My boyfriends 16-year-old doesn't listen or do chores: Advice?

My fiancé just said to throw that man out :joy: he appears to be broken


I’d be suggesting he get a job and pay rent if he wants to continue being waited on then he can pay for the privilege. If his father won’t back you up then that would be a very big red flag for me. It shouldn’t be the same rules for all of the children.

Oh hell no. He and his daddy wouldnt get the wifi password and electronics no fucks given. He eother cleans up after himself or he doesnt get nice things. And if he doesnt do it his daddy better fucking do it since he’s so against his son doing chores :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Dang, does he treat the children different too? Get out while you can the son clearly sees this type of behavior from somewhere

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This is on your boyfriend to father his son. Your not his mom so he isn’t going to listen to you. He is probably having a very difficult time with the new family and not having his parents still together. Your bf really needs to step up and maybe even get him into therapy.

Slap ur bf n tell him be a parent to his 16 yr old n not his fhxcking friend yet intill hes not 18 yet n hes old enough to get a job n change the wifi ur house ur rules ur bf needs to grow up too u have 4 beautiful kids that helps u much as possible thats a blessing if nothing changes in months kick ur bf out of ur house

And what exactly makes him so damn special that he shouldn’t have to help? Fuck no. Tell him they all start pulling their own weight or you and your kids don’t do shit. Period.

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Sounds like your biggest problem is your "boyfriend " either he mans up and starts being a equal partner and helping around the house and enforcing the rules. Or kick the boys to the curb and find a man.


Why are you in a relationship with a person who doesn’t give you the respect a mother should receive with putting boundaries down in order for your household to operate. Don’t be afraid to be alone, you have your children. Time for the so call bf and his son to leave and stop living off you and your children. A man who is willing to be in a family with children meets a woman half way.


You’re not his mother and seems like he has no respect for you. His father doesnt seem to care either. I would probably sit your boyfriend for a talk, if he doesnt want to parent his child then I think it’s time to leave. I know you just moved in together but being disrespected is not right.


If he’s 16 and living with you, he should be treated as one of your own. You also should be having this conversation with your man about this as well. He as much a part of the parenting as you are. I have an 18 year old stepson that likes to try to pull the same thing. He currently has to earn his phone back because he’s broken it and conned friends out of phones when he want allowed to have one in the first place, neglected his chores Aaaaaannd his grades started going down.

move out,i get disrespected and i hate it dont put up with it especially if your bf thinks little darling does’nt have to do anthing its not fair to your kids

Your BF is 100% wrong. He should have jobs to do. He’s 16. I’d get him out and the BF out…

Why would you move in w/a boy friend, anyway?
With both their attitudes, that can be bad attitudes for your children to grow up with.

Hes 16 yrs old… He needs to do chores and get a job and still go to school…
He doesnt need to be lazy bc parents aint gonna be around forever so he needs to do it himself and if the bf wont pick up the slack and says his 16 yr old doesnt have to do anything then leave his ass… Sorry not aorry I am blunt…

Let both go it’s not going to get any better

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If you can’t take it like it is,… assume it will never get better. Time to walk away.

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Giiiiirrrl make a chore chart and reward them babies for completing their chores every week or two. If son son doesn’t help he gets no reward. Yea yea daddy will probably say your being unfair to his child but he’s under YOUR roof and being unfair to YOU and YOUR children. Respect goes both ways. Daddy better get himself and son in line or someone gonna have to face some consequences… Might have to stop doing things for the son that he expects you to do. If y’all are trying to be a forever thing y’all need to get on the same page, bf son will not be treated differently then your children. That’s some bullshit and his dad better recognize!

No the sixteen year should most definitely be doing chores. And the fact that the bf is doing anything about that is concerning in itself!

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Dose not sound like you have a very good boy friend

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The problem is your boyfriend not enforcing it. He should definitely have to help up and at the minimum clean up after himself and do his own laundry

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Go down hard on your bf and your step son. Treat your kids. They are disrespecting you

Then he doesn’t HAVE to eat or have clean clothes to wear… :woman_shrugging:
Dont touch his laundry, dont buy him snacks he likes, leave his place at the table bare and let him set it himself, leave his nasty dishes at his spot til he sits down for the next meal.


