My boyfriend vandalized my car: Advice?

This is domestic violence! Leave now or send him away! Get a restraining order and never rethink your decision. If you accept this now you will always have to accept it. He will only get worse

A real danger problemā€¦Run while you still canā€¦NOWā€¦


Say good bye and stay strong for your kids and yourself

YOU AND CHILDREN DESERVE BETTER,donā€™t wait until he hurts you and children

Have him arrested for vandalism. How can you even consider staying? The next time his violence could be toward you.


Just think about it: first it was your car, guess whoā€™s nextšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I read the first sentence and my brain screamed NO. I canā€™t even read past that. Just leave. Get therapy because asking facebook for advice on a pretty clear RED FLAG is troubling and shows youā€™re not in the right thinking pattern, yourself. which isnt an insult victims of abuse canā€™t actually see these bad things with clarity run, run, run

Thatā€™s quite a bit of damage for a heated argument. Iā€™d worry about you and your children if he every got REAL mad! If it were me, Iā€™d run! Good luck with whatever you decide to do <3


Definitely has communication and anger issues. Donā€™t forgive and forget. I wonā€™t stop. It will get worse.


Get out as fast as you can! You deserve better!!! Your children deserve better!


Get yourself a VPO and get
Away before he vandalizes you or your kids. Please also see about getting counseling. This is not okay. Abuse comes in many different forms


Jesus fuckā€¦ you need to call police and get the fuck outta that relationshipā€¦ cant believe you would consider going backā€¦ protect yourself and childrenā€¦ seriously


He has issues, take care of urself and kiddos, DONT be on the news

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If he did that to your car, and you turn around and forgive him! You are basically saying itā€™s ok! If he did that to your car, heā€™s capable of doing much more! Praying itā€™s not you or your children that he starts to take his anger out on! J/s!

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If he did that to your vehicle, what do you think he is capable of doing to you or your children.

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Itā€™s a red flag. Save urself before itā€™s too late.

The man has Anger Management issues! You will be the next thing he destroys!


This is blatant abuse. Get out now.

Heed the warning signs. Get a good hit man!

Run as fast as you canā€¦ Get restraining order. And press charges against him for the car.

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I donā€™t usually advocate breaking up a home,however this situation puts you and your children at risk
Have him arrested and charged going through the system may enforce that this type of behavior is unacceptable
Have his belongs removed for your home prevents him stopping in unannounced
Get a personal protection order so legally he canā€™t be there

  • Get a court order for the kids to reside with you
    Then once you have things In place to keep you and the kids safe you are in a position to set some guidelines.
    a. Supervised access only with the children until such time he attends anger management courses
    b violence in relationship courses individual and together
    c counseling for you to help you deal with his anger issues when directed at you,your belongings or the children

And trust me the situation will not improve without professional Intervention it will continue to escalate until someone is seriously hurt or dead


What if you needed to get your children to the hospital unexpectedly? What if the stress caused you to lose your baby? It wasnā€™t one tire (which still is horrible!) All 4, plus ramming? Heā€™s a selfish violent maniacā€¦ I guarantee this is not the first episodeā€¦ Iā€™m so very sorry, you know the right answerā€¦:broken_heart::sob:


Just wondering where,exactly, you would draw the line? Physical violence toward you?..toward one of your children?..Know your worth Sweetie.

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Stay far away from him.

Make him pay for what he did,make him pay child support and get out of the. Marriages

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Press charges and move on. If heā€™s willing to destroy personal property heā€™s not against hitting you or the kids. He doesnā€™t think you having transportation for work or the kids is important. DITCH HIM, heā€™s a loser.

Violence and weapons!!! How long before he does that to you or your kids???
Get out now!!!


Please take time to read this. Your feeling lost and confused is your body reacting chemically to being violated. Please listen to your body.
No matter how afraid you are of protecting yourself and your children, you must do it. It gets easier and youā€™ll get stronger.

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In youre situation Iā€™d leave
His rads if you love youre
Children then do the right thing kick him out do you
Want youā€™re children involved
In violence and are drugs involved for him to be so voilent make him pay for the
New tyres good luck

Take him back pay all his bills and have more of his children


I mean are you waiting for him to kill you? May sound harsh but its reality baby girl! LEAVE that pos alone take them babies and RUN!!!


take that as a sign, leave before it gets worse!!


