always help available to moms out there.

Well Speaking from a person that had 5 other step brothers and sisters… we didnt always get along, but my step dad never spoke to my sister or myself or brother wrong… If it isnt working already, it probably never will.


Nope. Bye, boy bye. You, and especially your children, deserve so much better.

His sorry ass is freeloading off you/yours and ain’t even got the decency to be “nice” about it in the process. He needs to go in the worst way.

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Kick him the HELL OUT!!

Your poor son, get him out.

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If the apartment is in your name, dont leave. Let him know its not working and he needs to leave. Then go no contact. He needs to be on the couch, no hanky panky and inforn him that if he gets violent you will involve the authorities which could effect his relationship with his own kids. Sounds like you would be better off on your own. But, dont leave a good situation for a bad man.


You know it will only get worse. Kick him to th curb and quickly before it escalates.

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I’m sorry you are going through this. There is a big difference in a man stepping up and being a parent or just plan ugly towards your son. It sounds like he is just ugly towards your son. I would get rid of him. Your child/children always come first and are the most important. Bye bye boyfriend.


“ he’s mean to my kid” but also his kids are irritating and their belongings are making my home unbearable, and I don’t want to get a bigger house on account of his kid.

I’m glad you are not my children’s step mother. Geeze lady , you don’t sound much better than him.


Be a mother and protect your fucking kid.

He treats your son badly but not his. So likely because it’s not his kid. When you have his kid this will likely continue with the son you have now and he will treat his baby fine. This will cause a lot of issues. Why would you stay with a man who treats your son like crap? Plus he is treating you like crap. Put your kids first and tell him he needs to move out.


If you live in housing you have to tell them he moved in

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You answered you own question it isn’t working so there for open the door toss him and his shit out and get on with life with your own kids leave him to him :wave:t2:

You and your kids deserves better. Dont ever compromise your kids happiness for an ungrateful man.

Are you any idiot? THROW HIM OUT!!!


Walk away, if he isnt helping and he isnt listening. Hes using you. I had someone I knew very well go through the same exact situation, and the daughter was irritating as all get out. I would leave. Theres no point in staying. If he isnt helping. And just up and moved in. That’s some bull. I’d just call the cops and kick him out.

Kick them out you can find someone who loves you an the children . If he is this way now it won’t get better. Do it for you an your children.

You already know the resentment has started .Time to pull the plug on this sinking ship.Let him take care of his own .You sound like you may be more of a convenience for him to mooch off .Get your happy home back for your son and future baby!


Walk away NOW! or better yet, have him walk away lol

Get rid of him. You will start to resent him not helping and speaking to your children like that. This page makes me never want to date lol. But seriously if he is already speaking and acting this way do you honestly think moving will make it any better. And 200 for rent that’s nothing. Imagine if you are stuck paying 1200 by yourself.

Walk away. It’s not going to change. It’s a lifestyle. Soon you’re going to be changing your parenting to compensate his wants and needs. Narcissists never change…

Get them out, he could seriously hurt your boy or you. You don’t want that, go with your gut. Won’t be easy but stay strong Mama.


Leave him and kick him out. Don’t settle

Omg… You know what to do! Are you just looking for confirmation and strength? If he doesn’t come with a job, his own home and God in his life… He’s bringing NOTHING to the table to build a life with.


Kick his fuckin ass out n leave him fuck him deuces

Break up with him. He is a good for nothing freeloader. Kick his sorry butt out and don’t put his name on the birth certificate

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Can’t even believe you’re asking this question. If you let him verbally abuse your son you an unfit mother. The whole thing sounds ridiculous. Why keep a man that itself is ridiculous.


Bye Felicia! Get em out!

You know what to do. You’re foolish, slow, or both if you can’t figure it out for yourself. You’re letting your child be mistreated. Duh. I wonder what you should do?

Pretty clear he’s in it for him. He’s not going to change and he’s mean to your child. Leave!!!

Kick him to the curb,before your son grows to resent you. And this man his children are taking from you and your son.
Its hard enough taking care of your own with out a free loader moving in on you.
With that being said. Its not his children’s fault that they were raised to disrespect others.