Sounds like this boy friend needs to be single until their child is grown 🤷
I certainly wouldn’t stay with someone who expects me and my children to do everything while their child got to act an ass, I definitely wouldn’t expect anyone to stay with me if I allowed my child to act like that, either


I would be moving out and not continuing that relationship. Let the father raise a dead beat alone with that boys mother. That behavior will rub off on your own kids.


Been there done that! My X did i say my X… his girls did t do anything but mooch off me like he did and and thought they were entitled. I ended doing everything cuz my kids said they werent cleaning up after his stinky girls. . Yes i said stinky! The bed room had dirty pad, tampons, old food all over the room! When she moved out i packed it ALL in garbage bags and sent it to her.

That’s a boy not training his son to be a man. I say run. It wont get better. Everyone in the house has a job. It’s called responsibility. You designate chores that are age appropriate. His son is 16 years old. There is no reason he shouldn’t be helping.


Hes 16 and not your kid. If he was your kid then thats a different thing but as long as you both say “my kids” and “their kids” then you dont get to tell his kid what to do no matter what. You’re either in or out. Thats eother your kid or it isnt. Decide.
Also, thats why he wont do chores. That and bc he is 16. Lol. 16 yo dont just do chores. Not even for the ones who say the whole" my kid always does chores or whatever" parents. Those kids only do it out of fear their velongings would be taken. Not out of respect. You need to earn his respect just as he needs to earn yours.

Talk with your boyfriend, and explain to him that things need to be fair. If he won’t reinforce it, well, he’s just a boyfriend. Be glad you figured out how things would be before you got married.


Get the book raising a modern day knight for your bf. Sounds like they both need it.

You are doing it all kinds of right :clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3: Change that password!

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Have his dad send him to boot camp.

If your bf isn’t on board with you wanting the son to help I’d say by to that POS because all he is doing is teaching his son to disrespect you and also making him into a trouble or lazy young adult… if your kids have to clean after the boyfriend or the son then they both should do the same for you and your kids… I’d say the bf thinks you and your kids are his and his sons maids…also I believe you or your kids don’t deserve that disrespect… your bf isn’t a real man and is raising a useless boy…


You’re with the wrong man if he can’t control his own son ultimatum time ultimatum time get a s*** done or get out

Sounds like you are the only adult in your house. May be time to rethink a relationship with a child!

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You really don’t have good hind site. Tell bf & his son to move out! No offense.

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Kick his ass out with his bad ass kid 🤷


Assign your stepsons duties to your boyfriend to do instead 💁

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Good thing you’re not married. Why put up with this crap?


Of he chooses not to have his son help out then you could try to leave some housework not done,and see if he or dad gets the clue,but they may not care,so you may want to give them the ultimatum to help out or you’re leaving,or just leave. There’s no reason for them to act like pigs!!

everyone in that household of 7 people should be helping out, even in small amounts, that is called living together peacefully, not some do the work and others act like kings, I would leave everything they dirty, be it their clothing,dishes, bed, room etc., so they can either live in the mess or learn to clean up after them, my household is only 3, but we all do our bit, mine know if they leave a mess, it will still be there waiting for them to tidy up, no slaves here

Change the wifi password. Make him do 1 of 2 things helps with the chores or he can get a job to pay for his own wifi.

16…are u kidding me. Your child or not, make him get off his ass and pitch in with chores. He has no problem making messes, clean up after yourself. I’m so tired of people saying that because he’s not your kid , that u can’t say anything. He’s 16 and almost an adult, time to start acting like it. If parents let a 16yr old get away with not doing their chores, then your not teaching them responsibility. By the time I was his age, I knew how to do laundry, fold and put away, wash and dry dishes, make my bed, toss out the trash and whatever else comes with being a RESPONSIBLE TEENAGER on my way to ADULTHOOD. Change ur wifi password till the “kid” grows up

That just means your lil boyfriend is just that! A BOYfriend. Go find yourself a MAN because a MAN wouldn’t allow his child no matter the age, to disrespect you. Runnnnn!

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Say buh bye :wave::door::dash: Thats what id do! :woman_shrugging:

Do not cook for the both of them n do not do their beds or laundry either.

