My boyfriend wants me to get a paternity test and I am upset: Advice?

Sounds like he is probably wanting a test just to prove to his family that the baby is his if they have went through lies before. Why not just do it so he can give his family peace of mind over it? I doubt it is bc he thinks the baby isn’t his if he is excited and involved. Why make a big deal over it and cry and get offended? That does make you look like hiding something. Don’t make it a big deal and have it done with no fuss so his family can stop worrying over it.


Id take the test and ask him to leave until he’s mentally healthy


I saw same thing on paternity court…
Guy dnt go back for his third follow up and some time it grows back

Because of his history, I’d just do the test.


I could see how you’d be upset normally but I would also take into consideration his past and just make him feel better and explain you’re doing it bc of what he has seen happen but that you hope he truly trusts you…

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Take the test it will make it easier for you to get child support if things ever go wrong


6 months and ur having a baby together??? :flushed: That’s insane. Chill out see dang


If you didn’t cheap then you shouldn’t have a problem getting the test done. I’ll give him piece of mind

I’m sure he is pleasantly surprised to have a child of his own after being told he wasn’t able to conceive and just wants to see the proof that it really is possible. I don’t blame him for wanting to not go through the hurt his brother did. He is just overwhelmed. I’m sure he doesn’t think you cheated he just would like some reassurance is all. Me and my ex did a paternity test with my son and it was just a quick mouth swab. It won’t hurt to have on done. You are pregnant and hormonal and you feel distrust but I don’t think you should. Just give that man reassurance and let him be a great father :blush::two_hearts:


Take the test and I’m going to tell you why. My sons father died 2 years ago and if it wasn’t for the fact there was a DNA test my son wouldn’t have gotten anything from his fathers estate or Social security without it. It also means that if something should happen to you, no one can make your boyfriend fight for your child as he can prove the child is his.


If your so sure it’s his baby, and his is not. do the DNA test and set his mind at ease.

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Sry I tell my kids regardless get dna done incase things happen

He thinks he cant have kids, his brother got the shaft raising a child that wasnt his for 16 years, his family is putting pressure on him. If you know your relationship is solid and you obviously arent trapping him you live together, then do the test, move along and be excited for the baby and future. Seems like something that if you look from his perspective might be an easier answer than just letting your feelings be hurt.


If he has his brother’s experience and his father whispering in his ear it’s understandable that he wants the test just to prove to them he’s okay. Have him pay for the test and have a deep convo afterwards


It ain’t going to hurt anything to do one, unless you’re hiding something.

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I can understand the hurt, but you also have to understand his past and what he has grown up seeing as “normal” it will relieve his stress and anxiety about it more from his family and give you guys something to concentrate on that’s positive. But do tell him that it hurts to have those accusations put to you when you have been nothing but faithful


If you know you didn’t cheat then you should have no problem taking it to ease his mind.


Do the test as it will shut everyone up. I know my two boys have the same father but his family never believed it. I said you lot put up the money for the test, which they never did. Boys are now 24 and 20yrs of age and had no contact for 19yrs. No support. Very violent man so I left. Settle it the baby’s benefit as this has worried my youngest forever but he has only recently mentioned it.


He just needs the reassurance that it’s his I’ve been in your shoes before and my goodness it was stressful because we had a issue in the relationship at the very begging and his dad got it in his head that he wasn’t the dad but the second he laid eyes on him he knew that he was the daddy and I asked him if he still wanted the test done and he changed his mind on it


The fact he communicated his needs to you and given his history, I honestly would get it done in a heartbeat. He doesn’t seem to be coming from an accusatory standpoint and needs some peace of mind.


I mean this in the kindest way, but he didn’t accuse you of cheating and just wants to make sure it’s his. Why not get the test if you have nothing to hide? I would do it.