If you have to ask, you need to distance yourself. Screw the bills, he is not treating your son well. If you say nobody talks to your son that way, then back it up and remove him from your son’s life. You snapping back isn’t enough, in my opinion. Easier said than done, but you’re not out anything except some heartache. That will subside. The emotional damage this is doing to your kid will not go away so easily. You’re the adult and he is the kid- you can handle the consequences better than he. You seem like a good mama. I wouldn’t worry about resenting his kids- I would worry about the long term effects emotional abuse has a on child.

Kick him so far out of your life there will always be other men but that lil boy only has one mom. Be that super mom show him he matters

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Walk away. There is an expression that says love me Love my kids. It’s obvious this isn’t happening.

You have to think of your kid pack his stuff and tell him it’s over to get out you can’t afford his freeloading anymore if you’re paying for everything why should you move make him get out and be firm about it

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Hes paying nothing and treating your son like crap he will most likely treat new baby like his other kids which will only cause more issues with your older boyi would tell him take his kids and leave you dont need him to help with bills hes not helping anyway just adding more stress

You don’t have to convince a man to pay his way and take care of a family only a douchebag kick him to the curb!

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Get out and get out now, you have to do better for your children. You can do it. You have to give yourself no other option, no excuses. Just do it. For the humans you created.

You already resent the kids. I’d leave before it becomes hostile.

If it isnt working now, it wont get better later. What do you think is going to happen when your son is a teenager? I’ll tell you, you will have to pull them apart because they are going to go at it like wild dogs. Find someone that is more compatible with you and your family.

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Pull the plug before it gets worse.


First day you aren’t nice to my kid you’re out! What the fuck

From my experience with men they dont change even if u tell them u dont like something they will be good for a bit then go right back to doing the same shit so i would not stay with him

Wow some of these comments…I wouldn’t wanna pay more either especially if things end badly which sounds like that’s where it’s heading. Then u end up in a place u can’t afford and you are putting you and your son in jeopardy of not having a roof over your head. As far as clutter maybe ask if he can go through stuff and get rid of or sell clothes that don’t fit or toys they don’t play with anymore etc. As for the cussing n being mean to your son that is a deal breaker. If he’s being a parental figure that’s one thing…but just being mean is another so take a step back and try to see from his point of view. Is what he says or yells at your son for rational? Or are u just being an over protective mom who thinks her son does no wrong? However, cussing at him is a no go

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Okay, to do what would probably be BEST for your own sanity, and sake of your children, get them out of your house. Before you become any more of a floor mat.

You just answered your own question .Its just NOT working & You need to do what’s right for you and your kids

He doesn’t sound like is a boy friend, free loader describs him better. He will need a heart transplant before things will change. It appears to me you were think of yourself when you allowed him to move in with you.


Put your kids first!!!


Run. People like him will not change.


Why you even asking surely you already know … if anything leave for your son’s sake think how he must be feeling and your partner sounds like a right dick !! I’d stop his children coming until him and them start treating your son with a bit more respect that’s HIS house not your partners !! It’s your job to protect your kids

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Get rid of him. You will live to regret staying with him. Your kid is going to resent the hell out of you!! Trust me when I tell you!!


Get rid of him he is toxic think of your child

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Pack his shit and throw him out

Do what’s right for you and yours first

Girl get rid of that man!!!

Frist thing do you love him and have you talk to him about how you feel about his kids ? 2nd if you have and he dose not what to understand how you feel then kick him to the corner you are paying for everything. so why would you what someone who dose not work or pay the bills it have to work both ways and if you are unhappy don’t put yourself in that predicament think of yourself and your son because you come frist

Be sensible and make a complete break for your well being and those of both sets of children.

Why is this even a question? I may have missed it but is the baby his?

Get out NOW. It’s only going to get worse and if he is already a dead beat and treats your son badly…it should be obvious.

Did you talk it over with your son? Do what is best for you and your son. Your gut know. Only you know what is best.

Walk away!! It won’t get better!!

Absolutely break it off. I was married to a guy like that (he wasn’t this bad before we tied the knot so I unfortunately didn’t see the red flags, I was also admittedly a lot more trusting). Please please just walk away, I know how horribly unhealthy and taxing this is from a 1st-hand experience. It will drain you mentally, emotionally and financially.

What is better ur kids r a Dick think about it

Get rid of him! Right now!!

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Obviously neither of you even like each others kids. I don’t believe you 2 ever should have even progressed your relationship this far. And your pregnant…I hope you both learn to accept that each others kids are siblings to you child together

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Tell him to go now! NOW!