The dad is rely so unfair and immature… So his child isn’t fit enough to help around the house but his fine urs helping around the house… U hv every right to change that password nd u need to put ur feet down cis hell no will u be busy cleaning, cooking, washing nd then come nd take care of teenager when u hv small kids younger than him who can help around the house… U rely dnt need to put up with this nonsense. Put ur feet down dear on the bf nd the child. Put them both down nd tell the bf that all of u guys hv to help around the house. Nd tell him u won’t stand for the disrespect that he gives u same as the one his daughter gives u especially when his not around. Nd tell both of them the son is going to help around the house as other kids do in the house if it’s a problem with the bf then u will do things for ur kids only

I would tell them both to get out :woman_shrugging:t3:


Change that wifi. I would


It sounds to me like you and your bf need to get on the same page and communicate about why it upsets you the way it does and come to an agreement. Otherwise your relationship will suffer.


If you guys are a team then same rules should be implemented especially if you guys are under the same roof…def change the wifi password little brat doesnt deserve luxuries if he doesnt pull his weight


If his son isn’t made to help, your kids will see that and they won’t want to help out anymore either because they see him doing nothing without consequences. Everybody has to help even if he only cleans up after himself and takes out the trash or something :woman_shrugging:t2:


Change the wifi. Take the light bulbs. Lol they can earn those…
Make a chart maybe to show how “fair” it is… then divide chores up evenly… only fair ALL persons in home chip in with chores.


He’s as much part of that household as your children are. He’s old enough to know he should be picking up after himself and helping out when needed.

My step-mom made sure we were included on house chores when were there for our weekend visits. We were never treated different and my dad made sure we helped.


Yep time to start playing games like, clean your room and I’ll give you the WiFi password. He wants to play games you have a right to play your games to.

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Your boyfriend and you really need to talk. Things need to be set between the two of you or there will be bad feelings between the kids.


He should most definitely have to help


YOUR BOYFRIEND is the issue. You said he told you his son shouldn’t have to do anything… that’s the problem.


Take your kids n go!!!


His kid can do chores just like yours or sounds like you may need to find another boyfriend :woman_shrugging:t2:. If he thinks his kid is above chores then that’s a red flag to me right away. Equality is very important in any family but especially a blended family ! Red flags do matter ! Believe me.


Sadly, I went through the same thing with my husband’s daughter, who at the time was 12/13 years old. My kids were use to a very disciplined upbringing. His child not so much. We definitely had our moments and the daughter’s mother’s family always made me feel like I was crossing some kind of line by asking her to pitch in. It got pretty out of control and the daughter ended up going to stay with her mother, which we’re finding out now 2 years later, hasn’t worked out well for her either. It is a fine line but if you step into the role of being a stepparent…good luck depending on how that child was raised before you came into the picture. It’s basically trial and error, as said as that sounds.

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Communication needs to be better between y’all. The kid is old enough to do chores so he should be doing them. Change the password. Your kids should NOT be doing everything. Sounds like he’s never been disciplined :woman_shrugging:t3: Allowed to run all over y’all. I wouldn’t stand for it.

All kids need to be held to the same standard if he wants to be a family. It’s no longer just kids being invited over, I understand you aren’t married or anything but if he wants to be with you long term he needs to get on the same level.

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All kids should have chores and contribute to the household. Allll of them. It builds a sense of competency, pride , work ethic and character. If they don’t have to contribute you are cheating your kids.

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The problem here is your bf…judging by what he thinks your kids shouldn’t be doing anything either…He lives there too he can contribute something…explain your position to your bf. If you haven’t already!!

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oh yes, he needs a job. Everyone should have a job to be fair to the others that are sharing in the workload. To be fair, and give choices, present your significant other and the 16 yo with several choices of jobs, that you think would commensurate with the other kids jobs. Let him choose, but if your significant other doesn’t support this, it will not work.

Not wrong to change the wifi password, he shouldn’t even have it. You need a new boyfriend. This one doesn’t support you or your kids if he treats his different. It’s not going to get better. Good luck.


I wouldn’t just jump to changing passwords. Sounds like this is 16 years of learned behavior and it’s not the kids fault as much as your boyfriends. Family meeting time. Tell them your frustrations. Concerns. Expectations.


He lives in the house, he helps maintain it. That simple.

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I feel like changing the password will only cause more problems. It’ll cause an argument & Daddy will just give him the new password anyways.
You & your partner need to get on the same page with parenting/household rules


You can’t do anything until your partner is on board.


