My boyfriend will not get a job and we have a newborn: Please help

You deserve better. I would leave him and move back in with hour family wo him.

Leave and make things right with your parents they will always have your back


Anyone who makes you cut ties with close people is not someone you want in your life. Go back to your parents and give that beautiful baby a happy life she deserves


Tell him you are going out to look for a job, take the baby with you and don’t ever come back!

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Love isn’t blind however one can be stupid in it! Someone HAS to take care of this baby. Get out now!

Love can be blind, leave him before it gets worse !!!

Move back home. Your parents would love having their granddaughter there.
And your love is way beyond blind

Isolation begins abuse. Read that again…


Leave him you and your daughter deserve better

Get your self out of there ASAP!! He is going to get worse.

Why would you choose a bum over friends and family though? LOVE DON’T PAY THE BILLS!!!

Leave him. You are his paycheck


Advice are u kidding!!! Runnnn, get in contact with your family and explain ur situation, if he’s not caring about you or ur kid, there’s no reason to be around him. Quit sitting at a table that no longer serves you.
Good luck to you momma, remember you have a baby as ur first priority :revolving_hearts:

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That’s not a man - that’s a bum

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Please for the safety of you & your tiny baby, get away from that man asap before the abuse starts. What you just described sounds similar to my beautiful sisters situation. When she finally decided to leave him…he shot her & then himself in the head.
You don’t just have yourself to think of, you now have a tiny vulnerable baby that can’t talk or tell you if her dad abuses her when you are out of the house. I think you should call your parents to come get you & your baby & move back home. I’m seriously afraid for you.

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He sounds like a leach! My advise leave his dead beat arse, he wont change

LEAVE! He’s using you he don’t love or care about you or your kid!

He doesn’t love you. He loves being a bully. Go back to your family and kick him to the curb.

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This is no man. For me personally I’d rather do things alone then be with someone who makes things harder and worse.

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Kick him to the curb now!!! Your daughter comes first!!!

maybe some time apart will do you both some good it will get you a clear mind on what you want you seem to be conflict on what you want and what your daughters best interest is. and if he wants to be in both of yours and your daughters life he will try. if not maybe you need to make a trail separation for now and if he has no effort make it permanent.

Your child comes first. Understandably you want her to have her dad in your lives, but he isn’t sounding like a good dad or a good example of a man.

Also, secret to all men: THEY DON’T CHANGE
At least not as fast as you and your daughter need him to. Get out now.

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He is lazy and good for nothing leave him now

Girl run. That is no man. Let him sink all on his own.

If half these women just took the time to read what they wrote :roll_eyes: he won’t work and won’t help with your baby/home and yet you think love will provide all? :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: wake up and see him for the lazy piece of shit he is.

Take your child and run!!

You want your daughter to allow a guy to mooch off of her and you when she’s older?! Cut him lose and find who you are again. :heart:

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You answered your own question now call your parents and go home with your baby and get your life together


You have to also think about your daughter now. From experience get rid of him. It will not get any better and you deserve better. I know it’s hard I have been their.

Leave before it’s to late

Leave him till he grows up put you an your kids first!

You need to leave him that is not okay and dangerous

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You know what you must do. . .

You already know what to do

He is conditioning you! He is Manipulating you!
He is isolating you!
He is demeaning and tearing you down. That’s not love that’s a Narcissists way of gaining control.
Get back to your family and maybe some councling to help get over him, learn the way Manipulators twist things and how to recognize red flags.

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Think about all the things you love about him an go from there is it worth the hassle…

Why do women stay with useless men.

Get rid of him girl!!!

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Advice?! Leave him right now!


Mend the bridge with your family. And go back home. Take care of you and your daughter. And love the babies father from a distance. He’s going to bring you down so much. Your gonna end up losing her to the state. I’ve seen it happen just like what your going through. To many times. Get away from him and take care of your daughter.


Um pack up and go back to the parents house. Your bf is a douche who needs to grow up.


Shouldn’t have had a baby with him if you new he was like that. If its something new just leave his lazy ass

GET THE FUCK OUTTA THERE AND DON’T LOOK BACK… Girl you already know what to do you just want to hear it…

Pack your stuff and your baby’s stuff. Go home to your parents! Leave him,let him be worthless. Good luck hopefully you will make the right decision. You can’t think about yourself now you gotta think of how this will affect her too.

I don’t mean to sound rude, but get the hell out of that situation.
Your family and friends will be much more of a support system.
I know you said you cut ties, but anyone who really loves you will welcome you back with open arms. Maybe not with the guy still around, but they will still love you and your LO.


