I was expecting there to be like a kid involved if they invited the girlfriend. My question is, is the ex actually going to this get together?
I don’t think she is your friend if she invited your BF and his ex and not you. Re-examine your friends.
Lived that life for a while !! Shame on me !! Stand up for your self and kick them all to the curb except your man.
If you were important enough he should not go and explain why to his family.
I’d go with HIM anyhow!! Your friend needs to get her head screwed on right and show her sincerity to the ones who matter—otherwise I would tell her that our friendship is over!! You don’t need someone in your life whose not loyal to you!!!
My man would stay home with me (he has done that before because he was pissed when his family excluded me) so I say if your man don’t do that for you then maybe it’s time you find a new man…
Everyone knows that you can bring your girl/ boyfriend current to a family/ any party that they are invited too ( you don’t need a personal invite ).if he don’t bring you that’s on him not the party’s host…as for inviting his ex ,they were together a long time and just because they broke up don’t mean the rest of his family are no long allowed to be friends with her …
Exactly you can’t go he can’t go
Eeek, my hubby will tell his family where to go. That is very disrespectful and it doesn’t look good on you. Talk to your boyfriend and I hope he doesn’t go.
If goes… then I’d break up with him. I wouldn’t threaten him with this before hand but I would let him know that You think it is disrespectful and mean that you were not included and that your feelings are hurt than sit back and see what he does. If he goes… I’d leave him.
If u care for this guy do not under any circumstances tell him he can’t go THAT IS HIS FAMILY. U must understand that she was involved with their family for 7 years as to where u have 6 months. Yes she should have invited u as well but maybe she thinks it would create conflict (or maybe she is trying to create it between u and ur significant other). If she says she is ur friend y not just approach her and ask y u were not invited, if the reason is she didn’t want to cause issues between u and the ex let her know there wouldn’t be (and live to ur word). Let him know ur going to ask his sister y u weren’t invited he should stand beside u and say he won’t go if u don’t but if he doesn’t u know his character and that is a good indicator to run. If he knows u would like to go and that ur uncomfortable with his ex being there when ur not and not standing by ur side (on his own) is a major flag.
Leave now while you’re only six months in
Jennifer A. Whitaker give this girl some advice!
I had a similar problem. They probably were afraid to invite both of you girls afraid of a conflict that would spoil the whole event and had known her the longest. Not always that they didn’t like you but just that they weren’t sure what to do. If your relationship with your boyfriend lasts a long time they will come around. Don’t worry about him taking her back because if that should happen then you are better off without him. You want a true love not a maybe love that doesn’t last. And he probably is invited just because it’s his family.
Well you can’t choose if they remain friends with her however your bf need to stand up to them to and say well if my new gf isn’t welcomed then I won’t be coming either.
Do they have kids together? Doesn’t explain you not being invited but would be understandable why she was.
Your “boyfriend” should bring you as a guest. That is if he has the balls to stand up for you and stand up to his sister. If he doesn’t, then dump him.
Why can’t you go with him? If he goes without you…you’re not his girlfriend or important to him
Your boyfriend’s sister is just being rude to you, even if she invited the ex she could have invited you also but your boyfriend should make her understand that you are coming with or he isn’t coming, full stop
Well I truly hope he’s decided not to go. If he hasn’t is suggest you find another boyfriend and hang out with HIS family.
What does your bf say?
Well his sister just put a wedge between you and her forever. She is definitely a trouble maker and he shouldn’t attend. You and he need to have a special night out when the event occurs.
Honestly she just sounds like a toxic person. She could have invited both of you. Seven years is a long time to get to know somebody so I get if they are friends, but you shouldn’t have been excluded. Especially because he was invited.
Ummmm your boyfriend should be showing up with a plus one even if you weren’t expressly invited
The same thing was done to me
It felt so bad at the time. But Karma stepped in and we married-20 years ago
They were together 7 years. She is family to them. You been dating 6 months. You aren’t in that zone yet.
If that’s something you cant take, put up with or stand, then you shouldn’t be in this relationship.
I would be really upset
It’s his sister’s party. She’s welcome to invite who she wants. You’re not entitled to an invite because you’re dating her brother. You sound pathetic.
That’s a deal breaker right there
If I were your bf I wouldn’t go. Simple as thst
I think your boyfriend should not attend either. He needs to stand up for you and let them know if your not welcome he will not attend. It sounds like you are adult enough not to create and disturbances that would embarrass yourself or your boyfriend and if they can’t invite you both then they are in the wrong.
Your boyfriend broke up with her, not the family. They are allowed to invite who they want. Your feelings are valid but won’t change anything.
Ummm…you go as his plus one!
Unless he doesn’t want to take you, then that shows you where you stand with him.
I hope they are not excluding you and are just presuming that you will attend with your boyfriend. I get 7 years is a long time, his sister and family can include her all they want, but need to leave him out of whatever it is, or also include you too if that is the case. It’s disrespectful to you and y’alls relationship. Bottom line, if you can not attend then he shouldn’t want to attend without you. If he is willing to go without you with the ex being there, then there’s an even bigger issue.