The bf is the problem here.


The 16 year old lives there to so yea he needs to help with chores and understand wifi is a privilege not a right. Your bf needs to help you enforce the rules and stop encouraging his son’s laziness

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Take your kids and go.

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Change that WIFI & take the electronics away. If your boyfriend can’t be a parent or get out. 16 is old enough to listen & do chores.

Does his son have some special needs we were not told about ? If not then what seems to be the problem. He is there he should do what expected of everyone in the family not sit and play on games .children who are not made to grow up and take care of them self’s really wont do you want that ?

Maybe you should consider changing boyfriends

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Yes he should have to do his part and if the bf thinks he shouldnt then I’d tell the bf to find a new place for him and his son to live.

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If your bf isn’t on your side or willing to listen to your thoughts it’s not going to work. Move out. It’s going to have a negative affect on your children.


Sounds like you and your partner need to sit down and really talk about dealing with a 16yr old. 2 more years and he’s considered an adult. Life is going to be really hard for him. Especially, if his dad babies him to that extent!
If you and the father are not on the same page. He will feed off that negative energy.


Stop cleaning up after the both of them.

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If my husband said something so unbelievably stupid to me id have no other choice but to assume he needs inpatient mental healthcare and I’d leave.


Start with your boyfriend because it sounds like he needs to help as well! The 16yo definitely should have chores and changing the password will definitely help! No chores no fun with friends :woman_shrugging:t3:


The child needs chores. A child needs to learn how to do every day tasks to help them become an adult. Also, children need to learn authority if they are ever going to hold a job in the real world.
Shame on the father here in this situation for not teaching these important things. Most importantly shame on not following the rule of honoring parents.
If your in the mother roll then the child should respect you equally. He should respect all adults like this.

If it was me I would have a serious chat with the boyfriend or walk away from the entire situation.


So why does he think his son doesn’t have to do shit? Seems he’s a spoiled disrespectful teenager who won’t know how to live on own cause the father doesn’t make him do shit.


Sounds like you need to get rid of your boyfriend asap.


He should help like everyone else. If dad doesn’t think so let them both leave.


That’ll never work. If he doesn’t feel like his child should help, y’all need to live separate. It won’t work under the same roof. Just break it off before you’re in too deep.


The BF is the problem and it will only get WORSE! RUN!


Tell him that either his son does chroes or he does. I bet he makes the kid do more lol


Id change it. Plus id take electronics off lol

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Great… So when the 16 year old grows up he’ll think hes entitled to everything 🤦 parent communication needs to be addressed ASAP

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Just do for you and your kids the cooking and cleaning and washing. It’s not good way to live but maybe it will wake him up to do what needs to be done.

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You’re wasting your time if the boyfriend thinks he doesn’t HAVE to help.


I don’t see anything wrong with changing the wifi password to get him to help.

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Talk to the dad that’s where its comming from. His child is gonna have a harsh reality when hes an adult and has to do all his own cleaning. I’d also stop washing his clothes and what not if he wants clean clothes he can wash them it’s really not hard to out clothes in a washer and dryer

He needs to do his chores like everybody else in the house he is equal to everybody else no more no less so why shouldn’t he and your boyfriend needs to understand this it wont work otherwise it’s only gonna get worse

Until your boyfriend steps up and wants to parent his son you are screwed. Unless his dad puts his foot down what you say means nothing because his dad is on his side. I would be telling the boyfriend if you are not going to make your son help then you are going to help. It sounds like the 16yr old is following in dad’s foot steps an neither of them do anything around the house. I wish you the best of luck. A learned behavior bye this age is a hard egg to crack. I only have 1 kid left at home out of 3 he just turned 14 an he knows that he has things he has to help with. But it was taught to him at a young age as it sounds like you have thought your own children. Best of luck with this battle.


Your boyfriend and the 16-year-old should help. Honestly jump ship now if it’s going to be like that. It’s 2020…everyone cleans. Everyone.


Wow…this is a glimpse of your future. Why wouldn’t your boyfriend think his son shouldn’t help…oh…because he doesn’t either. I would think you already had a conversation about this with him, and if so, it’s obviously not going to change. Sounds like your boyfriend needs to grow up.