Just take the test! And move on. If it is his child without a doubt then why be so upset. And yes I have been in this situation. I had no problem taking the test as I saw it as just another way to prove to him how foolish he was for even asking for the test. The day the results came in I couldn’t tell him fast enough. It felt great to rub it in his face. Lol


Lord some of y’all petty women gonna end a relationship because of a simple request lol. Must not have been very much in love with ya man Haha. It’s a stupid test. Takes two seconds to do. He has a right to his feelings and his request with his history and his brothers. It don’t mean he don’t trust you or that he thinks you’re a hoe. It’s for his peace if mind. You’re carrying the kid you have 100 percent knowledge it’s yours. So what if he needs that too. You say it’s his you got no worries so take it and be done. Takes all of two seconds to swab a mouth


Just have the test. He deserves to know for sure. Thousands of women lie about who a child’s father is. If you’re innocent no reason not to have the test.


If you are not married legally the only way for him to be the father in some states, is to do a DNA. I honestly understand why he’d want one and I’m not saying you cheated or could have.


He coulda just done it behind your back. At least he told you


There is a lot resting on this SO’s shoulders, after all, he didn’t even think he could father a child. Dry your eyes, get the test done, and celebrate😊


I’d show him the door. He doesn’t trust you and if you dont have trust there is no reason to be together.

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IMO, The way this sounds he is concerned more about her proving paternity to his family, rather than her feelings and proving he trusts her as he says.

If he’s allowing his family to butt in about this, through him…
It will continue throughout the relationship.


It would hurt my feelings and I’d cry to bucse if you have no trust it’s not going to work so yes you are right

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I think women are quick ti be “offended” but in your post you said the way he grew up was why he is wanting paternity. I don’t agree with the others in that you should “step back” from the relationship. I think he wants to protect himself and there is nothing wrong with that. You even stated he trusts you so why be upset that he wants to ensure he doesn’t experience the horrible experience his very own brother had to navigate. I mean I understand why it could hurt but your whole post highlights that his loude experience is why he wants the extra security and nothing to do with your alls personal relationship. I think if he wants it, let him pay to have it done for his peace of mind. If the shoe was on the other for (which it NEVER could be) you wouldn’t like to have a partner who didn’t want you to have peace of mind.


Take the test. Just do it for his peace of mind.


I would just do it you have nothing to hide. He’s scared I don’t think he’s being unreasonable. He talked with you about instead of calling you out of your name. It’s just peace of mind for him. You know he’s the dad but with his history he would like to know for certain.

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My ex and I had the exact same issue bike accident when he was younger no children in his past I had a child before hand him and I were together for 7 months and I fell pregnant his mother had accused me of cheating and saying my daughter wasn’t his. Although he never asked for a DNA test and we didn’t do one obviously her doubt was there I then got pregnant with his second and once again she said the baby wasn’t his there will always be someone who doubts. He could possibly just be trying to please his father to get him out of the thought this baby isn’t his.

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You just said why he wanted the test, which are all very valid reasons. Don’t invalidate his reasons for wanting it just because it hurts your feelings and you think his request sounds stupid.


Idgi…just do it…:face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Takes trust to have a good relationship.

And wtf does his “daddy” have to do with anything? He’s a grown man.

Sounds like you both need to grow up a little before you become parents.

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My oldest father wanted a paternity test. We lived in different states but busted each other often I got pregnant on one of the visit so he wanted one I didn’t care cuz I knew he was the father well we never did one cuz they cost him too much money. But I do think they should make it a law that everyone gets a dna test done when they have babies so their no problems later

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My husband asked for one with our daughter. I didnt quite understand but had no issue having it done. I completely understand a father wanting that done, no matter the relationship with the mother


Ease his mind. Get the test.

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I would let him get the test, but take a step back from the relationship afterwards. I’m sorry, but that is strictly out of distrust. No way else to say it. Also he wasn’t the one that went through the situation. We don’t know any of the history of his brother’s relationship with the lady. She could have had many red flags that the brother ignored. But for you to say that nothing untrustworthy or dishonest is between you two, then shame on him. I definitely wouldn’t want to build a life or even marry someone who doubted something so important. I’m sorry it’s causing you unhappiness at a time like this.


