Take her sorry ass to court
He needs to go to family court
To get a custody lawyer
He needs to contact a lawyer…
He needs to see the Judge.
He need to get a lawyer! I just happen to know a good family lawyer. Alexis Allen. Alexisallenlaw.com
Court,and take divorse papers. Shes a mean cow
Friend of the court!!!
Find him a good lawyer.
He needs to take her to court.
All he needs is a lawyer
Go through the courts. Keep pristine records.
He needs to take her to court.
Let him deal with it.
Go cort Fite full costie
Family court seek there help
Diane Osbourne enough said.
I would say stay out of it. You don’t know the whole story. You say 6 months you have known what’s going on and you think that is long enough for you to make judgement calls? If he is doing the right things he will go back to court and he will have the law on his side. If not then he won’t go to court. Sorry, your feelings do not matter in the court of law.
Child support and visitation are two separate issues. He needs to pay support, she needs to honor parenting time. I agree with communicating through a parenting app. Have him check which one is admissible in court in your area.
Ummm…how about family court!!
Been there, in the end all works out & you look like the enemy…you could support him, but he has to manage the situation…
A bf of 6 mths is not worth this stress keep it moving ,also if what you are saying is truth there is the court system .
Get lawyers and police involved.
Take her to court, she is not allowed to deny him visits whether he pays or not.
My advice is for you to stay out of it and let them handle it. Just be there for him and listen but don’t get yourself involved. They are going to be on each other’s lives with all this drama for ever! So just listen.
Lol he probably never wanted to see them before it was time to show them off to you.
Why are so many of you so hateful? Are you that upset with your own lives, you have to bash someone trying to do good? She obviously cares about her man. Nothing wrong with that. No we dont know the exes side of the story, but the point is hes trying. Wether first time or not. So many men dont even care. Honey, have him take it to court.
Take her ass to court its plain and simple save all the proof and go
I went through that myself lawyers don’t do any good I just take your fucking money
Hire a lawyer and take her butt to court and be done with it.
Do the rite thing call the proper people and report it
Disgusting to see kids being used as weapons for a parents selfish agenda. I really hope this gets resolved for him. A parent wanting to be an active part of their child’s life is a fantastic thing, I hear far too many stories about dads being denied access for petty reasons because the mothers know the court’s favour them. Best of luck in finding a solution
Sounds like someone we know Gems
He needs to go to court and ask for 50/50. If she has them more now that she’s using these tactics and he does nothing about it, a court will see it as, " He has been okay with the little time he spends with them." She can petition the court for more child support.
Take her to court…child support is a separate issue than visitation or partial custody
Lady mind your business and stop believing everything that he is saying. You only been with him for 6 months you don’t know what was going on for 3yrs so stop me. Lie everyday about why they aren’t around his kids. Maybe he can’t be around his kids do you know for sure? No you don’t
He needs to take her to court, your a new girlfriend he needs to fight for his kids on his own x
Take her to court. They have to have a parenting plan and the court can enforce it.
Man up n get a court order if visitation. Problems solved
Time for legal intervention! No need to inform her of your plans, just have papers served on her. Do not place the children in the center of this disagreement. You should never make a child chose. Retain a Lawyer and have him work for you. It will work out.
This is funny!!! HahahahHahahaha! Fucking stupid attention seeker!!!
First of all it’s not your battle. Like everyone else has said he needs to get a lawyer period end of discussion
If he has proof this could easily be resolved in court
Tired of hearing and reading “I want to see my kids but she doesn’t let me” Most of the time they don’t want to do it because of the child support they’ll have to pay. He needs to get off his ass file for visits and stop making excuses.
None of your business. He can take legal action or sit down. You have no idea what the whole story is.
Ummm, you need to do some research and see what the courts say about their arrangement. He could be lying thru his teeth to you… If not, HE needs to file for contempt charges with the court and YOU need to back up.
