My boyfriends ex has been keeping their kids from him: Advice?

Go to court. Maybe she is an unfit parent
Using their money for her habits.

Stay out of it. Anything you say can and will be used against you

Go back to court and let them be the last word. Keep a journal and a calendar. Record her is she refuses.

This is not your circus, keep your distance, let him, and his lawyer, go to court and a judge will put her in her place

What is wrong with him ? Document all of that and report her to the courts

It’s his battle, not yours. I would remain neutral. You have no idea what’s going on, nor do you need to.

You need to stay out of it. His issue to deal with not yours.

He just has to petition custody with the courts. Like idk why that’s so hard for people to do. Women somehow always figure it out when their kids get taken away but somehow men can never figure it out…

The fact a gf of barely 6 months is reaching out and such leads me to believe he doesn’t want it “as bad” as it seems. Usually it’s either wel if I’mma pay I might as well get to see my kids, or they’d gladly not see the kids if it means they can stop paying for kids they don’t see. It’s hardly ever an actual battle. If they are his kids no doubt and he’s stable, he doesn’t have to “fight” anything as far as custody. They just need an agreement in place where she can’t withhold them and if she does on his custody day, then she’s in contempt with the law. Only time folks really have issues is when the mom has been already awarded sole custody and the dad only has visitations that he can barely manage, so it’s an uphill battle trying to get back in good graces. If that happens it’s usually because the man was proven unstable or a danger…but a lot of times it’s simply because they didn’t show up for the court dates and such when the mom took a chance to file :woozy_face:. Then the fact the MOM filed instead of the dad, it looks as if the mom cares more. If there’s nothing to indicate he’s unfit to be a parent, he can’t have custody taken away for no reason. But when not together you have to have a custody agreement to protect yourself from this. Many parents who co-parent together perfectly still get custody agreements made just to keep it for and have a set of rules/expectations that a mediator can remind them of and it be unbiased because it was figured out in court to be fair to both parents.

You just the girlfriend sweetie and shouldn’t interfere!! Even if you marry the man these children are NOT yours and being involved in a custody issue wont be good for your relationship. Best thing to do is suggest an attorney be consulted. After a hour discussion the lawyer can lay it out as to what can be done, your hands are clean and everyone can live happily ever after!!!

A lot of women do this including my ex, to block access for the father to see his kids, this is very damaging to the kids relationship with the father, they end up being brainwashed against the father by an “asshole woman”…I know ,it happened to me and I was a good and loving dad and after years of crap, I gave up, it was mentally damaging and draining to me, my kids are now adults, they can make there own decisions but this is so typical of many stories I hear, the mother using the children as pawns against the father. In breakups many woman turn into vindicative, nasty creatures, this is not an attack on women, it’s a sad fact. There needs to be a “men too” movement, because some women can be just as bad or worse than some men. The whole breakup/divorce thing and the the abuse of power by my ex wife and manipulation of a family law system that favours mothers and is biased against fathers, was a devastating pyschological and emotional meat grinder for me, it stands out by far as the worst, most harmful and hurtful experience in my life, I will never forget it and its been 20 years now and things are still shit with the relationship or lack off I have with my adult children…these games women play have devastating life long consequences for the father.

Take her to court and get visitation rights

Take her back to court she is in contempt

He needs to contact legal services. She is beyong contempt of court

Go back to court. Let them know what she’s doing, don’t keep waiting, hoping she’ll change

Go to court and have the judge order her to give her to let him see them on his time to see them

If you pay child support you have the right to see them without paying more money

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Get a lawyer immediately, the kids need a dad :heart:

You want see your be kid any mean you dont have kids it dont matter ha .

Get a lawyer my son had to

Stay out of it , save you a lot of pain .

See an attorney right away and stop the madness

Lawyer and then stay out of it if you can.

Mind your business sis let him figure this out.

Keep detailed record of these events and than go to court

Document everything and then take her back to court

Mind your own business. He needs a lawyer.

Malicious mother syndrome, is a real thing.

If there is a visitation plan in order and she is not following it, take the princess to court. Make sure he documents EVERYTHING. This could and should bite her on the butt. I am sorry he is going through this. Good luck

See your lawyer to guide you through the what should be done. If there is a legal visitation schedule inplace, she will be required to follow it.

He needs to take her to court and get a custody agreement…fathers have rights too ya know.

Take her ass back to court n tell the judge what is happening with the greedy b$!#ch

He needs to get a back bone and take her ass to court.

Go to court go to court document.

Document it and go to Family Court

Get the lawyer involved

Find another boy friend

Get visitation through the court.

He needs a good lawyer

Karma will get her ass

Lawyer up and take her to court.

petition Family Court, its free

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You need legal help, not FB advice.

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