My boyfriend will not get a job and we have a newborn: Please help

I have a newly two-month-old, and my child’s father will not get a job. He has been unemployed going on two months and doesn’t help me with our baby at all, and when he does, he complains and belittles me. We were living with my parents (he was kicked out because he was lazy.never went to work, never helped around the house or offered when he lived there for free, then after I had our daughter he didn’t help me them either.) I ended up moving with him because love is blind then he made me cut contact with my family and friends completely. It’s like the older my daughter gets, the worse it all gets. I feel very torn because I love him genuinely, but I don’t feel like I’m having my daughter’s best interest in mind. Advice?


Go back home please. If you can:)


Get out now! That is not a good environment for you or your baby.


Put your kid before your wants. That is a grown man child not a man at all. He sounds like a mooch dont be blind girl.


This sounds like my sons father. That was 11 yrs ago.

In 11yrs he’s now had 5 other kids with a women. Has never held a job for longer then 2 months and started using hard drugs.

I got out by the time my son was 4 months old because I realized there was nothing there for us he was not and will never be a father. I’m sorry you’re going threw that.

Bye Felicia, kick him to the curb. Good Luck Momma❤

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I would take my daughter and go back to your parents get in your feet he is lazy and clearly doesn’t love y’all enough to get off his lazy ass y’all deserve better leave and don’t look back

Leave now. Not love if he’s treating you poorly. But most of all, leave for the baby. The baby didn’t choose this.


Put your child first, not your deadbeat bf


Go back to your parents and get on your feet. Don’t let him drag you down when you have resources and people that love you

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Go back to your parents! If he doesn’t show you he’s going to work for your family there is no need for you to be there! Loves not blind you clearly you see what’s happening.

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Time to go home. He isnt ready to be a partner nor parent. Your child deserves more. You deserve more. Go Home


I may not be a mother, but I can tell you from the point of view as someone who was abused, please remove yourself from this environment. You don’t want your daughter to think this is how men should treat her. You know what’s best for her. I hope you make the best decision!

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Leave… Pack up and go back home.

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He didnt make you cut ties…you cut them for him



So what’s the dilemma? Stay with a lazy, no good bum that controls you & will give your daughter issues down the road or leave & have a fresh start for you & your child? This is a no brainer. The longer you stay, the more damage you do.


Parents will have your back no matter what! Go back with your parents! & go talk to the welfare if you can get foodstamps & cashaid


He doesn’t love you like you think he does if he makes u cut contact with family. That’s controlling and he’s lazy. Not a good combo and it probably won’t change


Go back home!!! No one should stop contact from your parents. Sounds like he needs to grow up!! RUN back home.


Leave. This isn’t a healthy relationship for you or your daughter. It will only worse.

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If you have to ask, you already know the answer…


Your child should come first. Period.
Kick him to the curb & tell him he needs to grow up. You have a baby, you don’t need a “man-child” too. Go home. Be with your family & friends. Leave, before it gets worse.


Leave. Do this yourself

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You’re really not showing responsibility of your children’s needs. And that’s stability. You answered your own questions.


Put your daughter first. What is best fir her, not him. The answer is clear.

You’ve answered your own question! He’s not supportive, he’s lazy & he doesn’t help with the baby. Time to leave. He needs to grow up!!

No body should have to tell you what you should do… as a mother you should know… a dogs a better mother than you !


Just ask urself this… if my daughter was grown would I want her treated this way and be made to choose a man or her family?

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What are you torn about? Get away while you still can

Could be maybe be depressed?

Leave and go back home

Run as fast as you can

Move back home … He might wake up after that …

Your selfish. Sorry if that’s to blunt…but your actions, in no way, help your child…just because your in love doesnt mean it’s any good. You are allowing this man to ruin you and he WILL ruin your daughter. Your not being a very good role model at all.
Leave, and go back home. Get to court, get sole custody, and file for child support.


He was kicked out for being lazy and you still made a baby with him. Now you’re asking for advice? Would you actually take it?


Your child comes first do what best for your child kick him to the curb


Love won’t pay any bills and it darn sure won’t feed or provide for your baby. Put y’all first


Move back to your parents house. Leave him.