Either bring you or don’t go at all ! I personally think it’s very disrespectful!
Do they have children together?
What does boy friend say
It’s about 3 years ago so about 2018 his family had planned to go to Yellowstone I was invited but then found but then it found out that I wasn’t gonna be able to go because my boss told me I had to work but then back tracked and stated I could go 2 days before the trip. They had already paid for me to go so we were on track to go and leave on time. Come time of trip they called and said I couldn’t go. They never like me from the beginning which is a different story. They were abusive and at the time we were young and his he was very I guess naive. The day he left for the trip I was diagnosed with bi polar. He was gone for 1 week. His parents told him they didn’t want him with “crazy” so the day he got back he dumped me.
Is she just assuming you’ll be coming with her brother? Or is it by specific invite only? And has he said anything about it? Maybe take this factors into consideration.
So maybe he was invited knowing you were going to come to. And the she got an individual invite.
My husbands family don’t send me an invite, they send him an invite knowing I’m coming too. I wouldn’t read too much into it
Your boyfriend needs to handle the situation with his sister/family.
Your boyfriend is an asshole if he goes without you. Period.
She don’t want dram. The ex has been in the family 7 years. You’ve been there 5 minutes. Chill
I’d ask my boyfriend could I go with him. Whatever he says, move accordingly. They have 7 years of history with this person and only 6 months with you. Your boyfriend has to respect y’all relationship, but his family built their own bonds with her.
Ummm if u can’t go he shouldn’t 6 months or 7 years that’s not ok good luck with his family I been there my hubby 7 years now and with child together he said nope bye they all emotional abusers
Your boyfriend needs to set his sister straight.
what is he saying about it? Is he going? That would upset me if he decided to go without you knowing his ex was invited and you wan’t.
Were you actually told you were not invited or not to come? Or are you assuming ? The ex is part of the family she’s been around along time bonds and friendships were made his whole family doesn’t have to drop her because she started dating you . Either go with him or get over it he shouldn’t have to miss out on his sisters thing because his brand new girlfriend is insecure.
Girl I would be picking out my best dress and heels and walking in the room next to my boyfriend
He was with the ex for 7 years and now they feel like she’s part of the family. They are allowed to Invite whoever they want without checking with you 1st. Did she say you can’t come or are you assuming that because you personally didn’t get a written invitation? You’ve barely been together 6 months, that’s not very long so you are still getting to know them and how they are.
Just show up … with your ex
If he goes without you, cut him loose. No looking back. Have some self respect for yourself!!
That is so disrespectful. I do t believe your boyfriend should attend and if he does… he too is disrespectful. Don’t allow anyone to treat you less than what u deserve.
That’s fucked up, the ex shouldn’t even be there
It’s in your bf court now he needs to handle that situation if he doesn’t then it tells you we’re U stand with him!!! If it’s not fixed by him then I would see myself as a temporary and BE Out….
Wasn’t this posted a month or so ago?
She was part of their life for 7 years. You are brand new. You need to realize that she has bonds and relationships with his family that you do not have.
It’s your mans job to be like uh no I’m taking my girlfriend period
Yeah thats extremely rude af!!! Id definitely be hurt as well! Your man needs to say something
Sometimes I wish we knew who posted these so we could get the outcome of the situation. I sure hope the boyfriend stood up for the new girlfriend. Best wishes girl!
Go out and have your own party. If your boyfriend doesn’t stand for you. Get your friends and go
It’s fine they invited her bc I’m sure there is still some kind of connection….it wouldn’t be fine if he actually went to a event where u where excluded…
She was in the family first even if they aren’t together. She means something to them. It’s not like their going together. They were invited separately. If you didn’t get invited then don’t go where you aren’t welcome. It’s still a new relationship. Probably just suck it up like an adult and let everyone be civil
Omg the amount of women talking about “the family has bonds with her” “you’re brand new deal with it” is appalling
First of all, those bonds DIED the second that relationship ended. Secondly, he’s trying to have a relationship with this new woman and six months is a nice chunk of time for a relationship… So they need to respect whomever he’s with at the time.
I’d beat all my sister’s, cousins, whoever tf invited my ex boyfriend to an event?? That is just so disrespectful to the boyfriend and new girlfriend, the family cares so little about their own family member that they don’t care to cause problems in his relationship by inviting an EX.
Fuxk that. I’d throw a fit with whoever the fuxk invited her, so he better do the same. If he doesn’t, or he goes and leaves you home… time to fight somebody. Idk who, but somebody lol
He just needs to decline respectfully for you.
I’m back for a second comment just because I’m so blown. The family is not only disrespecting the writer of this post, but they’re disrespecting the boyfriend too by even thinking of inviting an ex.
Let me be with a man for 7 years and we break up just to find out my ugly ass sister invited him a year later to an event where she KNOWS imma bring my new man I’ve been with for half a year. The family is disrespectful period.
