My boyfriend treats my son badly and doesn't contribute anything: What should I do?

Leave and don’t look back! He will never accept your son as his own and respect him and if you stay you can bet your child will develop some major insecurities, and possible mental illness and resentment toward you… your son was their first and it’s his home! Tell that man to leave he’s not bringing anything to the table anyway… why should you get stuck providing for him and his kids it’s taking away from you and your son… get out!!!

So why is he there then? Families help share the load and blend to build a life together. Im sorry, your situation is not family. You and your boys deserve more.

Read the first sentence only,get rid of the boyfriend!

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Leave him. Kick him out.

Walk away and dont look back.

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First of all if someone is treating your kids bad tell him to get out. Second if he just wants to be a bum and not contribute anything to the household tell him TGTFO! You say your pregnant…well you already know what kind of a father he is going to be tell him to GTFO! If you allow him to stay and he continues to treat your kids bad that is abuse! The kids definately dont need to deal with his stupidity! It’s your kids or your boyfriend. Those are your only 2 options. I hope you choose wisely!

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You adopted a man child…what right to say anything does he really have?? Get it together, you know the answer


You have your answer… he contributes NOTHING to you or your kid’s lives. He is a user, so if you gotta ask that’s your intuition tell you something is so very wrong. Kick him to the curb for you and your kids well being and work on you so you in the future can know how to follow your gut and not be fooled by another lowlife. Good luck to you! :pray::heart:


Your son is more important… this guy needs to go. It isn’t going to get any better only worse I’m afraid.

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I can’t decipher that…

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The fact you have to ask if a man comes before your kid’s is disgusting.


Please put your kids amd yourself first and get rid of this guy :pensive:


I don’t care whether or not you’re going to find a deal like that anywhere else. You are ultimately choosing to stay in a bad relationship where your boyfriend is awful to your kids. Your poor kids! Leave! Their well-being is more important and they deserve to be put first.

I left with 7, not knowing how I would survive. I managed. I figured it out and you will too and these crap excuses you’re using to stay are just that - crap excuses.

Choose your kids.

Kick him out wont get any better

Walk away. Put your son and you before him. He sounds like a dick

It sounds like you don’t care much for his children either. Thats no environment to bring up kids. If you dont love eachothers kids like your own, what are you even doing?! Cut it off now before you confuse these poor kids anymore.


No judgement, but leave. Leave before something happens to you or your babies. Leave before it’s not just swearing. Your babies don’t deserve it and you don’t deserve it. You are the one paying the bills. He will figure out what to do but make that boyfriend and EX. And move his shit out. :woman_shrugging:t2:

No one will ever mistreat my child. Get rid of the dead beat your children come first no matter what


If he is not good to your kids…he don’t love you ask him to leave, he is not what you need and stay in your own house…let him leave!!!


Get rid of him. Your first obligations are to your kids


You need to tell him it’s not working out and he needs to go take his kids with him


You already have the answer break it off tell him to get out and its not working


I was done after the first 6 words Smdh

Put your fucking foot down kick him the fuck out or tell him shape his ass up and grow the hell up or he can go there are better men out there get rid of him do not let him yell at your son period next time he does hit him with a bat period or tell him get the fuck out YOUR CHILDREN DESERVES BETTER

He treat your children terribly??? Wtf you need our opinion your kids come first


Move him back out! Your son is your main priority!


Your babies always come first! If he’s not contributing to anything then he’s not even worth it to even be on your mind! Leave!


Why did you have kids with this looser ??? Kick him out please ! Move onto better things he will only keep you down


Get rid of him qui ck


This is easy !! Kick his ass to the curb !! NO MAN EVER COMES before YOUR CHILD !!

If you don’t need him to maintain your rent and bills. I would let him go now. Once you get that feeling like he will be a problem for your child. Let him go. How your son feels is the most important thing. I think you already know he needs to be gone. Especially if he pays no bills and is rude to your child. I never let anyone them tell me what to do with my kids. My kids have never been rude or disrespectful to my boyfriend’s. But my kids knew they come first in this home how they feel matters before any guy. Even their own father. My kid’s have turned out so good. Trust me. Your son is all that matters.