If he is not helping financially, physically, or emotionally then he needs to go. He should not be treating your son that way either. Get rid of him, he’s not worth it anyway!


Run don’t walk , put yourself and your kids first

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Why isn’t he working and contributing? Tell him to get a bigger place and get himself settled. Go from there. You don’t have to live together to be a couple.

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Wth? Get rid of this trash! Now! Nooooww!

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He is using you.girl …Don’t let this man hurt you and your kid’s.Be a strong mama…tell him to go.


Kick him to the curb you deserve better and so does your son as a matter a fact my boyfriend kicked my son out just a little while ago

Why are people so freakin STUPID!!! WHY in the world did he even have to do any of these things for you to question! Him being ugly to your son should have been the deal breaker! You dont even deserve your kid if you’re allowing a worthless man to disrespect your child at all!!


Is this seriously even a question?

Tell him to hit the road. :woman_shrugging:t3::roll_eyes:


Kick him to the curb ASAP. Abuse will only escalate. This is in no way a loving situation. Please. I have experienced the pure hell you are describing.


Do you not read stories of women with men like this?? Idc it’s women like you…

I think it’s safe to say, you already know the answer without having to ask the question here. Do what’s right for YOU and YOUR KIDS.


Honey he should have been gone why keep him he’s a looser my kids would come before Any man :100::100::100::100::100:

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This seems like an easy answer. KICK HIM OUT. It’s your home. And stop dating the pos. Your son is now important. Stop acting like you’re helpless. You made these decisions, now fix it. Kick the ass out and lose his number.

Your first sentence said it all! If he treats your son bad, BYE! No more questions asked.


There were signs before you got pregnant with his child smh get rid of him. He shouldn’t have been able to move into your home in the 1st place

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Kick him out quickly and swiftly he’s taking advantage get a restraining order if necessary if it’s not good for your boys now it won’t be for the one your having either.

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Kick him to the curb

You don’t allow no :-1: one to take over you and your family and your home.If he don’t like your boys he no good for you no way he’s was just looking for a home for him and his boy put them out.There is nothing to think tell him he and his boy’s are not welcome and good by.

Boy byeeee you don’t need someone who isn’t going to step up to your kids to byeeee

Um… Self explanatory.


He must move out. He is using you.


Um for real? Why are you even together??? You don’t need advice you need the guts to speak up


Oh sweetie kick him out now before the landlord kicks you and your son out!!! No dick is so good you need to put up with that treatment …be good to yourself and your son if he is not helping he’s hurting


Oh honey. You sound like my mum. My mom met a wonderful well off man when we were kids. At first he was nice then he started saying things to the kids like you’re being an ass etc. my brother wasn’t as lucky as I was, as I went to military school eventually. I begged to go, because I loved my mum so much that I didn’t want to complain about her husband. However, it was only when we got older and my brother started talking back that things really escalated, It was really bad hun. My mum had no clue of the things my stepdad did to my brother behind closed doors and only became enlightened to it when she heard my father yell and you better not go crying to your mommy about this, or next time it will be worse. Nothing sexual, nothing too physical but the things he said tore my brother apart. He went from a happy kid to a drugged up alcoholic who keeps trying to mill himself

Why are you with a man that treats your kid horrible? Shame on you!! And your biggest worry about getting a place is money?? Wow just wow!!


You need to get him out !! Put your child first ! I escaped with an abusive relationship.the damage it did to my child never went away.shes 27yrs old now and works with abused hes gonna hit you or your child .For god sakes PLEASE GET OUT BEFORE ITS TOO LATE.YOUR SON DESERVES YOUR BEST. :heart:

Get rid of him righy away… even if he was paying the bills and everything the placr would’ve been a bit bigger but then again you arr only responsible for your son and dont ever blame your son its his mums house no one has the right ti treat him like crap in his own house. I feel so sorry for ure kids

Kick him to the curb immediately!

Leave because he resents your kids. Not the other way around. Are you kidding right now.

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Love your children no matter what. Your boyfriend doesn’t work he doesn’t treat your kids with respect. I think you already answer you question. No child needs abuse of any kind. You need to involve God in this situation also. Prayers going up for your family & your boy friend also.:pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2: