My boyfriend will not get a job and we have a newborn: Please help

Flush ca c’est un bébé. Tu en as déjà un pas besoin d’un deuxième.

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K. At the moment you don’t have your kids best interest in mind. Like you said, your love for him is blind.
Get your head out of your butt. Go back to your family and let him sink or swim.

Get him gone,u are an can do it on your own

RUN,RUN,RUN I promise you he will not get better. Go to your parents, they will be glad to have you back & make him support his child. You ask for advice, now take it.


Take your daughter and go back home

He’s not a man and I wouldn’t be with him. Leave and put him on support. No one should be made to lose contact with family and friends. If he really loved you he would do everything in his power to help.

Leave.go and beg for your family back he’s not helping. Love isn’t love.when he won’t work. He doesn’t love your family enough to work leave. Bye bye.

better check out Dr.Dr. Phil

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Get out, It will only get worse! That’s not a man or father. Best of luck :pray:t3:

You don’t love him, you think you do now but he doesn’t take care of you and your baby and treats you like crap. You do what’s best for your baby. Go back to your parents and take care of your daughter

Your kid comes first . Move away and make a good life for You and baby. Your prince will come when you least expect it. Baby first !

I could say something but sounds like you wouldn’t want to hear it

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It’s best for just you and daughter. To start all over again. Fresh start. Make you and her happy. That is what is important. Once you do that. He looses his power.

Love is not the only thing that is going to make a relationship work. Especially if it is coming from only one person.
If you feel it is just getting worse, then leave because it is not going to get any better.

Go to the bathroom Right Now, Look in the mirror, Ask yourself what would tell your daughter if she made this post. That’s your answer…


This guy is garbage. He’s not any kind of role model for your kids. Your family was right kicking him out. You do the same. Don’t wait for him to get a clue. Unless he’s clinically depressed there is NO reason to not be a productive member of society and your household. He’s not adding value to your life. You all deserve better. Him too- somewhere else getting help / medication or something.

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Cutting family and friends is a big red flag. It’s part of abuse and manipulation to get control of a person.
The fact that he wants to be lazy and not get a job to help you says a lot about he’s maturity and that he is only looking out for himself. Also name calling someone to the point where they feel like crap and it takes away their confidence is verbal abuse. The fact that your also saying he’s attitude is getting worse is also another red flag how long before it turns into physical abuse or that he also starts controlling your daughter.
Based on everything I would leave. Go back to your parents, start saving money to rent a house and start getting on with your life.


What do you need him for besides sex and saying you have man? This is a life lesson. Move on. You’re worth more.


Stop tuck n run fast.


You’re in an abusive relationship. Cutting you off from family, not helping you with the baby, belittling you, etc. These things don’t get better, they escalate.

When you love someone, you don’t hurt them willingly, you help make things easier in any way that you can, and you don’t cut them off from people who love them. He doesn’t love you. I’m guessing you’re both very young.

I think a lot of times people aren’t taught/shown how to love and have healthy relationships(I learned the what not to do’s myself), so when you leave, and you should… don’t resent him. It’ll do you more emotional harm than anything. The baby too. Just move on knowing that you tried, it didn’t work, but also knowing that you deserve to be loved and your baby does too and while you’re with him, not only are you denying both of you the love from those who actually love you(your family), you also might be missing out on the guy who will love you like you deserve to be loved. Wait for that and enjoy watching your baby grow because it goes way too fast.


Girl you right, you don’t have your daughters best interest in mind if you’re staying with him and you definitely don’t need his deadweight to drag around all day

You need to move on with your life sister

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Your family is probably waiting and praying for contact from you. Start there!


I think you know the answer


Man who won’t help. Man who won’t work. Man who isolates you. Man who this and a man who that. You described my last relationship almost perfectly. To the curb he went. Cost me thousands of dollars and a whole lot of stress. Ain’t no man like this worth keeping. Even calling him a man is an insult to all the real men out there. He’s just using you! No love. You’re a usage. Watch the video I posted below.


What exactly is it about him as a person that warrants your love and devotion to him enough to take being demeaned as the mother to his children and sever the ties to your family?


Leave that nigga !!!

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Listen to your heart do whats best for you and baby if your already doing everything on your own you can handle it

You should leave that guy cause he doesn’t really you. Since YOU are the provider, he’s not. He’s a free loader girlie. I walked out on my husband cause the environment I was in was suitable. I left with a a 3 yr old and never looked back. My child came first always. God will never abandon you!

Look what best for you and the kids

It’s called disrespect. And what you allow, will continue.

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NO Man should come before your children. He is a control freak. Just my opinion.

People like that don’t usually change. Usually it gets worse Can you live like this the rest of your life? If there is a question leave

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Get a brain and get the hell away from him.


You already know in your heart the right answer. Your baby comes first. He is a literal p.o.s


Definitely not in your daughters best interest. I would personally move back with Mom and Dad until he gets his life together.


You need to think of your daughter and you. You need to break it off with him. Ask yourself why you think you love him. I don’t think you do. Don’t be afraid to be alone.


Dont ever give family up for anybody


Move back to your parents , file for custody and child support. Your child comes first if the father isnt providing you need to move on and find stability for you and your child.


Why would you want to be with someone like that? :woman_facepalming:t2::thinking:
Doesn’t your baby deserve a better life then the low life father gives? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

You need to listen to your brain and not your heart and leave that man child alone so he can grow up. Maybe. Move back home and file for custody/child support. Let him figure out if he’s gonna grow up and be a man/father or not.

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Get a job and get ready to raise that baby all by yourself. He’s useless and unlikely to change.


Think it would u like your daughter being with that type of guy? Choose him over contract with u? Be disrespected? If any one of those question is a no then you have your answer she needs better role model

Kick his ass to the curb

Time to move on the next step after the verbal abuse is physical get out while you still can

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dump him and get full custody!!!

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What do you see in him that makes you want to stay? He makes you choose if you can talk to your family, doesn’t help with the kid in any type of way, refuses to help you financially. No dick is that good to be disrespected in every way you can think of. I see women on here that it’s hard for them to leave because of a financial situation and I get that, but he’s not helping out at all. It’s like your his mom. Let that man baby go, friend. You deserve better.

Love???..what do u love the most?..when he belittles u or had u cut ties with ur family and friends?..he is a bum and doesnt even want to help take care if the life he help created…leave him ur already doing it alone or go back home without him

Leave before it gets worse

GET OUT NOW! He sounds like a narcissist and will only get worse.


Dump him, he will not change - go home or to a shelter if you have to

Re-read your last sentence, and then ask yourself which of those 2 options outweighs the other. If the second doesn’t outweigh the first, then it’s a very sad situation indeed.

Move back home. Leave this idiot and make you and your daughter number one. Your parents will help. No one should ever ask you to give your family and friends up for them. That’s controlling behavior and it’s going to just get worse. You and your baby deserve much better and he’s not worthy of you. Don’t be too proud to ask your parents and family for help. You and the baby being safe and taken care of, should be your first and foremost concern. File for full custody and child support ASAP. it’s really important to keep your child safe. Down deep you already know what you should do. Trust your gut and get the heck out of there. A much better life is waiting for you, you just need to leave this loser and heal your mind, body and soul. Then your new life without restrictions is waiting for you.

It’s time to go. He sounds like a malignant narcissist based on your description, and if that’s true, it will only get worse. I know you were hoping someone would tell you a way to make him change, but that isn’t going to happen. Take care of you and your daughter, even if that means going back to your family and begging.

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If he made you cut out contact with your family and friends, take that as a warning to get out while you still can!

Ask yourself what would you advise your best friend to do if she was in the same situation??? Then do it! A unhappy home is horrible for kids to grow up in. And as my favorite judge says never do wife duties at girlfriend prices.


You cut the wrong tires l ties

I would say this to him get job support your child but it does with you two and move on

Don’t be an idiot, get a backbone and leave the looser. If you don’t your baby will pay for it. I feel sorry for your baby honestly, having one idiot for a parent is bad enough but to have two is priceless.

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Run he will never change

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Leave before you and your child get hurt

He is a controlling loser and if I have read this correctly, you chose to have another child with this piece of wasted space? Yes love is blind but you can’t let this be part of making a decision, think of your kids for goodness sake. Wake up!!!

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Leave now. Go home to your family while you still can.

Run away he made you cut ties with your family the controlling will only get worse

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As a mom you have to put your daughters needs first. My advice is get in touch with your parents and leave him. Mommas need a good support system and he is not supporting either or you in any way.

Why depend on a man get a job get you and your babygirl a place. Forget trying to baby a man child

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Run. He is lazy and it sounds like emotionally abusive. I had an ex who tried to cut me off from my family and expected me to do everything. Child or not, you do not want your daughter thinking it is ok for another person to be treated that way. I too thought I genuinely loved this man. But am so glad I got out. I have a beautiful son and another on the way with a man who respects me and treats me right. You are worth more than that.

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Leave and go home!!!