Sounds like you already majorly resent his kids. Just end it so your kid isn’t getting treated like crap, and his aren’t by you


who the eff does he think he is treating YOUR home and YOUR children like shit? Do what’s best for you and your kids hun.

First of all THAT IS NOT A MAN!!!..yes your children come first…if he is not contributing anything to the house but taking up space…he needs to go…you obviously did ok before you found him…you will be ok after you throw his ass out the door, and his disrespectful children…have faith in yourself, and you will be ok…

Definitely better off without him!

If any man treated my children like crap I would be out the door!!!

Why is he still in your home? You should of booted him out the minute he started being horrible to your son🙄


Reread what you wrote here… what advice would you give that person in the situation?? Read what you are dealing with in black in white 100 times…

Kick his arse out immediately

This is a no brainer!!! Not contributing is one thing, but being mean to your child is not acceptable. Kick his sorry ass out, and please don’t give us the (but I love him) crap.

Tell him to move the hell out… Why the hell you allow your kid to be treated badly you need knocked tf out for being a cunt doing that to your kid for some broke ass dick.

If he treats ur son badly then the hell you still around. Stupid.


Cut ties. If he was doing everything he could to help financially and had one little outburst towards your son and apologized and corrected the behavior then I would say give him a chance, but he is going to continue to take advantage of you. You deserve better and your kids do to. And stay where you are 200 bucks for rent is unbelievable cheap and very manageable.

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Walk away. Save your kids


Uhm not even a question kick him out and break it off

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Sounds like he is looking for someone to look after his kids. Why would u take on such a huge burden after doing so well on your own…just to have a boyfriend who treats u all like shit!.
Id say u answered your own question…Get rid of him. The Happiness of your children and yourself is at risk…the longer u leave it the deeper in crap u imbed yourself. Leave him!.

He needs to go. That’s a given… no one will treat my child terribly and be with me…


Kick him out and don’t look back. If he doesn’t help now he never will.

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You already know the answer

First off if he treats your son so badly why are you with him? You and your son come first!!! But if he doesn’t help with anything then leave him!!! he’s mooching off of you bc he can sounds like there’s no boundaries or anything for him or his kids.

I would leave him its not gonna get better. He found a new place to rest his head for free. You can do better

Never put anything above the wellbeing of your children.

Kick him to the curb ASAP !! Your child should come first !! Don’t worry about his sorry A**

Just make him leave, its not his children’s fault

Your poor son can very obviously see you putting a man, before him, and that is completely heart shattering.


The fact that you have to ask is shameful. With all due respect are you so desperate that you have to think about it? Your children should always come first second and third not a man. Think about this not sure if your children’s father is in the picture but if your child goes to their father and tell him what is going on and he takes you to court you could loose custody of your children.

You can do bad by your self kick him to the curve

Walk away now before him cussing and getting mad at your son turns into him hitting your son. You obviously already see the red flags ornyou wouldn’t be asking. Just kick him out before anything gets worse please for your son’s sakem

Girl i would smack the shit out of him with a baseball bat for swearing at your child i would move without him let his ass pay for his own damm house do it for you and your son you both will be happier without him…LEAVE

Why are you still with him?? Your kids should be #1.


Too late now! This is why I won’t date or let any men in my sons life other than his real dad! I hope he changes. Thats your life!:woman_facepalming::persevere:

Easy boyfriend out with his kids and you take care of what’s yours more fish in the sea

Your child comes first. goodbye.

If you need to ask what to do then you need some serious help. Stop being walked on. Get a life for your kids. The example you are setting will be
felt forever. Move on girl!!


Your kids come first no matter what kick him out you get one chance with kids if you stuff it up it should be bye .bye mate my kids are my number one

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what a stupid question once again from a millennial with no self esteem, W hat the hell is wrong with you fools.

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Tell him to move out and he can have his kids and all… seems you have already planned a home for u n kids so carry on with yr lives.

So many people out there that you could be with. Your first priority is your children, their safety and happiness, then yours. Sucks, but you shouldn’t worry about his kids unless they are in danger. Move him out or get away from him, sounds toxic and one sided. If yourealready making it without his contributions, just think of what you’ll achevie without him being a hinderence to weigh you down.