You love him? Why do you lova a controlling personality who doesn’t support his family? You are a victim of emotional abuse. I don’t get it, so many posts in this group say they love him but he [fill in abusive, horrible thing(s) he does here].

Wow. If he loved you all, he would try to better himself. I think the love is a one way street in your situation. Dont be blinded by love…it doesn’t pay the bills. Leave!

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Please leave him, go back to your parents at least for your daughter sake. Go to a therapist get some confidence and if he doesn’t change for you or CHILD than you have your answer.

The ones that laugh reacted to this, y’all are assholes! Situations like this aren’t funny. I’ve been in this same situation and it was hard, you know what you need to do, but doing it is easier said then done. She’s right love is blind and it makes us all do crazy, questionable things sometimes. Now to the girl that asked for the advice, LEAVE HIM! Contact your parents and see if you can come back home, that’s what will be best for your child. You and your child need to be in a stable environment and being with him obviously isn’t working. Best of luck to you.

Narcissistic and a manipulative of man. Tell him to leave until he is ready to contribute. You have to take care of your baby first! He don’t do anything for you anyways so move on!

RUN!! Dont walk!!! Get your tail back to your family.


Come ooon, you know what to do

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Leave him and get your self esteem back! Give your child a good example to follow, not a lazy piece of crap. Let another fool have him


Seems like you should have noticed he wasn’t going to do shit when he was kick out of parents house. This is on you now, you need to cut the dead weight and take care of your child, either he catches up or that’s not your problem sis. Baby and you come 1st.

It’s going to be hard emotionally, it’s understandable but that feeling you are getting right now is a mother’s intuition. Trust it. Your baby girl comes first. Your parents just want what’s best and what’s safest for you both. Being a first time mom is rough especially when your partner doesn’t contribute but you doing what he says only let’s him think it’s ok to continue treating you as such. You’re stronger than you think. Do what’s best for you and your daughter. Many prayers to you and your family​:heart::pray::heart:

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Move from him! He making your life miserable …he ia not going to get a job? No not acceptable

He will Not Change!!!

Apologize to your parents ,go home where you are loved and wanted ,and make a plan for yourself and beloved baby.sending you love and a hope for brighter futures !


Run girl run!! G1o back home to your family!

You have to think about your and your child’s future. Is this the type of motivation in a potential husband or father you want? I’m not saying change is impossible but he’s too comfortable in his situation. When they are comfortable they tend to stay that way. You are not married. You have no commitment to him. The only tie you have at this point is your child. A child he may never take care of. Children need financial, physical, and spiritual stability. I seen this early on with my first son’s father. He couldn’t and wouldn’t keep a job. Til this day 12 years later he’s the same way. I’m now happy with a husband that works and takes care of us all in all of those needs. We have four children together. Five children total and my first son and my husband knows he’s his dad. His commitment and love has shown threw. My husband started doing all of these things when my son just turned two. We have a family. You can choose to have a family with someone not motivated and a lack of responsibility if you choose to. It’s what you feels is best for you and your child. Hugs.

Don’t be daft move out and have a better life girl.
Love is one thing
Being stupid about it is another
Don’t stay with lazy
You deserve better than that

Go back home, without him. You’re parents will welcome you back. Start figuring out life on your own. Don’t push a daddy/daughter relationship, that’s on him. If you love him, let him know he has to get a good job and hold it for at least 6-12 months before you’ll get back with him. If he doesn’t, he made his choice and you’re really better off. And honey, love fades. If he doesn’t get a job and keep it, and step up his daddy game, then I promise he isn’t the one for you and there’s better out there.

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GET AWAY FROM HIM!!! YOU NEED TO PUT YOUR CHILD FIRST AND YOUR NOT DOING THAT Staying WITH HIM!! Why are you staying with him?? What is THERE to LOVE! He doesn’t bring any money in he doesn’t help you with anything emotionally or physically. Get or kick HIM OUT!

I dont really like that whole love is blind thing. I said the same shit then I had a kid and all my love for my kid made me think about my kids well being. Choose your baby. Go home to your parents, and fuck that dude he is a POS.

Honestly, move out and back in with your parents. Without him. He needs a dose of reality.

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I only got 2 sentences in and had to stop reading. Girl he has got to GEAUX! You don’t need him. He will not change until he wants to. NOTHING you can do or say will make him so don’t even try. Go back to your folks’ and leave him by his pathetic ass self. Don’t concern yourself with someone who doesn’t give a shit about you or your child.

You answered your own question!