He needs to take her to court periodt
Child support and visitation are separate issues and without court orders addressing both issues she can continue with what she’s been doing.Without a court order any money he’s given her is considered a gift altho in some states if you retain receipts it can be counted toward retroactive payments. Why has he not petitioned the courts himself as they are his children too and if he really wants to see them he would take the actions neccessary to do so. First thing he needs to do is talk to a lawyer,if he can’t afford a private lawyer most family courts have legal advisors who can advise you on what to do and what papers to file.Besides all that it would be in your best interest to not insert yourself in their domestic issues as you have no say either way what happens with their shared children.I don’t mean that to be rude just the blunt truth.
Ok, so why hasn’t he taken her to court yet? Problem solved.
Jesus, the amount of entitlement in here. Not everyone can afford a lawyer. Also not everyone lives in an area that the courts or police will enforce any of that.
Take it to court for a court ordered visitation if she still refuses take her to court for not following a court ordet
Absolutely take it to court that’s not fair to the children either
This is none of your business. Stay out of it.
Tell your boy friend that he needs to get a lawyer and document EVERYTHING. If the ex is bitter then there is probably no getting around court
He needs to take her to court!
Sounds like he needs to file for custody, 50% I’d say.
If hes on child support that means theres probably some agreement made by the court on visitations, take her back to court so the judge can tell her🤷♀️
He can proceed legally, you shouldn’t intervene, just support him, it’s complicated.
He needs a custody order put in place and if there is one already he needs to file for contempt of court. You can’t keep the kids from dad just because of money.
take it to the courts
Go see a lawyer and take her to court. Make it a court order that he sees his girls.
He should go to court for visitation. And settle child support at the same time. Its not extra money… Kids deserve to be supported by both parents. Obviously i dont know your situation but its easier to have everything on paper if its not civil for the kids sake. It can prevent a lot of fights that in the end harm the kids the most.
Court court court. Put it in the papers that even if sick, they still come over and that sleepovers don’t happen on his time
Stay out of this. You only know his side. If everything he says is true, he can go to court about it. Not your circus.
Only way is to go thru courts and have a judge court order it that she lets him see the kids and if she doesn’t then he can file contempt of court on her n if she keeps doing it then he’ll more than likely gain custody of her defying the court order. That’s honestly only way he can get access to the kids
Unfortunately this isn’t a problem you can help with. He needs to file custody papers and go from there. This will set a schedule she can’t break and neither can he. She will also get a fixed amount of child support and can not ask for more unless his pay increases.
Start collecting proof go to court
That’s when you go to a lawyer
If she is breaking a court order that states he has visitation then she can be fined and put in jail. if there isn’t a court order he needs to take her to court otherwise there is nothing he can do.
La Guera Chingona sounds like Benny and his lies lol
He needs a good lawyer!
Go through the courts. Its your only option.
File for contempt of court if there is a court order.
Save every bit of proof that he’s paid support and that he’s asked to see them.
Save everything. Get as much as possible in email, texts, video, pictures…
I hope you or your boyfriend are keeping good notes including what was said, who was there, date and time. This way when he goes to the court or an attorney, it won’t be “A couple mouths ago” or “I’m not sure”. He has everything in front of him.
He cannot withhold child support no matter what she does BUT he can fight her in court! It would be good if he had actual documentation on times she has not allowed him visitation as directed in the divorce decree. Just goes to show you it’s not the kids who can’t deal with a divorce it’s the immature adult!!!
Child support and visitation are 2 different issues. You can’t hold back visitation because child support isn’t being paid. That’s what I was told when I got divorced but that was 30 years ago.
I’ve been in that position and have 2 kids of my own with my now ex. The best I got is instead of paying her extra, just pay the normal support amount and use the extra for an attorney. Child support and visitation are 2 separate things. And the longer he waits to take it into court, the more the kids hurt. I’m a firm believer that retaining legal counsel and letting the courts handle it is the best and the right way. Their Momma can not like it all she wants and demand more money but doesn’t necessarily mean a judge will grant her that.
Time to get a lawyer involved. She is not going to change and is going to keep asking for money and things until she bleeds him dry and he is still not going to see the kids. It has been 3 years and the kids have gone without him. If he does not have the money go to your district courthouse and they will help you fill out and file the required paperwork for little or no cost. Go before they get any older and stop with the “ extra” money she asks for immediately.