Why are you asking for advice? You know exactly what to do. Do you think anyone is going to say stay with him, he sounds great


Get out now…leave…go to your mums…hes a manipulator hes abusive possibly a narcissist men who truly luv u dont disconnect u from friends n family. He will hurt you badly…leave him hes had enuf chances. Men like him dont change. Trust me.


Are you stupid…no offense intended…think about what you wrote. He refuses to work, refuses to help, belittles you…
What more does he need to do for you to put yourself and child first?
I say this, as someone who stayed way too long where she shouldn’t have. If your parents are willing, go back there. If not, pull up your big girl panties and do want needs to be done for you and your daughter, before it’s too late!! Best wishes to you and your child.


Do you love your daughter? Do what’s right for her, that will be what’s right for you.


Pack up urs and ur daughters stuff and move back home with family he isn’t going to change it’s just gunna get worse do what’s best for YOU and your Daughter

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:running_woman:t4: run. Run fast fast! You definitely aren’t doing your daughter any favors. If he decides not to be a part of her life(sounds like that’s where it’s headed to be honest. Let him go. I’ve been there, trust me. She’ll be fine. I’ve raised my son for 16+years with zero help from his ‘donor’ that was exactly like your life daughters’donor’. And guess what, he has turned out Great! Honor roll student who will graduate with honors next year. Very respectful and amazing kid. Not having his deadbeat‘father’ in his life hasn’t stopped anything. In fact, my son is my best friend :smiling_face:


I think taking a break from each other will help both of you. You can go home to your family and gain stability for your baby and he can either apply himself for his family or make a more permanent arrangement. You see I don’t think when time are hard you should just cave and leave… BUT I wouldn’t want my daughter to be a nee mother and be alone all for a man who wouldn’t put in the time for his new family. It’ll hurt but he’ll either grow up or lose.

It sounds like you’ve answered your own question of whether you should stay or not… You don’t need any of us to confirm what you already know. You can love someone and not have them be right for you or your life… Which by the way you only get one of, so make it worthwhile for you and your daughter.

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Honestly unless he decides to work on himself he is never going to get better. You can’t force someone to change and it sounds like it’s going to get worse. See if your parents will help you until you can get on your feet and file for custody ASAP.

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Pack your bags sis , run


He is controlling… the baby is as much his responsibility as yours… you need to decided yes you may love him, but you should love your daughter more and get out of that toxic relationship… dont let him contain you and keep you from family that’s what they do…
This is not a healthy environment to have a baby in or yourself. He is a POS plain and simple

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Give him 30 days to get a job, become a good father, and become the kind of man you need. If he dosen’t kick him out. He dosen’t deserve you or his child. Children have to come first.

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Dude. Freaking LEAVE! You are enabling him to be the way he is. You are allowing it. Stop it. Move back in with your parents, take his ass to court for child support, get full custody or however it works with the courts so YOU are in charge of your baby, so he can’t make any threats. I mean come on! Read what you wrote! Literally read it. You still have questions? Wake up. He is abusive and you need to show him that he can’t treat you that way. And you need to show him that he has a responsibility to that child with child support and with not having you to do everything. Isolating you from your family is the most tell take sign of an abuser literally ever, it’s what they do. They make you feel dependant on them so you feel like you have nothing without them. For goodness sake leave this person and take control of your damn life. You want someone treating your child this way when they are older? Is this the kind of relationship you would want for them? Leave.

Kick him to curb before he pulls you down with him


GO BACK HOME. you know the answer contact your family and go home. If he wants to be around hell come around.

Contact your family they will forgive you

Go home to your family! He’s not worth not having your family and friends!

Look at it from a mothers point of view. What advice would you give your daughter if she was in your position?

I’d drop him like a hot potato. Boy BYE! you deserve better. You better kick that pos to the curb sis :woman_shrugging:t3:

Leave now and take your newborn.

Go home to your Mothers with your child!! Children come first, if he doesn’t help now he won’t later. He is controlling you not loving you.

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Leave him. Go back to your family, the ones that care for you. He doesnt deserve either of you

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Run. If you love your daughter and he wont help…then realize it now. It doesnt get better.

You need to leave, this is the early warning signs of abuse. They separate you from friends and family, then they get more controlling. Move out now!

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How can you love someone who treats you, not to mention his own child that way. Get away from him and don’t look back at all. You have something much more precious to worry about now.

Leave him and get custody of your child ASAP!! Fucj that shit and it WILL get worst.