I can understand why his dad has asked for the test but I also feel that he should trust you and love you enough to tell his dad that. I have a daughter who is 34 now and her dad and his family denied she was his. I raised her alone till I met my hubby and we’ve been married 23 yrs now. This last Christmas my daughter’s sperm donar made contact for the first time. He told her we were only together once when actually was 5 months and I let him know I was pregnant but he left for over seas anyways. You know the truth so don’t let anyone make you feel bad.

It is kinda weird you don’t wanna do it…he has valid reasons and if I were him I would be more suspicious that you don’t want it.


I wouldn’t take it to heart he really did think he couldn’t have children . Go get a paternity test done and celebrate :clinking_glasses: and keep his family out of it because of what happened to his brother doesn’t mean it will happen to him , if you have nothing to hide and the child is his then just do it to easy his mind. And be happy I know when the pregnancy moods kicks in we get very emotional. But he should also trust you . But good luck.

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You have hurt feelings ? So does he. I think all his reasons are valid. Get the test done after baby is here. Less risk


To be fair all mothers know their child are theirs without a doubt with some medical exceptions but no father knows for :100: cut the bloke and his family some slack remember they all brought up a child for 16 years then the bombshell went off you can’t blame the family nor him for wanting to know :100:


If I were a man and in such a short, relationship, I would want a paternity test, too. It would be different if you had been together for years and really, knew each other. I know this isn’t what anyone wants to hear, but I don’t find his request strange or insulting.


I honestly think dna test should be mandatory but that’s just me. I wouldn’t feel offended if my boyfriend wanted one. In fact I told him to get one (he didn’t though and our son is a spitting image of him). Men get played all the time and it’s unfair. Let him ease his mind, understand where he’s coming from. Never got anyone pregnant before, thought he couldn’t, grew up watching the worst happen to family. You can’t blame him. I understand it’s hurtful but try not to see it as a way he’s disrespecting you. For all y’all know the baby will come out looking exactly like him, then he won’t need one. Just stay calm and breathe. He’ll see he should have trusted you all along!


Went through this with my husband- he was married to a woman for 12 years and another for 7 never got them pregnant- him and I got together and I was pregnant within a couple months. :woozy_face: I let him do the test and make him self look stupid. I had nothing to hide.


Based on what you said he’s basically punishing you for what happened to his brother which isn’t fair. You shouldn’t have to pay for the mistakes someone else caused. Get it done ease his mind but have a serious discussion with him about how you shouldn’t be compared to other women that he had nothing to do with just bc something bad happened to his brother.


If u r having an issue with paternity, u r going to have issues with parenting. Choose ur battles.


Get the test
Put breaks on the relationship the distrust could turn it sour for you xx

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I agree you need to get one


Ease his mind, and show him miracles do happen! I don’t think he meant to offend you in anyway from the sounds of it!


Go do the test, the grammar is tiring.


The guy was told he couldn’t have children. I’d have doubts if I was him to!! Give him the test, show him the doctor was wrong, and then move on.

He’s probably just in shock and needs it confirmed


Let him do his test, but kick his butt to the curb. Co-parent only. Don’t continue to be involved with this guy. Make sure he helps pay for your maternity care and when Baby is born, make sure he pays child support.


No reason to cry or get upset those are all valid reasons he wants one. It’s not like he’s yelling at you calling your a whore or accusing you.

If you have nothing to hide just get it and move on. It’s just a test

I was in a similar situation five years ago. I was dating a guy who got hurt in a bull riding incident. Doctors told him he couldn’t have kids. Well, I was 10 days late and got a positive. He “wasn’t ready” and didn’t believe because he “couldn’t have kids”. He hit me in the stomach :roll_eyes::roll_eyes: and I miscarried. Anyways, a year later, he was with the girl he cheated on me with and she was pregnant but never once doubt it was his. And he was “ready”. Lol. The kid is def his though.