Visitation, Parenting plan and document, document, document EVERYTHING! Phone calls, emails, text messages, conversations, anything and everything! Make sure any visitation agreement is documented and child support follows the state guidelines. Go through an attorney to make it all legal. Whatever you do try to keep it out of court. Once you go there it’s an excuse to keep going back. If they keep making excuses for no visitation, when you go to court it is not unheard of for judges to give you custody.
Welcome to Witchville Darling.
She angry because you are in the picture and she doesnt want to risk the girls enjoy being around you.
He is going to have to do 1. Take her to court with proof she isnt allowing them to see him. 2. Have the court tap your phone so it all can be heard and delt with. 3. Dont pay her direct ANY MONEY. Contact your Lawyer and give the assigned money to a conservator so Mom can’t spend it and the conservator will tend to the children’s needs with the money you pay for child support. Food Clothes shoes bedding what ever but on them only. BUT DO NOT PAY ONE DIME MORE. Mommy isnt using that money on kids. Mama has a nice closet.
He could try for custody. Find a Fathers Rights Lawyer. Document everything the mom says does. Day Date Time What What is said. If the kids should be with dad and wasnt and why not?
So sad that mother’s get away with this I have seen it happen time and time again and they get away with it and they tell their kids daddy dosent have time for you anymore or daddy is being mean and not paying his childsuport so he can’t take you and the list goes on and on
Girl friend needs to stay out of it! He needs to step up and see an attorney or go back to family court.
Stay out of it. Get to know him better b4 you get into a child custody case.
Children should never be put in the position of being a pawn. It is SO wrong on so many levels and in the end the children suffer the most. I’m 68 years old. I was a pawn in my parents divorce. I lost a relationship with one of my parents forever. That is such a crime. You can’t say you truly love your child and do that to them.
Parental Alienation is against the law, he needs to document everything and make sure he has proof of payment for child support.
get a court order to see them and if she doesn’t let him than maybe the judge will not make him pay child support.
Needs to take it to family court if nothing has been set up he needs to get it set up then be sure he follows through if no order has been put for money then needs also set up then pay through the system also for prove of payment keep all receipts if he doesn’t get receipts no way he can prove he paid keep receipts of everything concerning the children. If he can’t afford an fatty contact legal aide in the jurisdictation where court his
Needs to do all legal things concerning the children in county where children reside she wants more money tell to stake it to court.
Tell her to grow up. Put those kids first. Go to a good consular and quit being a ME…its all about ME. Get a grip.!!!
If he has visitation ordered by the court that call the damn cops ! They will make her follow the court order ! If not then he needs to get his ass to court and get scheduled visitation!
Each state has guidelines for child support. Fill out the form with both parties info and it gives you a total. Unless something on that form changes, that’s all you have to pay. Persinal things you buy or get your kids on your time with them do not count. Most states have the form online.
Tell him to get an attorney and go to court. Then she will be in trouble if she won’t let him see them. How old are the kids? Then you stay out of it. It’s between them. Really none of your business. Trust me stay out of it.
If he is that concerned he should be making a record of this and file a complaint in court especially if he has assigned days and times to see the kids
Make notes of extra money given date and why it was needed , make notes of dates ect even time of the ex refusing to allow visition, takes bank statements or whatever you have to prove child support was paid , also take notes on any behavior that could be deemed as putting the children at risk after about 5 months of this try taking her back to court to win custody of the girls , or if nothing else a court order to make sure visitation dates are kept or else she will be charged with not following the judges orders
If they have a court agreement that he has the right to see the kids on the scheduled dates then she must apply or he can call CAS and get them involed then go back to court and she could get charged for not complying to the court agreement.
He needs an atty to get himself parenting time documented thru the courts so she has to comply at that point
He needs to seek legal help, keep paying the support no more no less, keep a log of his visits and her denials and demands. Go to court let them help him. Don’t argue or fight in front of the kids.
I think girlfriend is only trying to help not butt in he has to have someone to talk with🤙
Take her to family court and have it on paper that way she have to let him see them I did it with my son
Make sure you don’t give cash to her so you can show he supports them and record when she has not allowed vists.
Take her to court and if she dos it again he as got back up coz the court will not let her do that xx
Get a child arrangement done through the family courts