My boyfriends ex was invited to his family get together and I wasn't: Advice?

He shouldn’t go if you aren’t welcome.


His family made this choice,not him…I can’t judge how the family is unless I’ve been around the situation…They could’ve invited her for many reasons,but you should talk with him about how u feel.

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Thank goodness it was only six months you now can call a lesson learned


You are a couple if one is invited the other one comes too


Personally i would be pissed and he shouldnt go without u


Yes, you were dissed… Now you know where you stand

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She is more than rude and frankly quite insensitive. That would be a deal breaker for me. And if your boyfriend condones/ allows this without regard for your feelings, he’s not a boyfriend.

Did they Legitimately exclude you? Or did they tell him about the event and assumed because you are a couple that you would be there with him?

You could be assuming the worst and blowing this whole thing out of proportion.


sounds like he ain’t going :laughing:


He wouldnt b going if I was his girl or I’d b home before he got home or locks would b changed

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Time to start distancing from those people. And your boyfriend better not attend that party either.

He absolutely should have your back. If he goes walk out.

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Oh helllll no!!! If you stay it’s going to be a nightmare!! I’m sorry :disappointed:

My ex-husbands PARENTS invite me, my new husband, and my son (their grandson) to dinner quite often. You should definitely be included.


If it was me I will make arrangements for that night for yourself and your boyfriend if that doesn’t work tell him to go back to Ex

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Perhaps you should say “oh that’s OK, I’ll go have dinner with …(your ex) that day”
It’s totally rude and I’d be very upset about it too.

If your boyfriend got invited that means you got invited as well. Just like if you got invited to a family thing you’d take your boyfriend right?

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You can’t control someone else’s invite list. You also can’t control your BF either. This is a great moment to see where you stand with HIM. He knows you haven’t been invited and depending on how he handles this you will know how serious he feels your relationship is.


Yikes at all the people saying he “can’t go” if they were his gf :nauseated_face: :warning:
“it’s a red flag if he doesn’t stand up for her” stand up for what? Unless someone specificity said you can’t go she wasn’t excluded. :woman_shrugging:t3:
She was there for 7 years. You’ve been there 6 months. Maybe they aren’t sure about inviting you to -family- events until you guys have been together more then a year. :woman_shrugging:t3:
why not just ask him if you can go with him? I doubt he would say no.
Do they have kids together? Assuming not since they don’t talk, Is the family still close with the ex? Cause it sounds like the sister is since she still feels comfortable inviting her.


Stay out of it, it’s more, he ain’t going.

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1.You didn’t make clear whether the sister has even met you, if she knows you that was rather rude of her, if you’ve never met she probably didn’t mean to slight you so I wouldn’t be hasty to blame her, that won’t help since it seems like you want something serious with this guy
2.alarmed at everyone saying not to let him go, what kind of relationships do you people have where you give each other orders about where to go and not go?
3. If you haven’t asked him if you can come along, try that, this might not actually be a big deal
BUT if he is intentionally excluding you he might not in fact be that serious about dating you, but I’m sure you can find someone who is, count your lucky stars you found out about incompatible expectations very early, I have not always been so fortunate.

Do they have kids together? If so then she will always be around, get used to that now. It’s better for the kids and everyone if y’all all get along. …for example: Went to my ex step daughters wedding recently with my new husband. Her dad was there, her new step mom, and me - the ex step mom. Her mom was there with her boyfriend, a different ex husband, and an ex boyfriend. Plus her extended family on both sides. … Y’all need to realize everyone has a past but it doesn’t have to be chaos. Toleration at special events goes a LONG way. You don’t have to be friends outside of that. … and for all those who think this is strange - loving a child is forever even when the relationship ends. Don’t date a parent if you cannot accept that.


A couple goes together. You invite one you invite both. With regards to the ex she was around for 7 yrs so other family members wouldve formed their own relationship with her so they likely will invite her to stuff. They wont do that to disrespect you it’s just tough. I’ve been here. My brother and this girl went around for yrs and shes family. They broke up and in less than a yr he met someone else and had a baby. We still invite the ex because shes family to us and my brother’s gf lives at home with my mum so she doesnt need an invite cause most things are hosted by my mum. Thankfully both ladies are secure abt themselves and no issues ever cropped up. The ex even brought her new bf to one family gathering.