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My husband was told he couldn’t haav kids, or his chances where very limited, because of an accident he had in football. We have 3 kids now.
Do the test to give him a peace of mind.

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It has nothing to do with you. It is the way be was brought up and he was adamant he could not have any. Then to add he watched his brother get dooped for 16 long years. If you have nothing to fear…do it and don’t take it to heart.

Of course he wants a test. I’ve given a lot of protect yourself lessons to both males and females about dating Women and what to be careful with. If u don’t love someone enough to comfort them when they need it, or truly attempt to see their side you shouldn’t create a child. Get the test unless it’s not his kid. Which is what every one will believe if u don’t. Also therapy will help with trust and communication.

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I could not be a dude… I think DNA testing should be mandatory even for married couples since I have actually seen men trapped with babies that are not theirs while married.


For her to argue against one just makes him and his family have doubts. If the woman was asking for some sort of reassurance due to an abusive or deceitful relationship in the past, I’m sure women would be rushing to tell the man to do whatever he could to put her fears to rest if he loved her. Why shouldn’t she show him the same support? His fears are just as real as hers are. If she knows about his family’s experiences in the past with lying, manipulative women, she should be ready and willing to help him by taking the test. If she’s allowed to be upset about the test, then it stands to reason that he’s allowed to be upset about her not wanting to.


While you are at it, file in court for child support.


Also everyone saying wear a condom. They are not 100% guaranteed. They break a lot. If you never had one break you either don’t use them or don’t know what ur doing in the bed.

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Just get one. Save yourself from all the bullshit in the future.

Do the test, hand him the results and leave dear. That’s too disrespectful and hurtful. Some people are very ungrateful and don’t deserve miracles.


You are 100% entitled to your feelings. It sounds like a very difficult situation. Even though you know the baby is his, I would get the test. It sounds like there are situations in his life where logically he feels like he should trust you but mentally he’s scared and it’s causing anxiety and fears he’s struggling to control. Unfortunately anxiety isn’t always logical. Couples counseling may be a good idea so y’all can discuss everything in a controlled environment and it can help him with the trust issues.


Just do its what’s the big deal. Itll make him feel better


I understand why you would be upset but also look at things from his perspective. Everyone needs reassurance sometimes and this is one of those times. If you know whole heartedly the child is his then just do the test. He will be even happier having peace of mind and doesn’t have that gnawing at him. I just had my son a little over a week ago and if my boyfriend asked for a test I’d do it. Your boyfriend sounds like he is being supportive and is excited just give the guy some peace of mind.


I wouldn’t even be upset, id just do it and be like there ya go. 6 months isn’t very long and if he’s witnessed stuff like that then maybe he just has to know for sure. Who knows the baby might be born and look just like him and he decides it’s not even necessary lol


F*ck that guy. You can’t say he trusts you AND that he wants a paternity test. His reason for thinking he is sterile jusy because he hasn’t gotten anyone pregnant is garbage, not science and not from a doctor. Leave him, sue him for child support and then give his stupid a$$ a paternity test. Jerk.

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So the thing is, trauma is weird. And it attacks when we least expect it. Your boyfriends brother went through the trauma of finding out his child wasn’t his child. That obviously affected the whole family. He’s trying to deal with his trauma response the best way he knows how. A test is easy, it will comfort and help the family, and end his trauma response to the pregnancy. Just think of it as a normal test to ease everyone’s concerns. No big deal. You know you didn’t cheat. You know it’s his. Don’t be scared to give him that reassurance that even though he trusts you, his heart desperately needs.


If he was told that he couldn’t have kids then maybe seeing it on paper would make it more real to him.


I just think your hormones are getting the best of you! What’s the harm in doing the test? It will make him feel better and he will have a stronger bond with the child. Would you rather he not know and treat the child differently, always wondering if it’s his or not. I’m not sure why everyone is telling you to leave. If you love him, do the test. Look at where he’s coming from and tell me you wouldn’t want one if the shoe was on the other foot? Good luck!