Does his amount of love adds up to the amout YOUR family loves you? Something to think of. You’re lucky to have family. There’s people who actually have none. Hope you make the vest choice for you and your daughter.

Ditch the loser. He’s not worth your time or love.


Nobody is making you do a thing. You know the answer. You know why you wrote this. It’s time.


This is abuse, pure an simple. Isolation and financial abuse to say the least. If he won’t get a job, you need to go. If he’s capable, but unwilling, he will NEVER do anything to better himself if he knows you’ll just “take care of it”. He’s not your child, don’t allow him to be. Love IS blind, but take some space for your child’s sake. Stay with family and watch from a distance.


What he is doing is NOT ok. Get the heck away from him as fast as you can. Dont tell him, just go.


And you Need to support him WHY. GO back home and forget this looser. He’ll get a job if he gets hungry enough. He is NOT your problem

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It’s just going to get worse and worse. Leave now

You know what you should do already. Pack up that baby and get the holy hell out and stay away from him. If having a child to financially take care of has not prompted his lazy self to get a job nothing will. One of these days he will quit verbally assaulting you and get physical. Why put your child thru all this?


Go back with your family! If he’s not willing to make sacrifices for you and your child then leave him! I was with my oldest’s dad for 8 years and never thought I could leave him … He was just like you described and finally one day I had enough and moved in with my parents for like 3 months till I got my own place… Best decision I EVER made! I met my husband a couple months later… Hes hard working and amazing with both my girls! One is from the previous relationship and one with him and we are just one big happy family. He works and i stay at home and he still helps out with everything and does whatever I ask and then some. I wish I would have left my oldest’s dad sooner! If he’s not willing to change for you and the baby then get outta there girl! Theres soo much better out there!


Leave now. The separation from your family will be used by him to control you, putting you in an abusive relationship. Go back home now.

Go back to your family and start over. He’s not worth one more second of your time & energy.


Glad you know you aren’t putting your daughter first. You need to cut him off that’s why he’s being like that he knows you’re gonna stay.

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Leave him, take the baby and go home. Your parents love you he doesn’t.

Go back to ur parents!

Why is he in the picture?

Smarten up and leave the bum because its not going to get any better

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Are you the one working now since you live with him and he doesn’t work?? Does he provide childcare? I’m a bit confused. You need to move back in with you parents.

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That’s not love it’s abuse by control .run don’t walk run now


He’s TOXIC. You may feel like you love him but he does NOT love you. Is this the type of role model you want for your own child? How would you feel if your daughter was in this type of relationship? I stayed married to a man for 6 years hoping he would one day get a job and help out with the kids and it was not happening. Leaving is the best thing I could have done for me and the kids. We are so much happier now and I found someone who works hard and helps me take care of my babies. Someone who TRULY loves you is willing to put in the effort and work.


WTH. Duh, leave. He’s no help and forcing someone to cut ties with family and friends is just another step in an abusive relationship. Leave before he starts beating you if he doesn’t already.

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Just because you love him does not mean he loves you. If he loved either one of you even just a little bit he would help you. You will be better off with your parents and your daughter so she can be raised around love. You don’t need a man who only uses you for sex and cooking. You need a man in your life not a boy.


He’s a loser so lose him


Run run​:running_woman::running_woman::running_woman::running_woman::running_woman::man_running::man_running:

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Mental abuse. Dump him.


Go home to your family and let him fend for hisself


Forcing you to cut contact is a huge red flag. That’s an early warning that someone is abusive and manipulative. I would try counseling and if things don’t improve I would move on. Don’t wait for things to get worse.


Take your daughter’s and go back hone he is not worth your time. U can do better. If you have your parents to help. Stay single and endure your children you have men are self righteous. Not many of the ones left that really care for who their with or raising children . they always want better or what don’t belong . hugs and prayers. Hope the best for you God Bless.

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Leave him take your baby go home you should never let any guy stop you from talking to your family.

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Get yourself a man and ditch the boyfriend. You don’t have time to raise him and your newborn.

No. The advice is leave him, and leave that “love” shit at the back door.
Someone will love you and your daughter in time.
Heed my warning, IT WILL NOT GET BETTER.
I’ve had time, he has the capability. He has no will or wanting to do so.
And he won’t.
This is my sons dad and many other people I’ve seen.
Cut it off now while she’s young

Wake the hell up and get rid of them


Demande toi pourquoi tu l’aimes .fais deux listes.une avec le positif vis-à- vis ton chum et l’autŕe avec le négatif après tu décide si tu reste ou si tu pars

Love isnt all thats required in a healthy evolving relationship.

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