Disrespectful asf if my bf choose to go it’ll be straight done


You have every right to feel the way you feel. Knowing me I’d show up regardless , but that’s just me . I’m sorry girl .

He broke up with her. His family didn’t. Not your choice. :woman_shrugging:


Just tell him what time is the family event if he says you weren’t invited , then leave he wouldn’t be going if I wasn’t going

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Did they directly say you weren’t invited? Or did they assume you’d come since he was going?


If he goes… leave…
Simple as.
Thats bloody rude and inconsiderate… just goes to show the kind of integrity they have…

Run away… u do not want that kinda shit in ur life

This will be interesting if he really is interested he would either take you along fight for you to go or not go at all because your not there


Well you can’t control who his sister is friends with and chooses to invite. Now did she actually say to your boyfriend that you are not invited. I know a lot of times with couples people will mention it to one person but they actually mean both.

That’s terrible… Even though they’re not together anymore, she was a part of their family for such a long time. I don’t see anything wrong with his sister inviting his ex the party. But it’s completely WRONG that they didn’t invite you to go too. Your fiancé should say something to his sister, that he’s taking you with him to the party. You should talk to him about it.


I say if he goes then you walk away. He has no respect for you if he doesn’t stick up for you.


Yeah I wouldn’t feel ok either. So sorry.

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Shady she didn’t invite you unless she just assumed you we’re going? And as for him if he doesn’t invite or have you go then that’s a no for me! Idc how long anyone’s been together if they ain’t got kids and we together, they can’t be friends :woman_shrugging:

If your b f has your back and takes you or refuses to go without you, he’s a keeper. If he goes knowing you are not welcome, cut him loose. A keeper would have your back


If no children were involved in their relationship then I don’t see why she’s even still in the picture with the family. Those are the type of people the family don’t want to let go because they’re only used to them being around. It’s not worth it! Just leave the relationship because I’ll tell ya now, it won’t be the first time! Especially if he doesn’t back you up :eyes::sparkling_heart:


Throw the whole family out. #freshstart


If it’s a family event there’s no reason that the sister should have invited the Ex out of respect for her brother (your bf) and for you. That’s crummy and even if you were invited - she shouldn’t have been. How would that make your bf or you feel? She clearly knows no boundaries and you could speak up or test him to see if he does… or run for the hills… not a good situation

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Why do you say you are excluded? Did sister say you are not welcome? You guys have only been together 6 months…maybe he isn’t that serious about you and sister knows it. Maybe you should be asking him…and see where your new relationship stands or is going. You blaming the sister when it might not be her.


Who does that, I mean yeah the ex was a part of his family for many years but fuck why would you invite an ex girlfriend knowing your brother is with someone else, fuck thats sly

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If he goes without you, I wouldn’t be home when he got back. If he doesn’t stand up for you now he never will.


IF he knew she was invited then HE had better NOT go… … period and IF he didn’t know IN advance when he found out he should have LEFT immediately.

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I understand the sister however people need to draw the line and show some respect. This is disrespectful to the brother/the boyfriend. He will probably feel completely uncomfortable with this too as the only people who truly know the relationship are the two involved. The sister is causing unnecessary drama as it isn’t her choice to invite the ex. She is making her brother have to choose, the girlfriend uncomfortable and the ex feel obligated. The ex gf has probably moved on too and would be thinking wtf :flushed:

In a nutshell it’s all weird and sounds like the sister has to move on! If the two are friends then the sister is entitled to have her as a friend which is nice but she needs to accept the brothers new life too and realise that she is “friend zoned” and even ask the brother how he feels!

If I were the brother I would tell my sister I am bringing my new gf and that she needs to mind her own business as it’s not her business.

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I’d be mad and tbh if I was the boyfriend I wouldn’t even be going without you , it’s just common sense. Fuck that bitch :rofl::rofl:

Boyfriend should be supporting you and not going if you aren’t invited.


He wouldn’t like it if tables were turned and you had your ex at a family get-together.