It happens a lot mine with in laws but it what it is
I say let him go. You do something fun. If they can exclude you that easily, show them how quick you can walk away. You don’t need that crap.
Same on him for attending without you. He showed http you are not his first priority and does not respect your feeling. Never accept second, you deserve more than that,
Girl if he shows up to that then he’s totally disrespected you as his girlfriend
HE should not attend period. That’s hell of disrespectful
It’s ok that she was invited, it’s not ok to specifically exclude you. Was is just assumed that he would bring you? Was he specifically told not to bring you? I feel there’s missing info. Your mans better step up and figure this out.
Okay my opinion here is because of things that I happen to in the past if they did invite you to go they would probably treat you like crap in front of his ex’s and he’s the man he should be able to tell his family that he’s with her and she can come too with them just inviting them to all they’re trying to do is cause trouble because he goes it’s going to be a fight I just hide it when people do that if you can invite everybody then don’t fight nobody and he don’t go if they ain’t going to go that’s just a fight waiting to happen
And if the sister says she’s your friend, just ask her why.
Yeah he should not go !
He should stand up for you and fix that or I would walk away sorry but you don’t need the drama
If he doesn’t say something to his sister about this and actually goes to this get together, you better leave his ass
You cant control what they do. But your boyfriend and you can control your reaction to how they decided to handle it.
With it being a family event, they should have ran it past him. And at the very least you both should have been invited.
Personally I wouldn’t attend an event that my ex could go to but my current SO was being barred from.
He shouldn’t go or he should speak to his sister and say you are coming with him. If the ex and his sister are friends they can have their friendship but it needs to be considerate of other people. You maybe fearful of nothing.
If your boyfriend is ok with this, you need to run! Sounds like his family is trying to come between you & him. I don’t care how good of friends they are with his ex, their is no excuse for this disrespect!!! If he didn’t tell his family you was coming with him or he wasn’t going, then I would break up with him!!! He may be wanting back with ex & using his family to do it!!! Something is sure wrong somewhere!!!
I understand how much it probably hurts but his sister has every right to be friends with and invite whoever she wants
HE should be inviting you or automatically taking you since it is a “family” event and he is part.of the family
Go anyway…and out of respect I would hope your boyfriend doesn’t go
Sounds like a toxic family already. Eek. And why isn’t your boyfriend going to take you? Sounds very weird and I’d move on from this relationship.
Well u have to understand they had 7years of history togather. Use are still early in the relationship. the family still gonna have time for hes ex partner. Thats not gonna change. It was wrong to leave u out and not notify you. In that situation. All you need to worry about is your bf dont have nothing too do with each other anymore and moving forward with their new lives now shouldn’t be to much off hassle .she always gonna be part of there lives wither you like it or not u just have too except it there nothing you can do .
He needs to make a point of NOT GOING HIMSELF! what’s next? Xmas dinner? This is beyond out of line, if your boyfriend has any loyality to you once so ever he will graciously UN INVITE himself and do the right thing by saying " this is NOT OK
Your man should be talking to his family and tell them he’s inviting you.If they can invite so can he it’s a family event and means everyone is bringing someone so he can bring you.Now if he says no on that part then run because then there’s a reason he don’t want you to go.I get that they built a relationship with her 7 years a long time so of course she’s invited but they should invite you as well.He needs to have your back.
Family probably wanted to see if they could get back together
They were together 7 yrs
Have him find out why you weren’t invited…
He shouldn’t have gone without you.
U both go as a couple or he goes alone and u will have a future spouse who will treat u far better.
They do know there’s a new girl in town, yes?! Or are you super new?? Like less than a yr new (which means you prob haven’t met since covid hit “new”).?
If the answer is no, then huge problem
If the answer is yes, maybe they honestly forgot he has since changed seasons.
That’s all I can positively think of…cause honey
I would definitely be thinking they don’t like my @$$:sob:
This isn’t on the sister it’s on your boyfriend for not making sure you’re included.
Are there kids involved between them? Is that why she’s there? Need more info really.
Is there a child involved
It’s only been 6 months
This is a no brainer. I mean seriously? Respect yourself more than that because it doesn’t look like you have any Respect whatsoever from not only his family, but he is really disrespecting you if he even considers going without you. And if y’all are in a serious relationship, then he needs to tell his sister that moving forward if she wants him to go anywhere that the invite needs to be for you two and not the Ex. If she wants to keep in contact with his ex then that is her own personal business and she can invite her to other events besides your boyfriends family events. He ended that relationship so she needs to do the same. That is very disrespectful to him as well. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I’m sure she wouldn’t like it at all if the shoe was on the other foot and someone did that to her. Js.
If your boyfriend is ok with this, honey find another boyfriend!!!
Sorry you got hurt. You are not the one for him. If after 6 months you were excluded in favor of his ex, he probably isn’t thinking about a future with you. Cut your loses. They showed you what they think of. You deserve and can do better. God bless you with a wonderful man.
Same for my family. They invite my ex. I just cut them off. Life is simpler that way
She shouldn’t have invited him without you
It’s time for you to make him the ex!