Heā€™s violent!! Stay away


No you shouldnā€™t forget it! He has no self control and acted like a complete and total fool!! This was a warning to you regarding his extreme lack of character. If I had to guess this wasnā€™t the first time heā€™s done things like this either. Dump his lousy ass and figure out how you are going to parent three kids by yourself. You need to protect them and yourself from him! Smarten up!!

First itā€™s an inanimate object, next heā€™ll be hitting you. End the relationship. Your children deserve better.


Does he beAt you too ? Are you next ? Leave now!!!

Absolutely do not forgive him. Trust me this is a sign of abuse to come. Get yourself & your children away from him. Do not take him back just because u are pregnant & have children with him.


He will kill you one day

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He sounds destructive and out of control. Leave him. We as women shouldnā€™t have to loose everything or have everything ruined before we make the right choice. Youā€™ll be better off and there are men who wonā€™t hurt you. Iā€™ve been there and Iā€™ve found better after a lot of suffering. I wish I could get back all that time but at least itā€™s behind me. Good luck hunšŸ’–

Are you that fn desperate? Run and put your kids first!

Run fast now. Grab the kids and go to a womans shelter. Been there myself. It will go from wrecking your stuff to your body or the children.

Use Your Common Sense.

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Onlyā€¦ONLY with therapy. Like 3 times a week to start. While you are in a safe place. (Space). He needs to make the investment. Thatā€™s unlikely, so find a safe place for you and the kids so that the end of this story isnā€™t murder.

Honey Iā€™d leave. If he can treat you that horribly and mess up your car while your pregnant with another of his children heā€™s not showing genuine love. Heā€™s showing that he looks at you his property. You are replaceable. Find yourself happiness and love. Donā€™t settle just because you have your kids together, the kids donā€™t deserve to see that.


This is why itā€™s hard for people to reach out and ask for help. Please donā€™t be mean. Itā€™s easier for the outsiders looking in but for the person/victim going through the abuse, itā€™s not that clear cut. This lady is asking for help. Thatā€™s the first step. Give her advice. Use supportive words. Be kind. Itā€™s really not that difficult.


Thatā€™s uncontrolled rage and it advances to people. You or your children could eventually be in the path if he doesnā€™t seek help. Itā€™s available you just have to find it. Stay safe :yellow_heart:


He needs help. Take your kids and cut your losses

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No girl. You file for full custody and supervised visits because he sounds like a loose cannon who need serious anger management

Ummm no! He is dangerous! Get a permanent OP and donā€™t look back!

Next time it will be you that he hits. Believe me, Iā€™ve been through that sort of crap. It only gets worse too. Even after they apologize and say it wonā€™t happen againā€¦but it does. Take your kids and GO!! NOW!

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Leave, if he can do that to your vehicle, what else can he do?

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Get your kids and run, donā€™t look back, warning signs are there

Get out of your situation it will only get worse. If he can disrespect you and your vehicle he wont change get out now.

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You better run and run fast. Donā€™t look back.

You have kids with him and expecting??? And this is new behavior from him???

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Sounds to me like he has some anger issues. You probably need to get out while youā€™re still alive

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Buh-bye, dude. That behavior is completely unacceptable. And hereā€™s what: it wonā€™t change.

Jail the bum
If he does that to your car you or kids are next. Get him locked up then move

Dump the looser or your kids will sufferā€¦your kids need their motherā€¦dump him b4 he really hurts you to the point where you wonā€™t b able 2 help your kidsā€¦

Are you that stupid?!?!

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Press charges and get yourself and your children out. You wanna be dead? You want the system raising your kids or worse them dead too?

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Get out while the getting good! DONā€™T put those babies or your lives in danger. Heā€™s NOT worth itā€¦DONā€™T LOOK BACK!


Separate! Follow through with criminal charges. If this isnā€™t the biggest red flag ever. Please run from him and never look back.


Honestly hun. You deserve better. Get out while you still can. Get a restraining order. Start fresh with yourself n your beautiful babies. They too deserve to be safe. All of you just goā€¦Be strong!


Jus imagine what heā€™s going to next! Thatā€™s some fuked up shit fr

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No you get the hell out. If he would do that its not hard to imagine that violence directed toward you


Are u kidding, the guys frig crazy, abusive, get restraining order, lay chargesā€¦ get pictures, take him too courtā€¦


Thank God :raised_hands:, it could have been you and the kids, get out, run. Domestic violenceā€¦


If a friend came to you for advice with this story, what would you tell her? At the very minimum, the man needs therapy. Anger management. If heā€™s ever laid his hands on you or the kids ā€¦ or abused you in other non physical ways, you need to walk away. Fast. If this is a first time thing and no other signs of abuse have been present then therapy might be answer ā€¦ but get away from him in the meantime.