You were with him only 6 months and your insulted he wants a test?


Give him the test then make him feel low for doing it once it shows he is the father. Subtle comments here and there. He will never doubt you again.


Just get the test. There’s nothing to worry about and its not about him. It will keep his family off your back. Just do it. You trust him. He trusts you. Doing it won’t cange anything between you but it will give a big middle finger to all the doubters and shut his father up. Don’t cry. He trusts you. He said that. He has reasons for asking which you understand. This will bring you closer and make you stronger as a couple.


I wouldn’t go through with it. That’s bs

He just wants to prove it to everyone else and put the doubt in his head to rest. Don’t take it personal especially if you have nothing to hide!


That’s pretty shitty

He’s explained an whole heap of reasons why he feels this way. None of it is a personal attack on you.

What’s the harm in doing it ? The pain you are inflicted on him compared to your dented pride in incomparable.

You are an adult now and not a child, do the test.


What does being the only driver have to do with anything?
Never getting anyone else pregnant before is not the same as being infertile so that’s just stupid
You say you understand why he has trust issues and you know it’s his kid because you didn’t cheat so what’s the big deal?

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My ex-husband made a comment about wanting a dna test around the time we were doing our taxes one year. I told him to take his half and blow it on a test. Then he tried to change the subject. Oh no! I told him he better go get that test or i never wanted to hear anything about it again. I never heard anything about it again.

So no one ever bothered to make sure he was sterile, so OBVIOUSLY you cheated. Makes total sense! Trust me I get it.

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I wouldn’t blame him. He has never gotten a woman pregnant and women traps men in his family plus you’ve only been together for 6 months. I am easily offended but even I wouldn’t have been offended by the paternity suggestion.

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Sadly to many women lie about the babies dad. Just do it to my tf his mind at rest. Yes it must hurt you by him asking you but I really don’t blame him


Well if he wants a test let him have it but make sure he pays for it.


:woman_shrugging:t2: get the test. If I were a man in today’s time, knowing what I know even about the most “solid” relationships, I would want one.


My daughter’s dad denied her till 2 days before her first birthday a blood test showed she was his I found this to be real simple and makes everybody at ease to know that the baby is theirs don’t think of it as a bad thing cuz it’s not that bad it’s just a way to be sure and can only make you stronger

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Just take the test…

I would do the test especially when you have nothing to hide just so he knows and hes explained and isnt having a go at you he just wants proof that he can have kids. Just remember yous have only been with eachother for six months too and clearly he does love you just because his accident that’s all xxx

You said his dad is big on DNA testing… and his brother was blind sided with thinking a child was his when it wasn’t. I don’t see the big deal in getting the test done. IF you didn’t cheat, and you have nothing to worry about, then what’s the big deal?


I would take the test, just to show good faith…then expect a heartfelt apology after receiving the results, or I walk.


I’d say because of his brothers situation I’d just do it tbh.

Agree to the test once he’s been for counselling to deal with his baggage.


Girl same situation. I knew it was his. We were only together 3 months when I got pregnant with my daughter. I did the test at his expense and I was so excited to get it back so I could rub it in his face. We have now been together 7 years and have an additional child as well that he didn’t ask a paternity test for. Yes it hurts deeply but I can see their side as well with the small amount of time. But it’s still degrading especially when you know who you are and not a cheater. If you feel strongly about your relationship just do it. Make sure he pays any fees associated with it since he wants it. You know if it’s his or not so let him have that peace id it’s important. If he continued to do it with additional pregnancies then I would be pissed. Best of luck mama


I am going through the same situation! I’ve been with my boyfriend for 3 years and our little boy will be one. Just get one done because if you don’t your gonna regret it, then you don’t have to worry about it. We didn’t get one done and now that’s all I hear and that’s all that gets talked about. Just some advice for you

Your joking right… it wouldn’t be in issue if you had nothing to worry about in my opinion