Men use woman don’t let him do that to you

You had to be gone already. Ok not you. Him

Kick his ass to the curb asap!

He needs to go! If he’s treating your son like this now it’ll only get worse after your baby is born! Also if he isn’t helping much now he will be a deadbeat when it comes to supporting the new child! If you let this go on, your son will never forgive you! I know this from experience!

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Pull your head out of your ass kick him to the curve and get on with a good life you owe it to your kids otherwise stop having babies if you can put them first

Dump him if he can’t chose your kids over himself. Plain and simple don’t be selfish and keep him around because you don’t want to be alone. You’re son will suffer later and you will be to blame for it

The first time he started being mean to your son you should’ve told him to get his shit and leave.

Why is this a question

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Throw his ass, in the street. You’re son is looking to you to protect him from abuse, both physically and mentally and verbal. Now go do you’re job as a real mother.THROW HIS ASS, IN THE STREET.
And no it’s not going to get better. In fact it’s going to get much worse.
Let him get by with verbal and next comes physical.

Your son’s health and safety comes first. It’s your home. Kick them out. He’s a leech.


It’s never going to get better- he’s a bum and a freeloader. In your heart you know it’s better to get out because you are being used as a free living space food and babysitter. If you are separated and not together he’s going still use you for what you give him and Get nothing else in return.


Please dont take this the wrong way but this shouldnt even be a question. You know your unhappy as is your kids with this situation. Get your home back in order and make him move out. If he is already being mean to your child it will only get worse. Thats the most important thing here. Your kids will grow up resenting you for not providing them with the security and safety of a healthy family home. If this man loved you he would love your child as his own ,he would be doing everything he can to provide you all with a better place to live. Stop blowing off all the red flags you clearly see. Do it for your sanity and your kids sake. Best of luck to you.


This will only get worse. Get out.


If they now live there i thinks its to late its not that easy to get rid of anyone… but i would try and hopefully he dont know laws lol… im sorry u have to deal with this but do whats best for u and urs before its to late even if thats looking into another place and leaving them behind

Leave now and don’t look back

You need to leave before his behavior affects the child/children, I’m sorry you are going through this but the best advice is to leave❤️

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Why would a " mom" have to ask what she should do ? Your child depends on you ! You can always find another man, get rid of him before something happens to your child. If he loves you he would love your child- he wouldn’t be mean to your child. Good luck.


Tell him to leave he’s not on ur lease n it sounds like he is nothing but a headache… don’t jeopardize what you have going on for someone who clearly does not care about u

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When the land Lord finds how many you have living there you may lose your home. And your kids. You already know what to do. Just do it

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Is this a question???
Your kids come first ffs !!!


Might need to walk away if he isn’t helping you kick him out the door no matter what. But him treating unit kids like crap is a no no in any type of relationship. I’d kick him to the curb

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Why are you having a baby with someone who treats your son badley? I didn’t get pass the 1st


Dear run don’t walk to the nearest exit!! If he’s that short sightes, it’s doubtful he’ll change ant time soon!!


It will never get better. Kick him out. Your son deserved way better.


If you are asking this question, you already know the answer. Now buck up and make the right decision. Your child deserves a peaceful life, not one that mom settled for because she couldn’t tell a jerk no.


The first line said everything. This is sad. I hope you step up as a mother.


Kick him out, obviously you are better off by yourself


It sounds like you are representing his kids. If you’re going to call his kids irritating then you shouldn’t be with him. They don’t deserve you and if he’s not doing anything to contribute to the household then he doesn’t need to be there anyway. You say he moved in, but it’s your house so you chose for him to move in. People don’t just move into other peoples houses, that’s called squatting.


The MOMENTA THAT MF spoke badly to my kid his CRAP along with his BAD ASS kids would of been out my door.

Split up, the kids don’t deserve all that bad energy.


Why are you with this man? :woman_shrugging:


If he is nice to your kids get rid if him, it a package deal. Plus you need no one in your life that does not help you

Best to has him to leave. If he isn’t willing to help out financially, and he treats your Son badly, time to adjust things and say good bye to hm and his kids.