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Simple answer… Have a few. Then you gate crash hard… Grow sum tits dry ur eyes… An go meet ya whanau


If he is invited then I am as well. So i would just be there with him or neither of us.


During that 7 years she was with him she made friends with the family. They were almost married. She had been accepted into the family…common law married, when you get right down to it. Your 6 months with him is just a blip on the screen of that 7 years. And you could break up tomorrow, as far as his family is concerned. So of course she was invited and you weren’t . Wipe your tears, and get over it.


Some family members create a bond with the ex-partner specially since being in the family a few years?

But I wouldn’t go that extreme and invite the ex partner (even if I liked her more) to a family function. I’d maybe do something like that out of spite? Oh wait, yeah na I have did that but wasn’t a family function I just invited her for food to my nans lol. Then just my luck the current gf turned up :rofl: But yes pure spite or they just don’t like you :woman_shrugging:t4:

Well if he goes…he is encouraging this

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Fuck that get together

I’d take a few steps back from that situation. Proceed with caution and protect your heart


It’s one of those awkward situations that happens in life. Don’t make a big deal out of it. I think the right thing for the boyfriend to do is to go, say his hello’s stay for a short time and leave early.


The question is really did he go???

That would be the end of the relationship for me tbh. They can both kick rocks


If he went I would be out to me it wld be disrespectful if you weren’t invited

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Get him to stay home withyou

I was trying to read everyone’s advice. I’m “kind of” in the same boat but married to my husband now for about 5 years. His sister, my sister-in-law, had gotten along amazing in the beginning till an incident happened where she blew up. Details do not matter but ended up my husband hearing her say something about me and not liking it and things got violent between them two. All his family have close contact and still hang out with his ex wife and ex girlfriends. At first it bothered me and I started to distance myself from the family. Felt like I wasn’t wanted. After a big fight and I was packing myself to be divorced (unrelated to the situation we are talking about) I realized I really do not care about anyone else except the ones that live in my household. He had two girls from his previous marriage that i devoted my life to then our two we had together. Things are so complicated and there’s no manual how you should be or how to act or what to do. Just focus on you two and your own two lives (unless you have children) and don’t worry about his family. You guys are a family now. Hope this helps


Maybe an unpopular opinion but you need to understand that she’s still part of his family’s lives. Just because they broke up doesn’t mean that the whole family has to stop their relationship with her. Maybe they didn’t invite you because they wanted her there but didn’t want drama. Maybe they just don’t know you well enough to invite you to a family event. Forcing him to choose not to go if she’s there and you’re not definitely won’t help your relationship with his family. Unless you don’t trust him around her, let it go. If you don’t trust him, that’s a separate issue.


Are you really not invited or expected to be his plus 1?

She’s obviously not your friend

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This is a no brainer.

That is complete disrespect, if he goes that would be it for me.


They’re not together, so she shouldn’t have been invited… If the sister-in-law wants to maintain contact with her, then she can arrange to see her some other time than a family gathering… It doesn’t matter that your relationship is new, you’re still a part of his life and she’s not.


So disrespectful he better not go. If he goes you walk no doubt about it. So FU hell no


If he chooses to go is the real problem


When he was invited couldn’t he bring his guest (you)?


Been there done that. It stopped after a few years lol had to prove that I was here to stay and that bitch wasn’t ever gonna come back​:joy::joy::joy::joy:

Some of you are so insecure it’s frightening.


This is a perfect opportunity for your boyfriend to show his family what a man he is by standing up for you and telling them he can not attend without you by his side and furthermore that the ex should not have been invited. If he can’t do that I would lose all respect for him


If he got invited then so did you. You are his girlfriend so if they expect him to be there then they should expect you too :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:


And if he wont stay up to his family for you, then RUN!! He isnt worth it.


Wow that family must really not like you. Including him


did she say, no your gf can’t come??? bc i feel like if i invite someone over i already assume their significant other is coming. also she may just be friends with his ex. i mean i would t invite you both to the same place same time but unless she specifically said you can’t come i don’t think she was saying you can’t come

I would just respect the family dynamic. Six months actually isn’t a long time to be with someone and maybe they aren’t in a space emotionally to deal with a new face. Give them time. Be the bigger person. Let your boyfriend choose what he wants to do and be ok with it. If your relationship is good with him then there is nothing to worry about. And you won’t be setting up a scenario for future ongoing feuds with his relatives.