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If he was willing to do that to your car over an argument, imagine what he would do to YOU. Girl, save yourself & those babies-- RUN!!


Absolutely be strong and walk away while you can!

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U got a lot on lately, hope U get to relax and the answers U need will come to u, sending hugs.

This must be such a scary time for you.
But the fact that he hasnā€™t step forward and said ā€˜ let me put right the damage to your carā€™
Tells me he is not a good guy.
Take a deep breath. Get some support around you and cut him lose. Good luck


If he can do that to your car imagine what he could do to you get out now with your kids


He gonna run your kid over too when it pisses him off?


if you have to askā€¦ maybe you shouldnā€™t have a boyfriend.


Leave now. Right now. For your kidsā€™ sakes and yours. You are better off without him. No forgiveness.

I get that itā€™s hard when you have little self confidence. You are not safe with this man.

I hope you find the support you need to move as far away from him as possible.

Much love. You are worthy of better than this.

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Iā€™m going to tell you to get out as fast as you can. I had the same relationship he destroyed my car,my clothes,my car ,an yes that was 2 cars he broke thangs that ment slot to me sold a ring that was my grandadys that had passed he then started hitting me then my kids I finally left when he started on my kids but do you know what I let my babys go through in the name of ā€œloveā€
ā€œtheir fatherā€ my oldest has had a life of hell he is 37 an fights every day not to be like his father crys because that pos dont have nothing to do with him my girls say the only parent they have ever had is me they blocked him out of their head. Dont do this to your kiddos much you self if you think you cant do it on you own Iā€™m here to tell you yes you can I have 5 kids I raised by my self no help from no one no man no Gov benefits I worked an I took care of my kiddos they respect me for what I gave up for them. Now they are all grown up with familyā€™s i have a life Iā€™m retired getting married to a great man ect but i put my kids 1st in my life an now itā€™s my turn.

Oh honey, get out now! This will only get worse get you and those babyā€™s and get somewhere safe. This is a recipe for disaster.

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Get away as fast as you can and press charges

Throw petrol on him and light the pig up

That would be a deal breaker for me! I would get a restraining order too

Please donā€™t forget and forgive this. If he is that angry of a man it may escalate to God forbid hurting you or one of your children one dayā€¦be strong, and think of your kids. They donā€™t need to see that kind of violence either. Find a good man who would never think of hurting you in any way. I wish you the best.


Get out now!!! Thatā€™s abusive behavior today tires next time your face. Get out!!!

I think he has a mental problem, leave with your kids before he harm you both

The guy is a fking psychopathā€¦

U need to leave him and protect ur children,he does this to ur car now,but, ur the precious thing he takes his anger out on next ur ur little angel,please get help before itā€™s too late!!!

Red flags all over this ā€¦

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He will only get worse if he gets away with this. Violence is not acceptable especially when there are children involved x

Next time it wonā€™t be your car it might be you

Run and fast. What happens when he decides to take it out on u or the kids instead of the car? This honestly makes me concerned about ur safety and ur kids

Kick him to the curb
Today is the car, tomorrow could be your kids or you
Violent behavior only escalates

Run fast for the sake of your children and your life. If heā€™s doing that to your car imagine what he would do to you and your children. RUN!!


Seriously get rid, my ex set my car on fire, as they r all saying it all escalates, he turned to me I put up with it for 8/9 years on off and trust me it destroys u and ur kids i have seen damage caused , contact womanā€™s aid or a2dominion these people r brilliant and help me with an non molestation order, I am currently on my second order now, it only gets worse get it sorted before xmas u can get an emergency one !

Noooo leaveeeee! Heā€™s abusive and most likely a narcissist. No one normally stable minded would retaliate like that. Thatā€™s not normal or functional and he definitely needs psychological counseling for his crazy outbursts and violent emotions heā€™s losing control over. :no_entry_sign:

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No screw that leave that trash

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He needs counseling itā€™s not going to get better heā€™s already destructive get away before he destroys u

You your unborn and your kids are more important

This should serve as a huge RED FLAG!!! This should not be forgotten or ignored.

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