My boyfriend walked away from my child after finding out he was not his...advice?

I mean it’s not his kid. Have you tried reaching out to “dad” to see if he wanted to be involved?

Wow. There’s some really judgemental people on here. She knows she messed up. What’s done is done. She’s asking for advice, so why can’t we be more supportive??

Oh no…. It’s the consequences of my own actions

He should have to pay child support for both and then go to court ordered family counseling

When his sister goes on visits, take your son to visit his grandparents or have a play date lined up, take him to the park and perhaps a movie after.

I do not believe you should foist your son off on a man who doesn’t want him. It rings all of the wrong bells for me and makes me afraid of abuse.

It takes a big man to care for and raise another man’s child. Your boyfriend is NOT a big man and he is not father material.

Sounds like you’re blaming your boyfriend because you got pregnant from someone else. Would it be nice for him to accept him? Sure. But it’s not his kid and you can’t force him. You need to take responsibility in this situation. Can your son meet his real dad?

Well, he’s an immature turd for treating a child like that.
It is your fault 100%, however what kind of man treats a child like that?
Start with getting your child some therapy

Yikes :grimacing: I feel for the kid. Please find the son a child therapist. It’s so sad you out your child in this honestly trying not to judge but what did you think his reaction would be? You should’ve told him the minute u got back together - you should find your sons bio dad and let him have his father, or at least make absent dad pay for his kid if he doesn’t want to be part of his life at least he’ll be taken care of. Also shame on the dad, he raised this kid for two years and is his daughters half sibling. I understand being mad for a bit but hopefully come to his senses realize the child is innocent - it’s so sad :sob:

Girl we can’t tell you how to convince that man to spend time with a baby that you tried to pin on him. :woman_facepalming:t4: That man is HURT. The best advice I can give is to STOP ALL contact between him and your son. When he wants to pick up your daughter, make sure your son is nowhere around. Or have him to wait outside to pick up your daughter. You said your son is a toddler so if he’s like 1 or 2, and doesn’t see your ex for a year or more, he might not remember him. If he’s 3 or older, he probably won’t forget. Bottom line, you need to move on and stop trying to convince him to still be there for your son. You might want to search for that random man that knocked you up. :woman_shrugging:t4:

… someone wanna tell her…? :woozy_face::joy:

Did he just find out? Should have been honest with him from the get go

I feel bad for your husband.

Some people just suck and can’t see past themselves.
No, its not his biological child. But blood isn’t always family and that’s really, really sad he’s willing to walk away from a child he’s raised as his own just bc of some DNA.

Yea no he need to get over himself, regardless he was there as a father to that child it’s not fair to him that’s gonna scar him

He sounds very immature to me, he’s not putting the boy first and that’s called maturity

Stop the little boy being rejected, make it that your x only comes when you can arrange for your boy not to be around, work it out so as for him not to be experiencing the rejection. This man maybe angry however he may never get over it. Sad for the innocent little one to not know his dad.

I’m terrified for your child and the potential complex trauma situation this may cause. I really recommend you and your child both get counselling asap and get some professional advice as the lasting physical effects of the rejection like that can cause long term complex ptsd etc from the trauma and loss. I’d also recommend you do everything you can to beg forgiveness and then if he doesn’t change his mind you need to move on and focus on your child with therapy

I don’t see how you deceived him when you guys were broken up at the time …you got pregnant by someone else yes but it wasn’t like you planned it. He chose to get back with you even though so in ways that was his choice to take up that role, he shouldn’t have played the father role if he didn’t want to in the first place and moved on with his life. Sadly you can’t force him now that you guys have broken up again. Maybe find a recommended child therapist and maybe a therapist for yourself cause doing that can also mess with your mind too.

Play silly games, win silly prices. Can’t force a man (or anyone for that matter) to be in the life of your children. Sometimes not even the bio dads. See if his rage and disappointment eases in the next couple of days or months and try talking to him about how both of them (him and your son) will benefit from keeping a good relationship, even as friends. Apologize to him and ask him if there’s anything you can do to make this better for him and your son (of course, nothing degrading to you or anyone!!), and see if he comes around. Good luck momma, I’m sorry for your and your baby’s pain

How immature not to consider the child. Being a father is not just about biology.

Regardless you don’t treat kids this way, shame on him! A real man would step up.

He owes you and your son nothing if the entire time he was led to believe that was his kid. You’re the problem here and your poor baby and bf are the victims.

It is NOT his responsibility to take care of another man’s child. That’s a huge risk for a man. You get mad then take the kid he has no rights to? No thank you. I dont blame him. You should take some accountability.

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Why did your u even tell him.

If he can just walk away from a child he’s been raising as his own, your son is probably better off without him. Please don’t try to force him to spend time with your son. Nothing good can come of that.

It’s unfair to expect him to raise another man’s child when he was deceived you should’ve told him from the beginning when you got back together a chance it wasn’t his then he would’ve been more prepared he more than likely got attached to the child and is hurt when I got with my husband I knew he had two small children I knew ahead of time we’ve been together almost 26 years and I regret nothing you need to find your son’s real dad let him have the chance to be a father you basically have been cheating him out of he has a whole other family he could know as for your boyfriend that is his choice if he wants to play daddy not yours yes it does suck for your son but again that’s on you he could’ve had a real bonding relationship with his real dad and you basically stole that from him

Seriously man.Its not the kids fault you Both screwed up.
He is the only innocent ONE in this shit.How can anyone hurt a loving KID like that.Grow up Mate.

I think he is extremely selfish and doesn’t deserve to be called a daddy. What loving man would hurt an innocent child this way?
Good riddance to him! You dodged a bullet and maybe your son did too.