Go and be yourself,time will tell eyes open mouth closed…

She definitely should not go if she wasn’t invited.

It should’ve been me and my girl or no one. He needs to stand up for her!


Get over it they probably just like her better built a bridge

I’m never about “leave him” BUT in this case IF he goes and doesn’t take you then leave him :woman_shrugging:t2:


Maybe they think you will go with him so no need for a formal invite? If she is your friend just ask

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I know it feels like a long time but 6 months isn’t long. I wouldn’t even bring my kids around someone unless it’s over a year of dating.
I’m not ok with the x being invited. I would have a problem with that. Like she still wants to be around his family also… for what? That’s too personal


You are a very new girlfriend, the fact that you were not invited to a family get together isnt strange at all.

The ex was around for several years and has obviously formed relationships with the family members as well. She had a break up with him, not his family.

The fact that you feel betrayed says more about you than them. You cant expect his family to just drop her because he is dating you :woman_shrugging:

My husbands ex (that he was with for 7 years) is still considered family to some of my husbands family members and still invited to dinners and such even though him and i are going on 9 years. Who cares :woozy_face:


Maybe she’s the favourite

After 7 years she is part of their family


Girl if YOU ARE NOT his plus 1… run.


Lmfao y’all ain’t been together long enough for them to take you serious. However, this is why USA relationships be trashed. Most other countries y’all date two months and it’s serious. But USA y’all can be together 7 years and break then date another woman a few months later and she wondering why the family don’t acknowledge her yet

Send him because at the end of the day that is still his family, and on that day you plan a girl’s day with Manis, Pedis, a massage what ever you like and post the hell out of it on fb and make sure you caption it “My man had a family event…so this queen is doing her today” 1st it will take your mind off of it and second it will rub his sister raw.


If he’s ok with her there and not you then there’s your sign.


He should’ve made you is +1

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He did not give you the place that corresponds to you and chose to go to that meeting without you, his family has the right to invite who they want and stop inviting who they do not want too, he must establish that limit and if the Family does not accept you as such, he should not have gone.


He should excuse himself from the function, unless you’re invited or the ex is told not to come.


Try to rise above it …maybe he could say something :woman_shrugging: his family may still be getting used to u but ya def still rude it’s not the bf fault though but I personally think it’s something he needs to take care of like hey your my family and should always have my back do not invite my exes to family functions they are not your family I am something like that … but for u keep it classy stand back don’t attend unless invited and keep quiet if u end up going u don’t want the drama to follow u or for it to make u look some kind of way to them … good luck lady this is a tough situation especially for a new relationship let him make it right u would the same if the tables were turned

Walk away well you still can… both of you should have been invited


Family can be so blind sometimes. They don’t see anything wrong with it because it hasn’t happened to them yet. I personally wouldn’t go out of my way to invite a male relatives ex unless he was still single,he asked that we invite her to try and recandle the flame. If not it’s not my Business. if my ex’s family invited me I wouldn’t show up unless it involved kids below 3 etc but we have no kids. I will find a reason not to go

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Shes been around for 7 years, and you for 6 months. Even though I understand that it hurts, you gotta understand you’re very new and shes very much a big part of their life. If you and your man have a strong connection and commitment you two will be ok, but it’ll take a long time for her to faze out of their life. They love her, they don’t know you. Itll take them awhile to get to know you. He and she broke up, she and his family didn’t. I was that gf who took a while to faze out, but I had a relationship. My man understood there was nothing between me and my ex but I loved his family and I still called his mom “mom” for many years after. Me and my man have been together for 9 years. I still talk to my exs family, my man even talks to some of them now. Just played out like that. Had things been the other way around, idk if I could handle it emotionally :confused:…so I get where you’re coming from.


That would be deal breaker for me. Your boyfriend should be handling this with his family and explaining this is not ok


But not everyonr HAS to like you. She probally doesn’t, so the no invite.