Throw the whole boyfriend away and go home


What exactly do you love about him? He sounds HORRIBLE. :woman_facepalming:t4:


You can see the writing on the wall and don’t know what to do about it? You are blind, he is interested in your body, not the relationship! Move on without him!

Kick him out he’s s loser and probably never change

That’s emotional abuse. Leave and never look back.

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Uhhh…not in just your daughter’s interest but in yours too apparently…I’m ALWAYS going to say this…whatever YOUR DAUGHTER/YOUR SON gets exposed to, they’re going to think its ok when somebody does it to them…You need to do whats right by your daughter yes, but you are worth more than how he’s treating you. Why would you allow a MAN to cut you off from your family?? Is there a reason? Sounds like a narcissism. You nor your daughter needs that. YOU got to be the one to change all that, if he hasn’t changed after the baby’s here, you should leave.

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Move away from him do what’s best for the baby

It’s not hard to get a job if u want one. Tell him if he doesn’t get a job within the next month your leaving, make sure your serious about it. If you can afford a life with all 3 of you, imagine the money you could be saving without him

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Get out of there, question for you, is this relationship in best interest for your baby? No? Then head back home, go home to your parents and friends and let them help you pick up the pieces and get you on your feet again. Make a life for you and your child with out this “ man”

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Cut off contact from family…you allow it to happen you have more problems than him. Im sorry… There’s an expression that holds true for most. Boyfriend’s come and go…girlfriends have your back and family…well family is always there. Your parents must be heartbroken…think hard and do the right thing ask to come back home, admit you were wrong and get yourself some respect and maybe a job?


Go back to your moms with the baby. Tell him you will come back if and when he gets a job and whatever else it this will always be the same and it will just get worse

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When he is away, leave with what you can and go!

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He’s a bum and won’t change believe me. I’ve been there. Move back in with your parents. Make him pay child support then he’ll have to go to work.


Open your eyes! He has nothing to offer you or your baby! How do you both pay your bills if he has no job?

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Get the fuck away from the lazy bastard before he gets you pregnant again!

Read this back to yourself as if this wasn’t about you. What advice would you give the person?


Kick him to the curb and go back to your family. Have them help with baby while you work and get enough for your own home. Make him fight for visitation rights also file for child support.


I could never love someone so content with being absolutely useless…

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Sorry you didn’t know that when you met him and had a baby with him

Leave now. Go back with family and cut ties with him

That isn’t blind. That’s denial. Leave.


Sounds like my ex. I’d leave. Your better off raising your daughter by yourself.

If your parents knew he was not good for the family, you should see that as a red flag. You know what to do. The scary part is taking the first step. Good luck.


If you already don’t feel like you have your daughters best interest in mind there is your answer!!! :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Take that baby and go back home. Leave him in the dust. File for child support and focus on you and your daughter.

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He’s a bum you can’t love him if you don’t respect him. He definitely doesn’t respect you or his child he is looking. For a handout. Get rid of him now, before you have a second child that he won’t support. He’s showing you who he is.BELIEVE HIM.


Go back to your parents house!

Run. Just cuz you love someone doesn’t mean you let them bring you down. Sounds like a control freak if he’s making you cut ties with family and friends and shame on you if you’re allowing it. I know it’s difficult, but you need to run.

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Go home to ur family and friends who do love u and take care of ur daughter he dont love u or ur baby

Read what you wrote, is that something you would want for your daughter? To have that kind of a man in a relationship with her? He doesn’t love you. Go back to your parents, file child support and obtain full custody and get a job/go to school.


Leave or communicate that he needs to get a job he’s not helping sitting around and sounds like he a narcissist treating u like that also counseling if ur gonna stay

Apologize to your family, ditch the loser and you and the baby go back home.

You and your child deserve better. Leave that deadbeat and move back home.

U and ur daughter deaerve better

As a parent you show them how a healthy relationship/ marriage is. And individually you show your child a happy successful person with no regrets. So think about this when your child is older do you think the both of you would be showing this? A relationship should never cut you off from family and friends that is an abusive tactic.

Leave him. It doesn’t get better and don’t expect him to get a job to pay his child support either. File for it anyways though. Depending where you live you might end up receiving some when everyone gets tired of his shit and he ends up finally getting a job.
It sucks, but you’re gonna have to work and take care of your baby all alone.