Kick the bum to the curb hes a controler a step closer to physical abuse reconnect to family an friends for support he will never change

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I was the same way. blinded by puppy love. the father of my older daughter abused and cheated on me. 3 months after she was born I left him for good. I Really loved him and cryed my eyes out for a week. He made it to where I had no friends and but to my family, I was always like a black sheep, sure they help sometimes.

you need to leave, for your daughter’s safty. guys like him rarely change.

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Leave him. Get on your own feet and raise your daughter alone cause you already are. Never cut your family and friends off over a man either!


U still love him after all that!!!

Why??? R u following him
U know love is blind but actually NOT blind to it anymore…

He doesnt love u. If he did he would provide and try to please u, help u

Ur parents did u a favor by kicking him out

This is not destiny
This is stupidity to follow a loser and then expect different results

U r already a si gle parent since day one…just make it official and leave him
Charge him child support

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Girl take your baby and run


Get the Hell out of there. Don’t ever give up your friends and family for no one. He is toxic and an ass. Go back to living with your family and you deserve way better. You’re just in a live in maid and nurse to him. He doesn’t love you to treat you like this. Wake up and pack up and leave asap.

You need to move back with your family asap. He has no right controlling your life. Blood is thicker than water. Get back with your family

Get rid of the free loader

Now that you’ve realized none of this is ok …time to take action !

that relationship sounds exhausting


He’s controlling!!:grimacing: It will only get worse! Don’t ever stop seeing ur parents- they love u but don’t live 4 ever​:sleepy:
Leave the “free-loader”

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Leave. He is just using you and trying to work you like a slave. His secluding you let’s me know that he may also end up abusing you physically and emotionally. Run! :running_woman:


You love him… really? BTW, love isn’t blind.

Sounds like it’s time to call home and ask if you n baby can move back in. If a new baby isn’t inspiration enough to get a job, nothing will. Plus why would you let a man keep you from your family in friends. Sounds like a narcissist. Leave n don’t look back


Get out of his life NOW.

Let your parents know and move back in with them until you can get on your feet.

Don’t count on any help from this guy. It is really difficult to leave an abusive relationship until you hit a certain realization (take it from me, it took me seven years and three children to fully realize).

You want the best for your child, and he is sending major red flags. It only gets worse from here. Your parents know what this guy is about, and I bet they will support you in your move away from this exhausting situation.

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Leave him he’s no good

What exactly do you love about him?


He’s trying to isolate you. That’s a form of abuse. My ex did the same to me for THIRTEEN yrs b4 I finally left him. Plz don’t stay in this relationship. It doesn’t get any better as my ex starting beating me. You & your daughter deserve better :broken_heart::broken_heart:

Leave this loser now!!!

you got some good advice now be smart enough to listen to it.


Time to move on if your boyfriend is dragging you down with his laziness he needs to leave… babies need both parents I agree but he isn’t helping at all just wants to be king mutt … put him out and tell him don’t come back till you have sorted your shit out. Now you need to concentrate on yourself and baby … it never ask to be born but you decided to keep your child so it’s going to be hard and yes quite a struggle but you will make it and your baby will blossom …even tho you say you love this guy you have to be cruel to be kind so the saying goes so chuck him out and concentrate on yourself and baby …he needs a wake up call and hopefully this will be it BUT if he finds another girlfriend then for sure he never was in love with you. Respect yourself girl you are worth a lot more …so you don’t need that piece of crap hanging onto you …I do hope your family will stand by you …

Oh well you had a baby with him knowing how he was now you got to land unmade unkept nasty sheet as bed that he don’t change cuz he too lazy to get up and get a job

Call and ask for help … wake up he won’t change … he’s a bum! He’s a bum ! Love won’t change him neither will your child or your needs … the only way you can change a man is if he’s wearing a diaper ! You’re worth more . If you can’t understand don’t do it for you do it for the baby !

Leave him and file for child support. A few months in jail for non payment should set him straight. What a big fucking baby. He needs to reach down and find a pair…time to grow up.

I don’t usually say anything in groups but I have felt this way before and chose the same, you need to call your parents and leave, lean on your family as you heal from this because that’s what you have to do for your baby. If its not a pleasant environment for you then its not for baby either. After he shapes up and finds himself then he can join. His happiness cant be your priority right now. That is what I’ve learned…

Move back home and leave him how old r u ?

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Kick his ass to the curb and get child support. They’ll make his sorry ass get a job, unless he LIKES jail :thinking:

Put your child first! You think you love him , trust me you don’t! Go back to your parents and rest of your family! You need the help and support from them ! Make something of your life, life is not over because your bf is not man enough or that you are a single mom! You can do this ! You will grow stronger as a parent and your child will benefit the rewards! Get up and move forward, dont look back!


Get out now. Don’t look back. He won’t change.

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